scholarly journals Usability of Spatial Analysis for Improving the Functioning of the Blood Donation System in Poland

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (335) ◽  
pp. 7-19
Sebastian Twaróg ◽  
Anna Ojrzyńska

The paper aims at understanding how blood resources are formed at the entrance to the blood donation in the spatial and age section and formulating on the basis of this assessment recommendations that help improve the health safety of the State in the area of self‑sufficiency of blood supplies. The success of the functioning of blood donation primarily depends on the resource management of blood and its components that seeks to equate supply and demand for blood and its components at any time. Such a situation is possible when a sufficient number of blood donors are available. The research employed a shift‑share analysis that is used to study structural changes in economic and social phenomena that may occur in a geographical area within a specified period of time. To account for the fact that each province does not exist as a separate geographic area but depends on its spatial interactions with neighbouring areas, the study also used a spatial shift‑share analysis. The results will be used to assess the dynamics of changes in the number of blood donors, resulting from the age structure of blood donors in a particular province (a structural effect) and from changes in the internal situation of the competitiveness of a given area (a geographic effect). Knowledge concerning the nature of these changes can be helpful in developing specific tools that would encourage donors (including the potential ones) to donate blood.

2014 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 177-196 ◽  
Robert Slonim ◽  
Carmen Wang ◽  
Ellen Garbarino

Donating blood, “the gift of life,” is among the noblest activities and it is performed worldwide nearly 100 million times annually. The economic perspective presented here shows how the gift of life, albeit noble and often motivated by altruism, is heavily influenced by standard economic forces including supply and demand, economies of scale, and moral hazard. These forces, shaped by technological advances, have driven the evolution of blood donation markets from thin one-to-one “marriage markets,” in which each recipient needed a personal blood donor, to thick, impersonalized, diffuse markets. Today, imbalances between aggregate supply and demand are a major challenge in blood markets, including excess supply after disasters and insufficient supply at other times. These imbalances are not unexpected given that the blood market operates without market prices and with limited storage length (about six weeks) for whole blood. Yet shifting to a system of paying blood donors seems a practical impossibility given attitudes toward paying blood donors and concerns that a paid system could compromise blood safety. Nonetheless, we believe that an economic perspective offers promising directions to increase supply and improve the supply and demand balance even in the presence of volunteer supply and with the absence of market prices.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-26
Alvedi Chandra Sabani ◽  
Ida Bagus Kerthyayana Manuaba ◽  
Erwin Adi

Humans need blood to live and there is no substitute for it. Based on the statistics gathered by the Australian Red Cross, 1 in 3 people will need a blood donation once in their lifetime. However, only 1.5% of Indonesian people donate their blood. In order to rectify this unbalanced blood donation supply and demand, an application named Game4Life was developed and tested. This paper aims to implement ‘gamification’ on iOS devices to encourage users to donate their blood and help to end this shortage. This paper focused on developing features that would help blood donors to schedule their donation as well as a reward and achievement system to motivate future donors and keep them engaged. The deliverable prototype of this paper is implementable and expandable in real life with the cooperation of Palang Merah Indonesia (Red Cross Indonesia) and a company sponsor. Based on the User Acceptance Test results and Palang Merah Indonesia's response, Game4Life has successfully satisfied its scope and requirements.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (4.15) ◽  
pp. 240
Nur Hairani Abd Rahman ◽  
Muhammad Asri Mohd Ali ◽  
Mohammed Farhan Md. Yusof

Millions of people need blood because of many reasons such as accidents, routine surgeries, treatment of serious diseases such as cancer and thalassemia. In many countries, the availability of blood product depends on a small number of volunteer donors, including Malaysia. Present trends in blood collection and capacity usage in Malaysia have raised concerns about the ability to meet potential needs. To ensure an adequate blood supply in health facilities is a challenging task for the government especially Ministry of Health Malaysia. It is important to develop a program with influential initiatives that can help to boost public interest and willingness to involve in blood donation program. This study aims to identify and examine the initiatives conducted by the government in order to attract the interest of public to become volunteer blood donor. This study identified that there were five main initiatives implemented by the government to attract public to donate blood, namely: (a) intensive advertising (via mainstream television and radio channels); (b) mobile blood transfusion service center; (c) incentives to blood donors; (d) establishments of donation suites, and; (e) collaboration with other government institution for blood donation campaign. Although current situation showed significant changes in terms of public awareness and willingness towards this program, but there are rooms for improvement for the government to consider in maintaining the balance between blood supply and demand in the country. Focusing on public to register, as frequent or repeated volunteer blood donor, is obviously one of the main available option that current situation need to strengthen. 

