Elena Kiritseva ◽  
Olha Kletska ◽  
Andrey Lyamzin ◽  
Anatoliy Falendysh

The article proposes the approach for determining the measure to increase the efficiency of railway transport of the metallurgical plant. The analysis of scientific and normative works on the efficiency of railway transport at industrial enterprises showed that this issue is not fully covered and requires more detailed study. The work of the railway shop of the metallurgical enterprise is considered, namely, the turnover off right cars of different owners and the time of their stay on the factory tracks are determined. An analysis of statistical data was made, which showed that the time difference between the standard set at the enterprise and the actual time of stay of the freight car at the planthas a large discrepancy. This requires spending additional funds for the use of cars of different owners. For this purpose, a model for determining measures to minimize costs at the metallurgical enterprise was developed. The algorithm for its solution involves five stages of calculations. It is based on the model of managements science, which is presented as the approach of linear programming to determine the optimal means of allocating scarce resources in the presence of competing needs. Calculations were made, thanks to which the first stage of development of the model for determining the measure to improve the performance of railway transport was performed and the indicators that characterize it were determined. The total time of rolling stock at the enterprise is determined. Based on this, it is established that it is necessary to separate from the total time the time spent at each station according to the operations performed with the cars. Costs are determined operationally due to the received analysis of the stay and turnover of the freight car at the metallurgical enterprise. Installed stations, which are the most time-consuming freight cars, is there is an excess of payment for the down time of cars at these stations. Based on this, it was decided that it is necessary to study in more detail the operations performed with cars at theses stations and to identify "weaknesses" in the turnover of the freight car at the metallurgical enterprise. 

Alexander Semenovich Krasheninin ◽  
Dmytro Oleksandrovych Matsegora ◽  
Y.O. Sachenko ◽  
J. S. Blokhin

Due to the reliability standard set during the design and even when it reaches orexceeds the standard service life of more than 90 % of locomotives, railway transport continues toperform its functions. Many years of experience in the operation of locomotives confirm thecorrectness of the norms laid down in the standards for their design to the design loads andindicators of dynamics and strength of load-bearing structures: the standard stock ratio (2) ensurestheir operation during the service life.(25 ... 30 years) In many countries, as part of the extension of the service life of TRS at onetime had to solve complex scientific and applied problems. For example, most recently in Europeancountries, rolling stock depreciation was up to 65% of service life. In the interaction of TRSproducers and users, the concept of repair and modernization of TRS at the facilities ofmanufacturers was adopted, and the amount of modernization depended on customer requirements.After the modernization of the extension of the service life of TRS, it could be used on certainsections of the railway or in other types of work: economic, export, shunting. In our country, thelong-term operation of the TRS of a small number of series led to the fact that the rolling stock wasalmost not renewed and the problem of extending the service life was not solved. Now difficultpolitical and environmental factors have led to the fact that after some time it will be dangerous touse rail transport. As the world and domestic experience of TRS operation shows, urgent changes inall links of the industry and operation are necessary. The resource of TRS put in production allowsto keep and maneuver in a choice of strategy of management of the maintenance of TRS. Inconnection with the aging of rolling stock and the development of the assigned service life arerelevant to the study of the original and residual resources of the structure. To do this, thestandards must be clarified and supplemented on the basis of accumulated operating experienceand taking into account modern knowledge to assess and ensure the necessary durability and safetyof operation of vehicles. Based on this, the topic of changing the system of extending the service lifeis relevant. The article considers the concept of general approaches to extending the service life oflocomotives.

2019 ◽  
Vol 78 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-26
Yu. M. Lazarenko ◽  
D. N. Arshintsev ◽  
O. N. Nazarov ◽  
Yu. S. Kireeva

The article presents the content and results of a set of studies on the scientific and methodological support for the modernization of structures and devices built according to the old loading gauge standards or its expired durability, the entire 1520 (1524) mm gauge railway network under the loading gauge standard T for rolling stock, allowing to increase axle and running loads of cars and due to this — the mass of trains, as well as solve the global problem that arose in the middle of the last century to increase the efficiency of the most important branch of Russia — railway transport. Variants of increased loading gauges were developed (Тпр for any rolling stock, Тц for tanks, Та — for electric rolling stock, Тб — for passenger cars), which were included in the GOST 9238 – 83 “Loading gauges of railway rolling stock and structure clearance” and Ministry of railways instructions (no. TsP/4425 — for clearance of structures; no. TsV/4422 — for loading gauge of the rolling stock and no. TsD/4172 — for transportation of oversized and heavy (nonstandard) freights), as well as zonal and flatcars loading gauges. Scientific and methodological studies carried out by the institute during the half-century period (mid-XX — early XXI) identified structures and devices that limit the use of rolling stock of loading standard T, its elimination during 1982 – 2005, as well as transition of industrial enterprises to the production of new freight and passenger cars of increased loading standards Тпр and Та, developed by the Institute. This identification was made on the basis of the overall classification of all railway infrastructure and access railroads of the former USSR. New regulatory framework for railway rolling stock loading gauges and structure clearance (GOST 9238 – 2013) was developed based on a global survey of actual dimensions of all structures and infrastructure devices of the 1520 (1524) mm gauge railways (area 1520). Railway Research Institute of the Ministry of Railway Transport (currently, JSC “VNIIZhT”) made scientific and methodological support for the modernization of infrastructure objects, exhausted its life span for the 100-year period of operation. Scientific and methodological support carried out by the Institute allowed the creation and operation of rolling stock with an increased loading gauge standard Тпр: for freight traffic — with increased running loads by 2 ton/m or more compared to European railways; for passenger traffic — more comfortable and 39 % more spacious double-deck compartment cars. Increasing the loading gauge of the rolling stock provides increased efficiency of rail transport by increasing productivity, reducing the required fleet of cars for the transportation of equal volumes as well as operating costs. At the same time achieved annual total economic effect amounts to 2,205 billion rubles. Introduction of the flatcar loading gauge contributes to the organization of transportation of heavy trucks by rail and, therefore, improve the environmental situation. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (4.3) ◽  
pp. 125 ◽  
Oleksiy Fomin ◽  
Oleksandr Logvinenko ◽  
Oleksiy Burlutsky ◽  
Andriy Rybin

