scholarly journals The Educational Philosophy of Pesantren Al-Falah and Its Contribution to Character Development

2021 ◽  
Shely Cathrin ◽  
Achmad Dardiri ◽  
Lusila Andriani Purwastuti ◽  
Petrus Priyoyuwono

Pesantren or Islamic boarding schools are religious-based educational institutions that are popular in Indonesia. Unfortunately, pesantren education patterns have not been widely studied because the pattern of education is considered different from formal education in Indonesia. Unlike pesantren, formal education only focuses on the cognitive aspects of academics and ignores the psychomotor-affective aspects. This study aimed to examine the aspects of educational philosophy that exist in the education system at the pesantren Al Falah Gorontalo and their contribution to the development of character education for middle-high school students in Indonesia. This was a philosophical research study which used the perspective of educational philosophy. A qualitative approach was employed, using the hermeneutic method, and data were collected through library research, strengthened by in-depth interviews. Interpretation, description, synthetic analysis, internal coherence, holistic, reflection, and heuristics were used. Several pedagogical aspects were found in the learning process that prevails at the Al Falah Islamic Boarding School. These are associated with the educational goals and curriculum, which involves several important streams in educational philosophy, namely essentialism, progressivism, and perennialism. The pesantren Al Falah Gorontalo also upholds several important values in the education process, including relating to religion, unity, human values, togetherness, and independence. These values can be internalized by adolescents through education and can contribute in building the character of students. Keywords: pesantren, character education, educational philosophy, values, religion

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-80
Faizal Bachrong

Pesantren is Islamic education institution that still be needed by the Ummah. The study of kitab kuning is an important element of it, and this generally tends to be stagnant, for various reasons. Therefore the study of the use of kitab kuning in pesantren is urgent. This research highlights the reality of kitab kuning study in boarding school, mainly Pondok Pesantren Hidayatullah Ternate. This is qualitative research in which the data collection techniques are interview, observation and study of documents and literature. The analysis of the data is qualitative description. The result of this research shows that Pondok Pesantren Hidayatullah Ternate, which was established in 1994, includes a combination between Islamic boarding school system and formal education units in the form of schools and madrasas. Basically the santri are lodged. The boarding school students are junior and senior high school students, both male and female. The male and female campuses are separated by a distance of about 1 km. They are all participated in tahfidz Alquran and ta’līm diniyyah. The books studied in this boarding school are limited to 5 books that outlined by the Central Executive, regarding Aqidah, Fikih, Tafsir, Sirah and Arabic. The study of these books uses lecture method and the santris only gather and heed without having the book.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (01) ◽  
Nurotun Mumtahanah ◽  
Ahmad Suyuthi

Abstract: In its development, education and educational institutions must innovate to meet the needs of changing times, the efforts of educational institutions to create and innovate become a necessity and education must be able to keep up with the times. The innovations made by educational institutions are to achieve educational goals for example the competencies that must be mastered by students. In achieving these competencies, it is required capabilities of transmitting so that these competencies could be mastered well by students. One of the educational institution innovating in education and learning is MAN I Lamongan. This research is aimed at finding out digital-based learning media innovation in the development of character education in MAN I Lamongan. Data obtained that digital-based learning media innovation in the development of character education in MAN 1 Lamongan is reflected in three parts. First, The vision and mission of MAN 1 Lamongan; second, learning process by using slides, projected dynamic visuals, prints, games, realia, positive Internet; and third, the Islamic boarding school programs (Ma'had) for male and female students that include the Adiwiyata School Program, the ISO Program, the Prodistic Program equivalent to D1 in collaboration with the Ma'had.Keywords: Innovation, learning media, digital media, character education

