2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 104-118
Abdur Rasyid

This paper will parse and explain the moderation movement initiated and mobilized by the Islamic organization Nahdhatul Ulama and radical movements conducted by Jama'ah Islamiyah. The focus of this paper will look at the Islamic philosophy and vision (NU and JI) on religious and political relations. This research uses qualitative method with descriptive analysis, that is data used in research and supported by theme-related literatures. The NU moderation movement is a manifestation of ideology formed in many spaces, one of the most important being culture. Contextualization and internalization of the interpretation of the sacred texts namely Al Quran and Hadith, birth concepts such as pluralism and endurance. The earthing of Islamic teachings in accordance with the concept of rahmatan lil alamin existing in the Qur'an can not be a left or right object (moderate). Islam is present as a religion that lays political and Islamic relations as two sides complement each other and maintain their own identity. Islam requires politics and state for the media to develop its teachings in all aspects of community life, while the state needs Islam to safeguard, guard and guide the life of the state and society. On the other hand, Jama'ah Islamiyah known as extremist groups who want a system of state order called "al-Khilafah al-Islamiyah", various ways and efforts must be implemented for the sake of the establishment of an Islamic state including the path of war (jihad) with violence, manifestation of the ideology of the application of Islamic Shari'ah in kaffah and syumul Keywords: Nahdhatul Ulama;Moderasi; Jama’ah Islamiy; Radikalisme

Omar Al-Shehabi

This chapter traces the birth, rise, and evolution of political movements in Bahrain throughout the long twentieth century, taking as its starting point the beginning of direct British presence in the local political scene in 1900, and ending with the aftermath of the mass protests that engulfed the islands in 2011. It highlights four intersecting dichotomies that have characterized these political movements across time: trans-sectarian versus ethnosectarian, national versus transnational, reformist versus revolutionary, and public versus underground. It sheds light on the importance of externally imposed structural factors on local developments on the island, including British colonial absolutist rule, the discovery of oil and the subsequent fluctuation in the commodity’s global prices, and the rise of American hegemony. Taking its cue from the work of the autonomistas, the analysis also highlights the central role that political movements have played in shaping the actions and reactions of the state. The state’s attempts to contain these movements, and the contestation between the two sides, played a central role in shaping the contours of both state and society across Bahrain’s long century.

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (12) ◽  
Akhmad Hafandi ◽  
Puji Handayati

As a step to promote public interest in conducting cash waqf, the government launched a program called the National Money Waqf Movement (GNWU) which also introduced Cash Waqf Linked Sukuk (CWLS) Retail Series SWR001 which is a development of the CWLS (SW Series). Both are developments of the Money Waqf and Sukuk (State Sukuk) which have been regulated in the DSN-MUI Fatwa No. 131/DSN-MUI/X/2019. Law No. 41 of 2004, concerning Waqf, and Law No. 19 of 2008, concerning State Sharia Securities (SBSN). CWLS is a form of social investment in Indonesia where the cash waqf is received by the Indonesian Waqf Board as Nazhir through a Sharia Financial Institution as a Cash Waqf Recipient (LKSPWU). It will be managed and placed on the State Sukuk or SBSN instrument and the proceeds of its development are used to finance various economic, social and religious activities. Nonetheless, this CWLS model is perceived to be less than ideal by some parties. This study adopted a qualitative method using using library research approach. The data were collected through analysing literature papers, documentation and conducting an interview. Descriptive-analysis used to compare the statutory provisions, fatwas of MUI, and fiqh rules with the implementation of CWLS. The findings in this study indicate that CWLS is an appropriate with Indonesian context and Islamic principles.

