Maria Manganaro

Abstract.Learning a second language, in addition to the mother tongue, helps to significantly improve the maturation and cultural education of the child, and to enhance its expressive and communicative skills. The 85 New Programs for the Primary School, emphasize the need to strengthen the pupils’ ability to make linguistic relationship with various interlocutors using the language in its variety of codes and its main functions. You need to direct the child to take account of extra-linguistic elements (situations, characters, topics, roles) as a fundamental condition for understanding texts and to produce oral and written messages, in relation to cognitive situations. On 1 September 2012, the Minister Profumo issues the New Indications, maintaining continuity with the previous ones. They assume an intercultural aspect, which concerns, not only the presence of foreign students in the classes, but also an open attitude towards the world and the reality of which the younger generation will be part. In recent years, mankind has achieved a considerable progress in the field of mass communication, the economic and cultural exchanges with different peoples and in the field of science and technology; hence the use of foreign languages is becoming indispensable tool of modern man, open to a broader vision of life. In this regard, school is primarily called to make its contribution, because it first must fulfill these needs, as an institution to which it is specifically entrusted with the task of preparing the new generations in society. So the early teaching of a second language is possible, as long as you lay down clearly achievable goals and implement a suitable educational mediation. In addition, to know how one acquires a language, you have to observe the evolution in the period of growth of the child since he is infant and, above all, the relationship between language and thought.Keywords: Learning a second language - L2 - Bilingualism - Learning motivationRiassunto.Apprendere una seconda lingua oltre a quella materna contribuisce a migliorare in modo considerevole la maturazione e la formazione culturale del bambino, nonché a potenziare le sue capacità espressive e comunicative. I Nuovi Programmi dell’85, per la Scuola Elementare, mettono in evidenza la necessità di potenziare nell’alunno la capacità di porsi in relazione linguistica con interlocutori diversi usando la lingua nella sua varietà di codici e nelle sue numerose funzioni. Bisogna avviare il bambino a tener conto degli elementi extralinguistici (situazioni, personaggi, argomenti, ruoli) come condizione fondamentale per comprendere testi e per produrre messaggi, orali e scritti, rapportati alla situazione cognitiva. Il 1° Settembre 2012 il Ministro Profumo emana le nuove indicazioni, mantenendo una continuità con quelle precedenti. Esse assumono un carattere interculturale, che non riguarda soltanto la presenza di alunni stranieri nelle classi, ma anche un atteggiamento di apertura verso il mondo e la realtà in cui si troveranno le giovani generazioni. Negli ultimi anni l’umanità ha raggiunto un notevole progresso nell’ambito delle comunicazioni di massa, degli scambi economico-commerciali e culturali con diversi popoli e nel campo delle scienze e della tecnologia, di conseguenza l’uso delle lingue straniere è diventato strumento indispensabile dell’uomo moderno, aperto ad una visione più ampia ed universale della vita. A tal proposito, la scuola è chiamata principalmente a dare il suo contributo, perché essa in primo luogo, come istituzione a cui è specificatamente affidato il compito di preparare le nuove generazioni alla vita sociale, deve assolvere a queste necessità. Dunque l’insegnamento precoce di una seconda lingua è possibile, purché si fissino chiaramente gli obiettivi raggiungibili e si attui un’ idonea mediazione didattica. Inoltre, per sapere come si acquisisce una lingua, bisogna osservare le evoluzioni nel periodo di crescita del bambino sin da quando è infante e, soprattutto il rapporto intercorrente tra linguaggio epensiero.Parole Chiave: Apprendere una seconda lingua- L2- Bilinguismo- Motivazione all’apprendimento

Slavic Review ◽  
1976 ◽  
Vol 35 (3) ◽  
pp. 406-424 ◽  
Brian Silver

The linguistic behavior of the titular nationalities of the five Central Asian union republics of the Soviet Union illustrates that when groups with distinctive languages and cultural traditions come into contact with one another, very complex linguistic adjustments can occur. This essay examines the relationship between the continued use of the non-Russian languages as mother tongues and the spread of Russian as a second language among Central Asians. Central Asians display an interesting response to the conflicting pressures to learn Russian as an aid to upward social mobility and to maintain traditional languages as a sign of identity with the ethnic group. While remaining strongly attached to their national languages, they are simultaneously moderately attracted to Russian as a second language.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
pp. 143-154
Vitalija Kazlauskienė

