scholarly journals Caring for family members in the ICU: challenges faced by nurses in the interpersonal praxis of user embracement

2014 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 954-963 ◽  
Carolinny Nunes Oliveira ◽  
Emanuelle Dias Caires Araújo Nunes

The objective of this study was to understand the interpersonal process of embracement between nurses and family members in an adult ICU. It is exploratory, descriptive and observational study, with a qualitative approach, conducted among ten nurses working in an adult ICU, selected using non-probabilistic sampling and established by data saturation, based on three data collection techniques: theme-drawing-text, semistructured interviews and non-participant observation. The analysis, based on Peplau's Theory of Interpersonal Relations and from a tridimensional focus, identified: reason, emotion and volition, that the embracement provided to families manifested certain shortcomings related to the communication process, the development of autonomy for discharge and the interpersonal relationship between nurses and the family. The nurses' concepts in relation to user embracement were positive, demonstrating their willingness to provide it, although they encounter formational and experiential difficulties in putting this nursing theory into practice, insofar as interpersonal relationships and, consequently, in the embracement of families.

Dmitriy V. Ganin

This article discusses the results of an empirical, comprehensive study of interpersonal relationships and self-relation of older people. Special attention is paid tointerpersonal needs. The author notes, in the age group of elderly people, the presence of all kinds of interpersonal needs, inclusion, control, affect. This is not observed in the middle and senile age groups. The age interrelation between interpersonal relations and self-attitude of elderly people is found out. The study found correlations characteristic of the age group of the elderly and other age groups, namely: the similarity of the correlations of the elderly and middle-aged and elderly and senile. The most important need characteristic of older persons as the need for "inclusion"was also identified.

Jhuliano Ramos Silva de Souza ◽  
Andreia Barbosa Cristina Costa ◽  
Sueli de Carvalho Vilela

Objective: to reflect on the importance of the interpersonal relationship between nurse-patient in the perspective of current violence. Methods: this is a descriptive-reflective study. The databases used were: Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature, National Library of Medicine, SCOPUS, Web Of Science and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, in the languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese, of the last ten years. Results: three categories emerged: 1) Violence suffered by nursing professionals in the workplace; 2) Education as a tool to minimize workplace violence and 3) Nursing care for vulnerable people exposed to violence. Conclusion: interpersonal relationships can prevent acts of violence from being carried out in the workplace, and the institution itself and the management sectors can train the entire team, using continuing education as an effective tool for this issue.

I. Pozdnyakova ◽  
D. Derina

The problem of ideas about the interpersonal relationships of adolescents with different levels of intellectual development is poorly studied in special psychology. The article examines the results of a study of ideas about the interpersonal relationships of adolescents with mental retardation and mild mental retardation, gives recommendations for correcting their deficiencies. The study involved 35 adolescents aged 13-15 years with different levels of intellectual development.  For the study were used Wechsler test, questionnaire for teenagers. The article presents the characteristics of ideas about interpersonal relations of adolescents with mental retardation and mild mental retardation (verbal and non-verbal presentations). Teenagers with a higher level of intellectual development demonstrate more formed ideas about interpersonal relationships.

