scholarly journals Synesthetic Associations in German and Russian Lullabies

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (2) ◽  
pp. 131-141
Anna A. Ermakova ◽  
Larisa P. Prokofyeva

The article defines a concept of synesthesia on the ground of modern outlooks about the role of intersensory associations in the minds of native speakers, it is made attempt in the identification of its role in the folklore text. It is given a characteristic of folklore text as material for phonosemantic research in the light of reflection of synesthetic elements in it, its role is underlined as carrier of soundsymbolic information. It is made complex analysis of rhythmomelodic structure of 30 lullabies in German and Russian. As part of research it was marked a predominance of dimeters both in Russian and in German texts, in particular a trochaic, as well as consecutive use of anapestic metre in Russian lullabies with an expressions of threat, intimidation. Lexical-semantic analysis allowed distinguishing the groups, where there were identified the similarities and characteristic features taking in account national culture and traditions. The analysis did not identify synesthetic trope in Russian texts, but in German lullabies there were marked few single typical phrases.

Dudok Kh.R.

The article analyzes the role of phraseological constituents in the process of replenishment in the mobile communication terminology. It is noted that phraseological units carry much more information than a single word and should be studied and taken into account in various aspects: cognitive, linguistic and cultural, functional, etc. It is argued that cognitive phraseological units as constituents of the language system are used by native speakers to describe semantic processes and states. It is proved that the deep semantic nature of phraseology has been emerged under the influence of socio-domestic, political and other social phenomena. Some constituents in the professional language through time acquire additional, situational meaning, i.e. new semantic content of constant expressions giving it a special text format. It is suggested that the semantic structure of the phraseological component in professional speech is formed by a set of its semantic elements, which are closely correlated with each other. It is stressed that the components of phraseological semantics, in turn, are divided into semantic components, semantic features that act not only as constituents of the main semantic components of phraseology, but also as a close link between them. Thus, such characteristic features of phraseological constituents as internal form, motivation, imagery, idiomaticity and stability, enable the phraseological units to create semantic transformation. It is argued that the professional language of mobile communication is filled with phraseological constituents, in which the value of the whole combination is not accurate, and sometimes not deduced from the sum of its components, or dominates the value of its components. It is concluded that phraseology is one of the inexhaustible sources of richness and expressiveness of speech, which nourishes the professional subtext of mobile communication, gives it an artistic sounding, filled with components of lexical and syntactic sophistication and completeness. We may sum up that the phraseological constituent is a productive semantic and stylistic means, so metaphor and metonymy are used in various spheres of language, the terminology of mobile communication in particular.Key words: phraseological constituents, internal form, meanings, sences, concept, idiomaticity, metaphor, metonymy. У статті проаналізовано роль фразеологічних конституентів у процесі поповнення терміносистеми мобільний зв’язок. Зазначено, що фразеологізми мають набагато більше інформації в порівнянні з окремим словом та їх слід вивчати й враховувати в різних аспектах: когнітивному, лінгвокультурологічному, функціональному тощо. Стверджується, що когнітивно фразеологічні одиниці як конституенти мовної системи використовуються носіями мови для опису смислових процесів і станів. Доведено, що глибинна семантична природа фразеологізмів полягає в тому, що під впливом соціально-побутових, політичних та інших суспільних явищ деякі конституанти у фаховій мові із часом набувають додаткового, ситуативного смислу, тобто нового смислового наповнення сталим висловам надає спеціальний текстовий форматив. Висунуто припущення, що семан-тичну структуру фразеологічного компонента у фаховому мовленні формує сукупність його семантичних елементів, що знаходяться між собою в тісних кореляціях. Розвинуто думку, що складові частини фразеологічної семантики своєю чергою розчленовуються на семантичні компоненти, семантичні ознаки, що виступають не тільки як конституенти основних семантичних складових частин фразеологізму, але і як тісна сполучна ланка між ними. Таким чином, такі характерні риси фразеологічних конституентів, як внутрішня форма, мотивованість, образність, ідіоматичність і стійкість уможливлюють здатність фразеологізмів до семантичної трансформації. Аргументовано, що фахова мова мобільного зв’язку наповнена фразеологічними конституентами, в яких значення цілого сполучення не точне, а іноді й зовсім не виводиться із суми складових компонентів або домінує над значенням складових частин. Зроблено висновок, що фразеологізми є одним із невичерпних джерел багатства й виразності мовлення, які живлять фахову підмову мобільного зв’язку, надають їй художнього зву-чання, наповнюють компонентами лексичної та синтаксичної витонченості й завершеності. Підсумовано, що фразеологічний конституент є продуктивним семантико-стилістичним засобом, так само як і метафора, метонімія, які використовується в різних сферах мови, зокрема терміносистеми мобільного зв’язку.Ключові слова:фразеологічні значення, внутрішня форма, значення, смисли, концепт, ідіоматичність, метафора, метонімія.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 38-47
Dmytro Danylchuk ◽  