 The acquisition of lexical competence is complex, since it is not enough for learners to distinguish the form and the meaning of a lexical element in order to know how to correctly integrate it into the language context. Learners prefer some lexical combinations to others. Generally speaking, these combinations are determined by usage and by frequency of use in the target language. The question of frequency leads to characterizing the particular cases of co-occurrences as collocations (Anctil, Tremblay 2016). According to Tutin and Grossmann, “one often characterizes collocations by the fact that the meaning is transparent in reception (it is “guessed”), whereas, for a non-native speaker, it is difficult to produce the appropriate lexemes” (Tutin, Grossmann 2002). We will try to verify this statement and define the regularities of lexical combinations in L2 French interlanguage of Lithuanian learners. The aims of this presentation is to take stock of the frequencies and particularities of nomino-adjectival collocations in the written productions of non-native French learners, without claiming to be exhaustive. Thanks to the corpus at our disposal, we have extracted certain characteristics of nomino-adjectival collocations specific to interlanguage. Nomino-adjectival collocations are characterized by the structure (Adj) + N + (Adj) in the corpus. Collocations of the N + Adj type are more frequent than that of the Adj + N type. The corpus also reveals that the combination of words is not always characteristic of the general language. The process of interference and hybridization can be seen as an essential contamination of collocations, both lexically and syntactically. However, partially set phrases, in other words collocations, are an important way of expressing themselves for learner with B1 level. The results of this study demonstrate that the analysis of collocational constructions can reveal the relationship between competence and performance of speakers. This type of data could also form the basis of various scientific approaches relating to teaching and learning of foreign languages.

Neofilolog ◽  
2017 ◽  
pp. 193-206
Jolanta Morytz

Foreign language classes at university should enhance not only knowledge of foreign languages but with the use of different methods, should also develop skills of communication strategies, which are very important to compensate for deficits in communication. These strategies are indispensable for language learners irrespective of their level of proficiency. The objective of the study described in the present paper is to explore the communication strategies used by Polish students at different levels of knowledge of Italian. Data was collected by two types of questionnaires, one including two open-ended questions. The other was based on a Likert-scale method which examined the frequency of usage of avoidance strategies, verbal and non verbal strategies, as well as the strategy of transfer. Emphasis was placed on the relationship between the use of types of communication strategies and students’ level of proficiency. In the final part the author recommends types of lexical exercises which should be practised during classes to help students to develop their communicative skills.

10.29007/tb8k ◽  
2018 ◽  
Renia Lopez-Ozieblo

This paper will focus on one specific type of disfluency (speech less than fluent), that is, interruptions or cut-offs. The research on cut-offs has led to various hypotheses explaining how cut-offs are processed: Seyfeddinipur, Kita & Indefrey (2008) suggested that the cut-off is a controlled action and so on detecting the trouble the stop might be postponed, if necessary, to allow time for the resumption process; Tydgat, Stevens, Hartsuiker and Pickering (2011) added that the stopping and resumption processes are likely to occur concurrently and share the same resources. Therefore, the speaker has to decide whether it is more effective to stop and, if so, where.In Second Language Acquisition (SLA) error has been the topic of much discussion. However, disfluencies have surprisingly aroused less interest. SLA usually takes the view that any repair following a disfluency is the consequence of linguistic difficulties (usually grammar or vocabulary). However, like among native speakers, there are more reasons for disfluency and repair than just linguistic difficulties.A tool to aid disfluency analysis is that of the gesture performed together with speech. McNeill’s gesture theory holds that gesture and speech are two modalities of the same communicative process and that as such should be analysed together (2012). Therefore, the gesture might provide additional analytical information to the observer.The objective of this study was to investigate the nature of cut-offs in speakers using their mother tongue and also a second language. As our specific interest is the acquisition of Spanish by English speakers, our results are based on data from 8 participants, 4 Spanish native speakers and 4 Hong Kong students of Spanish as a foreign language (L2). Our results, based on a combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis, indicate that cut-offs, and the gestures associated with them, are used similarly by native speakers of both English and Spanish, including the relationship between the cut-off and the repair or its absence and the gesture. However, the L2 results are very different, showing a significant increase of within-word cut-offs in Hong Kong participants and a decrease among Spanish native speakers. We observed differences in the length and number of pauses after the cut-offs, as well as differences as to the point at which the cut-off occurred in the word. This paper will provide explanations as to the differences observed as well as providing evidence to support some of the existing hypotheses on cut-off production and gesture-speech relationships.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
Daniel Secchi

Resumen: La fluidez de una lengua y sus matices son algo imprescindible que los estudiantes tienen que aprender y saber reconocer si quieren convertirse en buenos mediadores lingüísticos e interculturales. Se presenta, pues, una actividad didáctica en la que, en primer lugar, y dando por sentado las competencias lingüísticas generales de los estudiantes franceses (con nivel B2-C1 de E/LE según el MCER, 2001), con los que se ha llevado a cabo la actividad, se pretende hacer reflexionar los mismos sobre sus conocimientos pragmáticos atenuantes previos con el fin de mejorar sus destrezas comunicativas que necesitan para desenvolverse en la profesión de mediadores lingüísticos. A partir de ello, en segundo lugar, se pretende que los estudiantes aprendan a reconocer no solamente cuando es necesario emplear elementos atenuantes como estrategia lingüística sino también cuando pueden y deben hacerlo puesto que la situación lo requiere. Palabras clave: mediación lingüística e intercultural, mediador, atenuación, destrezas comunicativas atenuantes Abstract: The fluency of a language and its nuances are essential for the students in order to learn and know how to recognize to become good linguistic and intercultural mediators. This paper therefore presents a didactic activity in which, in the first place, and taking for granted the general linguistic competences of the French students (with level B2-C1 of Spanish as a Second Language in accordance with CEFR, 2001) with whom the activity has been carried out, the aim is to make them reflect on their previous attenuating pragmatic knowledge in order to improve their communicative skills that they need to develop in the profession of linguistic mediators. Based on this, it is intended that students learn to recognise not only when it is necessary to use attenuating elements as a linguistic strategy but also when they can and must do so as the situation requires. Keywords: intercultural and linguistic mediation, mediator, mitigation, communications and mitigation skills

