scholarly journals A Influência das Agências Internacionais no Brasil: os acordos MEC/USAID no contexto da ditadura militar de 1964

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 246
Alex Ricardo Bombarda

O objetivo deste artigo será discorrer acerca da participação de organismos internacionais na reforma promovida pelo Estado na área da educação durante a ditadura militar (1964-1985). Para viabilizar essa proposta, serão considerados os acordos MEC/USAID, focando, dentro dos limites deste artigo, as Leis 5.540/68 e 5.692/71. Além disso, será realizada discussão com base em autores que discutiram a crise que ocorreu no Brasil ao longo da década de 1960, com o intuito de compreendermos qual era o contexto econômico e político em que esses acordos foram firmados. A hipótese levantada é a de que esses organismos internacionais influenciaram – e ainda influenciam - de forma negativa a educação no Brasil e, além de criar empecilhos para que esse direito seja promovido segundo os pressupostos constitucionais da qualidade e da universalidade, contribuíram para o processo de precarização das condições de trabalho dos professores.Palavras-chave: Acordos MEC/USAID. Cidadania. Ditadura Militar.The Influence of International Agencies in Brazil: the MEC/USAID agreements in the context of the 1964 military dictatorshipABSTRACTThe purpose of this article will be to discuss the participation of international organizations in the reform promoted by the State in the area of education during the military dictatorship (1964-1985). In order to make this proposal feasible, the MEC / USAID agreements will be considered, focusing, within the limits of this article, Laws number. 5.540 / 68 and number. 5.692 / 71. In addition, discussion will be held on the basis of authors who discussed the crisis that occurred in Brazil throughout the 1960s in order to understand the economic and political context in which these agreements were signed. The hypothesis raised is that these international bodies influenced - and still influence - in a negative way the education in Brazil and, besides creating impediments for this right to be promoted according to the constitutional assumptions of quality and universality, contributed to the process of precariousness of teachers' working conditions.Keywords: MEC / USAID agreements. Citizenship. Military dictatorship.La Influencia de las Agencias Internacionales en Brasil: los acuerdos MEC/USAID en el contexto de la dictadura militar de 1964RESUMENEl objetivo de este artículo será discurrir sobre la participación de organismos internacionales en la reforma promovida por el Estado en el área de la educación durante la dictadura militar (1964-1985). Para viabilizar esta propuesta, se considerarán los acuerdos MEC / USAID enfocando, dentro de los límites de este artículo, las leyes nº 5.540 / 68 y nº5.692 / 71. Además, se realizará discusión con base en autores que discutieron la crisis que ocurrió en Brasil a lo largo de la década de 1960 con el objetivo de comprender cuál era el contexto económico y político en que esos acuerdos fueron firmados. La hipótesis planteada es la de que estos organismos internacionales influyeron -y aún influyen- de forma negativa a la educación en Brasil y, además de crear obstáculos para que ese derecho sea promovido según los supuestos constitucionales de la calidad y de la universalidad, contribuyeron al proceso de precarización de las condiciones de trabajo de los profesores.Palabras  clave: Acuerdos MEC / USAID. Ciudadanía. Dictadura militar.

Perspectiva ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-25
Gustavo Cunha de Araujo

In the history of research on Brazilian education, several studies address the expansion of elementary education over the years in the country, in addition to the historical pedagogical context that permeated this process of expansion in the period between 1930 and 1985. The main objective of this article is to analyze the process of expansion of Brazilian Elementary Education, based on the Laws of Guidelines and Bases of National Education (GBNE) no. 4.024/61 and no. 5.692/71. The article concludes that the educational policy of the military dictatorship in Brazil after the 1960s was supported by these two laws, and that their main objective was to ensure the expansion of vacancies in elementary education, aiming at the minimum qualification for entry into the labour market, prioritising the quantity and not the quality of education. Public education materialized in the formation of human resources is considered a way to guarantee productivity; attending, on the one hand, to the demands of qualified labor for the capitalist market, and on the other hand, to the improvement of wages and the distribution of income to the elites.

1990 ◽  
Vol 24 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 451-484 ◽  
Ruth Lapidoth

Since the establishment of the State and up to the present day, Israeli law has had to deal with a great number of various problems in the field of international law, e.g. whether the State of Israel is a successor to the obligations of the Mandatory government; the jurisdiction of the Israeli courts with regard to offences committed in demilitarized zones or beyond the State's boundaries (on the high seas or abroad); the immunity of foreign states and their representatives from the jurisdiction of Israeli courts and from measures of execution; the status of international organizations and of their employees; the effect and implications of official acts performed within the territory of a state which is at war with Israel; the effect of international treaties in Israel; the question whether the Eastern neighbourhoods of Jerusalem are part of Israel; various issues concerning extradition, and of course, many questions regarding the laws of war: the powers of the military governor, and in particular his power to expropriate land in the territories under Israeli control and to expel residents from the territories, the extent of his legislative powers, etc.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 09-22
Rodrigo Pinto de Andrade ◽  
Rogerio De Almeida Souza