2020 ◽  
Vol 32 (2) ◽  
pp. 34-71
Atsushi Hasegawa ◽  
Chiharu Shima

The present study examined differential social experiences of international students living in a residential hall called ‘Nihongo House’ (Japanese language house) at a Japanese university. By conducting social network analysis (SNA), as well as making use of ethnographic data collected through participant observation and semi-structured interviews, we explain how constellations of interpersonal relations at the house transformed over the course of one semester and what factors were responsible for those changes. Additionally, we present three focal cases of international students. These students—with different motivational orientations, personal dispositions and abilities, and social standing—went through diverse social processes, which led to different levels of success in respective accounts. Based on the analysis, we discuss how social experiences of these students in this particular setting can be understood in relation to their language use and potential development and how this type of residential hall can effectively nurture interpersonal relationships. Abstract in Japanese 本研究では、日本の大学における外国人留学生と日本人学生の人間関係構築プロセスを記述し、言語使用・習得への示唆を考察する。特に、寮という制度的に区切られた空間に着目し、寮の中で、1) どのように人間関係が構築され、コミュニティが形成されたのか、2) どのような要因が人間関係構築やコミュニティ形成に影響を与えたかを明らかにすることを目的とする。対象は日本国内のある大学に近年設置されたテーマ別寮の一つである「日本語ハウス」に住む留学生と日本人14名である。データとして、学期開始前と終了後に行った社会ネットワーク調査、半構造化面接、参与観察、寮に関する文書等を一学期間収集した。これらのデータを言語社会化の観点から分析した結果、メンバーによる活動の企画や参加を通したコミュニティ形成の過程が観察された。一方で、個人による参加のプロセスの違いや、コミュニティ全体としての関係、細分化された個人間での関係といった多層性を持った複雑な人間関係の存在が明らかとなった。また、異なる参加のパターンを見せた3名の留学生のケースを紹介し、彼らの参加プロセスに与えた影響について、言語能力(日本語や英語)、各学生の所属する複数のコミュニティ(サークルや授業等)における日本語ハウスコミュニティの位置づけ、ハウス内外の環境という観点から例証し、生活・学びの環境づくりについて考察する。

2009 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Daniela Franco Carvalho Jacobucci ◽  
Giuliano Buzá Jacobucci

A coordenação de um curso de graduação em uma Instituição de Ensino Superior privada é um cargo de destaque social-acadêmico e de suma importância para a Instituição, dada a possibilidade de gerenciamento e integração dos eixos acadêmicos ensino, pesquisa e extensão universitária, além da promoção do curso perante a sociedade. Todavia, mesmo sendo uma atividade administrativo-pedagógica de grande relevância, as pesquisas sobre a problemática da coordenação de curso são muito escassas. O presente trabalho se caracteriza como uma pesquisa qualitativa do tipo observação participante e se constitui como um estudo de caso. Os objetivos da pesquisa foram caracterizar as múltiplas funções atribuídas ao coordenador de curso de graduação em uma Instituição de Ensino Superior privada, identificar e analisar as relações interpessoais do coordenador no ambiente universitário. Foram identificadas 17 funções formais da coordenação e dez funções informais, as quais foram caracterizadas em formais pedagógicas e técnico-administrativas, e funções informais técnico-administrativas e sociais. Foram analisadas as relações interpessoais do coordenador de curso, que permeiam as quatro dimensões do universo universitário: curso, outros cursos (graduação e pós-graduação lato sensu), administração e comunidade. Os dados do trabalho fomentam uma discussão sobre as atribuições do coordenador de curso e da necessidade de realização de múltiplas funções, além de traquejo para manter relações interpessoais positivas no ambiente acadêmico. Abstract: The coordination of a graduation course in a private Institution of Higher Education is a prominence social-academic position and of extreme importance for the Institution due to the possibility of management and integration of the academic axis: teaching, research and university extension, besides the promotion of the course to the society. Although it is even an administrative pedagogical activity of great relevance, the investigations about the problematic of the course coordination are very few. The present work constitutes a case study of a qualitative research with the participant observation. The research’ purposes were to characterize the multiple functions attributed to the graduation course coordinator in a private Institution of Higher Education and to identify and to analyze the interpersonal relationships of the coordinator in the university environment. We identified 17 formal and 10 informal functions of coordination and characterized them as formal pedagogical, technicianadministrative and technician-administrative informal functions and social functions. We identified and analyzed the interpersonal relations of the course coordinator that compound the four dimensions of the academic universe: course, other courses (graduation and post-graduation - lato sensu), administration and community. The data of the work foment a discussion on the course coordinator attributions and the need of accomplishment of the multiple functions, besides the skills in order to keep positive interpersonal relationships in the academic environment.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 106
Fahmi Gunawan ◽  
Alimin Alimin

