scholarly journals Ecological Literacy Siswa SMA Adiwiyata dan Non Adiwiyata

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 499
Rahmadiani Rahmadiani ◽  
Sugeng Utaya ◽  
Syamsul Bachri

<pre><strong>Abstract:</strong> This study aims to compre the ecological literacy of students in adiwiyata and non adiwiyata schools. This study uses a quantitative approach. The sample in this study was grade XI students at SMAN 2 Malang, SMAN 4 Malang and SMAN 9 Malang. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling. Data analysis using one-way ANOVA test analiysis. This study obtained results: (1) there are differences in environmental knowledge in adiwiyata and non adiwiyata high schools, (2) there are differences in environmental care attitudes of students in adiwiyata and non adiwiyata high schools, and (3) there are no differences in students’ skills in preventing environmental damage in adiwiyata and non adiwiyata high school</pre><strong>Abstrak:</strong><em> </em>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan <em>ecologoical literacy </em>siswa pada sekolah adiwiyata dan non adiwiyata. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Sampel pada penelitian ini siswa kelas XI di SMAN 2 Malang, SMAN 4 Malang dan SMAN 9 Malang. Teknik penentuan sampel menggunakan <em>purposive sampling</em>. Analisis data menggunakan analisis uji <em>anova </em>satu jalur (<em>one way anova</em>). Penelitian ini memperoleh hasil (1) terdapat perbedaan pengetahuan lingkungan pada SMA adiwiyata dan non adiwiyata, (2) terdapat perbedaan sikap peduli lingkungan siswa pada SMA adiwiyata dan non adiwiyata, dan (3) tidak terdapat perbedaan keterampilan sis

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 84-91
Andri Tria Raharja ◽  
Nanda Alfian Mahardhika ◽  
Jeane Betty Kurnia Jusuf ◽  
Julianur Julianur ◽  
Januar Abdilah Santoso

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk tingkat efektivitas penggunaan macromedia flash 8 terhadap hasil belajar materi penyakit menular seksual di SMA Negeri 1 Loa Kulu. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan kuantitatif. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah posttest-only control design. Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah One way anova. Subyek uji coba diambil menggunakan purposive sampling. Tempat penelitian dibatasi pada Sekolah Menengah Atas yang berada di SMAN 1 Loa Kulu dengan jumlah 60 siswa. Hasil analisis data yang diperoleh pada data uji normalitas yang didapat adalah nilai Sig. Kolmogorov-Smirnov Post Test A atau kelompok dengan menggunakan treatment = 0,087 dan Sig. Kolmogorov-Smirnov Post Test B atau kelompok tidak menggunakan treatment = 0,068 lebih besar dari taraf uji signifikan 0,05. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa nilai berdistribusi normal. Sedangkan pada uji homogenitas nilai Sig. Post Test A dan Post Test B diketahui sebesar 0,263. Maka dapat disimpulkan data homogenitas = 0,263 > 0,05 dan nilai post test A dan post test B memiliki varian yang sama dan homogen. Setelah melakukan uji normalitas dan homogenitas, langkah selanjutnya adalah uji-F dengan one way anova. Data yang diperoleh Fhitung > Ftabel yaitu 12,64 > 4,01. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa data ada perbedaan yang signifikan. Effectiveness of the use of macromedia flash 8 on learning outcomes of students of sexually transmitted diseases in Senior high school AbstractThis study aims to determine the effectiveness of the use of macromedia flash 8 on the results of learning sexually transmitted diseases material at State Senior High School 1 Loa Kulu. This study uses a quantitative approach. The type of research used in this study was posttest-only control design. The data analysis used in this study is One way ANOVA. The subjects of the trial were taken using purposive sampling. The research location is limited to senior high schools located at SMAN 1 Loa Kulu with a total of 60 students. The results of data analysis obtained on the normality test data obtained are the Sig. Kolmogorov-Smirnov Post Test A or group using treatment = 0.087 and Sig. Kolmogorov-Smirnov Post Test B or group not using treatment = 0.068 greater than the significant test level of 0.05. Then it can be concluded that the value is normally distributed. While the test homogeneity of the Sig. Post Test A and Post Test B are known to be 0.263. Then it can be concluded that homogeneity data = 0.263> 0.05 and the post test A and post test B values have the same and homogeneous variants. After conducting the normality and homogeneity test, the next step is the F-way test with one way ANOVA. Data obtained by Fcount> Ftable is 12.64> 4.01. Then it can be concluded that the data have significant differences.

