scholarly journals The Language Means of Comicality in Clickbait Headings

Natalia Prokofeva ◽  
Irina Akulovich ◽  

The analysis of material presented in the media discourse demonstrates significant changes in the intentionality of the journalistic text, which are reflected in establishing contacts so as to grab and retain the reader's attention. This feature of modern media text is represented in changing genre preferences, speech tactics and strategies, and, consequently, selecting and combining linguistic means. One of the manifestations of this trend is the phenomenon of clickbait, which is a communicative act of promising to continue communication. This article is dedicated to the clickbait with the semantics of comicality. The collected from the Russian-language Internet research material includes clickbait headings that promise a certain funny content. The study revealed that a clickbait model includes the following semantic components: a stimulating utterance of the subject of speech seeking to involve the reader in the humorous nature of hypertext; the verbal and non-verbal markers of the object of laughter; markers, which reflect Internet user's involvement in the communicative act. The analysis of relationship between the components of a clickbait model resulted in specifying four types of clickbait headlines: 1) narrative headlines, which invite the reader to laugh what some other readers have already laughed at; 2) offering headlines suggesting some comic entertainment; 3) allusive clickbaits that hint on the possibility to continue amusing reading; 4) nominative clickbaits, which name the expected laughing reaction to the presentation of some objects.

Litera ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 33-39
Ruzilya Raifovna Yakhina ◽  
Elena Vladimirovna Afonina

The subject of this research is the approaches towards studying inclusions as a part of foreign-language technical terminology. This article is dedicated to examination of the problem of functionality of foreign language inclusions of English origin at the current stage of development of the Russian language. The texts from scientific and technical journals, automotive and aviation journals, and other periodicals served as the material for this research. The author considers the questions associated with graphical and functional adaptation of foreign-language terminological lexicon. Based on the available in linguistics classifications, the groups of foreign-language technical inclusions are determined according to the graphic arrangement in the texts and degree of assimilation. The acquired results can be used in compiling terminological dictionaries and teaching general linguistics. The novelty of this work consists in systematization, generalization, and analysis of the ways of functionality of technical foreign-language inclusions in modern Russian language and industry periodicals, namely on the example of aviation and automotive terminology. The conclusion is made that foreign-language technical terminology preserves the semantics of foreign-language inclusions in the recipient language, as well as heterogeneity of their arrangement. The increase of foreign-language inclusions in the scientific and technical literature is substantiated by the requirements specified for the terms: linguistic economy, systematicity. The frequency of functionality of foreign-language inclusions in the scientific and technical literature emphasizes the relevance of the selected topic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-63
V.V. Vasilieva ◽  

This article shows the subject “Russian as a foreign language” as one of the educational components of the modern media space in Mongolia, and also reveals aspects of the activities of the Russian Centre of Science and Culture in Ulaanbaator related to the popularization of the Russian language and culture in the framework of cooperation with Mongolian television.

2020 ◽  
pp. 117-128
I. N. Ponomarenko ◽  
N. A. Segal ◽  
Y. N. Bychina ◽  
S. A. Mospan

The article is devoted to the identification of the asymmetric basis of explication of temporal oppositions in the Russian-language media discourse. The semantic-pragmatic potential of linguistic units representing the antithesis of “past / future” and its textual explicators is established and analyzed. Given the specifics of linguistic and extralinguistic factors, the features of modeling the current political picture of the world are revealed. It is emphasized that the asymmetry of the media discourse, which has become the subject of scientific research only in the last decade, is dictated by the manipulative orientation of media texts. An analysis of practical material allows us to conclude that the media texts of the beginning of the XXI century are a priori asymmetric and are built on both communicative and linguistic asymmetries, which consist primarily in the contraposition of linguistic and contextual antonyms that reflect polar political views and aspirations. The asymmetry of images of the past and future and the ambiguity of connotations inherent in the linguistic representatives of these images allow us to talk about the variability of the value component of the key categories of the political picture of the world and prove its dynamic nature.

