scholarly journals Occurrence of Purpureocillium lilacinum in citrus black fly nymphs

2018 ◽  
Vol 40 (2) ◽  
Fabíola Rodrigues Medeiros ◽  
Raimunda Nonata Santos de Lemos ◽  
Antonia Alice Costa Rodrigues ◽  
Antonio Batista Filho ◽  
Leonardo de Jesus Machado Gois de Oliveira ◽  

Abstract Black fly is a pest of Asian origin that causes direct and indirect damages to citrus, damaging the development and production of plants. For the development of efficient management strategies of the pest, the integration of control methods is necessary, and biological control is the most appropriate. Among the agents that can be used, entomopathogenic fungi are considered one of the most important and wide-ranging use. This work investigated the occurrence of Purpureocillium lilacinum (Thom.) Luangsa-ard et al. (= Paecilomyces lilacinus), attackingnymphs of citrus black fly, Aleurocanthus woglumi Ashby (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae). The fungus was isolated from infected Black fly nymphs, present on Citrus spp leaves in the municipality of Morros, Maranhão. After isolation, purification and morphological and molecular characterization, pathogenicity test was performed with A. woglumi nymphs. Morphological and molecular correspondence was verified between inoculum and the reisolated, proving the pathogenicity of P. lilacinum.

2013 ◽  
Vol 103 (7) ◽  
pp. 652-665 ◽  
Nian Wang ◽  
Pankaj Trivedi

Citrus huanglongbing (HLB) is one of the oldest citrus diseases and has been known for over a century. HLB is caused by ‘Candidatus Liberibacter’ spp. that are phloem-limited, fastidious α-proteobacteria and infect hosts in different Kingdoms (i.e., Animalia and Plantae). When compared with well-characterized, cultivatable plant-pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria, the interactions of uncultured insect-vectored plant-pathogenic bacteria, including ‘Ca. Liberibacter’ spp., with their hosts remain poorly understood. ‘Ca. Liberibacter’ spp. have been known to cause HLB, which has been rapidly spreading worldwide, resulting in dramatic economic losses. HLB presents an unprecedented challenge to citrus production. In this review, we focus on the most recent research on citrus, ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’, and psyllid interactions, specifically considering the following topics: evolutionary relationships among ‘Ca. Liberibacter’ spp., genetic diversity, host range, genome analysis, transmission, virulence mechanisms, and the ecological importance of HLB. Currently, no efficient management strategy is available to control HLB, although some promising progress has been made. Further studies are needed to understand citrus, ‘Ca. L. asiaticus’, and psyllid interactions to design innovative management strategies. Although HLB has been problematic for over a century, we can only win the battle against HLB with a coordinated and deliberate effort by the citrus industry, citrus growers, researchers, legislatures, and governments.

Forests ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (6) ◽  
pp. 695
Marta Kovač ◽  
Danko Diminić ◽  
Saša Orlović ◽  
Milica Zlatković

Sequoiadendron giganteum Lindl. [Buchholz] is a long-lived tree species endemic to the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California. Due to its massive size and beauty, S. giganteum is a popular ornamental tree planted in many parts of the world, including Europe. Since 2017, scattered branch die-back has been observed on S. giganteum trees in Zagreb, Croatia. Other symptoms included resinous branch cankers, reddish-brown discoloration of the sapwood and, in severe cases, crown die-back. Branches showing symptoms of die-back and cankers were collected from six S. giganteum trees in Zagreb and the aim of this study was to identify the causal agent of the disease. The constantly isolated fungi were identified using morphology and phylogenetic analyses based on the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of the ribosomal DNA (rDNA), and partial sequencing of two housekeeping genes, i.e., translation elongation factor 1-α (TEF 1-α), and β tubulin 2 (TUB2). The fungi were identified as Botryosphaeria dothidea (Moug.) Ces. and De Not. and Neofusicoccum yunnanense G.Q. Li & S.F. Chen. The pathogenicity test was conducted in a plant growth chamber on S. giganteum seedlings and revealed that N. yunnanense was more aggressive compared to B. dothidea. N. yunnanense was able to reproduce symptoms of canker and die-back and kill plants seven weeks after inoculation whereas B. dothidea produced cankers. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of B. dothidea and N. yunnanense causing canker and die-back disease of S. giganteum in Croatia. It is also the first record on the identity and pathogenicity of any fungal species associated with S. giganteum in this country. The study expended the known host range of N. yunnanense to include S. giganteum, which is a valuable ornamental tree in Croatian landscapes. Disease management strategies should be developed to mitigate or reduce the impact of the disease.

