scholarly journals Derechos Sociales En Ecuador: Hacia Una Nueva Concepción En Su Tutela/Social Rights In Ecuador: New Concepción In Protección

2020 ◽  
P Mancero

La evolución de los derechos humanos y una característica importante de aquellos, en el sentido de que se encuentran en constante dinámica y movimiento, inacabados y en progresivo aparecimiento son elementos fundamentales para entender el planteamiento de una nueva visión de tutela de los denominados derechos sociales. Efectivamente los primeros derechos que fueron reconocidos como intrínsecos del ser humanos fueron los llamados Civiles y Políticos, que irrumpieron con la denominación de derechos de primera generación especialmente en la concepción europea, a los cuales en una primera fase de la evolución se los considero como las libertades públicas propiamente dichas, a ser protegidas y garantizadas por el Estado inclusive mediante acciones ante la Función Judicial. Posteriormente la realidad de la vida de los individuos en la sociedad, sus profundas injusticias materiales en cuando al goce y disfrute del trabajo, la educación, la salud, vivienda, alimentación, etc, ocasionaron que no solo la vida, libertad física, de pensamiento, opinión y otros deben ser garantizados, sino también otro aspectos de la vida material del ser humano de cuya realización depende en gran parte la dignidad de sus existencia. En este contexto es necesario plantear una nueva visión para la tutela de los denominados derechos sociales, para que sean considerados justiciables y de igual jerarquía en la práctica que los civiles y políticos, otorgándole los mismos mecanismos judiciales de protección. The evolution of human rights and an important characteristic of those, in the sense that they are in constant movement and dynamics, unfinished and in progressive appearance are fundamental elements to understand the approach of a new vision of protection of the so-called social rights. Indeed, the first rights that were recognized as intrinsic to human beings were the so-called Civil and Political, which broke with the denomination of first generation rights especially in the European conception, which in a first phase of evolution are considered as public liberties themselves, to be protected and guaranteed by the State, including through actions before the Judicial Branch. Subsequently the reality of the life of individuals in society, their profound material injustices in the enjoyment and enjoyment of work, education, health, housing, food, etc, caused that not only life, physical freedom, thinking, opinion and others must be guaranteed but also other aspects of the material life of the human being on whose realization the dignity of their existence depends to a large extent. In this context it is necessary to propose a new vision for the protection of the so-called social rights, so that they are considered justiciable and of equal hierarchy in practice than civil and political ones, granting them the same judicial protection mechanisms. Palabras clave: Tutela, Derechos Sociales, eficacia, rompimiento. Keywords: guardianship, Human rights, effectiveness, breach.

Bianca Leticia de Oliveira Tosta

RESUMEN: El trabajo aborda las sanciones inteligentes aplicadas por el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU en la lucha contra el terrorismo y tiene como objetivo analizar el impacto de aquellas en el ámbito de los derechos humanos, con énfasis en el derecho a la tutela judicial efectiva, lo que suscita complejas divergencias, cuyo análisis implica examen de cómo ocurre la articulación entre el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU y los Estados demandados por éste en la aplicación de las dichas medidas, así como cuáles son los parámetros de vinculación y limitación de estos. ABSTRACT: The work addresses the smart sanctions applied by the UN Security Council in the fight against terrorism and aims to analyze the impact of those in the field of human rights, with emphasis on the right to effective judicial protection , which raises complex divergences, whose analysis implies an examination of how the articulation between the UN Security Council and the States demanded by it in the application of these measures takes place, as well as the parameters of linkage and limitation of these. PALABRAS CLAVE: terrorismo, sanciones inteligentes, derechos humanos, tutela judicial efectiva. KEYWORDS: terrorism, smart sanctions, human rights, effective judicial protection.

