scholarly journals Self-attitude as a Phenomenological Field of Diagnosis of Psychological Boundaries of the Personality

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-27 ◽  
I.A. Shapoval ◽  
E.S. Fominykh

The article is devoted to the identification of opportunities and prognostic analysis of psychological diagnostic tools of personality boundaries in the system of personal relations. Meaningfully, the boundaries are presented as a special space for the formation of self – concept and self – relation, functionally as intra – and intersystem connections and barriers. The system aspects of personality as the universal self, of personality as self-identification and self-concept as a cognizant aspect of the Self are considered. Methods of restructuring the internal and external fields of these systems and subsystems and direction on the dynamics of boundaries are explained by the transformation of the system of personal relations. The boundaries of Self and non-Self act as a tool of its relationship in the field WITH and BETWEEN. The article highlights the substantial parameters of self-relation applicable to the assessment of the state and functions of personality boundaries: the system characteristics of self-relation and its configuration depending on the affective cognitive style of the individual and the attitude to the non-self.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 207
Noormawanti, Iswati

The concept of self is an understanding of the attitude of the individual towards himself so that it results in the interaction of two or more people. Self-concept is a factor that communicates with others. The concept of self is the views and attitudes of individuals towards themselves, characteristics and individual and self-motivation. The self-view includes not only individual strengths but also weaknesses and even failures. This self-concept is psychological, social and physical. Self-concept is our views and feelings about ourselves, which include physical, psychological and social aspects. The concept of self is not just a descriptive picture, but also an assessment of ourselves, including what we think and how we feel. Anita Taylor defines self-concept as "all you think and feel about you, the entire complex of beliefs and attitudes you hold abaout yourself '. Human behavior is a product of their interpretation of the world around them through social interaction. Behavior is often a choice as a feasible thing to do based on how it defines the existing situation. The definition they give to other people, situations, objects and even themselves determines their behavior. So it is individuals who are considered active to regulate and determine their own behavior and environment. While the core of the individual is consciousness (consciousness). self-development depends on communication with others, which shape or influence themselves

Slavic Review ◽  
1977 ◽  
Vol 36 (2) ◽  
pp. 231-255 ◽  
Antonina Filonov Gove

In examining the development of Tsvetaeva's lyric verse, it is possible to discern a recurrent thematic strain: a rejection by the poet of the conventional roles imposed on the individual by society, particularly certain characteristics of the feminine role. I will try to show that Tsvetaeva, in the process of rejecting, via her poetry, this key ingredient in a person's self-concept—namely, the sex role as defined by society—along with a rejection of other limiting social norms, developed images of the self that transcend social roles. Moreover, the working out of this poetic identity is not continuous but falls into several chronological stages.In discussing a poet's self, critical method prescribes that a distinction be maintained between the individual and the poetic persona. Without negating this methodological stricture, it is important to keep in mind that for some poets an adequate interpretation requires one to perceive that the persona is an elaborate poetic projection and mythologization of the individual.

2017 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
pp. 305-314
Lysia Rachel Moreira BASÍLIO ◽  
Antonio ROAZZI ◽  
Alexsandro Medeiros do NASCIMENTO ◽  
José Arturo Costa ESCOBAR

Abstract The present study investigated incarceration as a possible triggering factor of self-concept transformations. Self-concept consists of a set of multiple dimensions organized hierarchically functioning as cognitive schemas. It is a structural complex product of reflective activity, and it is susceptible to changes as the individual encounters new situations, life transitions, and social roles. To investigate the transformations in the self-concept structure, 150 incarcerated women responded to the Feminine Inventory of the Self-Concept's Gender Schemas, Self-Concept Clarity Scale and Situational Self-Awareness Scale. The results showed dynamic and multidimensional organization of self-concept in the women investigated, including various categories of the self. The elements analyzed indicate that prison, an undesirable life event in adulthood, is a driver of transformations in the dynamics of self-concept.

2020 ◽  
Vol 47 (5) ◽  
pp. 304-318
Elena N. Shutenko ◽  
Julia P. Derevyanko ◽  
Marina A. Kanishcheva ◽  
Julia J. Kovtun ◽  