Evgenia Gulyaeva ◽  
Maria Denisenko ◽  
Irina Nikitina ◽  

The article deals with the problem of native speakers understanding of the latest borrowings actively introduced into speech practice by mass media. The authors describe the reasons for the spread of borrowings, and pay special attention to the pragmatic, as well as social-and-psychological factors that affect this process. Based on the results of the pilot experiment conducted by the authors, it was found out that the majority of respondents, who are native speakers of the Russian language, either do not understand the meaning of anglicisms that are frequent in the modern media or only approximately interpret it, which allows the authors to speak about the agnonymy of this vocabulary. The analysis of modern media texts was aimed at selecting borrowed vocabulary for its further inclusion in the questionnaire, followed by a pilot experiment, which focused on interpretation of the meanings of the latest anglicisms used in the media. The accuracy of recipients comprehension of foreign words meaning used in the media varies depending on their age, occupation, and interests. Thus, news addressed to mass audience should not contain anglicisms so as to prevent communicative failures. The authors describe the communicative risks associated with misinterpretation of information presented in the media, and outline ways to overcome the negative impact of borrowings associated with it.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 180-192
Elena V. Generalova ◽  

The article deals with the informativeness of the media text in relation to the representation of language dynamic chronological processes. A “dictionary” approach is applied, which is based on the comparison of the language material of modern media with the representation of outdated and neological vocabulary and phraseology in modern Russian language dictionaries of different types. The article describes the functions of outdated vocabulary (traditionally distinguished historicisms and archaisms) and neologisms in the language of modern media, as well as the redistribution of vocabulary between active and passive language stock reflected in the media text. Promptly reacting to all extralinguistic changes, the media text is a source of neologisms in the language, a polygon for using the vocabulary of different epochs in actual meanings and with modern connotations, also it sensitively responds to the process of updating outdated vocabulary in the modern language and demonstrates the redistribution of words and expressions between active and passive language stock. As a result of the analysis of the vocabulary of different chronological layers in comparison of media language materials with lexicographic data, the conclusion is made that when reflecting dynamic chronological processes, the “media text dictionary” should be an interaction and be carried out in both directions. On the one hand, dictionaries of modern Russian draw information about the real functioning of the vocabulary of the passive reserve from the media texts. On the other hand, the use of dictionaries by journalists and knowledge of the conditions for using both outdated vocabulary and emerging neologisms is necessary to avoid speech errors and to achieve the goal of competently using this part of the passive stock of the Russian language.

2020 ◽  
pp. 141-160
M. T. Shakenova ◽  
D. S. Tashimkhanova ◽  
U. A. Ospanova ◽  
T. K. Buldybayev

The article is devoted to the phenomenon of manipulative mass media discourse. The results of the analysis of Kazakhstani media with verbally expressed manipulative discursive practice are presented. The research material was the Russian-language texts of opposition newspapers and information and analytical portals of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The choice of the source of factual material is due to the fact that it is in such a mass media discourse that language markers of the manipulability of the text are most pronounced. Given the generalization of the results of modern research, the concept of the manipulative nature of mass media discourse is defined. As a result of the analysis of texts from the position of cognitive-discursive and linguistic approaches, the main lexical, morphological and syntactic markers of manipulativeness are identified. For the first time, syntactic tools are described and formalized in which predicates in collocation with lexical and morphological tools form lexical and grammatical markers - statistically valid indicators of computer diagnostics of manipulativeness as a factor of a certain information threat to society. The results of the study can be theoretically and practically significant in the fields of sociology, political science, pragmatic linguistics, journalism, and information technology.