Este texto tem como objetivo analisar a vida e a obra de Jaime Nelson Wright (1927-1999), pastor presbiteriano, opositor do regime militar no Brasil e intelectual engajado na luta pela defesa dos direitos humanos. Foi uma das vozes que mais combateu a ditadura militar no interior do protestantismo brasileiro. Desde a deflagração do golpe em 1964, fez a opção político/religiosa de não aderir ao regime autoritário. Wright se vinculou ao movimento estudantil e dedicou-se ao amparo religioso/pastoral dos perseguidos políticos. Sua contribuição como intelectual, perpassa o campo religioso. Ele atuou junto aos organismos internacionais voltados para a defesa dos direitos humanos e fundamentais à vida e denunciou as atrocidades do regime militar no Brasil. Para a efetivação da pesquisa foram utilizadas as seguintes fontes: documentos e imagens disponibilizados pelo projeto Brasil: Nunca Mais; jornais da época: entrevistas e matérias; decretos e leis. Os dados revelados pelas fontes indicam que a vida e obra de Jaime Wright contribuíram decisivamente para o processo de redemocratização do Brasil. This text analyzes the life and work of Jaime Nelson Wright (1927-1999), a Presbyterian pastor, a fierce opponent of the military regime in Brazil, and intellectually engaged in the struggle for the defense of human rights. He was one of the voices that most fought the military dictatorship in the Brazilian Protestant movement. Since the outbreak of the coup in 1964, he made the political and religious choice of not joining the authoritarian regime. Wright joined the student movement and dedicated himself to the religious support of the politically persecuted. His contribution as a committed intellectual goes beyond the clerical field. He was involved with international organizations dedicated to the defense of human rights and the fundamental rights to life. He also exposed the military regime's atrocities. For the realization of the research were used the following sources: documents and images made available by the Project Brazil: Never Again; newspapers of the time: interviews and stories; decrees and laws. The data revealed by the sources, indicate the life and work of Jaime Wright contributed in a decisive way to the re-democratization process in the Brazilian society.

2016 ◽  
Vol I (I) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Adil Khan ◽  
Manzoor Ahmad ◽  
Abdul Waheed

Pakistan, since its inception, has passed through several phases of transitions to civilian rule and authoritarian reversals. Similar to the pattern of transition between civilian rule and dictatorship, there is a pattern of change within authoritarian Regimes that could be observed in all the three experiences of transition in Pakistan. This paper identifies the pattern of change from military dictatorship to civilian rule from 1958 to 1970. The key questions addressed in this paper are: firstly, how the military regime consolidated its grip on power after the October 1958 coup? Secondly, how early cracks appeared in the military's control over power and matured with the passage of time, resulting in a national crisis? Thirdly, how failure in crises management led to the transition to civilian rule, as well as, the disintegration of the state.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 88
Flávia Verônica Silva Jacques

No Brasil, as reformas educacionais implementadas a partir da década de 1990 orientadas por agências internacionais, principalmente pelo Banco Mundial, revelam-se como um modelo ultrapassado de práticas pedagógicas voltadas ao assistencialismo e ao preparo para o mercado de trabalho que pouco contribuem ao desenvolvimento da ciência. A disseminação de um consenso ideológico congruentes à dinâmica econômica internacional neoliberal aparece como pano de fundo dessas políticas, cuja a análise econômica tornou-se a principal metodologia para a definição de políticas educativas. O presente artigo busca apresentar a influência das orientações de organismos internacionais nas políticas educacionais brasileiras voltadas ao ensino superior, em um contexto de políticas neoliberais, que se perpetuam na contemporaneidade. Percebe-se por meio deste estudo que apesar das mudanças políticas e econômicas ocorridas em nosso país desde a década de 1990, as políticas educacionais estabelecidas nunca romperam com a agenda imposta pelo capital internacional.Palavras-chave: Políticas educacionais; Ensino superior; Neoliberalismo. ABSTRACT: In Brazil, educational reforms implemented since the 1990s, guided by international agencies, especially the World Bank, revealed as an outdated model of pedagogical practices aimed at assisting and preparing for the labor market that contributes little to the development of science. The spread of a congruent ideological consensus for neoliberal international economics appears as the background of these policies, whose economic analysis has become the main method of defining educational policies. This paper presents the influence of the orientations of international organizations in the Brazilian educational policies directed to higher education, in a context of neoliberal policies that perpetuate the contemporaneity. See through this study that, despite the political and economic changes that have occurred in our country since the 1990s, how educational policies have never broken with an agenda imposed by international capital.Keywords: Educational policies; University education; Neoliberalism.