1979 ◽  
R. Kotitschke ◽  
J. Scharrer

F.VIII R:Ag was determined by quantitative immunelectrophoresis (I.E.) with a prefabricated system. The prefabricated system consists of a monospecific f.VIII rabbit antiserum in agarose on a plastic plate for the one and two dimensional immunelectrophoresis. The lognormal distribution of the f.VIII R:Ag concentration in the normal population was confirmed (for n=70 the f.VIII R:Ag in % of normal is = 95.4 ± 31.9). Among the normal population there was no significant difference between blood donors (one blood donation in 8 weeks; for n=43 the f.VIII R:Ag in % of normal is = 95.9 ± 34.0) and non blood donors (n=27;f.VIII R:Ag = 94.6 ± 28.4 %). The f.VIII R:Ag concentration in acute hepatitis B ranged from normal to raised values (for n=10, a factor of 1.8 times of normal was found) and was normal again after health recovery (n=10, the factor was 1.0). in chronic hepatitis the f.VIII R:Ag concentration was raised in the majority of the cases (for n=10, the factor was 3.8). Out of 22 carrier sera 20 showed reduced, 2 elevated levels of the f.VIII R:Ag concentration. in 5 sera no f.VIII R:Ag could be demonstrated. The f.VIII R:Ag concentration was normal for n=10, reduced for n=20 and elevated for n=6 in non A-non B hepatitis (n=36). Contrary to results found in the literature no difference in the electrophoretic mobility of the f.VIII R:Ag was found between hepatitis patients sera and normal sera.

2018 ◽  
Vol 56 (4) ◽  
pp. 439-452
Bojan Leković ◽  
Miodrag Petrović ◽  
Nemanja Berber

Abstract The subject of this research represents analysis of internationalisation activity of early-stage entrepreneurs in South East Europe region (SEE). The goal of this study is to determine characteristics of export oriented entrepreneurs from SEE region through the study of factors influencing international orientation. Geographical area of this research consists of countries from the South East Europe region. The research sample was formed on the basis of GEM - Global Individual Level Data, covering six countries (Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and FYR of Macedonia), 12027 respondents of which 645 export-oriented entrepreneurs were identified. Collected data are processed using the software package for statistical analysis. With the help of Ordinal Logistic regression, significant influence of individual factors on the international orientation of entrepreneurs was identified. Research results showed that entrepreneurial motives, entrepreneurial KSA’s, innovation and new technology have a positive relationship with internationalization activity. One of the significant limitations of this paper is the lower Nagelkerk coefficient, which is characteristic for social phenomena. Bearing in mind the fact that this research trying to explain entrepreneurial behaviour, lower coefficients can be very meaningfull.

I.M. Vorotnikov ◽  
V.A. Razin ◽  
I.M. Lamzin ◽  
M.N. Sokolova ◽  
M.E. Khapman ◽  

Anemia is one of the most common complications of blood donation. Thus, the objective of the paper was to assess the risks of anemia development in donors according to the regularity of donation and inherited predisposition. Materials and Methods. The authors carried out a prospective study, which included 241 blood donors, using random sampling and case-control techniques. Depending on blood donation frequency, the donors were divided into 2 groups: Group 1 consisted of 122 people (51.5 %) frequently donating blood; Group 2 included 119 people (48. 5 %) rarely donating blood. We studied the initial indicators of a general blood test and the same indicators a year after the first blood donation. Additionally, we performed HLA typing of donors. Statistica v. 8.0 software package (Stat Soft Inc., USA) was used for statistical analysis. To compare two independent samples, we used a nonparametric Mann-Whitney U-test and a parametric Student’s t-test (depending on the type of distribution). To assess anemia risks, the odds ratio was calculated. Results. One year after the first blood donation, anemia was diagnosed in 13 people (10.6 %) in Group 1 and in 7 people (5.9 %) in Group 2 (p=0.179). A11 and B7 HLA antigens did not increase anemia risks in group 1 (OS=1.257 (95 % CI 0.318–4.973) and OS=0.240 (95 % CI 0.051–1.134, respectively). HLA-antigens A11 and B7 did not increase anemia risks in Group 1 (OR=1.257 (95 % CI 0.318-4.973) and OR=0.240 (95 % CI 0.051–1.134), respectively). In group 2, antigen-A11 was also an insignificant factor (OS=2.902 (95 % CI 0.606-13.889)) for anemia development. Whereas, antigen-B7 increased anemia risks by 14 times (OS=14.364 (95 % CI 1.644-124.011)). Conclusion. In rare blood donors, it is the genetic factor that plays the main role in anemia development. High prevalence rates of anemia in frequent blood donors are probably determined by other factors. Keywords: anemia, blood donors, HLA typing. Механизмы развития анемий и факторы, их индуцирующие, остаются до конца не изученными. Целью исследования стало изучение риска развития анемии у доноров крови в зависимости от частоты донации и наличия наследственной предрасположенности к развитию анемии. Материалы и методы. Проведено проспективное исследование, выполненное методами случайной выборки и «случай-контроль», в которое вошел 241 донор крови. В зависимости от частоты сдачи доноры были поделены на 2 группы: группу 1 составили 122 чел. (51,5 %), часто сдающие кровь; группу 2 – 119 чел. (48,5 %), редко сдающих кровь. Изучались исходные показатели общего анализа крови и через год от начала донации. Дополнительно проводилось HLA-типирование доноров. Статистический анализ осуществлялся с применением программы Statistica v. 8.0 (Stat Soft Inc., США). Для сравнения двух независимых выборок использовался непараметрический U-критерий Манна–Уитни и параметрический t-критерий Стьюдента (в зависимости от типа распределения). Для оценки риска возникновения анемии рассчитывалось отношение шансов. Результаты. Через год с момента первой сдачи крови в группе 1 выявлено 13 чел. (10,6 %) с анемией, в группе 2 – 7 чел. (5,9 %) (р=0,179). Наличие HLA-антигенов А11 и B7 не повышало риск развития анемии в группе 1 (ОШ=1,257 (95 % ДИ 0,318–4,973) и ОШ=0,240 (95 % ДИ 0,051–1,134 соответственно). В группе 2 наличие гена А11 также являлось незначимым фактором (ОШ=2,902 (95 % ДИ 0,606–13,889), присутствие гена В7 в 14 раз повышало риск развития анемии (ОШ=14,364 (95 % ДИ 1,664–124,011). Выводы. Высокий риск развития анемии у редко сдающих кровь доноров обусловливается генетическими факторами. Высокая распространённость анемии у часто сдающих кровь доноров, вероятно, определяется другими факторами. Ключевые слова: анемия, доноры крови, HLA-типирование.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1098612X2110202
Tiago AM Abreu ◽  
Andreia ST Oliveira ◽  
Rui RF Ferreira ◽  
Sandrina MV Correia ◽  
Mafalda SSQ Morais ◽  