2017 ◽  
Vol 44 (5) ◽  
pp. 127-144
Paul A. Chambers

The Colombian government’s noncompliance with the U.S.-Colombia Free Trade Agreement’s Labor Action Plan calls into question not only the government’s intentions but also the efficacy of human rights activism and discourse for social resistance to neoliberalism. Colombia has managed to adjust the narrative on human rights and improve its international image, paving the way for U.S. ratification of the free-trade agreement despite the fact that the human rights situation continues to be very serious. Its success in this is due to the way in which the debate on the agreement and human rights was framed—with a very narrow focus on trade unionists’ rights and a discourse that did not link civil and political rights to economic and social rights—and to the ideological affinity between neoliberalism and the dominant liberal discourse on human rights. El incumplimiento del Plan de Acción Laboral por parte del gobierno colombiano, en el marco del TLC con Estados Unidos, pone en tela de juicio no solo las intenciones del gobierno, sino la utilidad y eficacia del activismo y discurso de los derechos humanos para la resistencia social al neoliberalismo. El Estado colombiano ha logrado ajustar la narrativa sobre los derechos humanos y mejorar su imagen internacional, lo que le permitió ser “premiado” con la ratificación del TLC a pesar de que la situación de derechos humanos siguiera siendo grave. Esto se debe a la forma en que se enmarcó el debate sobre el TLC y los derechos humanos—con un enfoque demasiado restringido y un discurso que no integró los derechos civiles y políticos con los derechos económicos y sociales—y a la afinidad ideológica entre el neoliberalismo y el discurso dominante de los derechos humanos.

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 100
Paulette Andrea Henry

<p>The understanding of human rights are important to social work education and practice especially since the global definition of social work highlights the dual role of social work as a practice based profession and academic discipline emphasizing the principles of social justice, human rights, collective responsibility and respect for diversity. Concomitantly, social work education must ensure that students know and understand human rights laws especially since human rights are inherent to all human beings and are often expressed and guaranteed by international law which Governments are expected to uphold. Social workers have a commitment as duty bearers in supporting governments in the upholding of those agreements pertinent to the wellbeing of the people. Using the University of Guyana as a frame of reference this paper examined students’ knowledge on international agreements prior to leaving the University since these laws not only speak to nation states but to universal practices and many social work issues transcend borders. This paper utilized a mixed method approach to ascertain students’ awareness of international human rights laws and their perceptions on the applicability to practice. The findings show that there is limited knowledge amongst social work students on human rights covenants and conventions. This assessment is instructive to social work educators locally and internationally pointing to the need for integration into the curricula. It is imperative that generalist practitioners leave the University with a clear understanding of these laws as many practice issues are transnational. There will be the need for international social work to be a taught course for undergraduates training to become generalist practitioners.</p>

Horacio Javier Etchichury

ResumenEl texto analiza el alcance de la noción de universalidad en la titularidad de los derechos sociales contenidos en la Constitución argentina. Tras revisar la formulación de esa noción en el texto constitucional argentino y en los tratados de derechos humanos de igual jerarquía, el texto explora sus consecuencias respecto del diseño de políticas públicas, ponderando las modalidades focalizadas y condicionadas. Se propone revisar las políticas según su compatibilidad con el principio de universalidad. AbstractThe article analyzes the notion of universality in social rights entitlements under Argentina’s Constitution. After reviewing how this notion is phrased in the Constitution and binding human rights treaties endowed with constitutional rank, the article looks into the effects of universality in public policy design, implementation and appraisal. In particular, the article assesses targeted and conditional policies. Finally, the text advocates a policy revision according to consistency with the principle of universality.  