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 283
Wilis Werdiningsih

Character education becomes urgent considering that Indonesia has been experiencing moral degradation. The 2013 curriculum requires all subject teachers to pay more attention to the affective aspect. In Kurtilas, there is an increase in the number of hours on the subjects of PAI (Islamic education) and Budi Pekerti (Moral) in public schools. This study aims to examine the development of character values of junior high school students in the subjects of PAI and Budi Pekerti in the 2013 curriculum. A library research method was employed covering four steps, namely data collection, data reduction, inference and data analysis to extract information from various literatures related to character education, curriculum structure of PAI and Budi Pekerti at SMP level as well as the contents of character education. The results showed that there were character values on each basic competence (KD) on the subjects of PAI and Budi Pekerti. Character values included religious, discipline, tolerance, responsibility, respect, self-control and peace. The implementation could be done by designing better instructions of PAI and Budi Pekertiby choosing the right approach and method.أصبحت التربية الخلقية هامّة لما أصاب إندونيسيا من انحطاط خلقيّ.  اقتضى المنهج الدراسي 2013 جميع مدرّسي المواد الدراسية أن يهتموا أكثر بالجانب العاطفي. كانت في المنهج الدراسي 2013 زيادة ساعات أو حصص لتعليم مادة التربية الإسلامية والأخلاق في المدارس العامة. يهدف هذا البحث إلى دراسة تنمية القيم الأخلاقية لطلاب المدارس المتوسطة العامة في مادة التربية الإسلامية والأخلاق في المنهج الدراسي 2013.  استخدم الباحث منهج البحث المكتبي وهو يحتوى على أربع خطوات : جمع البيانات، وتخفيض البيانات، والاستدلال وتحليل البيانات للحصول على المعلومات من المصادر المتنوعة المتعلقة بالتربية الخلقية، وهيكل المنهج الدراسي لمادة التربية الإسلامية و الأخلاق للمدارس العامة ومضمون قيم التربية الخلقية فيه. دلت نتائج البحث على أن فيه قيم أخلاقية في كل من معايير الكفاءة في مادة التربية الإسلامية والأخلاق. وهذه القيم الخلقية منها : الدينية، والانضباط، والتسامح، والمسؤولية، وإكرام الغير، وضبط النفس وحب السلام. والتطبيق من هذا يمكن القيام به عن طريق التصميم الأجود لتعليم التربية الإسلامية والأخلاق، وهذا باختيار المدخل والطريقة المناسبين.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 100-120
Abdu Hakim ◽  
Fajri Dwi Yama

This study aims to describe the effectiveness of the unsupervised exam program through the character education of students at the Athirah Bone Islamic High School. In this study using descriptive qualitative methods, the subject of the principal's research, curriculum, class teachers, school employees and Athirah Bone Islamic High School students. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. Checking the validity of the data uses triangulation and objectivity. The results showed the effectiveness of the unsupervised exam on character education based on the hadith of Islamic Athirah Bone high school students. Through exams without supervision students have the character of Honesty, discipline, responsibility, independence, and personality.

Simone D. Holligan ◽  
Wei Qian ◽  
Margaret De Groh ◽  
Ying Jiang ◽  
Karen A. Patte ◽  

The current study investigated resilience factors influencing the associations between binge drinking and measures of educational participation among Canadian youth. Self-reported data were collected during the 2016/2017 school year from 5238 students in Grades 9 through 12 (2744 females, 2494 males) attending 14 secondary schools in Ontario and British Columbia as part of the COMPASS study. Logistic regression analyses were conducted to determine relationships between binge drinking, school connectedness and flourishing on measures of educational participation. Binge drinking was associated with increased likelihood of skipping classes, going to class without completing homework, lower Math and English scores, and having educational and/or training expectations and aspirations beyond high school only. Decreased flourishing was linked to increased likelihood of going to class with incomplete homework, lower Math and English scores, and decreased likelihood of aspiring and expecting to achieve education and/or training beyond high school only. Increased school connectedness was associated with decreased likelihood of skipping classes and going to class with incomplete homework, higher Math and English scores, and increased the likelihood of aspiring to and expecting to achieve education and/or training beyond high school only. Lower flourishing was additive in its effect on current binge drinking in negatively impacting class attendance and homework completion and academic performance, while higher school connectedness was compensatory in its effect on these outcomes. This study suggests that, for high school students who are susceptible to binge drinking, those who are more connected to school and have a higher sense of wellbeing can maintain active participation in school and achieve their educational goals.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 147 ◽  
Ahmad Syahid ◽  
H. Husni

This study aims to analyze the character values ​​in Sirah Nabawiyah Ar-Rahiq Al-Makhtum by Syafiyyurrahman al-Mubarakfuri, so that it is revealed how the character education of the Prophet Muhammad. and analyze its relevance to current educational goals. The research method used is library research, the type of research approach is deductive and the analysis method is content analysis. Data collection techniques used were library techniques. This research succeeded in proving that prophetic values ​​based on the history of the Prophet Muhammad have a strong relevance to the concept of contemporary character education. Prophetic values ​​loaded with character education in this era, especially related to religiosity, honesty, tolerance, discipline, hard work, creative, independent, democracy, curiosity, national spirit, love of the motherland, respect for achievement, friendship, love for peace , likes to read, care about the environment, care about social, and responsibility.

