scholarly journals Pemanfaatan Ekstrak Buah Karamunting (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa) Sebagai Pewarna Alami dan Sumber Antioksidan Pada Kue Mangkok

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-57
Hotman Manurung ◽  
Rosnawyta Simanjuntak ◽  
Romauli N D M

Abstrak. Kue mangkok yang beredar di pasar menggunakan pewarna sintetik dan tidak mengandung senyawa aktiv yang berfungsi sebagai antioksidan. Karamunting mempunyai warna ungu yang menarik dan kaya antioksidan. Penelitian dilakukan untuk memanfaatkan ekstrak buah karamunting sebagai pewarna alami, sumber antioksidan dan pengaruhnya terhadap karakteristik mutu kue mangkok. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode ekperimental dengan perlakuan: Konsentrasi ekstrak buah karamunting:  0; 2,5; 5,0; 7,5; dan 10,0% (b/b).  Parameter penelitian: daya antioksidan (IC50) ppm, volume spesifik (mL/g), total padatan terlarut (oBrix), derajat putih (%) dan uji kesukaan terhadap rasa dan warna. Penelitian dilakukan dengan 3 ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peningkatan jumlah ekstrak buah karamunting  dapat menurunkan IC50 secara nyata dari 83,935ppm menjadi 66,10ppm. Kesukaan terhadap warna meningkat dari 2,98 (tidak suka) menjadi 4,88 (mendekati sangat suka), sedangkan derajat putih menurun dari 62,5% menjadi 52,34%. Volume spesifik, total padatan terlarut dan kesukaan rasa tidak terpengaruh. Ekstrak buah karamunting dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber antioksidan dan meningkatkan kesukaan warna kue mangkok.Utilization of Karamunting Fruit Extract (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa) as a Natural Colorant and Source of Antioxidants in CupcakesAbstract. In the market, many food products such as cupcakes used synthetic food colors and do not obtained active compounds that function as antioxidants. Karamunting fruit has an attractive natural purple color and rich in antioxidants. The objectives of this research were to utilize the extract of karamunting fruit as a natural food colorant which possess potent antioxidant and to determine the effect of karamunting fruit on the quality characteristics of cupcakes. This research was carried out using five concentration of karamunting fruit extract (0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5 and 10.0%). Cupcakes samples were analysed for the IC50 value of antioxidant activity, specific volume (mL/g), total soluble solids (oBrix), whiteness value (%) and consumer preference test (taste and color). All experiments were carried out in triplicate. Karamunting fruit extract was significantly decreased  the IC50 value from 83.935 ppm to 66.10ppm. For cupcake’s color of consumer evaluation, the score increased from 2.98 (dislike a little) to 4.88 (near like a lot), while whiteness value decreased from 62.5% to 52.34%. Generally, specific volume, total soluble solids, and taste of cupcakes were not significantly affected by Karamunting fruit extract. Karamunting fruit extract can be used as a source of antioxidants and increase the cupcake’s color of consumer’s acceptability.

HortScience ◽  
1997 ◽  
Vol 32 (3) ◽  
pp. 434B-434
Paul Wiley ◽  
Carlos H. Crisosto ◽  
R. Scott Johnson ◽  
Harry Andris

Fruit quality, storage potential, and consumer acceptance were evaluated for `Elegant Lady' peach fruit from non-conventional and conventional fertilizer management systems. Conventional treatments were fertilized with synthetic sources of nitrogen (ammonium nitrate), while the non-conventional plots received organic sources of nitrogen such as vetch cover, biosolids compost, grass compost, chicken manure, or steer manure. Fertilization treatments were applied at high (300 N unit per acre) and low rates (100 N unit/acre) 2 years before the first postharvest evaluation. Evaluations were carried out for three seasons. There were no significant differences in fruit firmness (N) measured at different fruit positions, soluble solids concentration (%), pH, titratable acidity (% malic acid), water loss susceptibility (%), rate of softening, red color (%), or inking incidence. The incidence of flesh browning, mealiness, and flesh bleeding was only related to storage time and not to the fertilizer source. Therefore, the storage potential was not affected by the nitrogen fertilizer source. In our in-store consumer preference test during the 1995 season, 950 consumers did not perceive any taste differences between fruit from the different nitrogen fertilizer sources. Despite this, consumers still would prefer to buy fruit produced using an organic source of nitrogen rather than synthetic sources.


