scholarly journals A Contrastive Analysis Between English and Indonesian Kinds of Sentences

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-61
Lulu Jola Uktolseja ◽  
Hamim Sujaja ◽  
Mario Fridolin Matinahoru

The difference between English and Indonesia language become one of the hardest things to learn and to be understood. It could be seen by the grammar of the language and the system of communication between both languages. The aim of this study is to identify the difference and the similarity sentence between English and Indonesia Language and analysis contrastive between both languages. This study used a qualitative descriptive approach to find out the contrast between both of them. the sample in this study were 20 students of English Department Students in Victory University, especially the 2nd Semester. The result of this study was the main error of the students was in Declarative Sentence (DS), Negative Sentence (NS), Interrogative Sentence (IS) and Exclamatory Sentence (ES) i.e 92.86%. Based on the research, we found out that the students did those errors because the pattern of those sentences are different whereas the Imperative Sentence (IMS) has the same pattern with English.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 85
Ilal Janati Zumaro

Artikel ini memiliki tujuan untuk mendeskripsikan : 1) sumber implikatur percakapan sinetron Dunia Terbalik episode 2006-2007 dan 2) bentuk implikatur percakapan pada jenis kalimat dalam tuturan sinetron Dunia Terbalik episode 2006-2007. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode simak, sedangkan teknik yang dipakai adalah teknik catat dalam pengumpulan data.  Data diperoleh dari tuturan yang di dalamnya terkandung implikatur. Data-data yang didapat kemudian dianalisis menggunakan pendekatan pragmatik dan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Metode penyajian menggunakan penyajian informal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa di dalam sinetron Dunia Terbalik episode 2006-2007 ditemukan 7 implikatur percakapan, 1 bersumber pelanggaran bidal kuantitas, 1 bersumber dari pengambangan bidal relevansi, 2 bentuk implikatur pada kalimat deklaratif yang menyatakan penolakan dan protes, 1 bentuk implikatur pada kalimat interogatif yang menyatakan pengabaian, dan 2 bentuk implikatur pada kalimat imperatif yang menyatakan pengusiran secara halus dan ketidaksukaan. Dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat dijadikan sumbangsih untuk pengembangan ilmu pragmatik dan referensi bagi penelitian sejenis.Katakunci: bentuk, implikatur, konteks, sinetron, sumber  AbstractThis article has a purpose to describe: 1) the source of the implicature of the 2006-2007 episodes of Dunia Terbalik soap opera and 2) conversational implicatures of the sentence types in the 2006-2007 episodes of the sinetron. The method used observation method, while the technique used the note taking technique in collecting data. The data were obtained from utterances which contained implicatures. The data were analysed using a pragmatic and a qualitative descriptive approach. The method of result presentation used informal presentation. The results showed that in the Dunia Terbalik soap opera episode 2006-2007, it was found 7 conversational implicatures, 1 originating from violating maxim of the quantity, 1 originating from maxim of relevance, 2 implicatures in declarative sentence stating rejection and protest, 1 implicature in interrogative sentence which expressed abandonment, and 2 implicatures in imperative sentences which implied indirect expelling and dislike. This research is expected to contribute to the development of pragmatics and a reference for similar studyKeywords: form, implicature, context, soap operas, sources

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 78-88
N. Nurhamidah ◽  
Endang Fauziati ◽  
Slamet Supriyadi

Code-switching has been an evolving topic since the bilingualism blooming in linguistics milieu. However, practitioners or experts have contrastive views regarding its use in classroom setting. While the proponents believe that the presence of code-switching in one side is considered as an asset to teach language, the opponents see it is as merely an obstacle to achieve learning goal that is to acquire target language. Code-switching serves many functions for both teacher and students yet it is still employed. Despite the pro and cons of the code-switching, this research aims to show the perspective of both teacher and students towards code-switching and functions it serve in EFL classroom setting. This research used qualitative descriptive approach and the data were taken from the informants of English department in one of university in Surakarta to explore whether the use of code-switching in EFL classroom was seen as beneficial tool. It begins by the general view of EFL use in everyday classroom. This current study found that code-switching was preserved as benefits as it served some functions for teacher to convey material and for students to received material and communicate in classroom.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
Umrotul Malikah ◽  
Darjati . ◽  
Demes Nurmayanti