Railway transport is the foundation of the transport complex and part of the transport network of logistics chains. However, significant deterioration of rolling stock units (especially freight cars accounting for the greater part of all transportation) is an urgent problem of the rail industry. Therefore, the problems of renovation of the existing freight car fleet by developing and introducing domestic models which can effectively compete in terms of the technical and economic and operational indexes are of crucial importance. But the car structure suffers from various deformations at all service stages (production, maintenance and operation). The main type of these deformations is residual ones developing during the welding procedure, due to the thermal effect. Therefore, the issues concerning elimination of these deformations in production and maintenance are becoming ever more urgent. In particular, the most recognized and economy-oriented approach in the field is the one based on the thermal leveling of welded structures. The implementation of this approach requires some research aimed at scientific substantiation of the thermal leveling, as well as, specification of forms and heating temperatures, determination of heating form sizes, thermal leveling simulation and experimental verification of the results, optical microscopy and determination of mechanical characteristics.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 77 (4) ◽  
pp. 211-217 ◽  
P. N. Pulatov

Current geopolitical and economic conditions for the functioning of railway transport in most post-Soviet states are such that it is extremely difficult to provide required quality of transport services and break-even operations at high expenses for maintaining the railway infrastructure and rolling stock. Dynamics of transportation of the Tajik Railway (TSR) is shown, which displays that most of its sections are classified as low-intensity ones. The paper proposes methodical principles, setting and qualitative analysis of the task of rationalization of operational work and organization of car flows for international transportation, taking into account the specifics of the Tajik Railway. There is a problem of complex maintenance of the efficiency of operational work in modern conditions based on the synthesis of the tasks of self-management (rational internal operational technology of the Tajik Railway) and coordination tasks (technological interaction with railway administrations of other states). Author substantiated the necessity of solving this problem. Proposed classification of technological restrictions and controlled variables in the performance of transport takes into account methods for changing external conditions for the functioning of the railway landfill and methods for increasing internal efficiency of its operation. The search for the solution of the problem involves direct search of variants along its ordered set with clipping of groups of variants that do not correspond to constraints, with the subsequent finding of compromise control over a set of effective alternatives.

Vadim V. Krivorotov ◽  
Alexei V. Kalina ◽  
Sergei E. Erypalov ◽  
Maxim V. Aksenov

Improving the competitiveness of Russian industrial enterprises (including the construction industry) is a priority task at the current stage of development of the country’s economy. The purpose of this study is to develop methodological tools that would allow building strategic plans for the development of a construction company using a dynamic method for assessing its competitiveness. The hypothesis is that the target parameters of the development of a construction company, which take into account the influence of competitive factors, inevitably increase its level. This article provides an analytical review of existing methods for assessing the competitiveness of enterprises, identifies their advantages and disadvantages. The authors have chosen the dynamic approach to assessing the competitiveness of an enterprise; they propose certain aspects of its modernization, taking into account the specifics of construction production; the main indicators and algorithms used in this approach are presented. The competitiveness of the PIK group, Russia’s largest construction company, was evaluated in comparison with the Swedish development company Skanska Group, which is successful on the world market. The most problematic performance indicators of the Russian company that have a negative impact on its competitiveness are identified. Modeling of the dependence of the company’s competitiveness level on these indicators is performed. The results show that the key tool for eliminating these shortcomings can be the introduction of integrated information modeling based on big data for the entire development cycle: building information modeling — BIM (Building Information Modeling), augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) technologies, and customer relationship management systems (CRM), among some others. The authors show how the key performance indicators of the company change after the introduction of integrated information modeling of the entire development cycle and what the forecast level of the company’s competitiveness can be expected at the end of 2020.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 215-228 ◽  
Tetiana Butko ◽  
Mykhailo Muzykin ◽  
Andrii Prokhorchenko ◽  
Halyna Nesterenko ◽  
Halyna Prokhorchenko

Abstract The article proposes a method for determining the rational motion intensity of specific train traffic flows on railway transport corridors with account for balance of expenses on traction resources and cargo owners. A mathematical model based on stochastic optimization is developed, which allows to optimize, in the conditions of risks, the interval between trailing trains on the railway lines taking into account the limited resources of the traction rolling stock, the capacity of the stations and freight fronts at the cargo destination point. Solving this mathematical model allows to find a balance between the expenses for movement of train traffic flows from different railway lines to their terminal reference station and the expenses of a consignee, subject to the limitations of the technological logistics chain in cargo transportation. For the solution of this mathematical model, a Real-coded Genetic Algorithm (RGA) was used.