Este trabalho teve por objetivo a avaliação físico-química e sensorial de diferentes albedos cítricos, processados de maneira artesanal na forma de compotas e de produtos cristalizados. As compotas analisadas apresentaram diferença significativa, principalmente, nos valores de pH, sólidos solúveis totais e vitamina “C”. Nos produtos cristalizados, as principais diferenças ocorreram nos teores de sólidos solúveis totais, acidez total titulável e vitamina “C”. Nos testes de preferência, tanto a compota quanto o produto cristalizado, elaborados com o albedo de Citrus karnas atingiram maiores médias. Conclui-se que a elaboração de compostos com albedos críticos exige que as matérias-primas sejam testadas, pois respondem de maneiras diferentes quando submetidas ao mesmo processo. Dentre as espécies estudadas, os albedos de Citrus karnas obtiveram melhor desempenho nos testes sensoriais e exigiram menor tempo de secagem. A manutenção dos albedos durante quatro dias em solução de NaCl não foi suficiente para a remoção de naringina, sendo necessário prolongar ou revisar essa etapa do processo. A opção pela fermentação como pré-tratamento das cascas poderá conferir ao produto cristalizado textura mais macia. STUDY OF CRYSTALLIZED FRUITS AND PRESERVES ELABORATED WITH DIFFERENT CITRIC ALBEDOS Abstract This work had as objective the physical-chemical and sensorial evaluation of different citric albedos, processed in a crafty matter, in the form of fruit preserves and of dried crystallized products. The analyzed fruit preserves presented significant difference, mainly, in the pH values, total soluble solids and vitamin “C”. In the crystallized products, the main differences occurred in the contents of total soluble solids, total titratable acidity and vitamin “C”. In the preference test, the fruit preserve as well as the crystallized products elaborated with Citrus karnas albedo, reached the highest averages. In conclusion, there is a need to test raw materials once they respond differently when submitted to the same process. Among the studied species, the albedos of Citrus karnas obtained better acting in the sensorial tests for fruit preserves and crystallized products. Besides it requests smaller drying time. The maintenance of the albedos for four days in NaCl solution was not enough for the naringina removal, being necessary to prolong or to revise that stage of the process. The option for the fermentation as pre-treatment of the peels can confer to the crystallized product softer texture.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 111 ◽  
Low Pinn Yee ◽  
Than Chin Ping ◽  
Lim Pek Kui ◽  
Chan Sook Wah

Background: Confectionary products meet the important consumers’ need states of fun and enjoyment, especially among children. Synthetic colourant had been applied as a colouring agent in confectionery products for decades, however various adverse health effects have been reported after consumption. Hence, usage of natural colourant has increased enormously as it confers functional and nutraceutical benefits. Red pitaya, a common and popular fruit cultivated in South-east Asian countries. It is rich betacyanin content that gives the fruit a red-violet colour. Hence, red pitaya is a potential source of natural colorant as an alternative to the synthetic colorant.Objective: This research was aimed to produce fruit pastille with red pitaya powder applied as a natural colourant.Method: Production of red pitaya powder was achieved through spray drying process. Fruit pastille was prepared and subjected to antioxidant, stability and sensory analysis.Results: The Physicochemical study showed that pastille incorporated with red pitaya powder exhibited significantly (p<0.05) higher antioxidant properties than the blank pastille (control). An eight weeks storage stability study revealed that betacyanin content of pastille incorporated with pitaya powder remained stable for the first four weeks of storage. Besides, no significant change was observed in redness (a*) of pastille throughout the storage study. Sensory study was carried out to assess the consumer preference on pastille incorporated with pitaya powder and synthetic colourant. Colour attribute of pastille incorporated with red pitaya powder has gained significantly (p<0.05) higher liking that the one added with synthetic colour.Conclusion: Red pitaya powder could be a potential natural colourant for gummy confectionery.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-105
Makful Makful ◽  
Kuswandi Kuswandi ◽  
Sahlan Sahlan ◽  
Mega Andini

