2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 56-62
Tuti Istianti ◽  
Fauzi Abdillah ◽  
Solihin Ichas Hamid

Abstract: There are at least two prefix skills that need to be mastered in realizing gotong royong early on, ie friendship and sharing skills. These two altruistic skills need to be strategically grown through the learning model. The Social Behavior Models of Citizenship (PrSKn) that are being developed carry the mission. As an integrated strategy in early childhood learning games, this learning model seeks to strengthen its role as a strategy to nurture and grow altruistic skills in realizing mutual cooperation, so that children have enough skills for the community. This article explains how the teacher's efforts and difficulty in optimizing the learning game through the civic social behavior model. The results show that teachers have difficulty in three things, namely the selection of appropriate games, timing and management of learning in accordance with the PrSKn model. So this article recommends providing references to different types of learning games, comprehensive instructional instruction guides and regular training so that teachers can optimize the game as a child's learning strategy to master friendship and sharing skills.Keywords: Social Citizenship Behavior, Gotong Royong, Early Childhood Education Abstrak: Setidaknya terdapat dua keterampilan awalan yang perlu dikuasai dalam mewujudkan gotong royong sejak dini, yakni keterampilan berteman dan keterampilan berbagi. Dua keterampilan altruistik tersebut perlu ditumbuhkan secara strategis melalui model pembelajaran. Model Perilaku Sosial Kewarganegaraan (PrSKn) yang tengah dikembangkan mengemban misi tersebut. Sebagai strategi yang terintegrasi pada permainan belajar anak usia dini, model pembelajaran ini berupaya menguatkan perannya sebagai strategi untuk memupuk dan menumbuhkan keterampilan altruistik dalam mewujudkan gotong royong, sehingga anak mempunyai bekal keterampilan yang cukup untuk bermasyarakat. Artikel ini menjelaskan bagaimana upaya guru dan kesulitannya dalam mengoptimalkan permainan belajar melalui model perilaku sosial kewarganegaraan. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa guru mengalami kesulitan dalam tiga hal, yakni pemilihan permainan yang tepat, pengaturan waktu dan pengelolaan pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan model PrSKn. Maka artikel ini merekomendasikan untuk menyediakan referensi jenis permainan belajar, pedoman pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang komprehensif dan pelatihan yang rutin agar guru dapat mengoptimalkan permainan sebagai strategi belajar anak untuk menguasai keterampilan berteman dan berbagi. Kata Kunci: Perilaku Sosial Kewarganegaraan, Gotong Royong, PAUD

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 78-87
Umayah Umayah ◽  
Muhiyatul Huliyah

Abstract This study uses descriptive qualitative research methods. The aim of this study was to obtain information about early childhood learning based on local wisdom entrepreneurship. This research was conducted at TK Bona Kota Serang and RA Daarul Muqimien Tangerang Regency. The results obtained in this study show that TK Bona have implemented entrepreneurship learning through "market days" activities. Another activity carried out at TK Bona in order to develop life skills is the overnight activity at a pesantren or "mondok". At RA Daarul Muqimien, the learning model in the context of instilling entrepreneurial values were carried out through market day activities, cooking days, and field trips. It is hoped that the results of this study can become a reference for further research in developing early childhood learning models based on local wisdom entrepreneurship. Keywords: early childhood, learning models, local wisdom, entrepreneurship, Banten

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 92-109
Wahyu Wijayanti ◽  
Mukhlison Efendi

Child development, especially the age from birth to entering primary education or the age of 0-8 years is the golden age in the vulnerable human life that cannot be repeated. Therefore this period is the golden age in the vulnerable human life that cannot be repeated. Therefore this period is the right time to lay the foundations for other developments. The objectives of this research are: 1) To find out, to study the planning of the PAKEM learning model in Khairiah Jimbe Islamic Kindergarten Jenangan Ponorogo, 2) Implementation of the PAKEM learning model ini increasing early childhood learning concentration. 3) Knowing and assessing the evaluation of the implementation of the PAKEM learning model in increasing early childhood learning concentration. This research use qualitative research with the type of case study research. The data collected is in the from of primary data and secondary data and data sources come from data sources derived from observations, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique follows the  concepts put forward by miles and huberman, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. Specifically, it can be described as follows: 1) PAKEM lerning planning is in accordance with Permendikbud Number 146 of 2014 article 2013. 2) The implementation of the PAKEM learning model in increasing the concentration of early childhood learning has been very good, seen from the teacher actively and creatively in teaching and give assignment. 3) The evaluation of learning in increasing the concentration of early childhood learning has been adjusted to the indicators of developmental achievement and refers to the standard of assessment

