1970 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 227-250
Nurhadi Nurhadi

Islam as the most blessed religion of Allah swt (surah al-Imran verse 19), is also the proof of Islam's most perfect religion, perfected. Islam also regulates how the concept of education, both within the family and outside the family. This study aims to determine the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH relating to the responsibility and law of educating his wife and children in the household with religious education. This reason needs to be discussed, many in the community of husbands (parents) who neglect the obligations and responsibilities of educating family members, so that not a few households run aground in the middle of the road or at least broken home throughout life. This research is a literary model with primary sources of hadith book (al-tis'ah pole), and secondary data from the literature relating to this research. The result is that in the book of poles al-tis'ah according to the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH there are approximately 69 traditions related to the responsibility of educating his wife and children, of the 69 traditions, two traditions are discussed in detail (Tirmizi narration No. 2577 and Muslim No 2137, because these two traditions summarize the meaning of 67 other traditions, it can be concluded that educating wives and children for their husbands (fathers) the law is fardhu ain or obligatory for the head of the family as a form of responsibility to provide inner support (religious knowledge) to family members (wife and children) in the 69 traditions contain the command sentence "teach or educate", then in the method of jurisprudence "al-ashlu fil amri lil wujub" the meaning of the origin of each command is mandatory. "Therefore a wife or child has the right to sue her husband (father) to educate religion as an obligation in Islamic law.

1969 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 61
Salim Ashar

Character is a complicated issue, even considered an abstract problem. It is said to be abstract because the concept of manners is not yet operational. While good and bad standards for morals are in the objective view of God the Creator of man. If the character is ethics, it is very dangerous, because some of its value will be contrary to the moral lessons that exist in religious subjects. When both are taught (ethics and morals) then the threat is the students will later experience what is called a split personality, that is split personality. Students become confused because there are conflicting values, such as good values ​​in the sense of morals and good value in manners (call: ethics). There is no honest terminology of Arabic versions, honest English versions, false witnesses of Arabic and French versions, as there is no terminology about Arab or Turkish morality. This applies to humans when there is a pattern of intersection between ethical values ​​and customs: ethical values ​​derive from the "right" way (revelation), whereas customs are derived from the habits The purpose of this study are: 1) Describing whether or not the addition manners in the lessons of Islamic Religious Education. 2) Describe the material (content) in the lesson of Islamic Education and the intersection of Budi Pekerti based on traditional perspectives. This study uses "Library Research". The research data used is secondary data. Data collection techniques used are documentation. Data processing is done by conducting the activity of review, verification and reduction, grouping and systematization, and interpretation or interpretation so that a phenomenon has social, academic, and scientific value. From the results of the discussion concluded: 1) Based on the perspective of Islam, the lessons of Islamic Religious Education need not be added with the character, because in fact holistic education includes in the Islamic Religious Education. 2) The content of Islamic Religious Education should include aspects of Islam, ie Aqidah, Shari'ah and Akhlak which are taught in a balanced way, but the lesson of character can be combined as long as the adat is the custom of the Muslims.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 283-298
Kholid Mawardi ◽  
Cucu Nurzakiyah

The results of the study found that the responsibility of religious education of children in the family of Tablighi Jama'ah differed in terms of several conditions, namely first, when parents were not going to khuruj where both parents were responsible for children's education; secondly, when the father goes khuruj, then the mother is responsible for everything including children's education; third, when both parents go khuruj, then the responsibility of the child is left to other family members such as grandparents or their first adult children; and fourth, when the child goes to khuruj, where parents are responsible for children's religious education both mother and father. The pattern of the religious education in the Tablighi Jama'ah family in the village of Bolang is formed from several similarities held in the implementation of religious education, one of which is the daily activity that is carried out by the Tablighi Jama'at family. Al-Qur'an becomes one of the material given to children in the ta'lim. Children are taught how to read the Qur'an and memorize short letters such as Surat al-Falaq, al-Ikhlas, and so on. In addition to al-Qur'an, in this ta'lim there is a special study in the Tablighi Jama'ah, which is reading the book of fadhilah ‘amal, and the last is mudzakarah six characteristics.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Mayssa Rekhis ◽  
Sami Ouanes ◽  
Abir Ben Hamouda ◽  
Rym Rafrafi