Hamidi Hamidi ◽  
A. Wahab Jufri ◽  
I Wayan Karta

This research aim to determine the effect of performance on teachers satisfaction in Public Senior High Schools in Lombok, Indonesia. This study is a quantitative study was conducted in Lombok with a population of 580 teachers. The total sample of 85 teachers was obtained by a proportional random sampling technique. Data analysis was performed by regression. The results showed that performance has an impact on teacher satisfaction. The teachers of public senior high school in Lombok will be satisfied if their performance is very good. It was concluded that one way to maintain teacher satisfaction is by improving performance

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-77
Leony Sanga Lamsari Purba ◽  
Nelius Harefa ◽  
Sali Afridika ◽  
Dera Savera ◽  

This research is a quantitative study which aims to determine the results differences of the 2nd National Chemistry Olympiad at the public and private senior high school using quizizz media. All participants of the population were sampled in the determination, the sampling technique used was saturated samples. The results of the prerequisite test on the data from this study showed that the data were normally and homogeneous. For normality and homogeneity tests, obtained sig > 0.05. Data analysis using SPSS 24, carried out One Way Anova test, obtained sig.0.01 with a significance level of 5%, these results indicate that there are differences in the results of the 2nd National Chemistry Olympiad (OKN) level is low, the public high school participants results with an average score of 59.48 and private high schools with an average score of 41.95 by utilizing Quizizz media. Keywords: Chemistry, Olympics, Learning, Quizizz

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Yuaniko Paramitra, SE., MSM.

<em>The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of green marketing on green purchase behavior. The research was conducted in an explanatory, and using quantitative. The study sample was 66 of the participants in the environmental care activities. The sampling technique used in this study is purposive sampling. The results showed that the variables of green marketing, brand image and environmental knowledge simultaneously and partially had a positive effect on green purchase behavior. While brand image and environmental knowledge variables can increase the influence of green marketing on purchasing decisions.</em>

Jurnal KATA ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 158
Heny Indriastuti Riza Fauzi ◽  
Edy Suryanto ◽  
Kenfitria Diah Wijayanti

<p align="center"><strong><em>Abstrak</em></strong><strong><em></em></strong></p><p><em>Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan (1) bentuk kohesi berita berbahasa Jawa dalam majalah Panjebar Semangat, (2) bentuk koherensi berita berbahasa Jawa dalam majalah Panjebar Semangat, dan (3) relevansi </em><em>hasil analisis  bentuk kohesi dan koherensi </em><em>sebagai bahan </em><em>pel</em><em>ajar</em><em>an</em><em> bahasa Jawa di SMP. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Data penelitian ini </em><em>berupa </em><em>data </em><em>ter</em><em>tulis berita berbahasa Jawa dalam majalah Panjebar Semangat. Sumber data penelitian adalah dokumen dan informan. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling. </em><em>P</em><em>engumpulan data </em><em>dengan cara </em><em>analisis dokumen dan wawancara. Analisis data </em><em>menggunakan teknik </em><em>analisis data interaktif</em><em>.</em><em> </em><em>Simpulan: (1) K</em><em>ohesi </em><em>berita di majalah Panyebar Semangat berbentuk </em><em>gramatikal</em><em> dan leksikal. Unsur konjugasi mendominasi dalam kohesi gramatikal dibandingkan dengan unsur </em><em>pengacuan</em><em>, </em><em>substitusi</em><em>, dan </em><em>pelesapan</em><em>; sedangkan unsur repetisi mendominasi dalam kohesi bentuk dibandingkan dengan unsur sinonimi, antonimi, kolokasi, hiponimi, dan ekuivalensi; (2) Koherensi berita di majalah Panyebar Semangat jenis hubungan sebab-akibat lebih dominan dibandingkan dengan jenis hubungan sarana-hasil, alasan-sebab, sarana-tujuan, latar-kesimpulan, syarat-hasil, parafrasis, amplikatif, aditif-waktu, indentifikasi, generik-spesifik, dan ibarat; (3) Berbagai bentuk kohesi dan jenis koherensi berita di majalah Panyebar Semangat dinilai cocok dan layak dijadikan sebagai bahan pembelajaran bahasa Jawa bagi siswa SMP, baik dilihat dari aspek bahasa, budaya, filosofis, dan kurikuler.</em><strong><em></em></strong></p><p><strong><em> </em></strong></p><p><strong><em>Kata kunci</em></strong><em>: kohesi, koherensi, berita berbahasa Jawa, </em><em>materi pembelajaran</em><em> </em><em></em></p><p align="center"><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong><strong><em></em></strong></p><p><strong><em> </em></strong><em>The purpose of this research is describe: (1) cohession aspect in Javanese news in Panjebar Semangat magazine, (2) coherence aspect in Javanese news in Panjebar Semangat magazine, and (3) their relevance as learning material of Javanese class in Junior High School. This study is a descriptive qualitative study. The data of the study using writing data form Javanese news in Panjebar Semangat magazine. </em><em>Sources of data in this study are documents and informants. Sampling technique in this research use purposive sampling. Data collection techniques are document analysis and interview. Data analysis ie interactive data analysis</em><em>. </em><em>Conclusion: (1) News cohesion in </em><em>Panjebar Semangat magazine</em><em> is grammatical and lexical. Conjugate elements dominate in grammatical cohesion compared to the elements of reference, substitution, and percolation; whereas repetition elements predominate in form cohesion compared to elements of synonymy, antonymy, collocation, hyponimi, and equivalence; (2) Coherence of news in </em><em>Panjebar Semangat magazine</em><em> of the type of causal relationship is more dominant than that of the means-of-means relationship, the causes, the means, the conclusion, the outcomes, the paradigms, the amplicatives, the additive-time, the identification, generic-specific, and like; (3) Various forms of cohesion and type of news coherence in Panyebar Semangat magazines are considered suitable and suitable as Javanese language learning materials for junior high school students, whether viewed from the aspects of language, culture, philosophy, and curricular.</em><em></em></p><p><strong><em>Keyword</em></strong><strong><em>s:</em></strong><em> </em><em>cohesion, coherence, Javanese news, learning materials</em><em></em></p>