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-17
Zamzam Mustofa ◽  
Dica Nurul Azizah ◽  
Ruaidatul Fitriyah

Early Childhood Education is education at an early stage, in early childhood, children learn from those who cannot until they can. Of course, to teach children, teachers who are able to educate children well. As a good educator, he must have a learning model or design to support the teacher when teaching children. With this the purpose of this research is written to find out how to model and design good learning for children. Moreover, during a pandemic like this, the teacher must choose the appropriate and suitable learning model and design for children while studying at home. By using descriptive methods we can find out how an educator applies models and designs for early childhood. This research results that learning models and designs are very important for early childhood. learning models and designs such as role models or guidelines used by educators when carrying out learning activities for early childhood at school. If educators do not have a learning model or design that is suitable for early childhood, the teachers / educators will be confused about what kind of learning is appropriate and suitable for early childhood. As well as learning models and designs that are appropriate to use during a pandemic like this is to create a sense of comfort and safety even though they continue to carry out learning activities at home. Teachers / educators must prepare effective and efficient work programs so that they can improve the skills and intelligence of their students when studying at home.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 76
Siti Marwah

This study aimed to determine the Early Childhood Learning Strategy in the Development of Children's Independence in Edelweis Kindergarten, Jambi City. This research is based on the presence of children who are not yet independent in terms of the bathroom, children are still accompanied by parents in institutions until they return from school, children have not mingled with their peers. This research uses qualitative research techniques. The subjects of this study were children of group B Edelweis Kindergarten Jambi City. As for the research subjects, all stakeholders of Edelweis Kindergarten Jambi City include the principal, teachers, and students. And the informant is the Edelweis Kindergarten Teacher in Jambi City. Data collection techniques using observation, documentation, and interviews. The instrument used in the observation was in the form of research sheets, for documentation using photos to document all children's activities during activities and interviews using interview guidelines with Group B teachers to find out the conditions and problems faced. The results of this study are 1. Early childhood learning strategies in the development of children's independence in Edelweis Kindergarten Jambi City using three steps, namely a). Planning b). Implementation and c) Evaluation. 2. Constraints faced in the application of PAUD learning in the development of children's independence in Edelweis Kindergarten, Jambi City are a) Lack of supporting infrastructure in online learning activities, b), lack of parental knowledge in caring for children's growth and development, and c) Lack of parental support for children's independence so that they will not feel confident in carrying out activities. 3. The results obtained from the implementation of the Strategy, PAUD learning in the development of children's independence is the application of early childhood learning strategies in developing children's independence in Edelweis Kindergarten, Jambi City, running well in accordance with the learning objectives that have been compiled together with the parents of students, even in the middle. In the middle of a semester the learning activities turned into an online system because during the pandemic, there was Covid 19.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 138-154
Robi’ah Nugrahani ◽  
Erni Munastiwi ◽  
Eko Suhendro

This study aims to explain strategies for developing entrepreneurial values for early childhood. The subjects in this study included teachers, students, and administrators of Kindergarten Khalifah. This research problem was investigated using a qualitative descriptive approach. Observation, interviews, and documentation carried out data collection. The results found in this study are the implementation of strategies for developing early childhood learning models carried out in TK Khalifah Pandeansari in introducing entrepreneurial values. The application of the learning model is also adapted to the stages of early childhood development. Various programs such as market day, outing class, cooking class, and outbound are programs implemented to insert the character of entrepreneurship in children.

Nuraeni Nuraeni

Learning strategy is needed for optimal learning process according to planning. Educators have an enormous influence on the growth and development of children's intelligence. The principles of early childhood learning are goal-oriented, activity, individuality, integrity, interactive, inspirational, fun, challenging, motivational. Student-centered learning approach models are: Montesori approach model, Street bank approach model, High Scope approach model, Creative curriculum approach model, Emillia Region approach model

