scholarly journals Hukum Keluarga dalam Perspektif Perlindungan Anak

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 64
Mayadina Rohmi Musfiroh

This article points to trace the epistemological roots of early marriage to and reinforce the importance of Islamic Family law reform, particularly related to raising the minimum age of marriage. This article is the result of the research literature with a qualitative descriptive method using a theoretical approach maqashid al-sharia. Early marriage is the result of interpretation of scholars' to Q.S. Ath-Thalaq [65]: 4 which signaled the waiting period for those who do not menstruate. Islam does not provide ideal age limits in marriage. Marriages can be performed by the bride that has been not or already baligh if it has been qualified to do harmonious marriage. However, the scholars' proposed the opinions about puberty age limit for men and women and the permissibility of marrying someone in the age of the children. The decision to give an age limit in marriage for arising maslahah. Marriage age limit should be revised in view of the negative impacts arising from the early marriage models, such as women's reproductive health issues, financial problems of the family and divorce. Model of early marriage can no longer practiced because it is inconsistent with maqashid al-nikah that is to build a harmonious family.<br />Artikel ini bertujuan melacak akar epistimologis perkawinan dini serta menguatkan argumentasi pentingnya pembaharuan hukum keluarga Islam, khususnya terkait menaikkan<br />batas minimal usia perkawinan. Artikel ini merupakan hasil penelitian kepustakaan dengan metode deskriptif-kualitatif dan menggunakan pendekatan teori maqashid al-syariah. Perkawinan dini merupakan hasil tafsir ulama’ terhadap Q.S. Ath-Thalaq [65]: 4 yang mengisyaratkan iddah bagi mereka yang belum haid. Islam tidak memberikan batasan umur ideal dalam pernikahan. Perkawinan dapat dilakukan oleh calon mempelai yang belum atau sudah baligh jika telah memenuhi syarat dan rukun pernikahan. Meskipun demikian, para ulama’ berbeda pendapat tentang batas usia baligh bagi laki-laki dan perempuan dan kebolehan menikahkan seseorang pada usia anak-anak. Umat Islam diperbolehkan memberikan batasan usia dalam perkawinan untuk menimbulkan kemaslahatan. Batas usia pernikahan perlu direvisi mengingat berbagai dampak negatif yang muncul akibat model pernikahan ini, misalnya masalah kesehatan reproduksi perempuan, persoalan ekonomi keluarga, hingga perceraian. Model perkawinan ini tidak dapat lagi dipraktikkan karena tidak sejalan dengan maqashid al-nikah yaitu membangun keluarga yang sakinah, mawaddah dan rahmah.