Waste management is one of the problems that needs to be prioritized in preserving the urban environment. The Randegan Final Disposal Site in Mojokerto City is unable to accommodate the volume of waste,  one of the programs by carrying out Waste Bank activities based on Law Number 18 of 2008 concerning Waste Management.  The purpose of this study is to evaluate the planning, organization, implementation, and supervision of waste bank management in Mojokerto City.This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach with interview techniques, field observations and Document Search. The data are grouped based on internal and external environmental factors that exist in the waste banks in 3 (three) sub-districts of Mojokerto City, totaling 25 waste banks. The data obtained were analyzed using SWOT. The results showed that the Strength factor was 1.316 Weakness was 1.361. Opportunity 1.730440232. and Treat 1.147155115. The difference in the total score of the Strenght and Weakness factors (-) is 0.045. The difference in the total score of the Opportunity and Treath factors (+) is 0.583. Position in Quadrant III means that the organization is in a weak position but has a lot of opportunity. The strategy that must be applied in the management of waste banks in Mojokerto City is the WO (Weakness-Opportunity) Strategy, is a combination of internal weakness factors with external opportunity factors.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-15
M. Natsir

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui metode-metode, Langkah penerapan metode, faktor pendukung dan penghambat serta Langkah antisipasi pada pembelajaran formal dan non formal di Pondok Pesantren Al-Aziziyah Kapek Gunungsari Lombok Barat. Pendekatan yang digunakan peneliti dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Sebab orientasi penelitian yang dilakukan berdasarkan pada gejala atau fenomena yang bersifat alam. Analisis yang digunakan menggunakan model Mills Hubberman (1) data Reduction (Reduksi Data) yang berarti merangkum, memilih hal-hal yang pokok, memfokuskan pada hal-hal yang penting, dicari tema dan pokoknya dan membuang yang tidak perlu.(2) data Display (Penyajian Data) yang bentuknya bisa uraian singkat, bagan, hubungan antar kategori dansejenisnya, (3) Conclusion Drawing atau Verification (Mengambil Kesimpulan dan Verifikasi). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa beberapa metode dapat diterapkan oleh ustadz/ustadzah dalam kegiatan pembelajaran tuntutan kemampuan dan keterampilan guru dalam menerapkan metode yang relevan dengan tujuan menjadi suatu keharusan baik di kelas non formal terebih di kelas formal. Adanya perbedaan penerapan jenis metode pembelajaran disebabkan karena tujuan pembelajaran yang berbeda, berarti tuntutan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis metode dan keterampilan dalam terpannya secara terpadu menjadi suatu keharusan, yang keberhasilannya diperoleh melalui penerapan jenis alat evaluasi yang juga searah dengan tujuan pembelajaran yang dicapai. Title: Learning System In Al-Aziziyah Boarding School:Applied Analysis Methods In Activities Formal And Non Formal Learning The purpose of this study was to find out the methods applied, the steps of applying the methods, factors that support, hinder and anticipatory steps in overcoming the inhibiting factors the application of methods to formal and non-formal learning in Al-Aziziyah Boarding School Kapek Gunungsari West Lombok. The approach used by researchers in this study is a qualitative descriptive approach. Because the orientation of the research carried out is based on symptoms or phenomena that are of a nature nature. The analysis used uses the Mills Hubberman model (1) Data Reduction, which means summarizing, choosing the main points, focusing on the important things, looking for themes and points and removing unnecessary. (2) Display data (Presentation of Data) whose form can be brief description, chart, relationships between categories and types, (3) Conclusion Drawing or Verification (Taking Conclusions and Verifications) The results of the study indicate that a number of methods can be applied by teachers or religious teachers / ustadzah in to formal and non-formal learning. The demand for the ability and skills of teachers to apply methods that are relevant to the objectives becomes a necessity both in non-formal classes especially in formal classes. The difference in the application of this type of learning method is due to different learning objectives, This means that the demand to know the types of methods and skills in their integrated integration becomes a necessity, the success of which is obtained through the application of evaluation tools that are also in line with the learning objectives achieved.

Nurul Aini

This paper discussed the study of English and Indonesian word construction based on grammatical errors. Grammatical errors were analyzed by error analysis. The purpose of this paper wanted to know the kinds of grammatical errors and the factors caused it. The qualitative approach was used in this research as the methodology because this study described the data without analysis statistic. The qualitative descriptive revealed the phenomena of linguistic which found in the translation text. In data collection, the researcher used text translation, Indonesian-English that had translated by the fourth semester of student’s English Department. Moreover, the researcher read deeply and grouped and noted the data to find the valid data. The result of this paper were 11 kinds of grammatical errors, they are: misuse of determiner, omission of determiner, misuse of verb, misuse of auxiliary verb, omission of verb, misuse of preposition, misuse of conjunction, misuse of pronoun, omission of pronoun, misuse of singular noun, and misuse of Noun Phrase (NP). In addition to, this study found the factors of the grammatical errors, they are; first, interference of the first language, namely Indonesian. Second, the difference between Indonesian and English structure was also the factor of the grammatical errors.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-44
Aseeyah Kuwing

The purpose of this study is to describe a form ofphonological interference of Malay Pattani language in Indonesian language of Thai students at the University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta. This type of research is qualitative descriptive. The data source of this research is Thai students at the University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Data were collected by listening, recording, and interviewing. Data were analyzed using match method with translational type and contrastive analysis method. There is one thingaddressed in this study;   Existence of phonological interference of Malay Pattani language in Indonesian language of Thai students at the University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta. The study shows that (a) Interference phonological elements found in the phoneme replacement, phoneme deletion, substitution of syllables, and syllables deletion. (b) Interference also found in the lexicon of nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns, bookmark, adverbs, prepositions and question words. (c)syntaxInterference found in the type of news sentences, interrogative sentence, and imperative sentences.