Litera ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 34-47
Arina Rafail'evna Shevchenko

The object of this article is the English-language multicultural prose of the late XX – early XXI centuries. The subject is the clash of cultures. The research material is based on individual short stories by the contemporary US-Nigerian writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie published in the book “The Thing Around Your Neck” (2009). The goal of this article lies in determination and analysis of the peculiarities of artistic expression and functionality of the situation of clash of cultures in the writer’s short stories. The relevance is substantiated by the following factors: 1) clash of cultures is typical for the relationships in modern multipolar world during the globalization era, this it is relevant in literary works of the XX–XXI centuries;  2) literary studies currently indicate heightened interest in covering various aspects of fictional multicultural prose; 3) Adichie is a remarkable figure in modern literary process. The short stories by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie are unique in their reference to signal trends in the development of the English-language literature, and thus are a relevant in the context of studying the designated topic. Unlike the works of multicultural writers of the second half of the XX century, which have repeatedly been the object of scientific research, the multicultural prose of the late XX – early XXI centuries is poorly studied. The scientific novelty is defined by the fact that the analysis of short stories from the collection “The Thing Around Your Neck” by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, which is not translated into the Russian language, is carried out for the first time within the Russian literally studies. The conclusion is made that the situation of clash of cultures in Adichie’s stories becomes the factor that induces mental crisis in the minds of the characters. There is no constructive dialogue of cultures, and their clash leads the characters to either the loss or substitution of identity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 76 (4) ◽  
pp. 177-190

Cognitive linguistics, which is booming today, addresses the topic of the study of concepts and their structures. The purpose of this article is to describe the figurative features of the husband concept in the Russian language picture of the world. The relevance of the study lies in the fact that the concepts that form the key macroconcept of a person in Russian and other language pictures of the world were not the subject of a detailed study. Scientific novelty consists in referring to the concept of a husband from the perspective of a comprehensive study of his figurative features within the framework of the theory of codes of Russian linguistic culture. The husband concept was not the subject of a separate study in linguistic literature. Basic research methods: descriptive, interpretative and conceptual. The research material was taken from the National Corps of the Russian Language (, as well as from works of Russian classics. As the research material showed, the most productive are zoomorphic, artifact, property, anthropomorphic and vegetative codes of Russian linguistic culture. This conclusion is made on the basis of the number of examples objectifying the corresponding cognitive characteristics.