The article presents one of the manifestations of the socio-communicative function of urbanonymy, namely the symbolic role of renaming in the context of foreign policy. The purpose of this article is to establish and describe the signs of foreign policy démarches or similar symbolic acts in renaming (changes in urbanonymy, renominations). To achieve this goal, the author does the lexical-semantic analysis of the concept ‘démarche’ using the induction and deduction methods; the features of démarche were found in certain types of urban renaming of the new period, recorded in the mass media. Finally, with the help of the induction and generalization methods, seven basic criteria for the presence of démarche features in renaming acts are formulated. Materials of the research were presented at the International Scientific-Practical Conference «Language. Society. Journalism» (Kyiv, November 02, 2018).

2020 ◽  
Vol 210 ◽  
pp. 15001
Elena Shimko ◽  
Galina Korotkova ◽  
Nina Rudneva ◽  
Elena Yashina

The article deals with the methodological research problems of Romano-Germanic philology as in the case of lexical-semantic explication of German and Russian nominations “husband”, “spouse” from the viewpoint of the comparative ethno-linguistic analysis. Comparative ethno-linguistic description of the lexical units in the article is carried out according to the methods of the ethno-semantic analysis, which makes it possible to correlate the word definition with the life of a certain group of people. The aim of the methodology is to find out the universal and specific national characteristics of the lexical units in the German and Russian worldview, mental schemes and ethno-mental world of the native speakers.

Uliana Ulyanova

Введение. Работа посвящена выявлению и анализу коллокаций в новой жанровой разновидности инструкции по эксплуатации For Dummies. Актуальность данного исследования определяется возрастающим интересом к изучению функционально-речевого аспекта языка в целом, а также отсутствием специальных исследований типов коллокаций в новых видах инструкций. Цель работы состоит в определении типов коллокаций, их семантики и функции в текстах новых инструкий по эксплуатации (на примере инструкции For Dummies). Материал и методы – функционально-семантический анализ. Материалом исследования послужили тексты инструкции «для чайников» (For Dummies). Результаты и обсуждение. Анализ показал, что новые инструкции отличаются от традиционных инструкций по эксплуатации с использованием экспрессивных и окказиональных коллокаций. Наличие узуальных и терминологических коллокаций, с одной стороны, сближает новые инструкции с традиционными инструкциями по эксплуатации. С другой стороны, функционирование окказиональных и экспрессивных коллокаций в тексте For Dummies кардинально отличает данные инструкции от стандартных инструкций и руководств по эксплуатации. Особое внимание уделяется определению типа лексико-семантического нарушения в окказиональных коллокациях. Результаты анализа показали, что в инструкции For Dummies функционируют окказионализмы, созданные на основе оксюморона, эпитета, сравнения и метафоры. В ходе исследования был сделан вывод, что окказиональные и экспрессивные коллокации выполняют экспрессивную, аттрактивную и оценочную функцию, что способствует реализации коммуникативной установки на воздействие. Научная новизна работы заключается в исследовании роли коллокаций в новых видах инструкций по эксплуатации в аспекте реализации коммуникативной установки текста. Заключение. Отмечается вклад автора в изучение коллокаций в новых типах инструкций. На основании проведенного анализа сделан вывод о том, что использование особого типа лексических единиц, обладающих экспрессивных потенциалом, позволяет рассматривать инструкцию For Dummies в качестве самостоятельного типа инструкции.Introduction. The article deals with identification and analysis of collocations in new type of user’s manual – For Dummies. The relevance of the study is explained by the increasing interest of linguists to the investigation of functional aspect in general аnd absence of specialized research of collocations in new type of user’s manuals. The aim of the article is to identify the types of collocations, their semantics and functions in the texts of new types of user’s manuals (by the example of For Dummies). Methods and material. The method of the research is functional-semantic analysis. The material of the study was the texts of new user’s manual “for dummies” Results and novelty of the research. The analysis has shown that new types of user’s manuals differ from traditional manuals in use of expressive and occasional collocations. The presence of usual and terminological collocations brings together new instructions with traditional ones. Special attention is given to the identification of the type of lexical semantic violation. Occasional collocations made on the basis of epithet, metaphor and oxymoron have been found in For Dummies. It was concluded that expressive and occasional collocations perform attractive, evaluative and expressive functions which help to realize the communicative aim of influencing the reader. The research novelty is to investigate the role of collocations in terms of communicative aim of text. Conclusion. The author’s contribution in investigation of collocations in new types of user’s manuals is noted in conclusion of the article. The use of special type of lexical units that have expressive potential allows to consider For Dummies as a new type of user’s manual.