2018 ◽  
Vol 42 (5) ◽  
pp. 15
Ichiro Taida

The first high school student Haiku-Karuta competition was held at I-Shou University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, in May 2017. Haiku, which is a traditional Japanese cultural form, is widely known abroad, and karuta is often used in Japanese language educational institutions. Our competition event is a fusion of these two kinds of Japanese cultural traditions, i.e. haiku and karuta, and 61 high school students participated in the game. The competition contributes to the reception and diffusion of haiku and karuta in Taiwan. Also, the educational merits of the competition involve students having to concentrate on listening to and reading Japanese traditional poems. The fusion is immensely useful in learning Japanese language and culture. In this paper, we will describe the competition in detail. 2017年5月、台湾高雄の義守大学で第1回高校生俳句かるた大会が開かれた。日本の伝統文化である俳句は海外でも広く知られており、またかるたも日本語教育のなかでしばしば使われている。俳句とかるたという2 種類の日本文化を融合させた本大会に7校の高校生、61名が参加した。当該大会の教育的意義は主に以下の3つである。1. 俳句を集中して聞き、該当する札を見つけるという訓練を通じて得られる日本語能力の向上、2. 日本文化の理解の促進、3. チームワークの重要性に対する認識。また本大会の開催を通じてこれらの日本の伝統文化の受容と普及へとつながることが期待できる。本論では、この大会について詳細に報告する。この報告が俳句とかるたを用いた教育の参考例となり、台湾に限らず各国での日本語・日本文化教育がより一層充実したものになればと考えている。

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 67
Brigitta Putri Atika Tyagita

<p>This study aimed to describe the success of marketing strategies in SMA Sedes Sapientiae Jambu which is a high boarding school in Bedono, Semarang regency with its students coming from various cities in Indonesia, such as Palembang, Lampung, Jakarta, Bogor, Semarang , Yogyakarta, Bali, Makassar and Papua. The diversity of high school students Sedes Sapientiae Jambu is because<br />the success of marketing management at SMA Sedes Sapientiae Jambu Bedono, where in the executing the marketing strategy there is a special team and they did not hesitate to invite an expert in the field of marketing to teach the promotion team to do marketing. In addition, many of the activities carried out in marketing schools such as by visiting junior high schools in various regions<br />of Java and Jakarta region and made a presentation as Sedes Sapientiae Jambu students as keynote speaker, did a choir at churches, did a tty out for the junior and open house in SMA Sedes Sapientiae Jambu, besides that, establishing relationships with alumni who are in various cities in Indonesia. Data collection techniques in this research through interviews, participatory observation<br />and documentation, and data analysis performed continuously throughout the study. One of the keys of the succesful of marketing in SMA Sedes Sapientiae Jambu the activities that establish a good relationship with various secondary schools in various regions, relations with alumni, parents, committee and local residents. The evidenced of it by the increasing number of high school students in Sedes Sapientiae Jambu from year to year. In this paper the writer recommend ways of marketing carried out by SMA Sedes Sapientiae Jambu that can be applied in other schools to increase student numbers.</p>

Asnawan Asnawan

This article aimed to describe the idea of Ki Hajar Deantara and Thomas Lichona about the moral problems of today's society. Where the children’ experience moral degradation which seems increasingly out of control. This article used library research. Documentation and observation was used in collecting data. The research reveals that Ki Hajar Dewantara’s concept of education is to realize the achievement of educational goals through the Education Tripusat. According to Thomas Lickona, there are three kinds of moral knowledge that can be used when dealing with moral challenges, including moral awareness, knowing moral values, and determining perspective. Ki Hajar Dewantara argues that in order to carry out character education, understanding must be embedded, feeling something that is learned and then implementing it in real behavior. While,  Thomas Lickona stated that the emotional side of character is the same as the intellectual side, open to the development of schools and families. Three moral aspects to teach about character include conscience, empathy, and humility. Keywords: Education Character, Degradation Moral in Society

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