2015 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 230-247 ◽  
Ewa Guz

Although various dimensions of speech fluency have so far generated a great deal of research interest, very few accounts have tackled the issue of the relationship between L1 and L2 fluency. Also, little empirical evidence has been provided to support the claim that language users are more fluent in their mother tongue than in a foreign/second language. This study examines the fluency gap between L1 and L2 fluency using a battery of objectively quantifiable temporal measures of speed and breakdown fluency. It also attempts to identify those temporal fluency variables which are affected by the individual way of speaking rather than the degree of automatisation of speech processing and which underlie oral performance both in L1 and L2. The analysis draws on transcriptions of elicited speech samples in L1 (Polish) and L2 (English).

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 73
Citra Wulandari

The aim of this study is to know how far the maintenance and the shift of Lampung language in Padang Cermin district are. Most of Padang Cermin society uses their mother tongue which is Lampung language while their second language is Indonesia Language. Most of them establish the kinship or directly interact with Lampung ethnic so that they can speak Lampung language. A qualitative method was applied in this study and involves 30 respondents from five villages in Padang Cermin district which are Tanjung Mas, Paya, Sanggi, Pal Satu, and Durian based on gender, ages, marriage status, education, occupation and place of birth by observing, interviewing and giving questionnaire. The result shows that there are still many of them uses the dominant language which is Lampung language and the language attitudes towards them tend to be positive. It also found that the language shift occurs from several factors; education development, social, government, behavior, and economic development.Key Words: Language attitude, language maintenance, language shift, Padang Cermin

Daniel Secchi

Resumen: La fluidez de una lengua y sus matices son algo imprescindible que los estudiantes tienen que aprender y saber reconocer si quieren convertirse en buenos mediadores lingüísticos e interculturales. Se presenta, pues, una actividad didáctica en la que, en primer lugar, y dando por sentado las competencias lingüísticas generales de los estudiantes franceses (con nivel B2-C1 de E/LE según el MCER, 2001), con los que se ha llevado a cabo la actividad, se pretende hacer reflexionar los mismos sobre sus conocimientos pragmáticos atenuantes previos con el fin de mejorar sus destrezas comunicativas que necesitan para desenvolverse en la profesión de mediadores lingüísticos. A partir de ello, en segundo lugar, se pretende que los estudiantes aprendan a reconocer no solamente cuando es necesario emplear elementos atenuantes como estrategia lingüística sino también cuando pueden y deben hacerlo puesto que la situación lo requiere. Palabras clave: mediación lingüística e intercultural, mediador, atenuación, destrezas comunicativas atenuantes Abstract: The fluency of a language and its nuances are essential for the students in order to learn and know how to recognize to become good linguistic and intercultural mediators. This paper therefore presents a didactic activity in which, in the first place, and taking for granted the general linguistic competences of the French students (with level B2-C1 of Spanish as a Second Language in accordance with CEFR, 2001) with whom the activity has been carried out, the aim is to make them reflect on their previous attenuating pragmatic knowledge in order to improve their communicative skills that they need to develop in the profession of linguistic mediators. Based on this, it is intended that students learn to recognise not only when it is necessary to use attenuating elements as a linguistic strategy but also when they can and must do so as the situation requires. Keywords: intercultural and linguistic mediation, mediator, mitigation, communications and mitigation skills

2011 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 42
Harjito IKIP PGRI Semarang ◽  
Nazla Maharani Umaya ◽  
Ika Septiana ◽  
Ahmad Rifai ◽  
Sri Wijayanti

Abstract ?é?á A natural intelligence is a new method in the teaching and learning process in as the steps of indication to associate the needed subtance. It has a purpose to build the children?óÔé¼Ôäós intelligence to be multintellegence. This method is used to make an effective teaching learning process which deals with the students?óÔé¼Ôäó potential quality to get the maximal output in long term. This concept is actually presented to the early age learners in learning Bahasa Indonesia to know how their mother tongue will influence their second language based on the community that they live with. By living with their community who speaks Bahasa Indoensia as the second language, they will learn it in how to speak and write naturally. Learning Bahasa Indonesia using a natural intelegence is a good method in making them able to speak and write it well because this method motivate and force them how to understand, comprehend and apply it directly. And this method was actually trained to teachers of Non ?óÔé¼ÔÇ£ Formal PAUD / Under age /children group. By having this training, Non ?óÔé¼ÔÇ£ Formal PAUD teachers will be apble to implement the method well and the result will make children learn Bahasa Indonesia effectively and creatively. Key words : children?óÔé¼Ôäós intelegence, Bahasa Indonesia, Non ?óÔé¼ÔÇ£ Formal PAUD

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