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 309
Anisak Syaid Fauziah ◽  
Mustofa Kamal ◽  
Djatmika Djatmika ◽  
Sumarlam Sumarlam

  The aim of this study was to describe the difference between subordinate in Indonesian and in English viewed from subordinate clause theory from Jim Miller. This study used qualitative descriptive approach.  Primary data of this study were written texts containing sentences and clauses in English and Indonesian the corpus of which was selected from academic texts.  Data were collected using record.  Segmenting immediate constituent was used to analyze the data.  The research revealed that Indonesian has neither elliptic conjunction in all relative and adverbial clauses nor non-finite subordinate clauses. English has no elliptic conjunction only in relative clauses showing possessiveness and all adverbial clauses except for time and result but has non-finite subordinate clauses. Indonesian has no relative clause elliptic conjunction non-finite subordinate clause. English relative clause elliptic conjunction is available and  empty elliptic conjunction in all adverbial clauses appear. English has non-finite subordinate clauses. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 52
Teuku Muttaqin Mansur ◽  
Yunita Yunita ◽  
M Adli ◽  
Sulaiman Sulaiman

Seclusion (khalwat) is the activity conducted in a quiet place between two individuals of different sex who are not mahram (blood relative) without the legitimate marriage bond and the willingness from both parties, which leads to adultery. Fine is one of the customary penalties given to the perpetrators of khalwat. In practice, implemented of fines between one region and another is different. The study aims to identify the types of adat fines charged to khalwat perpetrators and the effectiveness of implementation on the settlement customary fines in Banda Aceh. It used a juridical-empirical research method. The data used, in addition to primary and secondary legal material, also used an in-depth interview with respondents. The data analyzed using a qualitative descriptive approach. This research conducted in Banda Aceh district. The research results show that the kind of customary fines given to khalwat perpetrators was different. There are even some cases begun to shift, and some considered that being married because of khalwat was considered one of the customary fines. Customary fines are effective in reducing offense of khalwat. However, there are concerns if the decision of the customary fines does not get optimal support from law enforcement officials. Expected, customary official affirmed kind of customary fine given to khalwat perpetrators. The difference subtle, need to consider the aspect of justice, the ability, and effective whereabouts of fines to reduction offense of khalwat.

Resdianto Permata Raharjo ◽  
Maranita Anjarsari

This study aims to describe 1) the form of cohesion contained in the news Watching Sakinah Movies, UIN Yogyakarta Give Praise Students and 2) describing the forms of coherence contained in the news Watching Sakinah Film, Students of UIN Yogyakarta Give Praise. The subjects used in this study were news of watching Sakinah film, UIN Yogyakarta students giving praise, and the objects used were sentences containing grammatical cohesion, a form of lexical cohesion. The approach used in this study is a qualitative descriptive approach. The data in this study are sentences in the news of Watching Sakinah Movies, This student is a method of literature study. While the method of data analysis in this study is descriptive method analysis method, the method used to analyze and describe cohesion markers and analyze markers of coherence. Test The results of the study show that in the news of watching Sakinah films, UIN Yogyakarta Beri Pujian students have varied markers of cohesion and coherence in the Tebuireng Online news discourse. Cohesion markers were found to reference (3), substitution (1), ellipsis (2), conjunction (3), collocation (1), and markers of coherence found cause-effect relationships (2), relationship coherence suggestions — goals (1), coherence temporal relations (1), and coherence of causal relationships (1).

Suci Armala

Cohesion and coherence in discourse play a role in forming a wholeness in the discourse itself, both discourse and writing. One of the written discourses is the news in the Jawa Pos newspaper, which is the distribution of basic food packages breaking the fast of Ramadhan for the poor in the Tuban area held by PT. PJB UBJOM PLTU Tanjung Awar-awar, in this news is thought to contain elements of cohesion and coherence. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach and discourse analysis techniques. The data obtained contains cohesion and coherence. In this data collection, namely by listening to the news and recording it. The results of this study include grammatical cohesion, lexical cohesion and its coherence. Grammatical cohesion includes reference cohesion, recovery cohesion, release cohesion and liaison cohesion. In addition to cohesion there is also coherence that is like the coherence of the means of purpose, the coherence of reasons for action, the coherence of the meaning of reason and so forth. With the discovery of the use of cohesion and discourse coherence in Jawa Pos news.

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