1987 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Hasan Turabi

I. IntroductionAlthough I have been directly involved in a political process that seeks toestablish an Islamic state, I am not going to describe the forms that an Islamicgovernment might take in any particular country. Rather, I will try to describethe universal characteristics of an Islamic state. These derive from theteachings of the Qur'an as embodied in the political practice of the ProphetMuhammad (pbuh), and constitute an eternal model that Muslims are boundto adopt as a perfect standard for all time. The diversity of historical circumstances,however, in which they try to apply that ideal introduces anecessary element of relativity and imperfection in the practice of Islam.An Islamic state cannot be isolated from society, because Islam is a comprehensive,integrated way of life. The division between private and public,the state and society, which is familiar in Western culture, has not been knownin Islam. The state is only the political expression of an Islamic society. Youcannot have an Islamic state except insofar as you have an Islamic society.Any attempt at establishing a political order for the establishment of a genuineIslamic society would be the superimposition of laws over a reluctant society.This is not in the nature of religion; religion is based on sincere conviction andvoluntaiy compliance. Therefore an Islamic state evolves from an Islamicsociety. In certain areas, progress toward an Islamic society may be frustratedby political suppression. Whenever religious energy is thus suppresed, itbuilds up and ultimately erupts either in isolated acts of struggle or resistance,which are called terrorist by those in power, or in a revolution. In circumstanceswhere Islam is allowed free expression, social change takes placepeacefully and gradually, and the Islamic movement develops programs ofIslamization before it takes over the destiny of the state because Islamicthought - like all thought - only flourishes in a social environment of freedomand public consultation (shura) ...

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 34-42
Ansar Suherman ◽  
Arief Sirajuddin

ABSTRAK Perhatian pemerintah yang lebih tertuju pada pembangunan fisik dengan mengabaikan kearifan lokal mengakibatkan Indonesia mulai mengalami pergeseran tata nilai kehidupannya serta hilangnya karakter sebagai bangsa yang berbudaya. Terabaikannya nilai-nilai kearifan lokal berujung pada hilangnya semangat kebersamaan yang menjadi ciri bangsa Indonesia serta ancaman hilangnya kelestarian budaya yang ada disetiap daerah di nusantara. Hilangnya semangat kebersamaan dan persaudaraan menjadi bibit lahirnya konflik dan disintegrasi. Ancaman konflik horizontal di Indonesia sangat rentan terjadi setiap saat.Mulai dari konflik SARA, konflik elite akibat dari pertarungan suksesi politik dalam semua tingkatan suksesi, dan konflik sektarianisme. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif analisis yaitu mengumpulkan fakta melalui observasi, literatur kepustakaan dan tulisan dimedia. Fakta menunjukkan bahwa konflik adalah bahaya laten yang dapat terjadi kapanpun. Apalagi, Indonesia adalah negara majemuk yang terdiridari berbagai suku dan budaya. Konflik yang terjadi salahsatunya diakibatkan ketidakmampuan pemerintah dalam mengelola potensi konflik melalui pembangunan komunikasi berbasis kearifan lokal.Konflik umumnya sangat potensial terjadi di daerah yang sedang menuju kota besar atau daerah tujuan berinvestasi. Sehingga seorang pemimpin khususnya kepala daerah dituntut memiliki communication skill terkait dengan seluruh bagian-bagian dalam kehidupan masyarakat di wilayahnya. Banyaknya konflik yang terjadi di suatu daerah mengindikasikan bahwa komunikasi yang berlandaskan kearifan lokal oleh kepala daerah kepada masyarakatnya belum secara maksimal atau bahkan tidak dilakukan. Penyertaan nilai kearifan lokal dalam membangun komunikasi dengan semua pihak akan membantu mencari solusi terhadap penanganan dan pencegahan konflik sehingga pembangunan dapat berjalan lancar menuju masyarakat yang modern tanpa kehilangan identitas lokalnya. Kata-Kata Kunci: Kearifan Lokal, Komunikasi, Pemerintah Daerah, Konflik Sosial dan Komunal.   ABSTRACT The government's focus on physical development by ignoring local wisdom has resulted in Indonesia beginning to experience a shift in the values ??of its life and the loss of character as a cultured nation. The neglect of the values ??of local wisdom leads to the loss of spirit of togetherness that characterizes the Indonesian nation and the threat of loss of cultural sustainability that exist in every region in the archipelago. The loss of the spirit of togetherness and brotherhood becomes the seed of the birth of conflict and disintegration. The threat of horizontal conflict in Indonesia is very vulnerable at all times. Ranging from SARA conflicts, elite conflicts resulting from political succession struggles at all levels of succession, and sectarian conflict. This research uses qualitative method with descriptive analysis approach that is collecting facts through observation, literature and literature writing dimedia. The facts show that conflict is a latent danger that can happen at any time. Moreover, Indonesia is a plural country consisting of various tribes and cultures. Conflict is one of the causes of the government's inability to manage the potential for conflict through the development of local wisdom-based communication. Conflict is generally very potential to occur in areas that are heading to big cities or destination areas to invest. So a leader, especially the head of the region is required to have communication skills related to all parts of community life in the region. The number of conflicts that occurred in a region indicates that communication based on local wisdom by the head of the region to the community has not been maximally or even not done. Inclusion of local wisdom values ??in building communication with all parties will help to find solutions to the handling and prevention of conflict so that development can run smoothly to modern society without losing its local identity. Keywords: Local Wisdom, communication, local government, social conflic and, comunal.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-31
Sunardi Nardi Panjaitan