Jurnal Ecopsy ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
Kharisma Adipura ◽  
Emma Yuniarrahmah ◽  
Sukma Noor Akbar

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian komparasi yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan regulasi diri dalam belajar berdasarkan perbedaan kelas dan jenis kelamin. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 1 Banjarmasin dan siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 7 Banjarmasin yang diambil dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan alat ukur berupa skala regulasi diri dalam belajar. Hasil analisis data menggunakan Anava dua jalur menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan regulasi diri dalam belajar pada siswa kelas akselerasi dan siswa kelas reguler dan juga tidak ada perbedaan regulasi diri dalam belajar siswa berdasarkan jenis kelamin. Kata kunci: regulasi diri dalam belajar, akselerasi, reguler, jenis kelamin. This research is a comparative study that aims to determine the differences of self regulated learning based on class and gender differences . This study population is students of national high school 1 Banjarmasin and students of national high school 7 Banjarmasin that chosen purposive sampling technique . The method to collecting data is using self regulated learning scale. The results of data analysis using anova two ways has been found that no difference of self regulated learning between class acceleration and class regular and also no differences self regulated learning of students by gender. Keywords: Self Regulated Learning, Acceleration, regular, Gender.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Yuli Fitria

Abstrak. Perilaku ketidakjujuran akademik bertentangan dengan norma, nilai pendidikan karakter serta agama. Salah satu bentuk perilaku ketidakjujuran akademik yaitu menyontek. Ironisnya pelaku penyontek tidak menyadari perilakunya sebagai kesalahan. Iklim sekolah yang kurang kondusif cenderung dipersepsikan secara negatif, diduga menjadi penyebab siswa leluasa melakukan ketidakjujuran akademik, sehingga perlu dilakukan upaya pencegahanya. Hipotesis, ada hubungan negatif significan persepsi positif terhadap iklim sekolah dengan perilaku ketidakjujuran akademik. Subjek penelitian siswa kelas XII SMAN Darul Sholah Banyuwangi sejumlah 120 siswa. Teknik sampling purposive sampling. Alat ukur menggunakan Perception School Climate Scale dan Academic Dishonesty Scale. Analisis data korelasi product moment. Hasil menunjukan bahwa terdapat hubungan negatif yang signifikan (r = -0,129, p = 0,015). Artinya, semakin positif persepsi terhadap iklim sekolah maka semakin kecil kecenderungan perilaku ketidakjujuran akademik dan sebaliknya. Pentingnya menciptakan iklim sekolah yang dipersepsikan secara positif dapat digunakan sebagai upaya mencegah terjadinya ketidakjujuran akademik seperti menyontek.Kata kunci : persepsi; iklim sekolah; ketidakjujuran akademik  Abstract. Dishonest behavior is very contrary to the norm and religion values. One of academic dishonest behavior is cheating. Unfortunately the cheaters do not realize their behavior as an error. A less conducive school climate tends to be perceived negatively and it is suspected to be the reason students are free to cheat when doing academic dishonesty, so necessary to prevent it. The subject is the XII Grade students of Darus Sholah Banyuwangi Senior High school as much 120 students. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling. Instruments used are Perception School Climate Scale and Academic Dishonesty Scale. Data analysis uses product moment correlation. Results is a significant negative (r = -0,129, p= 0,015), the more positive perception of the school climate, the smaller tendency of academic dishonesty behavior and vice versa. The importance of creating a school climate that is perceived positively can be used as an effort to prevent academic dishonesty such as cheating.Key words : perception, school climate, academic dishonesty

