scholarly journals Family Resilience from the Perspective of A.A. Bogdanov’ Organizational Theory

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 41-55
A.V. Makhnach ◽  
A.I. Laktionova

Objective. Analysis of the family resilience as its systemic characteristics from the standpoint of the organizational theory of A.A. Bogdanov. Background. The growing uncertainty of the existence of a person and a family makes such a quality as resilience in demand. The approach to the family as a system and practical work with it from the perspective of studying its resilience presupposes an emphasis not on the weakness and dysfunctionality of the family, but on those potential and real possibilities that are inherent in it. The family resilience as its systemic characteristic, depends on the balance of risk and protective factors, in the quality of which the family’s resources are considered. Family resourses are indicators of the family resilience. The resources of the nuclear family, contributing to the formation and maintenance of its resilience in wide temporal, social and cultural contexts, are gradually uniting individual resources. The process of forming the resource capacity of the family is not only their accumulation, but also the synthesis and grouping of the resources of the whole family as a system. Methodology. Organizational theory A.A. Bogdanov. Conclusions. Organizational theory A.A. Bogdanova, being a general scientific approach to the study of any system, makes it possible to analyze the family resilience as its systemic characteristics from the standpoint of the interaction of multidirectional activities mediated by differences in the understanding of family values, communication needs and organizational patterns. The joint coordinated activity of family members, leading to an increase in family resilience, is achieved with the help of certain resources.

2021 ◽  
pp. 135676672110224
Han Chen ◽  
Yan Jiao ◽  
Xiaoyi Li ◽  
Kun Zhang

The functional value experience of family tourism has often been paid attention both by tourists themselves and the tourism industry, but the individual value experience of parents in family tourism has been neglected. Family tourism shifts the scenario of interpersonal interaction between families from home, the conventional environment, to a non-conventional one. This change in the interactive situation will inevitably bring about changes in interpersonal interaction behavior and individual perception, especially to tourists who take on the role of parents in a nuclear family. This study enriches the examination of the family tourism experience by exploring the interpersonal interaction, existential authenticity travel experiences, and quality of tourist experience perceived by parents in family tourism. The main findings are: 1) In the non-conventional environment of tourism, effective interaction between tourists and their families helps to improve tourists’ emotional experience and satisfaction; 2) Three aspects of existential authenticity are the internal causes of the impact of interpersonal interaction on emotional experience and satisfaction; 3) Differences in parental roles make important discrepancies between men and women’s perception of family tourism experiences. This study provides insights to understanding the family tourism market and brings valuable findings to the area of family tourism marketing and management.

2018 ◽  
Vol 46 (4-5) ◽  
pp. 467-483
Daniel P.S. Goh

Abstract In recent years, Singapore made significant reforms towards the establishment of a dedicated family justice system, setting up the Family Justice Courts and enacting new laws to better manage the divorce process and the protection of children. Related policy changes have also been implemented to provide and support families that were previously considered non-traditional and even deviant. Rhetorically, the state, led by the long-ruling People’s Action Party, continues to champion the modern nuclear family with heterosexual marriage at its core as the normal “traditional” form of the family and the bedrock of conservative “Asian values” defining society and politics in Singapore. However, what the judiciary espouse as the new family justice paradigm and the related family justice practices, together with the shifts in social policy towards different family types, are changing the texture of the dominant conservatism rallied by “Asian values” discourse. This article locates and analyses the incipient paradigm shift in the rising pluralism of family forms and the influence of international legal developments in protecting the rights of the child and interventionist family law. By attempting to bridge the Weberian chasm of doing sociology as a vocation and doing politics as a vocation (as an opposition Member of Parliament), I show that the family justice paradigm has opened up the discursive field on the family and produce the politics of ambivalence caught between family justice and Asian family values. I argue for a relational family justice paradigm as a way to move beyond the politics of ambivalence.

2020 ◽  
Vol 37 (5) ◽  
pp. 581-591
Jia Zhou ◽  
Bin He ◽  
Yaoyu He ◽  
Wei Huang ◽  
Hongxu Zhu ◽  