Galina Sagach

The article deals with Ukrainian choral singing as a phenomenon of national culture and reveals its characteristic features. The functions of choral art (existential- ethical, cathartic, communicative, reflective, educational, transformative, historical, cognitive-educational, concert-performing, evdemonic genesis, philosophical and world-view) and its role in the formation of personality are determined. The creative portrait of the artistic director and conductor of the Ukrainian folk choir «Kalyna» of Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University, the Honored Worker of Arts of Ukraine, Professor G. S. Levchenko, is described. The main approaches (acmeological, humanistic, axiological, reflexive, and activity-behavioral) and the principles and methods of his musical and pedagogical activity are revealed. The content, forms and methods of the vocal and choral work of the artist in the student choir collective are considered. The creative activity of the Ukrainian folk choir «Kalyna» is described, features of his repertoire, technical and artistic performances, and outstanding cultural, artistic and pedagogical significance are revealed. The role of the head of the student choir collective in the professional development of the future is highlighted.

2006 ◽  
pp. 87-96
Yu. Shvetsov

The article considers the problem of bureaucratisation of the state and the most important social and economic consequences of this phenomenon. The essence of bureaucracy has been revealed, characteristic features of its functioning in Russia have been analyzed; the material base of bureaucracy and its dominating status in the society have been substantiated. The conclusion has been made that the process of changing the role of the budget to serve the interests of bureaucracy is being accomplished.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (7) ◽  
pp. 509-526
Qin Huang ◽  
Fang Yu ◽  
Di Liao ◽  
Jian Xia

: Recent studies implicate microbiota-brain communication as an essential factor for physiology and pathophysiology in brain function and neurodevelopment. One of the pivotal mechanisms about gut to brain communication is through the regulation and interaction of gut microbiota on the host immune system. In this review, we will discuss the role of microbiota-immune systeminteractions in human neurological disorders. The characteristic features in the development of neurological diseases include gut dysbiosis, the disturbed intestinal/Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) permeability, the activated inflammatory response, and the changed microbial metabolites. Neurological disorders contribute to gut dysbiosis and some relevant metabolites in a top-down way. In turn, the activated immune system induced by the change of gut microbiota may deteriorate the development of neurological diseases through the disturbed gut/BBB barrier in a down-top way. Understanding the characterization and identification of microbiome-immune- brain signaling pathways will help us to yield novel therapeutic strategies by targeting the gut microbiome in neurological disease.

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