Oscar Morell-Santandreu ◽  
Cristina Santandreu-Mascarell ◽  
Julio J. Garcia-Sabater

Companies operate in a competitive and changing environment requiring increasingly effective and efficient management strategies. Lean is a proven philosophy in the industrial sector having helped companies to adapt to rapid market changes; to economic, technical, and social complexities; and to customer needs. For this reason, companies in the service sector are adopting Lean to improve their service management and to achieve economic, social, and environmental sustainability. This paper presents a model which uses Lean tools to facilitate the introduction of Lean in the management of primary care centers. The results show the implementation of Lean improved primary care center management, achieved stated objectives, and demonstrated faster adaptation to environmental needs and changes. The Lean philosophy developed and applied in the primary care center proved useful at a professional level facilitating developmental changes and prompting lasting improvements by developing a sustainable work culture.

2012 ◽  
Vol 60 (4) ◽  
pp. 310 ◽  
M. H. Julien ◽  
C.-Y. Xu ◽  
A. Bourne ◽  
M. Gellender ◽  
R. De Clerck-Floate

Understanding the responses of invasive plants to control methods is important in developing effective management strategies. Lippia (Phyla canescens (Kunth) Greene : Verbenaceae) is an invasive, perennial, clonal forb for which few control options exist for use in the Australian natural and agro-ecosystems it threatens. To help inform management decisions, lippia’s growth responses to damage it may experience during proposed control measures, i.e. cutting, crushing, twisting, were assessed in three glasshouse experiments using either whole plants or plant pieces. Plants quickly recovered from severe damage through growth from shoot and root buds at stem nodes. After shoot and root removal, the relative growth rate of the remaining plant was twice that of controls, suggesting tolerance to damage. Lacking buds, root pieces and isolated stem internodes were incapable of responding. Crushing and cutting individual ramets and plant pieces induced the largest responses, including release of axillary buds on damage or removal of apical buds, but full recovery was not achieved. Lippia will be difficult to control because of its ability to rapidly propagate from stem fragments possessing undamaged or damaged nodes; thus, the full impact of control methods that increase fragmentation (e.g. grazing) should be assessed before implementation. Our results also suggest that the most effective biological agents will be those that limit lippia’s vegetative growth and spread, such as shoot- or crown-feeding insects.

Xavi Masip-Bruin ◽  
Eva Marín-Tordera ◽  
Sergi Sánchez-López ◽  
Jordi Garcia ◽  
Admela Jukan ◽  

The wide adoption of the recently coined fog and edge computing paradigms alongside conventional cloud computing creates a novel scenario, known as the cloud continuum, where services may benefit from the overall set of resources to optimize their execution. To operate successfully, such a cloud continuum scenario demands for novel management strategies, enabling a coordinated and efficient management of the entire set of resources, from the edge up to the cloud, designed in particular to address key edge characteristics, such as mobility, heterogeneity and volatility. The design of such a management framework poses many research challenges and has already promoted many initiatives worldwide at different levels. In this paper we present the results of one of these experiences driven by an EU H2020 project, focusing on the lessons learnt from a real deployment of the proposed management solution in three different industrial scenarios. We think that such a description may help understand the benefits brought in by a holistic cloud continuum management and also may help other initiatives in their design and development processes.