Hybrid breeding of watermelon has led to the formation of high-yielding varieties. The objectives of the research were to determine the performance of hybrid watermelon of the Indonesian Tropical Fruit Research Institute (ITFRI) collection and to evaluate the superiority of each hybrid. The research has been conducted at Sumani Experimental Garden, ITFRI, Solok, West Sumatera, from April to July 2016. The material used consisted of 19 cross combinations. The data from this descriptive study were presented in the form of averages and pictures. The results showed that the hybrids that were tested showed diversity in size, fruit skin color, flesh color, skin thickness and fruit sweetness. Hybrids with three excellent characters, i.e. medium fruit weight, high total soluble solids (TSS) value, and moderate rind thickness, were not yet obtained. Hybrids that had the superiority in term of sweet taste and shelf life were BT1 × SGP, BT4 × BT4P, BT5 × BT4, BT6 × SGP and SGP × BT6. Keywords: hybrid, performance, total soluble solids, watermelon   ABSTRAK Pemuliaan hibrida pada semangka mengarah kepada pembentukan varietas berdaya hasil tinggi. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui keragaan hibrida semangka koleksi Balitbu Tropika dan untuk mengevaluasi keunggulan masing-masing hibrida Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Sumani, Balitbu Tropika, Solok, Sumatera Barat, dari bulan April sampai dengan Juli 2016. Materi yang digunakan terdiri dari 19 kombinasi persilangan. Data hasil penelitian deskriptif ini ditampilkan dalam bentuk rataan dan gambar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hibrida yang diuji memiliki keragaman dalam ukuran, warna kulit buah, warna daging buah, ketebalan kulit buah dan kemanisan. Belum ditemukan hibrida yang memiliki tiga karakter unggul, yang terdiri dari bobot buah sedang, total padatan terlarut (total soluble solid) tinggi, dan kulit buah agak tebal. Hibrida yang memiliki keunggulan berupa rasa manis dan tahan simpan adalah BT1 × SGP, BT4 × BT4P, BT5 × BT4, BT6 × SGP dan SGP × BT6. Kata kunci: hibrida, keragaan, semangka, total padatan terlarut

N. S. Levgerova ◽  
Е. S. Salina ◽  
I. А. Sidorova

The results of the technological assessment of new apple, cherry, black currant, red currant and gooseberry cultivars of VNIISPK breeding for the suitability for the natural food production are given. As a result, the cultivars that are promising for cultivation in raw plantings have been selected. For the production of raw materials in the juice industry, apple cultivars with a high juice yield and content of soluble solids higher than 10.0% were selected: ‘Bolotovskoye’ (Vf), ‘Candil Orlovsky’ (Vf), ‘Osipovskoye’ (3x), ‘Rozhdestvenskoye’ ((Vf + 3x), ‘Zaryanka’ (Vm), ‘Priokskoye’ ((Vf + Co), etc. Based on the long-term study of cultivars for their suitability for compote, jam and jelly, the cultivars that are most suitable for these types of processing are identified. It has been found that taking into account the daily needs of vitamins C and P as the most important antioxidants, all processed products from black currant can serve as their sources, all processed products from cherries, as well as apple juice and gooseberry marmalade can serve as a source of P-active compounds. All columnar apple cultivars as well as ‘Bolotovskoye’, ‘Rozhdestvenskoye’, ‘Veteran’, ‘Imrus’, etc. show high suitability for the production of apple chips. Cherry cultivars ‘Rovesnitsa’, ‘Putinka’, ‘Podarok Uchitelyam’ and ‘Novella’ are suitable for dried fruit. Based on the long-term studies of the technological qualities of the VNIISPK gene pool, a new generation assortment has been formed that has an optimal combination of chemical and technological indicators of fruits that meet modern technological requirements and are suitable for cultivation in the raw plantations of Central Russia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Lusiana Dian Anjarsari ◽  
Dwi Aditiyarini ◽  

Lipstick is one kind of cosmetics which is used as lips colorant to increase self-confidence. Nowadays, lipsticks from natural source is popular to reduce the negative impact of chemical compound or synthetics colorant in lipstick intensively for health. Super red dragon fruit is one kind of natural ingredients which can be used as colorant for lipstick. Moreover, this fruit is rich of antioxidant and antibacterial component that is good for skin health. In this research, extract of super red dragon fruit flesh was added in the lipstick during preparation with variation of concentration 0, 10, 20, 30 and 40%. Antioxidant analysis resulted the IC50 value in 81.55% indicating the strong antioxidant properties. Furthermore, the concentration of dragon fruit extract 40% was able to inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria.