Khairiah Khairiah

This paper will discuss about the strategy of developing early childhood learning model. This discourse is very important to be studied in view of the development of dynamic times and curricula. Recent discoveries in the field of education require educators to innovate in producing superior educational products including early childhood education. To achieve the goal of science learning in early childhood optimally, the PAUD organizers should consider the model, approach and strategy that will be applied. And improve the process skills that must be owned by early childhood. In order to learn science is not considered as difficult and boring by early childhood.Keywords : Strategy, Early Childhood, Development

Solihin Ichas Hamid ◽  
Tuti Istianti ◽  
Mohamad Helmi Ismail

The application of the Sociable Learning Model has strong relevance as a solution to the problem of early childhood social behavior these days. Meanwhile, the role of Early Childhood Education teachers who have crucial value for Early Childhood cannot be well maximized due to the various restrictions as an effort to handle COVID-19 cases in Indonesia. The implementation of training on the development of the Sociable Learning Model through Traditional Sundanese Games in West Java requires a mapping foundation of the teacher's experiences so that it can provide some meaningful and appropriate resources for further treatments. To accommodate the required data collections, the holding of the workshop is needed to accommodate the variety of teacher's perceptions on the Social Citizenship development efforts in the Early Childhood Education setting that can be a starting point to find out the teacher's basic understanding of the development of social civic behavior in PAUD. The exploration effort is has been carried out by spreading questionnaires to workshop participants to collect various teacher perceptions related to innovations in the development of Social Citizenship Behavioral Skills (PrSKn) based on traditional Sundanese games.  Keywords: PrSKn, Sundanese traditional games, Teachers' Competency.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-61
Rosita Rosita ◽  
Rica Nelvita ◽  
Nurul Hikmah Mawaddah

This qualitative research was conducted with a background enriching discourse and analyzing operational management in TK / RA Sentra, namely RA Daaruttuqo. In addition, researchers want to describe the theories and facts of operational management of education in the RA / TK Daaruttuqo School which almost fulfill the management function, but with a note that is an improvement in organizing due to an unprofessional and proportional position in the realm of teaching and educational staff (administration), but in The application of RA Daaruttuqo's child development theory has fulfilled the criteria for organizing, planning and managing the curriculum in the Early Childhood learning model very well namely the Sentra method. Because the age of kindergarten should be a time of imagination so that they can present their world with words, pictures and works through their world that is playing. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach using Spradley analysis.Keywords: Education, Operational management, Early childhood, Qualitative, Sentra. ABSTRAKPenelitian kualitatif ini dilakukan dengan latar belakang memperkaya wacana dan menganalisa manajemen operasional di TK/RA Sentra, yaitu RA Daaruttuqo. Selain itu  peneliti ingin mendeskripsikan teori dan fakta manajemen operasional pendidikan di Sekolah RA/TK Daaruttuqo yang hampir memenuhi fungsi manajemen namun dengan catatan yaitu perbaikan dalam hal pengorganisasian dikarenakan ada posisi yang tidak professional dan proporsional dalam ranah tenaga pendidik dan kependidikan (administrasi), namun dalam aplikasi teori perkembangan anak RA Daaruttuqo telah memenuhi kriteria pengorganisasian, perencanaan dan pengelolaan kurikulum pada model pembelajaran Anak usia Dini dengan sangat baik yaitu metode sentra. Karena sepatutnya usia Taman Kanak Kanak adalah masa untuk berimajinasi sehingga mereka dapat mempresentasikan dunia mereka dengan kata-kata, gambar-gambar dan karya melalui dunia mereka yaitu bermain. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskrptif dengan menggunakan analisis Spradley.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 169-175
Nuning Farida ◽  
Devi Anggi Friani

To create a good social environment for children, peers are needed, because peers have an important role in creating a social environment that supports the development of children's social behavior. In life among peers there is a social process in which processes influence and influence each other. This research is a descriptive qualitative study, data obtained by observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The validity of the data technique uses triangulation techniques. Analysis of qualitative data is carried out interactively and takes place continuously until complete, so the data is saturated. Activities in data analysis are data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing / verification ". From the results of the study, it can be seen that the social behavior of early childhood at Muslimat RA NU 007 Gandu 1 Mlarak Ponorogo develops well which can be proven by the existence of mutual help, mutual respect, mutual cooperation, being able to distinguish between good and bad and being able to be polite. peers are also developing well. The benefits of peer interaction with early childhood social behavior include children can learn to respect others, have an attitude of responsibility, learn to work together, share and care about the conditions of other friends. They learn to empathize and start learning to help friends who are in trouble.

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