Purpose This study aims to assess the awareness about the rights of people with mental illness in the main psychiatric hospital in Tunisia among the service users, the family members and the staff. Design/methodology/approach The Convention of Rights of People with Disabilities mandates that State Parties initiate and maintain campaigns and human rights training to promote understanding of the rights of people with mental illnesses, considered as a main factor for their fulfillment. Service users, family members and staff evaluated, through a survey, the importance of ten rights for persons with mental illness, stated in the convention. Findings Disparities were found in the perception of the different rights by and between the three groups. The highest levels of awareness were associated with the freedom from torture or degrading treatment and the right to live with dignity and respect, whereas the lower importance were assigned to the right to participation in recovery plans, to give consent and to exercise legal capacity. Originality/value The lack of awareness and the poor perception of rights of people with mental illness is one of the barriers to their achievement. More training and awareness raising is necessary.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Augusto Dalmoro Costa ◽  
Aurora Carneiro Zen ◽  
Everson dos Santos Spindler

PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between family succession, professionalization and internationalization in family businesses within the Brazilian context.Design/methodology/approachThe paper presents a multiple-case study method with three Brazilian family businesses that have at least two generations of the owning family involved in the business and an international presence of at least three years. In-depth interviews and secondary data were undertaken with family and non-family members of each case.FindingsThe authors' results show that a family business can boost its internationalization by introducing both succession planning and professionalization on international activities. As family members tend to be more risk-averse and focused on keeping the family business within the family, professionalization is a way of improving the firm's ability to expand internationally. This process tends to lead to lower performance by the firm for the first few months or the first year after the investment, but afterward, international performance tends to grow exponentially.Originality/valueOnly a few studies have been concerned on the relationship of these three dimensions. Thus, the research takes into account that professionalization and succession lead family businesses to improve their internationalization strategies.

Meena Monteiro ◽  
Laveena D’Mello

Psychiatric patients have got an increased morbidity and mortality to other physical health problem. The most problem they are facing is the lifestyle factors such as the use of substances and the decreased physical activity. These patients are mainly restricted to their home. If mental ill patients do not create any problems to the family members and their neighbouring families, the family members are happy and not so much bother about the patients. And if they are not creating any problems for others, family members are not bothered or motivated to treat the mentally ill patients. Hence the lack of motivation from the other family members results in mentally ill patients showing the symptoms of the high risk of being affected by other health problem. There is the availability of treatment to the mentally ill patient. There was only a little availability of the treatment facilities for the psychiatric patients. So the lack of services available and the most vulnerable nature made them more adherent to the problems. There is a direct relationship between the physical and mental health of the patients. In this study the researcher dealing with only the minor issues such as substance abuse, obesity, hypertension, diabetes along with the mental illness, and it would be a way to understand the problems of these patients. The main aim of the study is to study the problems of mentally ill patients and the objectives are; to study the physical health status of the mentally ill patients; and to study the lifestyle factors such as smoking and alcoholism affected the life of mentally ill. The detail studies of 5o intake patients from the hospital where the psychiatric department exist are taken. The interview schedule is used and more observation and case records were referred to get the history. Secondary data is also considered for the research study.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 138
Fakhrurrazi M.Yunus ◽  
Zahratul Aini