Objectives This article aims to analyse the safety of feline blood donation by describing the frequency and nature of any adverse reactions and their causes, as well as propose measures to decrease the incidence of adverse reactions. Methods In this prospective study, any blood donor adverse reactions detected by the clinical staff during and immediately after donation were recorded. The owners of the cats were also surveyed by a veterinary practitioner or veterinary nurse 5 days after donation, using a predefined questionnaire to assess for any clinical or behavioural changes. Data were collected between January 2019 and March 2020 from blood donors enrolled in an animal blood bank programme. Results Of 3690 blood donations from 1792 feline donors assessed, post-donation reactions were reported in 1.14% (n = 42): 0.22% (n = 8) were acute reactions, which included weakness, pallor, tachypnoea and open-mouth breathing; and 0.92% (n = 34) were delayed post-donation reactions, with 0.16% involving cutaneous (haematomas and skin rashes, n = 6), 0.68% involving behavioural (n = 25) and 0.08% involving digestive (emesis and inappetence, n = 3) signs. Conclusions and relevance The low incidence of post-donation reactions in this study is encouraging, suggesting that a well-established protocol and competent staff can help to ensure a high level of safety in a feline donor programme and, in turn, increase the confidence of cat owners.

Forests ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 449
Chenlu Tao ◽  
Gang Diao ◽  
Baodong Cheng

China’s wood industry is vulnerable to the COVID-19 pandemic since wood raw materials and sales of products are dependent on the international market. This study seeks to explore the speed of log price recovery under different control measures, and to perhaps find a better way to respond to the pandemic. With the daily data, we utilized the time-varying parameter autoregressive (TVP-VAR) model, which can incorporate structural changes in emergencies into the model through time-varying parameters, to estimate the dynamic impact of the pandemic on log prices at different time points. We found that the impact of the pandemic on oil prices and Renminbi exchange rate is synchronized with the severity of the pandemic, and the ascending in the exchange rate would lead to an increase in log prices, while oil prices would not. Moreover, the impulse response in June converged faster than in February 2020. Thus, partial quarantine is effective. However, the pandemic’s impact on log prices is not consistent with changes of the pandemic. After the pandemic eased in June 2020, the impact of the pandemic on log prices remained increasing. This means that the COVID-19 pandemic has long-term influences on the wood industry, and the work resumption was not smooth, thus the imbalance between supply and demand should be resolved as soon as possible. Therefore, it is necessary to promote the development of the domestic wood market and realize a “dual circulation” strategy as the pandemic becomes a “new normal”.

Heart ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 105 (16) ◽  
pp. 1260-1265 ◽  
Karlijn Peffer ◽  
Martin den Heijer ◽  
Wim L A M de Kort ◽  
André L M Verbeek ◽  
Femke Atsma

ObjectiveTo investigate whether regular blood donation decreases cardiovascular risk.MethodsAll 159 934 Dutch whole-blood donors with an active donation career of at least 10 years were categorised into sex-specific donation tertiles based on the number of donations during this 10-year qualification period. Cardiovascular endpoints were based on hospital discharge diagnoses and death certificates from Dutch Hospital Data and Statistics Netherlands and occurring after the 10-year qualification period. Cox regression was used to estimate the age-adjusted and starting year-adjusted hazard rate ratio (HRR).ResultsFemale high-frequency blood donors had a reduced cardiovascular morbidity (HRR=0.91, 95% CI 0.85 to 0.98) compared with low-frequency blood donors. No effect was observed in men (HRR=1.00, 95% CI 0.95 to 1.05). To rule out a residual healthy donor effect (HDE), additional sensitivity analyses using a 5-year qualification period were conducted. The results supported the absence of a residual HDE.ConclusionsThis study showed a protective effect of long-term, high-frequency blood donation against cardiovascular disease. This effect was only observed in women and not in men.

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