Anastasiya Polyakova ◽  
Elena Yurina

Введение. Представлено когнитивное и семасиологическое исследование метафоризации вкусовых признаков (вкусный, сладкий, кислый, свежий и т. п.), составляющих один из значимых сегментов концептуальной гастрономической метафоры, которую можно представить в виде формулы «Нечто – это Еда». Материал и методы. Материалом исследования послужили около 200 образных лексических и фразеологических единиц русского языка, метафорически мотивированных 15 прилагательными, которые отражают метафорическое переосмысление свойств продуктов питания. Методология основана на положениях теории образного строя языка. Применяется методика описания образного лексико-семантического поля. Анализ признаковой гастрометафоры включает 4 аспекта: 1) семантический анализ исходных наименований свойств продуктов питания и когнитивный анализ онтологии обозначенных качеств с точки зрения психологии их сенсорного восприятия; 2) структурно-семантический анализ образных языковых средств, репрезентирующих метафоризацию вкусовых свойств, с точки зрения их мотивационных связей в пределах мотивационно-образных парадигм; 3) когнитивный анализ оснований метафорических проекций и описание типовых образных представлений; 4) моделирование фрагмента русской языковой картины мира, представленной системой образных средств языка, отражающих метафоризацию вкусовых свойств продуктов. Результаты и обсуждение. Прилагательные с семантикой вкусовых свойств продуктов питания служат мотивирующей базой для вторичных номинаций, метафорически называющих широкий круг объектов. Неприятное ощущение от горького вкуса ассоциируется с подавленным психологическим состоянием грусти, печали, обиды. Через метафору кислого вкуса образно характеризуется психологическое состояние человека, связанное с чувством неудовлетворенности, утратой интереса к жизни, вялостью, пассивностью, скукой. Ощущение сладкого вкуса метафорически уподобляется позитивным эмоциям и чувствам: радости, счастью, блаженству. С приторным вкусом метафорически ассоциируется поведение излишне угодливого человека. Восприятие кислого, пресного, тухлого вкуса и запаха образно ассоциируется со скукой, отсутствием занимательности. Гастрономическое удовольствие от продуктов со сладким и пикантным вкусом метафорически связывается с радостными, волнующими событиями. Насыщенный и резкий вкус пряной пищи, раздражающей вкусовые рецепторы, метафорически проецируется на качества необычных, незаурядных явлений и событий, производящих сильное впечатление своей оригинальностью, яркостью. Гастрономическое наслаждение, получаемое от сладкой, вкусной пищи, образно связывается с эстетически значимыми речевыми и художественными произведениями. Резкий соленый вкус, а также пряный, пикантный вкусы, раздражающие рецепторы, образно ассоциируются с грубоватыми, пошлыми шутками, словами, выходящими за рамки приличия, речевыми и художественными произведениями, которые оцениваются как непристойные, не вполне приличные. Высокие вкусовые качества сладких и лакомых блюд, приносящих гастрономическое удовольствие, уподобляются экономической привлекательности ценных и прибыльных объектов торгово-финансовой деятельности. Яркая вкусовая насыщенность пикантных блюд и терпких напитков образно ассоциируется с чувственной, сексуально привлекательной внешностью. Наслаждение от сладкой, лакомой, вкусной пищи метафорически связывается с эстетическим удовольствием, получаемым от созерцания красивого человека. Чрезмерно сладкий вкус образно уподобляется излишне миловидной, с нежными чертами лица внешности. Заключение. Образные слова и выражения, мотивированные наименованиями вкусовых качеств, метафорически характеризуют объекты и явления различных сфер действительности: внешность, эмоциональное состояние, характер и поведение человека; стиль и содержание речевых и художественных произведений; финансовую значимость объектов экономики; отношение человека к явлениям и событиям жизни.Introduction. The article is devoted to the cognitive and semasiological study of the metaphorization of taste characteristics (delicious, sweet, sour, fresh, etc.) that make up one of the significant segments of the conceptual gastronomic metaphor. Aim and objectives – to study the directions of metaphorization of figurative units motivated by adjectives with the original semantics of taste properties; to identify the bases of figurative analogies; to describe a fragment of the Russian language picture of the world presented by the system of figurative means of the language reflecting the characteristic food metaphor. Material and methods. The research material was made up of about 200 figurative lexical and phraseological units of the Russian language, reflecting the metaphorization of the properties of food products, metaphorically motivated by 15 adjectives. The study is based on the theory of the figurative structure of the language, in particular, the method of describing the lexical and semantic field is used. Results and discussion. Cognitive grounds for metaphorical characterization of various objects of reality are the nature and evaluation of sensations that occur in the subject of eating: 1) pleasant/unpleasant taste, 2) pronounced/ weakly pronounced taste, 3) high/low degree of suitability for eating. Conclusion. The figurative words and expressions, motivated by names of taste qualities, metaphorically characterize objects and phenomena of various spheres of reality: appearance, emotional state, character and behavior of a person; style and content of speech and artistic works; financial significance of economic objects; human attitude to the phenomena and events of life.

2020 ◽  
Vol 86 (1) ◽  
pp. 127-137
V.V. Gavrilov ◽  

This article states the need to change the approach, as well as the forms and methods of teaching in the process of developing students' speech within the subject "The Russian language and Culture of speech". The purpose of the study is to describe the ways of active teaching methods application in order to improve students' speech culture. The author notes that modern teaching methods have ceased to respond to the needs of society and do not contribute to successful socialization of university graduates. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the author proposes that the work on a text (in the broad sense of the term) should become the main one in the teaching process. . The author proposes an updated process model of trainingenumerates those teaching forms and methods that contribute to the successful implementation of the model, describes the conditions of using these methods in the educational process. According to the author, the modeling of problem-based situations, the use of active teaching forms and methods reveal new opportunities to the teacher, help to develop students' communicative competence, and will largely determine further successful socialization of graduates.

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