Abstrak: Dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2006 tentang Administrasi Kependudukan adanya Pasal yang mengatur tentang perkawinan beda agama, dalam Pasal 35 huruf (a) yang menyatakan bahwa perkawinan yang ditetapkan oleh pengadilan. Namun dalam Undang-Undang tersebut tidak diatur secara jelas, sehingga memberi peluang timbulnya dampak negatif. Namun yang diakui di Indonesia jika pasangan suami istri yang berbeda agama harus memeluk agama yang sama di salah satu pasangan dengan maksud mereka harus pindah agama baik memeluk agama istri maupun suami. Dengan adanya berbagai kemudharatan yang timbul, maka hal itu tidak sesuai dengan hukum Islam. Oleh karena itu, penulis ingin mengetahui dampak perkawinan beda agama yang diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2006 tentang administrasi  kependudukan dan tinjuan hukum Islam terhadap perkawinan beda agama dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 23 tahun 2006. Dalam penelitian ini, metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Kualitatif. Berdasarkan dari hasil penelitian, dampak dari perkawinan beda agama yaitu dampak terhadap rumah tangga yang tidak harmonis menimbulkan kegelisahan, dan sulitnya berkomunikasi. Dampak terhadap anak yang membuat hubungan antara keluarga yaitu anak dan orang tua menjadi kacau dan tidak utuh karena mengetahui kedua orang tuanya berbeda keyakinan. Dampak terhadap harta warisan yang mengakibatkan anak yang lahir dari perkawinan beda agama tidak mempunyai hak untuk mendapatkan harta warisan apabila tidak seagama dengan pewaris yang dalam hal ini pewaris beragama Islam. Adapun tinjauan hukum Islam menyatakan bahwa perkawinan beda agama itu tidak sah, karena menurut fatwa MUI Nomor:4/MUNASVII/MUI/8/2005 menetapkan bahwa nikah beda agama hukumnya haram yang diperkuat dengan firmannya dalam surat al-mumtahanah ayat 10 dan al-baqarah ayat 221.Abstract: in Law No. 23 of 2006 on the administration of the population of the article governing the marriage of different religions, in article 35 letter (a) stating that the marriage is established by the court. But the law is not regulated, so it allows causing negative impacts. But it is recognized in Indonesia if different couples of religion must embrace the same religion in one partner with the intention they have to move religion both embrace the religion of the wife and husband. With the various blessings that arise, it is not under Islamic law. Therefore, the author wants to know the impact of the marriage of different religions organized in law Number 23 the year 2006 about the administration of population and the Islamic law to the marriage of different religions in the law Number 23 the year 2006. In this study, the research method used was qualitative. Based on the results of the study, the impact of the marriage of different religions is the impact on the unharmonious households raises anxiety, and difficulty communicating. The impact on the child who makes the relationship between the family is the child and the parent becomes chaotic and not intact because knowing both parents are different beliefs. The impact on the inheritance that resulted in children born from the marriage of different religions does not have the right to obtain inheritance if not as religious as the heir, in this case, Muslim heirs. The review of Islamic law states that the marriage of different religions is not valid, because according to fatwa MUI number: 4/MUNASVII/MUI/8/2005 stipulates that the marriage of different religious religion is haram strengthened by his word in Sura al-Mumtahanah verse 10 and al-Baqarah verses 221.

Gerontologia ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 31 (3) ◽  
pp. 227-242
Laura Kalliomaa-Puha

Jokaisella vanhuksella on Suomessa yksilöllinen, viime kädessä perustuslaissa taattu, oikeus riittävään hoivaan ja huolenpitoon. Silti tämä oikeus on usein käytännössä riippuvainen siitä, onko vanhalla ihmisellä omaisia tukenaan. Tässä artikkelissa tarkastellaan sitä, miten oikeus hoivaan ja hoitoon taataan lainsäädännössä. Omaisilla ei lain mukaan ole vastuuta hoivan järjestämisestä, mutta silti lainsäädäntö monessa kohdin ikään kuin olettaa omaisten olevan vanhuksen tukena. Vaikka omaiset usein ovatkin tukena, miten perusoikeus hoivaan ja huolenpitoon toteutuu niillä vanhuksilla, joilla ei ole omaisia? Artikkeli nostaa vakavimpana omaisolettaman riskinä esiin ne vanhukset, joilla on omaisia, mutta joiden omaiset eivät osaa tai halua auttaa. Right to care and presumption of family and friends in the Finnish legislation According to Finnish legislation the public authorities must guarantee adequate social, health and medical services for those old persons who cannot obtain means necessary for a life of dignity. Yet in practice this right to receive indispensable subsistence and care often depends on the fact whether the old person happens to have family or friends to help her or him. As if the legislation supposes there are friends and family to help, even though, according to Finnish law, family members do not have legal responsibility to take care of an elderly person. This article elaborates how the right to care is guaranteed in Finnish legislation and what the law says about the responsibilities of the family. Even though most of the relatives do help their elderlies, how is the right to care fulfilled for those old persons who do not have family? Perhaps the elderlies who have family and friends, which do not help or do not know how to, are in the most vulnerable situation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 70 (1) ◽  
pp. 251-265
Alessandra Spadaro