Humor is important among educators to refresh their mind from busy work, strengthen friendship and interpersonal relationship, create happiness, and to improve working performance and cooperation of both personal and professional matters. This study aims to examine the humor in the perspective of linguistics and psychology, especially the semantic aspect among colleagues of lecturers in Islamic universities of Indonesia. A qualitative-descriptive method was employed to analyze data which were collected through participants’ observation and in-depth interview. The results indicate that to create humor from a linguistic perspective, lecturers used polysemy and homonym aspects as part of the language game. Polysemy is only a word while homonym is a word, abbreviation, and acronym. The words that indicate polysemy is margacinta, hawa, and kopi, while the words that indicate homonyms in the form of words maroko, farj, and tabrakan. On the other hand, the abbreviation homonymy is found in the phrases of peraturan pemerintah and pembimbing akademik and the acronyms are found in words akper, jatol, jaka, marisa and jelita. This language game then creates a joyful atmosphere among lecturers which ultimately affects their interpersonal relationships. The proximity of interpersonal relations also has implications for better employment relations and increased productivity to do works assigned to them. Finally, this research confirms that language games such as polysemy and homonymy can also be used to create humor aimed not only to refresh mind but also to create happiness and improve work performance to increase productivity in universities.Keywords: Humor, happiness, relationship, lecturer, Islamic Higher Education.

2020 ◽  
Vol 48 (6) ◽  
pp. 374-383
Lyudmila N. Molchanova ◽  
Larisa N. Malikhova ◽  
Alesya A. Kuznetsova ◽  

The specifics of the activities of teachers working with children with special educational needs determines the nature of interpersonal relationships that develop between all subjects of the educational process. Experiencing teachers of the crisis of interpersonal relations contributes to the emergence of mental burnout as a special state of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion of the individual. There is a rather limited number of scientific works devoted to the study of the relationship between the styles of interpersonal relations of teachers working with children with special educational needs, and mental burnout. Teachers of the Regional state educational institution "Kursk boarding school for children with disabilities" took part in the study (50 people). Observation and conversation, as well as standardized methods for diagnosing teachers' burnout and styles of interpersonal relationships, were used to collect data. Methods of mathematical-statistical analysis were used to process the results. Teachers who work with children with special educational needs are adapted to the stressful effects of the traumatic circumstances of professional activity by limiting emotional return in interpersonal communication and selective response, lack of due attention to their wards, facilitation or reduction of job duties (the severity of the "Resistance" phase: Xm. ± σx = 56.80 ± 22.30; “Inadequate emotional selective response”: Xm. ± σx = 15.38 ± 6.94; “Emotional and moral disorientation”: Xm. ± σx = 11.66 ± 6, 32; "Expansion of the sphere of economy of emotions": Xav. ± σx = 15.48 ± 13.62; "Reduction of professional duties": Xav. ± σx = 14.28 ± 8.51). It has been empirically proven that straightforward-aggressive (β = 0.353 at p = 0.015) and dependent-obedient (β = 0.379 at p = 0.005) styles of interpersonal relations can act as factors in the emergence of manifestations of mental burnout of teachers, and the imperious-leading style (β = - 0.320 at p = 0.016) – a resource for overcoming it (F = 4.37; CMD = 0.57; df = 5.44).

2017 ◽  
Vol 70 (5) ◽  
pp. 928-934 ◽  
Ingrid de Almeida Barbosa ◽  
Maria Júlia Paes da Silva

ABSTRACT Objective: Evaluate the perception of nurses regarding interpersonal communication while providing care via telehealth. Method: Qualitative research realized with seven nurses working in telehealth in Brazil, the sample was determined by data saturation. A questionnaire with open questions was applied and then content analysis of the dialogues was conducted, focusing on thematic analysis. Results: Four categories emerged from the dialogues: Understanding the importance of communication; the interpersonal relationship interfering with communication; Communicating via technology; and Learning the communication process. Final considerations: The perception of nurses working in telehealth in Brazil is that technology has facilitated their professional practice; however, in relation to the communication process, they believe it is harder to communicate by telehealth, mainly due to difficulty in perceiving nonverbal signals. To overcome these difficulties, they agreed that interpersonal communication is a skill that must be acquired during their professional training.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 85-108
Varsha Jain ◽  
Chakshu Bhandari ◽  
Ganesh B.E.