Rafael de Asís Roig

RESUMEN: En este trabajo se abordan una serie de temas que tienen que ver con el deporte y la discapacidad. Se utiliza un enfoque de derechos humanos tanto en relación con la discapacidad como en relación con el deporte, promoviendo una visión inclusiva del deporte. ABSTRACT: This paper deals with a series of topics that have to do with sport and disability. A human rights approach is used both in relation to disability and in relation to sport, promoting an inclusive vision of sport. PALABRAS CLAVE: deporte, discapacidad, inclusión, no discriminación. KEYWORDS: sport, disability, inclusion, nondiscrimination.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 115-135
Alexandre Silva Guerreiro

O conceito de humanismo passou por transformações ao longo do tempo. Desde a Grécia Antiga até a contemporaneidade, formou-se um caleidoscópio humanista que abarca significados diversos e, até mesmo, antagônicos. Este artigo propõe uma investigação sobre o humanismo, tendo como objetivo a formulação do humanismo ético para, em seguida, conectá-lo aos direitos humanos. Para isso, considera-se a contribuição de Emmanuel Lévinas (1993, 2008) no que concerne à responsabilidade pelo Outro, bem como a formulação da ética como relacional de acordo com Olinto Pegoraro (2005). A partir disso, buscamos aproximar humanismo ético e direitos humanos. No entanto, é preciso entender os direitos humanos dentro de uma perspectiva polissêmica que também marca o humanismo, trazendo para essa relação a noção de direitos humanos contra-hegemônicos, conforme proposta por Boaventura de Sousa Santos (2014). Humanismo ético e direitos humanos encontram-se no desejo de transformação da realidade a partir da reflexão e da ação. Assim, concluímos que os direitos humanos, em sua translação contra-hegemônica, com sua pulsão pela positivação de direitos e pela valorização das diferenças e da diversidade, são atravessados por um humanismo ético que está profundamente conectado com o desejo de mudança social e de responsabilidade pelo Outro, numa perspectiva levinaseana.   Del humanismo ético a los derechos humanos El concepto de humanismo ha experimentado transformaciones a lo largo del tiempo. Desde la Antigua Grecia hasta la época contemporánea, se formó un caleidoscopio humanista que engloba significados diferentes o incluso antagónicos. Este estudio propone una investigación sobre el humanismo con el objetivo de formular el humanismo ético y luego conectarlo con los derechos humanos. Para eso, consideramos la contribución de Emmanuel Lévinas (1993, 2008) con respecto a la responsabilidad para con el Otro, así como la formulación de la ética como relacional según Olinto Pegoraro (2005). A partir de esto, buscamos aunar el humanismo ético y los derechos humanos. Sin embargo, es necesario entender los derechos humanos desde una perspectiva polisémica que también marca el humanismo, trayendo a esta relación la noción de derechos humanos contrahegemónicos, como propone Boaventura de Sousa Santos (2014). El humanismo ético y los derechos humanos se encuentran en el deseo de transformar la realidad a través de la reflexión y la acción. Así, concluimos que los derechos humanos, en su traducción contrahegemónica, con su afán por la positivación de los derechos y por valorar las diferencias y la diversidad, están atravesados por un humanismo ético que está profundamente conectado con el deseo de cambio social y con la responsabilidad por el Otro, en un perspectiva levinaseana. Palabras clave: Humanismo. Ética. Lévinas. Derechos humanos.   From ethical humanism to human rights The concept of humanism has undergone transformations over time. From ancient Greece to contemporary times, a humanistic kaleidoscope was formed that encompasses different and even antagonistic meanings. This article proposes an investigation on humanism, aiming at the formulation of ethical humanism and then connecting it with human rights. For this, we consider Emmanuel Lévinas contributions (1993, 2008) regarding responsibility for the Other, as well as the notion of ethics as relational according to Olinto Pegoraro (2005). Also, we seek to bring together ethical humanism and human rights. However, it is necessary to understand human rights within a polysemic perspective that also marks humanism, bringing to this relation the notion of counter-hegemonic human rights, as proposed by Boaventura de Sousa Santos (2014). Ethical humanism and human rights come together with the desire to transform reality through reflection and action. Thus, we conclude that human rights, in their counter-hegemonic translation with their drive for positivation of rights and differences and diversity valorization are crossed by an ethical humanism that is deeply connected with the desire for social change and responsibility for the Other, in a Levinasean perspective. Keywords: Humanism. Ethic. Lévinas. Human Rights.