2016 ◽  
pp. 68-76
István Szilágy

In South America in the 1960s and 1970s the contradictions of economic, social and political structures were deepening. In order to surmount the structural crisis the different political forces, tendencies and governments elaborated various strategies. These attempts aiming at reorganizing the society led to undermining the hegemony of ruling governing block and radical transformation of state apparatus. Progressive and regressi-ve forms of military dictatorship and excepcional states of the new militarism appeared on the continent because of the Brazilian military takeover of April, 1964. Formally these state systems were set up by the institutional takeover of the armed forces. The military governments strove for the total reorganization and modernization of the societies in their all - economic, political and ideological - territories. The study aims at analizing the diffe-rent models of modernization during the past sixty years.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 691
Felipe Andres Zurita Garrido

Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar algunas transformaciones sufridas por el sistema educacional chileno durante la Dictadura Militar (1973-1990), desde la perspectiva de la mutación del papel desempeñado por el Estado en el campo educacional. Para lograr dicho objetivo se siguen los siguientes pasos: en un primer momento, se caracteriza el sistema educacional chileno vigente hasta 1973. En un segundo momento, se analizan algunas Políticas Públicas Educacionales de orientación neoliberal diseñadas e implementadas por el equipo económico de la Dictadura Militar. Finalmente, se proponen conclusiones con respecto a los impactos de las acciones desarrolladas por la Dictadura Militar sobre el sistema educacional y el profesorado, resaltando un cuestionamiento en torno a la modificación de la comprensión oficial de lo educativo en el espacio público.Palabras clave: Políticas Públicas Educacionales; Dictadura Militar; Chile. ResumoEste artigo tem como objetivo analisar algumas transformações sofridas pelo sistema educacional chileno durante a Ditadura Militar (1973-1990), na perspectiva da mutação do papel desempenhado pelo Estado no campo educacional. Para atingir este objetivo, seguem-se os seguintes passos: num primeiro momento, é caracterizado o sistema educacional chileno em vigor até 1973. Em um segundo momento, são analisadas algumas Políticas Públicas Educacionais de orientação neoliberal desenhadas e implementadas pela equipe econômica da Ditadura Militar. Finalmente, são propostas conclusões sobre os impactos das ações desenvolvidas pela Ditadura Militar sobre o sistema educacional e o corpo docente, destacando um questionamento sobre a modificação do entendimento oficial da educação no espaço público.Palavras-chave: Políticas Públicas Educacionais; Ditadura Militar; Chile. AbstractThis article aims to analyze some transformations suffered by the chilean educational system during the Military Dictatorship (1973-1990), from the perspective of the mutation of the role played by the State in the educational field. To achieve this goal, the following steps are followed: Initially, the chilean education system in force until 1973 is characterized. In a second moment, some neoliberal-oriented Educational Public Policies designed and implemented by the economic team of the Military Dictatorship are analyzed. Finally, conclusions are proposed regarding the impacts of the actions developed by the Military Dictatorship on the educational system and the teaching staff, highlighting a questioning about the modification of the official understanding of education in public space.Keywords: Public Educational Policies; Military Dictatorship; Chile.

2019 ◽  
Vol 27 ◽  
pp. 69
Maria Edith Romano Siems-Marcondes

This paper aims to analyze the policies of professionalization and insertion in the labor market of the target population of Special Education in Brazil during the period of the Military Dictatorship (1964/1985). We investigated the professionalization policies established in the set of goals and projects of the National Center for Special Education (CENESP) and how these policies were materialized in orderly actions in the Federal Territory of Roraima, Brazil. The study is based on documentary analysis under a historical outlook, as well as interviews provided by the first teachers who dedicated themselves to the development of activities in the area. We highlight that the Territory was constituted in a field of application of the proposals and the projects according to what was recommended by national policies.

ARTMargins ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-119
Sofia Gotti

The introductory text foregrounds the article “From the Stamps to the Bubble” (1968) by Brazilian historian and curator Aracy A. Amaral. It seeks to locate the primary document within a broader historiography of Brazilian art in the second half of the 1960s, and examine the ways in which the military dictatorship, along with certain cultural exchanges facilitated by Brazil's economic development in this period affected artistic production. Placing particular attention on the multiple terminologies that were in use when the article was written, the introduction focuses on the contiguities of Pop Art in the Brazilian cultural milieu. It argues that Pop was present inasmuch as it inspired artists to initiate a process of radical experimentation, which empowered them to depart from an avant-garde tradition founded on geometric abstraction.

2011 ◽  
pp. 87-90
Pulska Grupa

This text, by the Pulska Grupa group of activists, describes the socio-political and community conditions in Pola on the Adriactic coast of Croatia. Its objective is to grasp specific local transformations in a very broad geo-political context. The temporary reuse methods and projects initiated by associations, artists, architects and activists in some of the abandoned spaces in the huge military naval arsenal, such as the Casoni Vecchi fort, the Karlo Rojc barracks, the former sheds, the military warehouses and the buildings on the Katarina-Monumenti Island area are exemplary of a new model for the self-management of space, the ‘komunal'. Those of the Pulska Grupa use this term from Istrian dialect to mean ‘common land', belonging to the commons, not governed by the state and given to the community as land for experimenting with local activities, dreams and desires.

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