The ongoing socio-cultural deformations mostly negatively affect the young generation, forming distorted forms of identity and self-consciousness. The initial hypothesis of the study was that the development of students' full-fledged self-consciousness can be facilitated by the process of their versatile self-disclosure and self-expression in the reference environment of the group, and this process can be successfully modeled using the psychodrama method. The purpose of the study was to determine the logic and techniques of building a psychodramatic process focused on improving self-awareness of students. The study was based on the role methodology of self-consciousness and the psychodrama method as a practice of replaying personally significant situations in group interaction. The study involved 131 first-year students of Belgorod National Research University. The questionnaires to identify self-attitudes and various aspects of the Self-concept served as diagnostic tools. The results were processed using the paired Student's t-test and Spearman's coefficient of rank correlation. As a result, the study revealed the content of psychodramatic process, the technology of its building and its forms. The essence of this work is to create favorable conditions for students’ self-realization in the reference social environment. The positive influence of psychodrama on the sphere of students’ self-consciousness was shown. In particular, the constructive images in their Self-concept were developing; their self-respect was strengthening due to the growth of reflected self-attitude (t=9.11, p ≤ 0.01) and self-confidence (t=8.56, p ≤ 0.01), autosympathy was increasing through the growth of self-value (t=9.29, p ≤ 0.01) and self-acceptance (t=8.41, p ≤ 0.01), as well as their negative feelings towards themselves were overcoming by reducing inner conflict (t= –8.56, p ≤ 0.01) and self-blame (t= –8.04, p ≤ 0.01). The performed correlation analysis revealed the connection between the growth of indicators of self-knowledge and self-attitude among students in psychodrama process. Namely, a positive relationship was found between an increase in the cognitive complexity of the self-concept and an increase in self-acceptance (r=0.53, p ≤ 0.01) and reflected self-attitude (r=0.51, p ≤ 0.01). The contrast of self-representations growth is positively connected with an increase of reflected self-attitude (r=0.58, p ≤ 0.01) and self-acceptance (r=0.55, p ≤ 0.01), as well as with a decrease of inner conflict (r = –0.45, p ≤ 0.01). The growth of self-concept integrity positively correlates with an increase of self-acceptance (r=0.57, p ≤ 0.01), reflected self-attitude (r =0.54, p ≤ 0.01) and closeness (r=0.53, p ≤ 0.01), as well as with a reduce of inner conflict ( r= –0.51, p ≤ 0.01) and self-blame (r= –0.48, p ≤ 0.01). A number of psychodrama modifications were proposed: long-term versatile building of a safe and confiding relationship space; predominance of non-verbal ways of interaction; saturation with relaxing and imaginative techniques; introspective form of psychodramatic action with elements of sociodrama; inclusion of “Self-centered” topics in the content of classes; targeted training of identification feedback etc. The results revealed a unique mechanism of psychodrama for developing the students' self-consciousness. This is the mechanism of symbolic-metaphorical replaying of a personally significant situation with the active participation of the reference group in creating a versatile positive feedback about the productive ways of the individual’s self-manifestation. The proposed modifications and techniques of psychodrama can be applied in practical work on the psychological support of students.

2016 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 433-452 ◽  
Seth Ketron ◽  
Kelly Naletelich

Purpose Although the functional benefits of e-books have been discussed in the emerging literature on the e-reader platform, the hedonic/emotional aspects of e-book usage have not been explored. This study aims to explore the impact that e-readers have on consumers’ connections with books. Relying on self-concept theory and possessions as the extended self, the authors address the following two questions: What are the hedonic differences between e-books and printed books, and, if the functional benefits of e-books are so compelling, then why do some people still use printed books? Design/methodology/approach The researchers pursue a qualitative design through the use of semi-structured interviews, with a combination of base questions and follow-up questions tailored to the individual respondent. Findings The results reveal six primary themes: convenience, change, community, collection, connection and children. Within each, functional benefits are identified, confirming prior literature on these benefits, and hedonic/emotional themes emerge, revealing that e-readers are capable of changing consumers’ connections with books. Namely, while e-books offer functional benefits over printed books, consumers feel less connected to books read using an e-reader platform and prefer to purchase the printed versions of books that hold special meanings for them. These findings align with self-concept theory and indicate that printed books are an extension of the self, one that cannot be completely replaced by e-books. Originality/value This research adds to the emerging literature on e-books by demonstrating that e-readers have emotional implications for consumers as components of the self-concept/extended self. Prior literature has focused solely on the functional benefits associated with e-books but has not directly addressed the role of books in the self-concept.

2021 ◽  
pp. 21-33
N.D. Eliseeva ◽  

The article presents the results of a cross-cultural Self-concept study of the peoples living in Yakutia. The research is carried out in line with the social psychology of the individual. The author is interested in the self-perception of the individual in terms of cultural and ethnic diversity. The study was conducted in a multi-ethnic region - the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The article presents the results of cross-cultural analysis of Russian and indigenous peoples of Yakutia. The hypothesis is tested that the common history and living conditions determine the formation of common contact points at the personal level. Here the author perceives the personality from the point of view of L. S. Vygotsky's cultural-historical approach, according to which the personality is a product of cultural-historical development. The study sample consists of 697 people from 12 to 79 years (479 women and 218 men). Of these, 111 are Russians, and 586 are representatives of the indigenous peoples of Yakutia. The method of research is the "Who Am I?" method of M. Kuhn and T. MсPartland. Taking into account the specifics of the research object, the author added two categories of Self-concept, such as racial identity and identity with the natural world. The results of the study were processed using statistical Mann-Whitney criteria, student t-criteria, content analysis, and ranking. The study was conducted throughout Yakutia. The instructions were presented in Russian and Yakut. The study revealed that the Self concept of the Russian and indigenous peoples of Yakutia have both common and different features. Common characteristics are a high level of reflec-tion, statistically significant similarity of important Self concept characteristics: reflexive Self, emotional Self, communicative Self, and the lack of regional identity in both groups. The common most frequently mentioned characteristics are the following: hardworking, kind, smart, cheerful, purposeful, hardy, and sociable. The distinctive features of Self concept reflect the uniqueness of the national character of the compared peoples. For Russians, this is largesse and sincerity. For indigenous peoples, honesty, pitying, and modesty are used for psycholinguistic analysis of the meaning of words. Honesty is also perceived as straightfor-wardness, modesty as a manifestation of emotions and actions of a person in moderation. It was also revealed that the family identity of indigenous peoples is more significant in the Self concept than in Russians. The conclusion is made about the importance of having both common and unique features for multi ethnic Russia.