Anna Marsella ◽  
Amrullah Hayatudin ◽  
Encep Abdul Rojak

Abstract. Islam does not discuss the age limit for conducting marriages clearly, in contrast to Law Number 1 of 1974 juncto Law Number 16 of 2019 concerning Marriage regulates the marriage age limit of 19 years for men and women, however early childhood marriage is still rife in the community, especially in Langensari Village, Tarogong Kidul District, Garut Subdistrict. Formulation of the problem namely: How is the legal review of early marriage according to Islamic Law and Law No. 1 of 1974 in conjunction with Law No. 16 of 2019 concerning marriage? What are the factors underlying the occurrence of early marriage in Langensari Village? What is the impact of early marriage for a married couple in Langensari Village?The purpose of this study are: To find out the legal review of early marriage according to Islamic Law and Law No. 1 of 1974 in conjunction with Law No. 16 of 2019 concerning Marriage, the factors underlying the occurrence of early marriage and the impact of early marriage for married couples in Langensari Village. The research method used was interview and literature study.The results of the study: Islamic law allows early marriage, with the condition that it has been agreed upon, Law No.1 Year 1974 juncto Law No. 16 of 2019 concerning marriage, limiting the age of marriage and dispensation for irregularities. Factors causing: internal factors, namely the emergence of love, love, affection, avoiding adultery, have been able to fulfill and be responsible, external factors are caused by geographical factors, social media abuse, MBA, doctrine of religious figures, excessive parental fear. Impacts of early marriage: positive effects, namely reducing cases of sexual harassment, guarding the environment of society and mutual respect, negative impacts of miscarriages, undernourished children, frequent quarreling and increasing the burden on parents.Keywords: Limitation of Marriage Age, Islamic Law, Impact of Early Marriage Abstrak. Agama Islam tidak membahas mengenai batasan usia untuk melaksanakan perkawinan secara jelas, berbeda dengan Undang-undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 juncto Undang-undang Nomor 16 Tahun 2019 Tentang Perkawinan mengatur batasan usia perkawinan yaitu 19 tahun untuk pria dan wanita, namun perkawinan usia dini masih marak terjadi di masyarakat, khususnya di Desa Langensari Kecamatan Tarogong Kidul Kabupaten Garut. Rumusan masalah yaitu: Bagaimana tinjauan hukum tentang perkawinan usia dini menurut Hukum Islam dan Undang-Undang No. 1 Tahun 1974 juncto Undang-undang No. 16 Tahun 2019 Tentang Perkawinan? Apa faktor-faktor yang melatarbelakangi terjadinya perkawinan usia dini di Desa Langensari? Bagaimana dampak dari perkawinan usia dini bagi pasangan suami istri di Desa Langensari?Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu: Untuk mengetahui tinjauan hukum tentang perkawinan usia dini menurut Hukum Islam dan Undang-Undang No. 1 Tahun 1974 juncto Undang-undang No. 16 Tahun 2019 Tentang Perkawinan, faktor-faktor yang melatarbelakangi terjadinya perkawinan usia dini dan dampak dari perkawinan usia dini bagi pasangan suami istri di Desa Langensari. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah wawancara dan studi pustaka.Hasil penelitian: Hukum Islam membolehkan perkawinan usia dini, dengan syarat sudah baligh, Undang-undang No.1 Tahun 1974 juncto Undang-undang No. 16 Tahun 2019 Tentang Perkawinan, membatasi usia perkawinan dan diberlakukan dispensasi atas penyimpangan. Faktor penyebab: faktor internal yaitu timbulnya rasa suka, cinta, sayang, menghindari zina, sudah mampu mencukupi dan bertanggung jawab, faktor eksternal yaitu disebabkan oleh faktor geografis, penyalahgunaan sosial media, MBA, doktrin tokoh agama, ketakutan orang tua yang berlebihan. Dampak perkawinan usia dini: dampak positif yaitu mengurangi kasus pelecehan seksual, terjaganya lingkungan peguyuban dan saling menghormati, dampak negatif yaitu terjadinya kasus keguguran, anak berstatus gizi kurang, sering bertengkar dan menambah beban orang tua.Kata kunci: Batasan Usia Perkawinan, Hukum Islam, Dampak Perkawinan Usia Dini

1970 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 263-274
Rumi Suwardiyati ◽  
Siti Rohmah ◽  
Andi Muhammad Galib ◽  
Abdul Halim

The purpose of this research is to examine the interpretation of constitutional judges regarding the age limit for marriage which is considered to contain compatibility and efforts to harmonize sharia and human rights principles in their decisions. This is motivated by child marriage tends to ignore the rights of children and women. Unfortunately, this practice is often affirmed by religious understanding and even state law. The research method used is normative juridical using secondary data. As for this research will analyze the decision of the Constitutional Court Number 22/PUU-XV/2017.  This research will show the conflict between the interpretation of sharia - which has been the authoritative area of ​​religious leaders - and the principles of Human Rights (HAM). Meanwhile, the interpretation of the judges of the Constitutional Court seems to contain a discourse on the compatibility and harmony of sharia and human rights. This research per reflects the approach of the Constitutional Court and the strategy of the petitioners in an effort to review the constitutionality of the minimum age for marriage as stated in the Marriage Law. The various approaches and arguments put forward show that the applicant made a strategic decision by trying to break a patriarchal culture and injustice before the Constitutional Court.  Keywords: Marriage Age Limit, Syariah, Human Rights, Constitutional Court 