Processes ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 3
Norazlin Abdullah ◽  
Nyuk Ling Chin

Extraction of tropical fruit juice using simple, efficient, and environmentally friendly technologies is gaining importance to produce high quality juices. Juice from pink-fleshed guava, pink-fleshed pomelo, and soursop was extracted using direct and indirect thermosonication methods by varying intensity, time, and temperature, and compared to those extracted using water bath incubation. Improvised models of juice yield, ascorbic acid, and total soluble solids responses were generated by eliminating insignificant model terms of the factors in full quadratic model using backward eliminating procedure. Main effects, 3D, or 4D plots for each response were developed based on factors that influenced the response. Results showed that the best extraction method for guava and pomelo juices were within indirect thermosonication method of 1 kW, 55 °C and 30 min, and 2.5 kW, 54 °C and 23 min, respectively. Direct thermosonication method at 10% amplitude, 55 °C for 2 to 10 min was more suitable for soursop juice. Thermosonicated extraction of tropical fruit juice can improve its juice yield, ascorbic acid content, and total soluble solids content.

Antioxidants ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 820
José M. Lorente-Mento ◽  
Fabián Guillén ◽  
Salvador Castillo ◽  
Domingo Martínez-Romero ◽  
Juan M. Valverde ◽  

The effect of melatonin pomegranate tree treatments on fruit quality and bioactive compounds with antioxidant activity at harvest and during storage at 10 °C for 60 days was assayed in two consecutive years, 2019 and 2020. In the first year, trees were treated with 0.1, 0.3 and 0.5 mM of melatonin along the developmental fruit growth cycle, and results showed that bioactive compounds (total phenolics and total and individual anthocyanins) and antioxidant activity at harvest were higher in fruits from melatonin-treated trees than in controls. Other fruit quality parameters, such as firmness, total soluble solids and aril red colour, were also increased as a consequence of melatonin treatment. In fruit from control tress, firmness and acidity levels decreased during storage, while increases occurred on total soluble solids, leading to fruit quality reductions. These changes were delayed, and even maintenance of total acidity was observed, in fruit from melatonin-treated trees with respect to controls, resulting in a fruit shelf-life increase. Moreover, concentration of phenolics and anthocyanins and antioxidant activity were maintained at higher levels in treated than in control fruits during the whole storage period. In general, all the mentioned effects were found at the highest level with the 0.1 mM melatonin dose, and then it was selected for repeating the experiment in the second year and results of the first year were confirmed. Thus, 0.1 mM melatonin treatment could be a useful tool to enhance aril content on bioactive compounds with antioxidant activity and health beneficial effects and to improve quality traits of pomegranate fruit, at harvest and during postharvest storage.

Molecules ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 297
Ana Belén García ◽  
Eleonora Longo ◽  
Mª Carmen Murillo ◽  
Ruperto Bermejo

Nowadays, there is a growing interest in finding new coloring molecules of natural origin that can increase and diversify the offer of natural food dyes already present in the market. In the present work, a B-phycoerythrin extract from the microalgae Porphyridium cruentum was tested as a food colorant in milk-based products. Using spectroscopy and colorimetry, the extract was characterized and gave evidence of good properties and good stability in the pH range between 4.0 and 9.0. Coloring studies were conducted to demonstrate that samples carrying the pink extract could be used for simulating the pink color of marketed milk-based products. The staining factors, representing the amount of pink protein to be added to reproduce the color of strawberry commercial products, ranged between 1.6 mg/L and 49.5 mg/L, being sufficiently low in all samples. Additionally, color stability during a short period of cold storage was studied: it demonstrated that the three tested types of dairy products remained stable throughout the 11-day analysis period with no significant changes. These results prove the potential of the B-phycoerythrin extract as a natural colorant and alternative ingredient to synthetic coloring molecules.

Agronomy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 803
Elia Nora Aquino-Bolaños ◽  
Alma Karina Garzón-García ◽  
Jimena Esther Alba-Jiménez ◽  
José Luis Chávez-Servia ◽  
Araceli Minerva Vera-Guzmán ◽  

The green bean is an important crop worldwide, because it is rich in protein, dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals, as well as bioactive compounds that provide it with important functional properties; however, the composition of many landraces is still unknown. The purpose of this project was to characterize Phaselus vulgaris and coccineus L. landrace green beans on pH, titratable acidity, total soluble solids, total sugars, color parameters, total phenols, monomeric anthocyanins, and in vitro antioxidant activity (DPPH and FRAP). Regarding the content of total sugars, differences were registered between both species, as opposed to results observed in total soluble solids. Color parameters showed higher reddish tones for P. vulgaris landraces, though P. coccineus had a higher total phenolic content, especially the reddish landraces, which correlated directly to a higher antioxidant activity by DPPH and FRAP. In the protein content, the species P. vulgaris registered the highest content. These results could contribute to a greater use and even promote the genetic improvement of the outstanding pods that serve as one of the main food products in rural regions for higher benefits.

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