HortScience ◽  
2005 ◽  
Vol 40 (4) ◽  
pp. 1071E-1072
Anthony Silvernail

Organic weed control in direct seeded vegetables depends on management strategies that control weed germination or growth which depletes the weed seedbank. In 2004, a randomized complete-block experiment conducted on land transitioning to organic production examined the effects of tillage and control treatments on weed pressure in sweet corn [Zeamays (L.) cv. Silver Queen]. The two tillage treatments consisted of conventional (moldboard and rototill) and spader tillage. Weed control treatments included a weed free control, a spring-tine weeder, rolling cultivator, row flamer, stale seedbed, and corn gluten meal. In August, the weed infestation was primarily goose grass [Eleusineindica (L.) Gaertn.], crab grass [Digitariasanguinalis (L.) Scop.], giant foxtail (Setariafaberi Herrm.), and smooth pigweed [Amaranthushybridus (L.)] species. Dried weed weights indicated that smooth pigweed constituted about 80% of the total weed biomass in all but the control and flamer treatments. Plots managed with the spring-tine weeder or corn gluten had twice the weed biomass of those managed with the rolling cultivator and flamer. The rolling cultivator and control treatments produced equivalent husked corn yields (6.9 t·ha-1); yields were reduced by the other weed control methods. At 5.4 t·ha-1, yields in the flamer treatment were the lowest among all weed control methods. The flamer suppressed both weeds and the crop, which may preclude its utility for sweet corn production. Results demonstrated that the rolling cultivator provided the best weed control without negatively affecting potential yields.

Plant Disease ◽  
2021 ◽  
Fanfan Wang ◽  
Chunyao Dun ◽  
Tao Tang ◽  
XiaoLiang Guo ◽  
Yuanyuan Duan ◽  

Walnuts are an important perennial nut crop widely cultivated in China, which are rich in protein, carbohydrate, renieratene, and other beneficial nutrients. China is the largest producer of walnuts in the world, with the largest planting area and output. At the end of April 2020, several unknown necrotic spots on leaves of walnut trees were observed in a Juglans regia field located in Sancha Town, Enshi, China (30°28′N, 109°64′E). Initially, lesions were black, small, sunken, and turning to yellowish-brown, irregular, well surrounded by brown margins. Severely, leaf spots coalesced and resulted in withered and abscised. In order to identify the pathogen, infected leaves were collected. Sections of leaves were aseptically excised from the margins of necrotic spots following surface sterilization and placed on potato dextrose agar (PDA) at 28℃. After 4 days, fungal isolates were obtained and purified by hyphal tip isolation. The isolates looked morphologically similar, producing colonies that appeared hyphae with dark grey, lobed margins, and aerial mycelium with white to light gray. After 15 days of incubation, subglobose, dark brown pycnidia (100-176 μm in wide, 75-95 μm in length) were formed with an orifice in the center, producing conidia. Conidia (3.5 to 9.0 × 1.6 to 4.5 μm) were oval to round, aseptate, occasionally 1-septate. These morphological characteristics lead to the conclusion that the isolates may be identified as Phoma sp. (Boerema et al. 1976). A single isolate was randomly selected and designated for further verification. To confirm the identity, the internal transcribed spacer region (ITS), actin (ACT) and beta-tubulin genes were amplified and sequenced ITS1/ITS4, ACT-512F/ACT-783R, and Bt2a/Bt2b, respectively (White et al. 1990, Groenewald et al. 2013). BLAST analysis of the ITS 505-bp sequence (GenBank accession no. MW282913), actin 269-bp sequence (GenBank accession no. MW201958), and beta-tubulin 347-bp sequence (GenBank accession no. MW273782) showed ≥99% homology with the sequences of B. exigua available in GenBank (GenBank accession no. AB454232, LT158234, and KR010463, respectively). Base on the above results, the strain HTY2 was identified as B. exigua. Pathogenicity was tested. Walnut plants were spray-inoculated with a spore suspension (5 x 105 CFU/mL). Controls were inoculated as described above except that sterile distilled water in the dark at 25 ℃. After seven days, lesions were evident at inoculation points, and equivalent to those observed in field were observed. Control leaves remained symptomless. The pathogenicity test was repeated thrice and the results were the same, fulfilling the Koch’s postulates. The pathogen has been reported on various plants around the world, causing a series of symptoms. Infected plants rarely died, but the presence of lesions decreased their fruit quality and yield. Previous identification of the disease is essential in formulating management strategies.