Abstract This article explains how the transformation of the discourse of radicalism into extremist violence in media coverage. Radical movements tend to be interpreted as acts of violence. Not only that, the root of terrorism is caused by radicalism. But the discourse about radicalism continues to develop, the form of radical action or action is also the idea of ​​building an Islamic state. Therefore the state is important to deal with radical movements or radicalism understandings, especially through the media coverage. But in the media coverage, the state labeled Islamic groups as radical grups. The labeling is caused by the government not having an overall idea or concept towards acts of terrorism or radical movements. Proof of radicalism in Indonesia always moves between two pendulum. Action and regulation. When terror and violence occur, the government responds to these events by issuing a number of regulations and discourse several policies in the media. As a result, acts of terror tend to recur, and injustice and discrimination tend to be addressed to certain groups. Therefore, the transformation of radicalism into extremist violence as a response to the discourse on the handling of terrorism in Indonesia with overall concepts and ideas. Keyword: Radical Movement, Terrorism, media coverage, Extremist Violence

2021 ◽  
pp. 30-33
Iosif Melsovich Kuchiev

In order to avoid any political upheavals, it is necessary to create channels, in other words, elevators, thanks to which the transit of generations in different spheres of public and political life will take place at a slow pace, young people should become an active subject of political relations between the state and society.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 33
Sylvia Purnama Sari

This study aimed to describe Character Education In Dance Manduda the Community Simalungun. The research was conducted in June until the month of August 2016, this study uses theories that relate to topics such as the theory of education and character, understanding the value of character education, the meaning and understanding of dance movement Manduda. This study uses a qualitative method. The object of this research is Manduda dance.Data were obtained by the researchers themselves as a research instrument by using observation, interview, and documentation. Data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis to describe the state of the object in the field. The location of this research was conducted in District Pematang Raya.The results showed Manduda dance is a dance that describes the excitement and joy in harvest rice Simalungun society. Dance education Manduda contains characters that include the value religus, honesty, tolerance, discipline, hard work, creative, independent, democratic, national spirit, patriotism, friendship / communicative, peace-loving, caring environment, social care and responsibility.