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
Hazna Hazna

<p>The revision of Act Number 1 of 1974 entered into discussion in the National Legislation Program (prolegnas) 2015-2019. The revision should be done because the values in the formulation of the Marriage Act is not in accordance with social protection measures and there are many shows non-compliance with the rules of article. Besides the purpose of the Marriage Act is regulating the marital life to be controlled by marriage administratively and can affect citizen identification. Indecision of Marriage Law, especially against the minimum age of marriage causes many losses, especially in women and children. The practice shows there are still many parents who marry off their children under the age of set for marriage, Based on that background the author proposes two fundamental issues: how the limit of age for marriage according to the religion, customs and laws. And why we are need for revision the Marriage Act regarding the minimum age limit of marriage. The result of this research and discussion made a conclusion that are differences of the determination for the age of the child at each legislations, but basically the set of 18 years old as a child can be held the responsibility, but on the Marriage Act for the woman's age, is 16 years old. Then the revision of Marriage Act can avoid the occurence of early marriage.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 99-108
Eni Zulaiha ◽  
Ayi Zaenal Mutaqin

The rules regarding the age limit for marriage as contained in Article 7 of Law no. 1 of 1974, which states that the minimum age of marriage for men is 19 years and for women is 16 years. These rules were amended through law no. 16 of 2019, which stipulates that the age limit for marriage, both for men and women, are in the same age, 19 years old. This change is intended to bring benefits of marriage minimizes the conflict in the household. But in fact, the changing age limit for marriage still creates some problems; for example, not a few Muslims view that in Islam, there are no provisions regarding age limits and there are dispensations for those forced to marry under a predetermined age. This research aims to find out the problematics of the law on changing the age limit for marriage. The research approach used qualitative with descriptive analysis methods and literature review. The results of the study indicate that there are several problems regarding the age limit between First, Islamic law does not stipulate a minimum age for marriage, so that some people do not heed the provision; Second, there are some rules regarding dispensation for those who want to get married at the age of 19 by putting forward to the court. This is an opportunity to violate the regulations; Third, changes to the law that have raised the age limit for marriage, in reality, in society, have not been able to stop the rate of early-age marriage.

Mohd. Din Mujibussalim Eli Dani Isma

Reproductive health married at a young age at risk of causing twice as likely to die in childbirth as compared to those aged 20-25 years, while under-15-year-olds may die five times. Young women who are pregnant, based on research will experience several things, such as will experience bleeding, miscarriage, and difficulty in the process of childbirth. Therefore, early marriage has many negative impacts that are very important to be known by both teenagers and parents. Underage marriage phenomenon is not new in Indonesia as in the case of Syech praise and Lutfiana ulfa that caused controversy in the year 2009 ago, there are hundreds of cases underage marriages that do not stick to the surface and expose the media. In rural areas, there are many cases of underage marriages, such as in the Takengon area, Aceh Tengah District, Aceh Province, there are many cases of underage marriage, how is criminal policy in prevention of marriage of minors? A pakah effort undertaken in countermeasures of marriage of minors in Takengon Regency Central Aceh? Although countermeasures have been undertaken but underage marriages are still rife due to the absence of specific and firm legal arrangements concerning marriage of minors. Minors under Law No. 1 of 1974 on Marriage are children aged 19 years for men and 16 years for women. Although it has been affirmed that the minimum age limit is allowed to marry by law, on the other hand it is given an exception for marriage. Keywords: Criminal, Marriage, Underage

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 163-177
Nur Wahid

This paper examines the minimum age requirement for marriage in Indonesian family law legislation in Indonesia historically. Determination of the minimum age for marriage in various countries is the result of ijtihad by considering the principle of physical and psychological maturity. In Indonesian marriage legislation sating that marriage is only permitted if the man reaches the age of 19 (nineteen) years and the woman has reached 16 (sixteen) years. Early marriage has several risks such as potential premature births, birth defects, maternal depression rates, maternal mortality rates, risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, the authors strongly agree that the minimum age of marriage in Indonesia changed to 19 years

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (8) ◽  
pp. 84-95
E. E. Lekanova