2021 ◽  
pp. 53-69
О.М. Safronov ◽  
P.O. Khozia ◽  
Yu.Ya. Vodiannikov ◽  
V.S. Rechkalov ◽  

The world trend, recently, is the creation of a high-speed cargo rolling stock for speeds with 160 km / h. In these condition, the durability of the structure of the cargo car are relevant. In the process of movement in the design of the car, voltages occur, variables in time. Under the action of alternating voltages in the design elements, the process of gradual accumulation of damage, leading to the formation of microscopic crack, and then to its development and subsequent sudden destruction - metal fatigue. One of the main properties of the wagon is the ability to withstand operational loads acting on it while maintaining this ability without destruction at all stages of the life cycle. The assessment of the bearing capacity is determined by the results of the undercarriage tests, the purpose of which is the definition and assessment of the reserve coefficient of fatigue resistance of the equivalent reduced amplitude of dy-namic stresses. As a rule, dynamic stresses are random due to the perturbing effect on the side of the rail path on the wheeled pairs, which are also random. Therefore, an important section of the study is the choice of methods for obtaining, processing and analyzing experimental data. Improving the reliability of test results is achieved by applying more advanced recording methods and processing results. To estimate the level of loading of the cargo car, methods are used based on the replacement of a real random process by some schematized process, which in terms of the accumulation of fatigue damage should be equivalent to a real process. Of the variety of schematics methods, two methods are distinguished - the method of complete cycles and the rain method, which most fully reflect the real process. The advantage of the "rain" method is the ability to process the process in real time. However, the algorithm of the "rain" method is quite complicated and does not allow processing large amounts of information. In this regard, the method of maximum discharges was proposed, which is a type of full cycles method and allows you to process an unlimited amount of information online. The schematic process is divided into classes - voltage amplitudes values. Depending on the distribution of voltage amplitudes in classes, the frequency (probability) of amplitude in the class is established. The reduced amplitude of the dynamic voltage is defined as the amount of products of the likelihood of entering each class on the average magnitude of the voltage amplitude in the class. Key words: cargo car, process, dynamic, voltage, amplitude.

2020 ◽  
pp. 442-451
А.V. Batig ◽  
A. Ya. Kuzyshyn

One of the most important problems that pose a serious threat to the functioning of railways is the problem of freight cars derailment. However, according to statistics, the number of cases of the derailments of freight cars in trains annually grows. Тo prevent such cases, the necessary preventive measures are developed, and to study the causes of their occurrence, a significant number of mathematical models, programs and software systems created by leading domestic and foreign scientists. Studies of such mathematical models by the authors of this work have led to the conclusion that they are not sufficiently detailed to the extent that it is necessary for analyze the reasons of its derailment. At the same time, an analysis of the causes of the rolling stock derailments on the railways of Ukraine over the past five years showed that in about 20 % of cases they are obvious, and in 7 % of cases they are not obvious and implicitly expressed. The study of such cases of rolling stock derailment during an official investigation by the railway and during forensic railway transport expertises requires the use of an improved mathematical model of a freight car, which would allow a quantitative assessment of the impact of its parameters and rail track on the conditions of railway accidents. Therefore, taking into account the main reasons that caused the occurrence of such railroad accidents over the last five years on the railways of Ukraine, the article selected the main directions for improving the mathematical model of a freight car, allowing to cover all the many factors (explicit and hidden) and identify the most significant ones regarding the circumstances of the derailment rolling stock off the track, established on the basis of a computer experiment. It is proposed in the mathematical model of a freight car to take into account the guiding force, the value of which is one of the main indicators of the stability of the rolling stock. The authors of the article noted that not taking into account the influence of the guiding forces on the dynamics of the freight car can lead to an erroneous determination of the reasons for the rolling stock derailment or even to the impossibility of establishing them.

2020 ◽  
Vol 64 (188) ◽  
pp. 137-148
Janusz Poliński ◽  
Krzysztof Ochociński

Digital transformation in the railway industry is an important element in the development of railways and should benefit commuters, railway operators, infrastructure managers and rolling stock manufacturers. The process of digitization applies to two domains, i.e. customer service and railway companies’ operation. This paper aims to present previous eff orts regarding the use of digital technologies in customer relations and in the field of operations and maintenance, which translates into the quality of services provided. This paper highlights important concepts of this domain with respect to passenger and freight transport, infrastructure, railway rolling stock and railway traffic management. It is also argued that the process of digitization needs properly trained staff . Examples of innovative initiatives of Polish and European railway companies are covered. Keywords: railway transport, digitization, digitization of the railways

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