Abstract Background There have been numerous measurement questionnaires to estimate the level of family resilience. However, we lack published evidence regarding the most appropriate family resilience questionnaire in different adversity domains. Objective This study critically assesses and contrasts the measurement properties of questionnaires measuring family resilience in two domains: health care domain and social domain. Methods Ten electronic databases were searched for studies concerning the establishment, adaptation or evaluation of the measurement properties of a family resilience assessment questionnaire. The methodological quality of included studies was assessed using the COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of health Measurement INstruments (COSMIN) checklist. On the basis of methodological quality and scoring criteria for the quality of questionnaires, the overall evidence of each questionnaire was rated. Results A total of 4084 initial studies were obtained, 23 of which met our inclusion criteria assessing 12 different questionnaires. The structural validity (23 studies) and internal consistency (22 studies) were the most frequently used measurement properties. Only two studies tested responsiveness, and the measurement error was not examined in any studies. The Family Resilience Assessment Scale (FRAS) and Italian version of the Walsh Family Resilience Questionnaire (Walsh-IT) showed positive evidence in health care domain. The FRAS performed well in social domain with specific adversity, and the Family Resilience Questionnaire (FRQ) received a good score in social domain without specific adversity. Conclusion For health care domain, we recommend the FRAS and Walsh-IT. For social domain with specific adversity, we recommend the FRAS questionnaire. For social domain without specific adversity, the FRQ is recommended.

1975 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-128 ◽  
Barbara N. Rodgers

ABSTRACTTo ask about a country's family policy is to ask how state action, government policies, are actually affecting families and the quality of family life – not just poor families, but all families in that country. French family policy is considered under three headings: (1) the political significance of the family in France, (2) the social security services designed to increase the economic viability of the family and to promote family welfare, and (3) the adjustment of French family policy to the changing economic situation and aspirations of ordinary families. Comparisons are drawn with British policies under each heading and the conclusion drawn that compared with Britain France has a more conscious, clearly defined concept of family policy, which finds expression firstly in statutory and voluntary institutions whose primary or even sole purpose is to promote the welfare of the family, and secondly, in a whole range of statutory benefits to which the parents of the nuclear family are entitled as of right.

2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
Pribowo . ◽  
Ade Subarkah

Abstract This research was motivated by the problem of the spread of drugs in Indonesia which is increasingly worrisome in human life, drug is not only consumed by people who are rich but has penetrated to the lower classes, including the younger generation. The spread of drug-threatening various family as the last bastion on its members to prevent it. This research aims to obtain the characteristics of the respondent, belief systems, organizational patterns, and communication processes respondent's family in facing the danger of Drug Abuse. The method used was descriptive method with quantitative approach. The research population was the head of the family that one of its members as a drug user who was in Cirebon, while the sampling technique used was purposive sampling with a set of 50 samples. Data collection techniques used consisted of: (1) observation of participation, (2) documentary study, (3) questionnaire, and (4) Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The results showed that in general respondents aged 50 years and older, less educated, lower income. The belief system of respondent families generally in category of high value (72%) means being able to face the danger of drug abuse, however there were some aspects of family belief system potentially debilitating family resilience. The pattern of family organization respondents generally categorized high value (60%) means being able to face threats from outside the family but behind the fact that there are vulnerabilities of aspects of organizational patterns that undermine family resilience. The process of family communication in general respondents scored high category (70%) means the process of communication that exists in the respondent's family was able to face a variety of dangers from outside the family. However, some aspects of the communication process could potentially weaken the resilience of families of respondents in facing threats from outside the family.Conclusion of the research that the resilience of respondent’s families could face the danger of drug abuse, however, several aspects needs to get attention because of the potential vulnerabilities that have implications for the weakening of family resilience.Keywords: Communication Process, Family Belief System, Family Resilience, Organizational Pattern Abstrak Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi adanya permasalahan penyebaran Narkotika, Psikotropika, dan Zat Adiktif (NAPZA) di Indonesia yang semakin mengkawatirkan, NAPZA tidak hanya dikonsumsi oleh orang-orang yang kaya akan tetapi sudah mengenai orang kalangan bawah termasuk para generasi muda. Penyebaran NAPZA mengancam berbagai keluarga sebagai benteng terakhir pada anggotanya untuk mencegahnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran karakteristik responden, sistem kepercayaan, pola organisasi, dan  proses komunikasi keluarga responden dalam menghadapi bahaya penyalahgunaan NAPZA. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian adalah kepala keluarga yang salah satu anggotanya sebagai pemakai NAPZA yang berada di Kabupaten Cirebon, sedangkan teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling dengan menetapkan 50 sampel. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan terdiri atas: (1) observasi partisipasi, (2) studi dokumentasi, (3) angket, dan (4) Focus Group Discution (FGD). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada umumnya responden berusia 50 tahun keatas, berpendidikan rendah, berpenghasilan rendah. Sistem keyakinan keluarga responden secara umum berkategori nilai tinggi (72%) artinya mampu menghadapi ancaman bahaya penyalahgunaan NAPZA, namun demikian terdapat beberapa aspek dari sistem keyakinan keluarga yang berpotensi melemahkan ketahanan keluarga. Pola organisasi keluarga responden secara umum berkategori nilai tinggi (60%) artinya mampu menghadapi berbagai ancaman dari luar keluarga namun dibalik fakta itu ada kerentanan-kerentanan dari aspek pola organisasi yang melemahkan ketahanan keluarga. Proses komunikasi keluarga responden secara umum memperoleh nilai berkategori tinggi (70%) artinya proses komunikasi yang terjalin dalam keluarga responden mampu untuk menghadapi berbagai macam bahaya dari luar keluarga. Namun demikian beberapa aspek dari proses komunikasi berpotensi melemahkan ketahanan keluarga responden dalam menghadapi ancaman dari luar keluarga. Kesimpulan hasil penelitian bahwa ketahanan keluarga responden mampu menghadapi bahaya penyalahgunaan NAPZA, namun demikian beberapa aspek perlu mendapat perhatian karena berpotensi mengalami kerentanan sehingga berimplikasi pada melemahnya ketahanan keluarga. Kata kunci: Communication Process, Family Belief Systems, Ketahanan Keluarga, Organizational Patterns

