scholarly journals Composite hollow truss with multiple vierendeel panels

2013 ◽  
Vol 66 (4) ◽  
pp. 431-438
Augusto Ottoni Bueno da Silva ◽  
Newton de Oliveira Pinto Júnior ◽  
João Alberto Venegas Requena

The aim of this study was to evaluate through analytical calculation, two-dimensional elastic modeling, and three-dimensional plastic modeling, the bearing capacity and failure modes of composite hollow trusses bi-supported with a 15 meter span, varying the number of central Vierendeel panels. The study found the proportion span/3 - span/3 - span/3, as the ideal relationship for the truss - Vierendeel - truss lengths, because by increasing the proportion of the length occupied by the central Vierendeel panels, the new system loses stiffness and no longer supports the load stipulated in the project. Furthermore, they can start presenting excessive vertical displacements and insufficient resistance to external shear forces acting on the panels.

2014 ◽  
Vol 11 (02) ◽  
pp. 1342008 ◽  

Strip shallow foundations on random heterogeneous soil responding in undrained conditions are analyzed using three-dimensional upper limit analysis and Latin Hypercube sampling. The results obtained considering the three-dimensional variability of soil are compared with results using plane models, showing significant differences in terms of both mean and standard deviation of bearing capacity. An averaged two-dimensional model fitted to a small set of three-dimensional samples is shown to yield accurate predictions of the bearing capacity distribution.

2016 ◽  
Vol 806 ◽  
pp. 627-648 ◽  
K. Seshasayanan ◽  
A. Alexakis

We study the dynamo instability for a Kazantsev–Kraichnan flow with three velocity components that depend only on two dimensions $\boldsymbol{u}=(u(x,y,t),v(x,y,t),w(x,y,t))$ often referred to as 2.5-dimensional (2.5-D) flow. Within the Kazantsev–Kraichnan framework we derive the governing equations for the second-order magnetic field correlation function and examine the growth rate of the dynamo instability as a function of the control parameters of the system. In particular we investigate the dynamo behaviour for large magnetic Reynolds numbers $Rm$ and flows close to being two-dimensional and show that these two limiting procedures do not commute. The energy spectra of the unstable modes are derived analytically and lead to power-law behaviour that differs from the three-dimensional and two-dimensional cases. The results of our analytical calculation are compared with the results of numerical simulations of dynamos driven by prescribed fluctuating flows as well as freely evolving turbulent flows, showing good agreement.

2019 ◽  
Vol 43 (2) ◽  
pp. 324-331 ◽  
D.V. Kirsh ◽  
A.S. Shirokanev ◽  
A.V. Kupriyanov

The article deals with a problem of three-dimensional crystal lattice reconstruction, which is an important stage in the X-ray structural analysis. The accuracy of parametric and structural identification of crystals directly depends on the quality of crystal lattice reconstruction. The proposed algorithm of reconstruction of a three-dimensional crystal lattice is based on minimizing the distances from each node to a line projected onto a specified plane. Three sets of two-dimensional node coordinates, obtained from three two-dimensional projections, are used as input data. We performed an analytical calculation of the reconstruction error, allowing the total reconstruction accuracy to be estimated. The results of computational experiments confirmed the high quality of the proposed reconstruction algorithms and its stability against the distortion of node coordinates. In addition, we revealed a problem of lattice system separability, with the identification accuracy for monoclinic, rhombic and tetragonal systems found to be 34%, 53% and 10%, respectively.

2019 ◽  
Vol 56 (5) ◽  
pp. 746-752 ◽  
Run Liu ◽  
Meng-meng Liu ◽  
Ying-hui Tian ◽  
Xinli Wu

As a type of shallow foundation, a mudmat serves as the seabed support structure for subsea wells, pipeline manifolds, and pipeline terminations. The shallow foundations are usually designed with perforations to facilitate installation and removal, but the influence of these perforations has not been fully understood. This paper presents a method to analyze the bearing capacities of both two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) perforated shallow foundations using finite element analysis. The soil was idealized as a Tresca material, with the undrained strength increasing linearly with depth. The outcome indicates that perforations have nonnegligible effects on the bearing capacity of shallow foundations. The bearing capacity decreases with increasing perforation ratio, R, and the degree of reduction increases with the increase of the dimensionless ratio kB/Suo, where k is the shear strength gradient, B is the width of the foundation, and Suo is the shear strength at the mudline. For 2D shallow foundations, there exists a critical perforation ratio, Rc; when the perforation ratio is lower than the critical perforation ratio, the perforated foundation does not lose its bearing capacity. For 3D shallow foundations, the bearing capacity decreases directly with the increase of perforation ratio, R.