Luxury perfume brands are an integral part of the luxury brands sector globally and nationally. One of the main reasons for the same is that luxury perfume brands have had an extended usage across cultures and traditions. Additionally, luxury perfume brands are a high involvement category. Thus, this category needs to be developed and promoted with a specific means. This means is the development of a strong and reflexive relation between the luxury perfume brands and the consumers. Further, it should be premised on both value based and utility based satisfaction. Despite this, there is a dearth of studies that have consolidated the means of developing strong interpersonal relations between this category and consumers. Therefore, this paper aims at discovering a framework for consolidating and developing a strong interpersonal relation between the luxury perfume brand and the consumers. To this effect, we have used qualitative research in the form of semi structured personal interviews supplemented by Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique. The findings from these explorations were developed into a robust framework using the precepts of Brand Personality, CAC (Cogntive- Affective- Conative) model and the Triangulat theory of love.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
Carlon Washington Pinheiro ◽  
Michell Ângelo Marques Araújo ◽  
Karla Maria Carneiro Rolim ◽  
Camila Moreira De Oliveira ◽  
Alexsandro Batista De Alencar

Objetivo: Refletir teoricamente sobre a importância da Teoria das Relações Interpessoais de Peplau, contextualizada com o processo de formação da identidade do enfermeiro como terapeuta em saúde mental e psiquiatria. Metodologia: A partir do estudo da obra sobre Relações Interpessoais em Enfermagem de Peplau e demais textos, a reflexão organizou-se em três eixos: a teoria das relações interpessoais, a relação terapêutica na teoria de Peplau e o subpapel de assessor/counseling. Resultados: Os três eixos foram detalhados, aliando as contribuições da literatura, com novas possibilidades de aplicação do arcabouço teórico. Conclusão: A Teoria das Relações Interpessoais com foco no conceito de counseling possibilita reflexões sobre a representação do enfermeiro como terapeuta e fortalece ações de enfermagem no contexto do cuidado em saúde mental.Descritores: Enfermagem; Enfermagem Psiquiátrica; Teoria de Enfermagem; Saúde Mental.THEORY OF INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS: REFLECTIONS ON THE THERAPEUTIC FUNCTION OF THE NURSE IN MENTAL HEALTHObjective: To reflect theoretically on the importance of Peplau's Theory of Interpersonal Relations, contextualized with the process of formation of the nurse's identity as a therapist in mental health and psychiatry. Methodology: From the study of Peplau's work on Interpersonal Relations in Nursing and other texts, the reflection was organized in three axes: the theory of interpersonal relations, the therapeutic relationship in Peplau's theory and the counseling sub-role. Results: The three axes were detailed, combining the contributions of the literature, with new possibilities of application of the theoretical framework. Conclusion: The Theory of Interpersonal Relations focusing on the concept of counseling enables reflections on the representation of nurses as therapists and strengthens nursing actions in the context of mental health care.Descriptors: Nursing; Psychiatric Nursing; Nursing theory; Mental Health.TEORÍA DE LAS RELACIONES INTERPERSONALES: REFLEXIONES ACERCA DE LA FUNCIÓN TERAPÉUTICA DEL ENFERMERO EN SALUD MENTALObjetivo: Reflexionar teóricamente sobre la importancia de la Teoría de las Relaciones Interpersonales de Peplau, contextualizada con el proceso de formación de la identidad del enfermero como terapeuta en salud mental y psiquiatría. Metodología: A partir del estudio del trabajo de Peplau sobre las relaciones interpersonales en enfermería y otros textos, la reflexión se organizó en tres ejes: la teoría de las relaciones interpersonales, la relación terapéutica en la teoría de Peplau y el sub-rol de asesor/consejero. Resultados: Los tres ejes fueron detallados, combinando las contribuciones de la literatura, con nuevas posibilidades de aplicación del marco teórico. Conclusión: La teoría de las relaciones interpersonales, centrada en el concepto de asesoramiento, permite reflexionar sobre la representación de las enfermeras como terapeutas y fortalece las acciones de enfermería en el contexto de la atención de la salud mental.Descriptores: Enfermería, Enfermería Psiquiátrica, Teoría de Enfermería, Salud Mental.

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