The legal regulation of the features of marriage in a minor age has a millennium history. The analysis of legal regulation of the marriage age in Russia, the Russian Empire and the RSFSR shows that the models of the legal regulation of the minimum marriage age are divided into simplified and differentiated ones (gender differentiated, nationally differentiated and socially differentiated models). The author concludes that in domestic legislation the minimum age of marriage always depended on various circumstances. Until 1926, there was a gender-differentiated model of the legal regulation of the minimum age of marriage. A nation-differentiated model existed in the prerevolutionary and Soviet era in relation to the inhabitants of Transcaucasia. Since 1926, in the territory of the RSFSR, a socio-differentiated model of the legal regulation of the minimum age of marriage was consolidated in law. According to this model the minimum age of marriage was reduced due to special social circumstances. Family laws of the Russian Federation made an unsuccessful attempt to implement the nation-differentiated model of the legal regulation of the minimum age of marriage. The modern Russian model of legal regulation of the minimum age of marriage is socio-differentiated. The paper also carries out a detailed comparison of the three socio-differentiated models of the legal regulation of the minimum age of marriage (the model under the Soviet Code of Marriage, Family and Custody of the RSFSR (1926—1968), the model under the Code of Marriage and Family of the RSFSR (1969—1995), the contemporary model); analyzes the differences and shortcomings of these models; suggests ways to eliminate them.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-98
Abdul Gaffar ◽  
M Ali Rusdi ◽  
Akbar Akbar

Indonesian Muslims have not maximally applied maturity of marriage age as an important aspect in obtaining marital success. Apart from the concept of maturity of diverse marriage age, divorces and many marital problems based on the immaturity of a married couple still rife in Indonesia. The government has even issued regulations related to the age of marriage through Law number 1 of 1974 that was revised by Law number 16 of 2019, which stipulates that marriage is limited to a minimum age of 19 years for the two brides. This article aims to find the concept of quality-oriented marriage age to complement the quantity-oriented idea as applied by the Indonesian government and as understood differently by Muslims based on the opinions of the scholars (‘ulamā). This article abstracts the concept of the ideal age of marriage from the instructions of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH as the primary reference of Islamic teachings by discussing the hadīth using the ma‘ānī al-ḥadīṡ analysis with three interpretation techniques namely textual, intertextual, and contextual interpretation to obtain comprehensive meaning. The results of the examination show that the hadīth requires the criteria for the maturity of the marriage age in the form of religious, physical, financial, and social maturity. These qualitative criteria fulfill the element of maqāṣid al-syarī‘ah and are interconnected so that they should be actualized as a new basis in the formulation of policies related to the maturity of marriage age in Muslim societies.

Arifin Faqih Gunawan

The Marriage Law, number 1 of 1974 gives the minimum age limit for a person to be allowed to marry if a man has reached the age of 19 years and a woman has reached the age of 16 years. This study explains the factors influence the occurrence of early marriage in Nibung Village, Koba District, Central Bangka Regency. The purpose of this study is to identify the factors that influence the occurrence of early marriage in Nibung Village, and to see the public's understanding of early marriage from the side of the Law. The results of this study indicate that there are 2 categories of factors that influence early marriage. There are two positive trend factors which are parents’ perceptions & culture and beliefs. There are also two negative trend factors which are intellectuality and the value of virginity.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 87
Nizar Abdussalam

This article aims to determine the minimum age to marry in the view of Malang District Court Judge Religion and the Faculty of Psychology UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. Additionally, this article also aims to determine the relevance of the minimum limit of age at marriage that existed at Law No. 1 of 1974 on Marriage to apply today. This research is a field research using qualitative approach. The results of the discussion of this article shows that the Religious Court Judge Malang and Lecturer of Psychology UIN Malang agreed that the existing age limit in the Marriage Act is less suitable to be applied at this time. They would agree if the marriage age limit is raised. It aims to meet the maturity aspect of physical, psychological, and economic. So that domestic life is harmonious, eternal, and happy to be achieved. <br />Artikel ini bertujuan mengetahui batas minimal usia kawin menurut pandangan Hakim Pengadilan Agama Kabupaten Malang dan Dosen Fakultas Psikologi UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. Selain itu, artikel ini juga bertujuan mengetahui relevansi batas minimal usia kawin yang ada pada Undang-Undang nomor 1 tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan untuk diterapkan saat ini. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil pembahasan artikel ini menunjukkan bahwa Hakim Pengadilan Agama Kabupaten Malang dan Dosen Psikologi UIN Malang sepakat bahwa batasan usia yang ada pada UndangUndang Perkawinan kurang sesuai untuk diterapkan saat ini. Mereka lebih sepakat jika batasan usia perkawinan dinaikkan. Hal ini bertujuan untuk memenuhi aspek kematangan fisik, psikis, maupun ekonomi. Sehingga kehidupan rumah tangga yang harmonis, kekal, dan bahagia dapat tercapai.

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