H.A. Cohen ◽  
T.W. Jeng ◽  
W. Chiu

This tutorial will discuss the methodology of low dose electron diffraction and imaging of crystalline biological objects, the problems of data interpretation for two-dimensional projected density maps of glucose embedded protein crystals, the factors to be considered in combining tilt data from three-dimensional crystals, and finally, the prospects of achieving a high resolution three-dimensional density map of a biological crystal. This methodology will be illustrated using two proteins under investigation in our laboratory, the T4 DNA helix destabilizing protein gp32*I and the crotoxin complex crystal.

R. A. Crowther

The reconstruction of a three-dimensional image of a specimen from a set of electron micrographs reduces, under certain assumptions about the imaging process in the microscope, to the mathematical problem of reconstructing a density distribution from a set of its plane projections.In the absence of noise we can formulate a purely geometrical criterion, which, for a general object, fixes the resolution attainable from a given finite number of views in terms of the size of the object. For simplicity we take the ideal case of projections collected by a series of m equally spaced tilts about a single axis.

B. Ralph ◽  
A.R. Jones

In all fields of microscopy there is an increasing interest in the quantification of microstructure. This interest may stem from a desire to establish quality control parameters or may have a more fundamental requirement involving the derivation of parameters which partially or completely define the three dimensional nature of the microstructure. This latter categorey of study may arise from an interest in the evolution of microstructure or from a desire to generate detailed property/microstructure relationships. In the more fundamental studies some convolution of two-dimensional data into the third dimension (stereological analysis) will be necessary.In some cases the two-dimensional data may be acquired relatively easily without recourse to automatic data collection and further, it may prove possible to perform the data reduction and analysis relatively easily. In such cases the only recourse to machines may well be in establishing the statistical confidence of the resultant data. Such relatively straightforward studies tend to result from acquiring data on the whole assemblage of features making up the microstructure. In this field data mode, when parameters such as phase volume fraction, mean size etc. are sought, the main case for resorting to automation is in order to perform repetitive analyses since each analysis is relatively easily performed.

Yu Liu

The image obtained in a transmission electron microscope is the two-dimensional projection of a three-dimensional (3D) object. The 3D reconstruction of the object can be calculated from a series of projections by back-projection, but this algorithm assumes that the image is linearly related to a line integral of the object function. However, there are two kinds of contrast in electron microscopy, scattering and phase contrast, of which only the latter is linear with the optical density (OD) in the micrograph. Therefore the OD can be used as a measure of the projection only for thin specimens where phase contrast dominates the image. For thick specimens, where scattering contrast predominates, an exponential absorption law holds, and a logarithm of OD must be used. However, for large thicknesses, the simple exponential law might break down due to multiple and inelastic scattering.

D. E. Johnson

Increased specimen penetration; the principle advantage of high voltage microscopy, is accompanied by an increased need to utilize information on three dimensional specimen structure available in the form of two dimensional projections (i.e. micrographs). We are engaged in a program to develop methods which allow the maximum use of information contained in a through tilt series of micrographs to determine three dimensional speciman structure.In general, we are dealing with structures lacking in symmetry and with projections available from only a limited span of angles (±60°). For these reasons, we must make maximum use of any prior information available about the specimen. To do this in the most efficient manner, we have concentrated on iterative, real space methods rather than Fourier methods of reconstruction. The particular iterative algorithm we have developed is given in detail in ref. 3. A block diagram of the complete reconstruction system is shown in fig. 1.

A.M. Jones ◽  
A. Max Fiskin

If the tilt of a specimen can be varied either by the strategy of observing identical particles orientated randomly or by use of a eucentric goniometer stage, three dimensional reconstruction procedures are available (l). If the specimens, such as small protein aggregates, lack periodicity, direct space methods compete favorably in ease of implementation with reconstruction by the Fourier (transform) space approach (2). Regardless of method, reconstruction is possible because useful specimen thicknesses are always much less than the depth of field in an electron microscope. Thus electron images record the amount of stain in columns of the object normal to the recording plates. For single particles, practical considerations dictate that the specimen be tilted precisely about a single axis. In so doing a reconstructed image is achieved serially from two-dimensional sections which in turn are generated by a series of back-to-front lines of projection data.

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