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 159-172
Lutfi Amalia

Today's family character is well known as millennial family because the family social environment in globalization era tends to use technology as supporting tools for daily activities such as using internet-connected smartphones to communicate between family members with social media (WhatsApp, Line, Instagram, Facebook, etc.) and to access the latest information available from all parts of the world. Patterns of family life that change because of the ease of accessing information in the use of technology raises the challenges of life that increasingly heavily in family life. Therefore, this study aims to determine the assessment of family resilience to millennial families in the era of globalization as one of the foundations of national resilience. The research method uses quantitative research to determine the assessment of family resistance to millennial families in the era of globalization. Participants in this study amounted to 115 families consisting of 47 husband respondents and 68 wife respondents. The indicators of family resilience based on family values ​​and functions are divided into three categories: physical resilience, social resilience and psychological resilience. Based on the results of the research, family resilience of millennial generation is considered quite strong because it is in the range of 67% between 88.5%. This is because millennial family generation is still running the value and family functions that become indicators of family resilience in order to create harmony and resilience in the family.   Abstrak Karakter keluarga saat ini lebih dikenal dengan keluarga generasi millennial karena lingkungan sosial keluarga di era globalisasi saat ini, cenderung menggunakan teknologi sebagai alat penunjang kegiatan sehari-hari seperti menggunakan smartphone yang terkoneksi dengan internet untuk berkomunikasi antar anggota keluarga dengan media social (WhatsApp, Line, Instagram, Facebook, dll) dan untuk mengakses informasi terbaru yang ada dari seluruh belahan dunia. Pola kehidupan keluarga yang berubah karena adanya kemudahan mengakses informasi dalam penggunaan teknologi menimbulkan tantangan hidup yang semakin berat dalam kehidupan berkeluarga. Oleh karena itu suatu keluarga perlu mempertahankan nilai dan fungsi keluarga yang menjadi indicator ketahanan suatu keluarga. Karena ketahan keluarga akan menggambarkan kualitas kepribadian dan pola perilaku anggota keluarga dalam berinteraksi dan bersosialisasi dengan masyarakat. Indikator ketahanan keluarga berdasarkan nilai dan fungsi keluarga dibedakan menjadi tiga kategori yaitu ketahanan fisik, ketahanan social dan ketahanan psikologis. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ketahanan keluarga generasi millenial dinilai cukup kuat karena berada pada kisaran 67% antara 88.5%. Hal tersebut dikarenakan keluarga generasi millennial masih menjalankan nilai dan fungsi keluarga yang menjadi indicator ketahanan keluarga agar dapat tercipta keharmonisan dan ketahanan dalam keluarga. Kata kunci: ketahanan keluarga, keluarga generasi millennial

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 32
Dwi Fathun Ary Halawati ◽  
Henni Kusuma