Karen Savitri

<p>ISIS declared itself a caliphate, or Islamic state, with Abu Bakar al-Baghdadi as Caliph, claiming himself the successor of Prophet Muhammad and the leader of all Muslims in 2014. They wreak havoc in the Middle East and all the way to Southeast Asia, causing great damages to infrastructure and livelihood of people. ISIS’ violence is all around the media, in the internet, both offline and online news article, and discussed about in social media. Although the information regarding their atrocities is available only one click away, but why are there Indonesians who still do measures to support ISIS? What fuels so much malice towards the non-believer? What motivate them so much to do all these lengths and for what? This study, using constructivism as theory, discuses underlying historical and societal factors to the reason Indonesians are prone to support ISIS. Applying qualitative method, data are collected through interviews and literature study from books and journals. The researcher discussed altogether six push and pull factors, ranging from Indonesia’s historical account, its homegrown radicalism, tendencies of Indonesian Muslims, and millennial generation.</p><p><strong>BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRAK:</strong>  Negara Islam Irak dan Syam, atau lebih dikenal sebagai ISIS, mendeklarasikan dirinya sebagai sebuah khilafah, atau negara Islam, dengan Abu Bakar Al-Baghdadi sebagai Khalifah atau pemimpin atas segala umat Muslim, pada tahun 2014. Dalam aksinya, mereka membunuh banyak orang, merugikan harta benda, serta membuat kerusakan infrastruktur dari wilayah kekuasaannya di Timur Tengah sampai dengan Asia Tenggara. Kabar kekerasan ISIS terdengar melalui media massa, dari internet, dalam artikel berita, dan didiskusikan di media sosial. Namun, dengan segala informasi mengenai kekejaman ISIS, mengapa masih ada orang Indonesia yang mendukung ISIS? Apa yang membuat mereka membenci orang-orang kafir? Apa yang memotivasi mereka untuk berjuang demi ISIS, bahkan sampai rela untuk kehilangan nyawa? Penelitian ini, dengan mengaplikasikan teori konstruktivisme, mendiskusikan kisah sejarah Indonesia dan faktor sosial yang mendasari alasan orang Indonesia mendukung ISIS. Dengan metode penelitian kualitatif, data dikumpulkan melalui interview dan studi literatur dari buku dan artikel penelitian. Peneliti mendiskusikan total 6 (enam) faktor pendorong dan penarik, mulai dari kisah sejarah, radikalisme di Tanah Air, kecendrungan orang Muslim di Indonesia, dan generasi milenial.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 686-695
Gusti Nyoman Mastini ◽  
Ni Ketut Kantriani ◽  
Ni Wayan Arini

Language is one of the most important needs in social life. Balinese as a mother tongue is one of the identities and ancestral heritage that must be maintained and maintained properly. Existence can also be known by one word, namely existence. where existence is meant by the response from people around us which proves that our existence is recognized. This paper aims to describe the role of social media Instagram in an effort to maintain the existence of the use of Balinese language. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with descriptive analysis techniques. The results show that on Instagram social media accounts such as @wikibasabali, @Bahasa_bali which contains an online dictionary of three languages ​​(Bali-Indonesian-English), virtual libraries, the use of anggah ungguhing basa, the use of Balinese in daily life, as well as on the @beluluk account which presents humor or entertainment in the form of Balinese comics, in this case Instagram social media can be one of the media that plays a role in efforts to maintain the existence of the Balinese language.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 173
Tridasa Novany Wijaya ◽  
Hamidah Hamidah

<p><em>To realize good and accountable asset management, the Ministry of Finance as CFO (Chief Financial Officer) sets the revenue center paradigm in asset management. This is a new breakthrough from before that just as an asset administrator turns into asset manager without thinking about the potential revenue from asset management. The Directorate General of State Assets (DJKN) as the state asset manager with vertical institutions is implementing National Working Meeting (Rakernas) as the milestone of the beginning of the birth of this new paradigm with the stipulation of Circular Letter (Surat Edaran) Number 2/KN/2016 about the Following of the National Working Meeting DJKN 2016. Based on the mandate, The State Property and Auction Office of Surabaya (KPKNL Surabaya) continues to internalize this paradigm shift in order to realize the optimization of revenue through the management of state assets. The purpose of this study is to understand how the institutionalization process of this new paradigm by using new institutionalism theory. The methodology used in this research uses qualitative method with case study approach which is discussed with deep descriptive analysis. The results indicate the existence of institutional isomorphism symptoms that occur in the internalization process of this new paradigm, thus providing an overview of the influence and reaction to the establishment of a new paradigm that encourages organizational change.</em></p><p> </p>

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