AbstractThis article analyses the decisions of Belgian and Dutch courts concerning the repatriation of the family members of foreign fighters who are now detained in dire conditions in North-East Syria. The article shows that, under international law, these women and children have no individual right to be repatriated by their State of nationality, based on either consular assistance, the extraterritorial applicability of human rights treaties, or the right of return to one's own country. Nonetheless there are good reasons why States should exercise their prerogative to repatriate.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 63
Wiwit Widya Wirawati ◽  
Abdullah Kelib

<p>ABSTRACT<br />Allah SWT has set the rules on the issue of inheritance clearly and firmly in Al-Qur'an Surah An-Nisa article 11. It explains about the division of inheritance based on male and female sex, that is 2:1 (Das Sollen). But in fact there is a group of people called Khuntsa (double sex). Neither in Al-Qur‘an nor Hadist explains the provisions of inheritance for khuntsa heirs and the large number of parts they receive (Das Sein). The formulation of the problem in this study is how inheritance for the heirs who perform double genital surgery (khuntsa) according to KHI and how the right should be given to the heirs who perform<br />double genital adjustment surgery (khuntsa) in accordance with Islamic Law. <br />This research uses juridical normative approach method with analytical descriptive research specification. Sources and types of data are secondary data obtained from Islamic legal norms on inheritance and khuntsa obtained from Al-Quran, Hadist, KHI, and fuqaha and experts opinions in various literature on inheritance and khuntsa. <br />Based on the research result, khuntsa inheritance right is not regulated in KHI.<br />Theredore if khuntsa conducts genital adjustment surgery, and get the clarity of its legal status hence its right of inheritance is as specified in Article 176 KHI. The provision of inheritance for khuntsa heirs in Islamic Law is khuntsa first predicted as male then female.<br />Khuntsa and other heirs share the smallest and most convincing estimates, while the remaining doubts are held until the status of the khuntsa law is clear. If the khuntsa matter is clear, the acceptance of all the heirs is perfected by adding share to those who are reduced according to the acceptance they should receive. In the future, the formulation of KHI should regulate the right of khuntsa inheritance along with the amount of the inheritance received.</p><p> </p>

Empowerment concerns folks - both women as well as men - taking control over their everyday lives: becoming conscious of their personal situation and setting, preparing their personal plans, creating space on their own, gaining skill-sets, building confidence, handling concerns, as well as cultivating self-reliance. The stamina of the link is the strength of its own weakest link. In society, women are actually the weakest hyperlinks, to ensure that they must be actually enhanced for reinforcing the culture overall which is possible only through enabling all of them. Nehru said, "Women must be uplifted for the upliftment of the nation, for if a woman is boosted, society, as well as nation, are boosted". The Women Self Aid Group participants are coming from rural areas and also do not possess much direct exposure to metropolitan history as well as a lot of all of them battle to manage the urban area ambiance. Much of the members also hesitate to approach financial institutions and also training institutions to produce more powerful their economic along with mental stamina. The family members' instances are actually also certainly not enabling the members to end up being extra dynamic as well as they are straining to handle family members and also an organisation in the right instructions. When the members furnish themselves along with overall advertising and marketing tactics with the adoption of SWOT analysis at that point just they may survive in the Chennai market.

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