AbstrakTerapi hemodialisis tidak hanya memberikan masalah pada pasien, namun juga memberikan dampak pada kehidupan keluarga pasien. Tekanan yang dihadapi oleh keluarga menyebabkan stres yang cukup berat, sehingga resiliensi keluarga menjadi sangat dibutuhkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat gambaran resiliensi keluarga yang meliputi system keyakinan, pola organisasi keluarga dan komunikasi antar unit keluarga dalam merawat pasien hemodialisis di Kota Semarang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif fenomenologi dengan metode indepht interview. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah keluarga pasien hemodialisis yang didapatkan dengan purposive sampling. Data yang dikumpulkan berupa hasil rekaman wawancara dan catatan lapangan yang dianalisis dengan metode analisa Colaizzi. Penelitian ini menghasilkan bahwa resiliensi keluarga bergantung pada sumber-sumber daya yang ada untuk digunakan dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan pasien penyakit ginjal kronik. Keluarga dianggap resilien jika mampu beradaptasi dan mencapai keseimbangan dalam keluarga, sehingga untuk mewujudkan resiliensi keluarga dibutuhkan peran aktif setiap anggota keluarga dalam memberikan perawatan pada pasien. Dukungan perawat juga diperlukan, diharapkan perawat melakukan skrining awal dan memberikan konseling pada keluarga pasien. Kata Kunci: resiliensi, keluarga, hemodialisis AbstractDescription of family resilience which includes belief systems, family organizational patterns and communication between family units in treating hemodialysis patients. Hemodialysis therapy not only gives problems to patients, but also has an impact on the patient's family life. The pressure faced by the family causes considerable stress, so the resilience of the family becomes urgently needed. This study aims to look at description of family resilience which includes belief systems, family organizational patterns and communication between family units in treating hemodialysis patients in Semarang City. This study uses qualitative phenomenological method with indepth interview method. The informants in this study were families of hemodialysis patients who were obtained by purposive sampling. Data collected in the form of interview records and field notes were analyzed by Colaizzi analysis method. This study resulted in family resilience depending on available resources to be used in solving the problems of patients with chronic kidney disease. The family is considered resilient if it is able to adapt and achieve balance in the family, so to realize family resilience it takes an active role for each family member in providing care to patients. Nurse support is also needed, it is hoped that nurses conduct initial screening and provide counseling to the patient's family. Keywords: resilience, family, hemodialysis

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 173
Antônio Augusto Dall'Agnol Modesto ◽  
Cristal Oliveira Moniz de Aragão

Pets have become members of the families who adopt them, and the illness of a family member is known to impact the life of the family. Epilepsy is less common in cats than in dogs but is one of the major neurological manifestations in these animals and may be a model for discussing the impacts that chronic illness of a domestic animal brings to the family. The objective of this paper is to discuss family resilience – the ability of the family to adapt to cope with crises – from the case report of a cat with epilepsy, cared for by the authors, a family physician and a social psychologist. This experience inspired them to bring to the veterinary field some concepts and devices from their areas of knowledge. After an exposition of the clinical case and the feelings aroused in the couple, elements of illness in a family and the domains of family resilience to be considered in the care of animals with chronic diseases (belief system, organizational patterns and communication capacity) are discussed, and some interventions that can be applied in veterinary care are indicated. This exchange of knowledge will help caregivers and veterinarians have a better experience when handling chronic illness, as they deal with its family impacts more properly and hopefully.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 74
Atik Triratnawati

COVID-19 pandemic affects people's lives on all fronts. PLWHA is one of the vulnerable and marginalized communities affected by COVID- 19. They  needs the help of families to support their lives who are always faced with physical, mental, social (stigma and discrimination) and economic problems.This article aims to analyze the Javanese families recilience  in helping family members who were PLWHA during the COVID- 19 pandemic. Ethnographic research conducted in DIY in 2020 among PLWHAs through online and offline focus group discussion and offline as well as offline interviews of 10 members of PLWHA family.The economic and social fuction of Javanese nuclear family extend to extended family.  Among PLWHA believe that the family is a physical and mental remedy for their lives.Not only nuclear family but also extended family assistance in both material and non-material are able to make survival in the COVID-19 pandemic.Although ODHA families are also affected by COVID- 19, but the spirit of gotong royong helps the weak, the compassion between the healthy and the sick continues to build. The COVID-19 pandemic has strengthened the kinship between them. The help provided by the nuclear and extended families to ODHA is positive because it will break the chain of stigma and discrimination. Through family support and assistance to ODHA self-acceptance, quality of life and family acceptance will continue to increase.

2020 ◽  

The issue “Family and Family Values in the Slavic and Jewish Cultural Tradition” of the annual “Slavic and Jewish Culture: Dialogue, Similarities, Differences” includes the papers of the international conference “The Concept of Family in the Slavic and Jewish Cultural Tradition” held in Moscow on January 29–31, 2020. The book includes 16 articles by scholars from Russia, Germany, Latvia, who devoted their research to the peculiarities of functioning of the nuclear family in different cultural environments, in traditional society, as well as in the modern world against the background of globalization processes. Based on historical, literary, folklore and visual sources, the authors consider family values, family roles and their implementation in rituals, initiation and socialization rites, conflicts and dialogue of generations in the family culture of Slavs and Jews, family law, the impact of assimilation and acculturation on the traditional family.

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