Natalia Shemihon

Summary. The article discusses the impact of self-concept on the adaptive capacity of a person with special needs. It is considered how the system of ideas influences the development of the individual. The origins of the problem are described, the characterization of the personality of students with disability status is given. The origins of the problem are described, the characterization of the personality of students with disability status is given. The main task of adaptive inclusive space as a system should be to promote the transformation of the student's inner position, namely, negative personal formations in the structure of self-concept. When developing mechanisms for adaptation of students with special needs, it is necessary to take into account the self-concept, which is characterized by identification with its social status of a disabled person and an increasing tendency to preserve such facilities. The origins of the problem are described, the characterization of the personality of students with disability status is given. Тhe ways of correction of the self-concept of the disabled, namely, the stimulation to reflexive activity, as a condition that provides the transition to awareness of oneself and problems that hinder the development and adaptation to the educational space, which involves the realization of the subject of special activity, at the same time cognitive and personal character that is already the beginning of the process of developing the adaptive capacity of a student with special needs. One of the conditions for the unfolding of reflection is the failure of the activity, the violation of its natural course, when attempts to use the known methods of action do not work or it is obvious that they cannot be used in this case. The presence of such contradictions requires the personality to resolve the question of their life orientations, which is a mechanism for the development of adaptive capacity of the individual. The corrective component of adaptive inclusive space should help to change the negative concept to the professional self-concept as a result of the interaction of information coming from the internal, subjective world and the external environment, represented primarily by the educational environment of the higher education institution.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 115
Rizal Adicita

<p>This study aims to produce and determine the effectiveness of individual rehabilitation counseling service models to develop the self-concept of deaf students. The self concept of deafblower students is proven to be low after a pretest. A low self-concept will lead to deaf students experiencing stress. The hypothesis proposed by the researcher is that there is an effectiveness of individual rehabilitation counseling models to develop self-concept of deaf students. This research method uses research and development approaches. Individual rehabilitation counseling to develop the self-concept of deaf students was given to 8 students as the research subjects selected by purposive sampling in Semarang Regency SLB. The results showed that the individual rehabilitation counseling model effectively developed the self-concept of deaf students. This is indicated by changes in the level of self-concept before being given treatment (pre-test) and after being given treatment (post-test) there was an increase in the initial evaluation score of 862 points to 966 points or an increase of 134 points, so the hypothesis in this study was accepted.<strong></strong></p><p> </p>

1973 ◽  
Vol 123 (575) ◽  
pp. 435-439 ◽  
Alistair E. Philip

Foulds' theory of personality (1965) lays stress on the need to consider the individual as a person in relation to others. Where the ability to enter into mutual personal relations with others denotes the mature individual, egocentricity in thinking and behaving marks out the immature. One feature of egocentricity is the need to apportion blame in any given situation, either to other people or to the self, so that Foulds found punitiveness a useful attitudinal measure of egocentricity. Rosenzweig's (1934) terms extrapunitiveness and intropunitiveness were used by Foulds, Caine and Creasy (1960) to identify punitiveness directed outward on to other people and inward on to the self; these authors devised subscales, three extrapunitive and two intropunitive, to tap various aspects of punitive expression. From the pattern of correlations between the subscales, they tentatively posited a factor of general hostility, while pointing out that the correlations were such as to indicate that the extrapunitiveness subscales were measuring something different from the intropunitiveness subscales.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
Anna Kozhevina

The article is devoted to the problem of the peculiarities of the Self-concept of officers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The concept of "self-concept of personality", as well as the peculiarities of the personality of military personnel are considered. The article presents a study aimed at identifying the features of the Self-concept of officers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. To achieve this goal, some methods were used designed to identify the features of the self-concept, to identify the features of self-attitude, self-esteem, self-esteem of the individual. An empirical study of the features of the Self-concept of officers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was conducted, and the features of the Self-concept of the personality of junior and senior officers were revealed. The analysis of the results of the study showed that the majority of the subjects of the senior officer group are characterized by a high level of self-esteem, which indicates that such officers respect themselves as a person, an individual, as a professional and continue to develop, improve in the profession, spiritually and intellectually, in the field of relationships, learn lessons from mistakes and difficult situations; positive self-attitude; high adequate self-esteem, in which people recognize adequately their dignity, they are characterized by self-confidence, determination, firmness, the ability to find and make logical decisions, implement them consistently. Most of the subjects of the junior officer group are characterized by an average level of self-esteem, which suggests that such officers tend to balance between self-esteem and self-humiliation; positive self-attitude, average adequate self-esteem.

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