2017 ◽  
pp. 147-183
Jose Kuttianimattathil

O artigo aborda as relações possíveis de serem estabelecidas entre o Sistema Preventivo, como idealizado por Dom Bosco, e a Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos. O autor esclarece que não se trata de uma análise comparativa, mas de apontar como o Sistema Preventivo e a Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos se enriquecem e se apoiam. A argumentação traz ainda os desafios que o Sistema Preventivo deve enfrentar para promover, decisivamente, os direitos humanos.Palavras-chave: Sistema Preventivo. Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos. Desafios da educação.Don Bosco's educative method (Preventive System) and the tenets of the Universal Declaration of Human RightAbstractThe article discusses the possible relations between the Preventive System, as conceived by Don Bosco, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The author clarifies that this is not a comparative analysis, but aims to point out how the Preventive System and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are enriched and supported one by other. The argument also brings the challenges that the Preventive System must face to decisively promote human rights.Keywords: Preventive System. Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Education challenges.El método educativo de Don Bosco (Sistema Preventivo) y los principios básicos de la Declaración Universal De Derechos HumanosResumenEl artículo aborda las relaciones posibles de ser establecidas entre el Sistema Preventivo, como ideado por Don Bosco, y la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos. El autor aclara que no se trata de un analisis comparativo, sino de senalar como el sistema preventivo y la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos se enriquecen y se apoyan. La argumentación trae aún los desafios que el Sistema Preventivo debe enfrentar para promover, decisivamente, los derechos humanos. Palabras clave: Sistema Preventivo. Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos. Desafios educación.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 73-78
Sehrish Neik Ch ◽  
Dr. Abida Hassan ◽  
Dr. Usman Hameed

This article discovers by facilitating a brief recognition of Gender-based violence (hereinafter GBV) and its impact in society as breach of human rights which administration is abandoning for years. It’s a misery for our country to lack in making good policies regarding gender disputes and social rights related to human beings. The article reconnoitres different behaviours in which women are being victimized, degree of violence, its effect on victims and society at large. The current investigation will also covers adequacy of prevailing laws for women’s safety; acquiescence by Government and to what extent Pakistan fulfils its legal pledge related to CEDAW? Moreover flaw existing in CEDAW and Pakistan’s current debate in parliament to have new regulations in this sphere is also being discussed. In the end, suggestions and recommendations are made for Government, United Nations and Global Community for applied purpose through which women can be provided legal safeguard.

2019 ◽  
pp. 90-99
Julio Meza Díaz

El presente artículo trata sobre la función social del museo y sus acciones a favor de los derechos igualitarios de las personas con discapacidad, dentro de lo establecido por la Convención Sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad (CDPD). Los museos pueden efectivizar los derechos contenidos en el artículo 30 de la CDPD, es decir, el derecho a la accesibilidad a la cultura y a la posibilidad del desarrollo de una agencia artística.  Palabras clave: museos, discapacidad, derechos humanos, accesibilidad a la cultura, desarrollo de la agencia en el campo de la cultura.   AbstractThis paper deals with the social function of the museum and its actions in favor of the equal rights of persons with disabilities, within the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CDPD). Museums can make effective the rights contained in article 30 of the CRPD, that is, the right to access to the culture and the right to the possibility to develop an artistic agency. Keywords: museums, disability, human rights, accessibility to culture, development of the agency in the field of culture.

I. Shakhnovskaya

The article examines the main existing institutional guarantees that ensure the protection of human and civil rights and freedoms in foreign countries. Analyzed are judicial protection mechanisms, the activities of prejudicial bodies, as well as mechanisms of extrajudicial protection. The author emphasizes that the protection of human rights and freedoms is a constitutional obligation of the state. Special attention is paid to specialт mechanisms for the protection of human rights, such as the Commissioner for Human Rights, the activities of various bodies of constitutional control; indicates the importance of extrajudicial mechanisms for the protection of rights and freedoms. The author analyzes methods of direct protection of rights and freedoms, as well as the role of executive and legislative authorities as elements of indirect protection.

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