Plant Disease ◽  
2020 ◽  
Yue Lian Liu ◽  
Jian Rong Tang ◽  
Yu Han Zhou

Passiflora edulis Sims (passion fruit) is an economically important fruit crop. A new disease, flower dry rot with an incidence of 30%–40%, has occurred in orchards located in Zhanjiang, China, and led to serious production loss. Disease incidence was about 30%–-40%. A total of 221 isolates of Fusarium sp. were obtained from samples of three types of symptomatic flowers. Three representative single-spore isolates (PaB-1, PaB-2, and PaB-3) from each type were used for pathogenicity test, multi-locus phylogenetic analyses, and morphological description. Pathogenicity test on bud of 5- month-old P. edulis plants reproducedshowed similar symptoms as those observed in nature, and Koch’’s postulates were fulfilledachieved.Results showed that the symptoms were observed on inoculated buds but not on the control, and Koch’s postulates were satisfied in all test isolates. By comparing 36 typical species from the FUSARIUM-ID database, multi-locus phylogenetic analyses showed that the sequences of TEF1, RPB2, and ITS of thethese isolates belong to the Incarnatum clade of the F. incarnatum–-equiseti species complex (FIESC-17-a) with an independent branch. Conidia of the isolates were falcate, smooth walled, curved apical cell, and foot-shaped basal cell, 1-5-septate. The conidial anastomosis tubes were first observed in the FIESC. Therefore, the pathogenic isolates were identifieddescribed as F. pernambucanum (FIESC-17-a). Moreover, in this study, the conidial anastomosis tubes were first observed in the FIESCIt is a new pathogen causing flower dry rot on P. edulis. This study representeds the first report of flower dry rot on P. edulis caused by F. pernambucanum. Further studies should be performed for the selection of effective disease management strategies.This finding provided crucial information on the threats of F. pernambucanum affecting P. edulis in China and management strategies for the new disease, which should be developed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 121-137
Ahmad Mu’is ◽  
Binti Nur Hamidah

Wakaf secara terminologi berarti 'menahan sesuatu untuk mengambil manfaat'. Hal-hal bisa aktif seperti tanah atau pasif seperti uang sebagai wakaf tunai (waqf al nuqud). Wakaf uang masih belum tergali dan terkelola dengan maksimal, meski potensinya besar karena Indonesia mayoritas muslim. Potensi besar tantangan wakaf  juga tidak ringan. Kendala utama lebih kepada sumber daya manusia dan strategi pengelolaannya. Persoalan pengelolaan wakaf yang baik dan efisien menjadi kendalanya. Oleh karenanya semakin besar kekayaan dan keragaman wakaf yang dapat dikelola oleh nadzhir secara profesional dengan manajemen yang tepat, manfaat yang diperoleh dari pengelolaan wakaf tunai dengan good governance akan memperkuat peran wakaf dalam meningkatkan ekonomi dan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi literatur dengan merujuk beberapa sumber primer dan sekunder berupa buku-buku, dan jurnal yang relevan membahas tentang permasalahan wakaf, wakaf uang, dan good governance. Hasil penelitian ini menyebutkan bahwa dalam konteks pengelolaan wakaf, Good Governance secara lebih mudah dapat diartikan sebagai pengelolaan wakaf yang amanah sehingga harta wakaf dapat dihimpun, dikelola, dan didistribusikan dengan baik untuk kemaslahatan umat. Potensi wakaf uang juga sangat menjanjikan, karena wakaf dalam bentuk ini tidak dengan kepemilikan kekayaan dalam jumlah besar. Kata kunci: Wakaf, Wakaf Uang, Good Governance  Abstract :In term of terminology, the word Waqf means 'holding back something to acquire advantage'. Certain things can be something active like land or passive like money as cash waqf (waqf al nuqud). Money as waqf is still not explored and managed to the maximum, even though its potential is massive because Indonesia is a majority Muslim country. The great potential of waqf challenges is also not easy. The main obstacle is more on human resources and their management strategies. The problem of good and efficient management of waqf is a problem. Therefore, the greater the wealth and diversity of waqf that can be managed by Nadzhir professionally with proper management, the more benefits can be derived from managing cash waqf with good governance will strengthen the role of waqf in improving the economy and welfare of the community. This research uses literature study method by referring several primary and secondary sources in the form of books, and relevant journals discussing the problems of waqf, money waqf, and good governance. The results of this study state that in the context of waqf management, Good Governance can be  more easily interpreted as trustful waqf management so that waqf property can be collected, managed and distributed properly for the benefit of the people. Potential money as cash waqf is also very promising, because waqf in this form are not with ownership of large amounts of wealth.

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