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Yuaniko Paramitra

<em>The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of green marketing on green purchase behavior. The research was conducted in an explanatory, and using quantitative. The study sample was 66 of the participants in the environmental care activities. The sampling technique used in this study is purposive sampling. The results showed that the variables of green marketing, brand image and environmental knowledge simultaneously and partially had a positive effect on green purchase behavior. While brand image and environmental knowledge variables can increase the influence of green marketing on purchasing decisions.</em>

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 320
Mayangsari Mayangsari ◽  
Baginda Simaibang ◽  
Mulyadi Mulyadi

This thesis is concerned with the inquiry on the correlations among self-confidence, learning motivation, and speaking ability of the eleventh grade students of State Vocational High School 1 of Talang Ubi PALI. The problem of this study is to investigate the correlations among self-confidence, learning motivation, and speaking ability. The total number of the population was 226 students. The sample for this study was 34 students taken through purposive sampling technique. Data were collected by adopting questionnaire for self-confidence and learning motivation, and a test for speaking ability. Data were analyzed by using r-Product Moment and Multiple Regression. The data analysis shows that r_yx1x2 = 0.516 with r^2= 0,267 and p-value is 0.008. This value is lower than  0.05. This is significant. So, Ha was accepted while Ho was rejected. Conclusions suggest that there are significant correlations among self-confidence, learning motivation, and speaking ability of the eleventh grade students of State Vocational High School 1 of Talang Ubi PALI.

1970 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Oyoh O ◽  
Jenita Sidabutar

Kejadian dismenorea primer di Indonesia sekitar 54,89%, sisanya 45,11% dismenorea sekunder. Dismenorea primer  pada siswi SMP X dari 35 siswi 25 siswi mengalami disminor bila haid. Salah satu pengobatan dismenorea secara non-farmakologis yaitu hipnoterapi. Hipnoterapi merupakan salah satu cara yang mudah, cepat, efektif, dan efisien dalam menjangkau pikiran bawah sadar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh hipnoterapi terhadap dismenorea pada siswi SMP. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Pre Eksperimental dengan rancangan penelitian one group pre-test-post-test. Jumlah populasi yang didapat 117 orang dan jumlah sampel yang diambil 20 orang, dengan teknik purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data diperoleh secara langsung dari responden dengan menggunakan alat ukur Verbal Descriptor Scale (VDS). Analisis data melalui dua tahapan, yaitu univariat dan bivariat dengan menggunakan uji t-dependen. Hasil penelitian didapatkan nilai rata-rata skala dismenorea sebelum diberikan intervensi adalah 6,50 dan nilai rata-rata sesudah diberikan intervensi adalah 1,35, terdapat pengaruh hipnoterapi terhadap dismenorea (t=17,596, p-value= 0,001). Hipnoterapi dapat disarankan untuk diterapkan sebagai tindakan nonfarmakologis untuk mengatasi dismenorea.Kata kunci: Dismenorea primer, hipnoterapi, SMP.Effect of Hypnotherapy on Alleviating Primary Dysmenorrhea in Junior High School StudentsAbstractThe incidence of primary dysmenorrhea in Indonesia amounts to approximately 54.89%, while another 45.11% is secondary dysmenorrhea. 25 out of 35 female students at SMP Patriot Bangsa (Patriot Bangsa Junior High School) experience primary dysmenorrhea when menstruating. One of nonpharmacological treatments for dysmenorrhea is hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy is an easy, fast, effective, and efficient way to treat dysmenorrhea by reaching the subconcious. This research aimed to identify the effect of hypnotherapy on dysmenorrhea in junior high school students. This research used a pre-experimental method with one group pretest- posttest design. The population of this research was 117 students and 20 students were chosen as sample with purposive sampling technique. Data were collected from respondents using Verbal Descriptor Scale (VDS) instrument. Data were analyzed in two steps, univariate and bivariate with t-dependent test. The results showed that the average value of dysmenorrhea before intervention is 6.5 and after intervention is 1.35. Hypnotherapy was found to have an effect on dysmenorrhea (t=17,596, p-value 0,001). It was suggested to the school that they should conduct nonpharmacological interventions such as hypnotherapy as treatment of dysmennorhea.Key words: Dysmenorrhea primer, hypnotherapy, SMP.

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