scholarly journals Penerapan Bahan Ajar Dalam Peningkatan Kemampuan Kognitif Peserta Pelatihan Tata Kecantikan Kulit di LKP Piesca Jember

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Renita Swasti ◽  
Niswatul Imsiyah ◽  
Lutfi Ariefianto

LKP Piesca merupakan satu-satunya lembaga yang memiliki TUK (Tempat Uji Kompetensi) di bidang tata kecantikan kulit. Pada pembelajarannya lebih mengutamakan praktek, hal ini harus diimbangi  dengan   bahan  ajar  modul  sehingga  warga belajar dapat belajar secara komprehensif. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu teknik observasi, teknik wawancara, dan teknik dokumentasi. Teknik penentuan informan penelitian dalam penelitian ini menggunakan snowball sampling, dimana instruktur dan beberapa peserta pelatihan tata kecantikan kulit sebagai informan kunci dan pengelola lembaga sebagai informan pendukung. Teknik keabsahan menggunakan perpanjangan pengamatan, triangulasi sumber dan  triangulasi  teknik.  Analisis data menggunakan  model  Miles  and  Huberman dengan langkah-langkah yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu bahan ajar yang diberikan sudah relevan, cukup, dan sesuai dengan Standar Kompetensi. penyampain bahan ajar yang dilakukan oleh instruktur mudah difahami oleh peserta pelatihan. Sehingga dapat meningkatkan kemapuan konitif yaitu peserta pelatihan mampu mengingat, memahami, serta menerapkan apa yang telah diajarkan oleh instruktur. Bahkan ada peserta pelatihan yang sudah bisa membuka salon kecantikan sendiri. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu bahan ajar di LKP Piesca mampu meningkatkan   kemampuan   kognitif   peserta   pelatihan

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 9
Yunita Mansyah Lestari ◽  
Suzy Yusna Dewi ◽  
Aulia Chairani

ABSTRAK   Alexithymia ditandai dengan ketidakmampuan dalam mengenali dan mengekpresikan emosi serta pemikiran yang berorientasi eksternal sehingga mereka memiliki hubungan interpersonal yang buruk. Remaja dengan alexithymia cenderung menjadi kecanduan media sosial.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara Alexithymia terhadap kecanduan media sosial pada remaja di Jakarta Selatan. Subjek penelitian adalah remaja yang berusia 13-19 tahun dan tinggal di Jakarta selatan. Pengambilan data menggunakan metode consecutive sampling dan snowball sampling dengan menyebar kuesioner menggunakan link googleform. Jumlah subjek penelitian sebanyak 207 orang (41 = laki-laki, 166 = perempuan). Skala yang digunakan adalah Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20) dan Social Media Disorder (SMD). Analisa data menggunakan metode chi-square pada SPSS 25. Hasil penelitian didapatkan 85 orang mengalami alexithymia, 88 mengalami kecanduan dan 62 orang mengalami alexithymia dan kecanduan media sosial. p-value didapatkan 0,000. Hal ini berarti terdapat hubungan antara Alexithymia dengan Kecanduan Media Sosial pada remaja di Jakarta Selatan. Kata Kunci :Alexithymia, Kecanduan Media Sosial, Remaja     ABSTRACT   Alexithymia is characterized by an inability to recognize and express emotions and have external oriented thoughts so that they have poor interpersonal relationships. Teenagers with alexithymial tend to become addicted to social media. This study aims to determine the relationship between Alexithymia towards social media addiction in adolescents in South Jakarta. The research subjects were adolescents aged 13-19 years and lived in south Jakarta. Retrieval of the data was using consecutive sampling and snowball sampling method by distributing questionnaires using the googleform link. The number of research subjects was 207 people (41 = men, 166 = women). The scale was used is the Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20) and Social Media Disorder (SMD). Data analysis using the chi-square method in SPSS 25. The results showed that 85 people had alexithymia, 88 were addicted and 62 people had alexithymia and were addicted to social media. p-value obtained is 0,000. This means that there is a relationship between Alexithymia and Social Media Addiction in adolescents in South Jakarta. Keyword : Adolescents, Alexithymia, Social Media Addiction

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 21-32
Faiqua Tahjiba

Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the actual condition of the students of University of Rajshahi (RU) regarding drug abuse and addiction. Using case study method the research was conducted with four objectives: (a) to find out how respondents began drug abuse; (b) to discover the causes of their drug addiction; (c) to understand the process of their drug abuse; and (d) to find out the economic, social and health effects of drug abuse. Methods: Case study method was used in this research. Through snowball sampling 18 drug- addicted students of RU were selected as respondents. In-depth interview with a schedule was used to collect data from the respondents in January 2019. Results: Findings of the study show that the causes of drug addiction included curiosity, frustration, friends’ request, neglect from family and friends etc. The drugs which they usually abused were Yaba, Phensydyle, Ganja (Weed), Chuani etc. Their average monthly expenditure for collecting drugs was in between Taka 8,000-10,000. They collected those drugs from rickshaw pullers at different points within the campus and from Mizaner Mor, Budhpara slum and other places outside the campus. The respondents opined that drugs were available if sufficient money could be spent. The respondents had senior and junior fellow students and local boys as companions while taking drugs. Most of them faced physical problems after taking drugs, and some of them tried to get rid of this curse of drug addiction. Conclusion: The findings of this research show that the rate of drug addiction among the students of RU was quite alarming. Therefore, all stakeholders including the students, guardians, teachers, university authority, the law makers and law enforcing agencies, researchers, civil society, NGO’s and the state must come forward together to combat this formidable foe.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 15-24 ◽  
Nurul Latifah

Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kecamatan Rubaru Kabupaten Sumenep. Kecamatan Rubaru merupakan salah satu Kecamatan yang terletak di Kabupaten Sumenep dan juga dikenal sebagai pusat pembuatan ramuan obat tradisional. Sejak dahulu secara turun temurun masyarakat Rubaru telah memanfaatkan tumbuhan sebagai bahan dasar pengobatan tradisional untuk mengobati segala macam penyakit. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Metode pengambilan sampel yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah purposive sampling dan snowball sampling. Purposive sampling merupakan teknik sampling yang dipilih secara sengaja dengan pertimbangan bahwa responden mempunyai pengaruh cukup penting dan memiliki banyak informasi tentang tanaman obat temu ireng. Selanjutnya menggunakan teknik Snowball sampling yang merupakan teknik pengambilan sampel yang menggali data melalui metode wawancara dari satu responden ke responden yang lain, sampai peneliti tidak menemukan informasi baru lagi. Untuk menjawab rumusan masalah yang tersebut data yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan dan kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Penjabaran analisis ini menggunakan Skala Likert. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa persepsi masyarakat terhadap peran tumbuhan etnofarmaka temu ireng di Kecamatan Rubaru Kabupaten Sumenep dapat dikategorikan setuju.  Hal ini menunjukkan masyarakat setuju bahwa  tumbuhan temu ireng merupakan tanaman obat yang  memiliki peran yang sangat penting bagi kesehatan masyarakat dan membawa dampak yang sangat baik bagi masyarakat. Selain itu masyarakat juga meyakini bahwa temu ireng bermanfaat untuk menyembuhkan penyakit.  

Kenneth E. Parku ◽  
Yvonne Ayerki Lamptey

The practice of trade union pluralism at an enterprise level is seen as problematic for both the management of enterprises and the trade union movement. The problems arise from inter-union rivalries, competition and disputes over demarcations of privileges and rights. This article explores the practice of trade union pluralism at the enterprise level in Ghana with the aim of creating awareness of the effect of the practice on the general trade union movement. This qualitative study employed a cross-sectional design and used purposive and snowball sampling methods in selecting the participants. The data was analysed thematically. The findings from the study show that union pluralism is stimulating the decline in general union membership, the breakaway of local unions from the federations, and employers’ classification of workers based on their qualifications once they are employed by organisations, and their assignment to specific unions (automatic membership at enterprise level). It is suggested that employment laws encourage union breakaways, which weakens the unions especially at the enterprise level. It is recommended that the state, labour officials and policy-makers should enforce labour laws, especially regarding freedom of association, and consider revisiting or amending some labour laws to curb their abuse. The government and labour institutions need to work together to operationalise the implementation of legal provisions on freedom of association or consider amending the provisions to curb the existing abuse.

Mousaion ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 37 (1) ◽  
Olefhile Mosweu

Most curriculum components of archival graduate programmes consist of contextual knowledge, archival knowledge, complementary knowledge, practicum, and scholarly research. The practicum, now commonly known as experiential learning in the global hub, is now widely accepted in library and information studies (LIS) education as necessary and important. It is through experiential learning that, over and above the theoretical aspects of a profession, students are provided with the opportunity to learn by doing in a workplace environment. The University of Botswana’s Master’s in Archives and Records Management (MARM) programme has a six weeks experiential learning programme whose purpose is to expose prospective archivists and/or records managers to the real archival world in terms of practice as informed by archival theory. The main objective of the study was to determine the extent to which the University of Botswana’s experiential learning component exposes students to real-life archival work to put into practice theoretical aspects learnt in the classroom as intended by the university guidelines. This study adopted a qualitative research design and collected data through interviews from participants selected through purposive and snowball sampling strategies. Documentary review supplemented the interviews. The data collected were analysed thematically in line with research objectives. The study determined that experiential learning does indeed expose students to the real world of work. It thus helps to bridge the gap between archival theory and practice for students without archives and records management work experience. For those with prior archival experience, experiential learning does not add value. This study recommends that students with prior archives and records management experience should rather, as an alternative to experiential learning, undertake supervised research, and write a research essay in a chosen thematic area in archives and records management.

2018 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 89-95
Vili Nosa ◽  
Kotalo Leau ◽  
Natalie Walker

ABSTRACT Introduction: Pacific people in New Zealand have one of the highest rates of smoking.  Cytisine is a plant-based alkaloid that has proven efficacy, effectiveness and safety compared to a placebo and nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) for smoking cessation.  Cytisine, like varenicline, is a partial agonist of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, and blocks the rewarding effects of nicotine. Cytisine is naturally found in some plants in the Pacific region, and so may appeal to Pacific smokers wanting to quit. This paper investigates the acceptability of cytisine as a smoking cessation product for Pacific smokers in New Zealand, using a qualitative study design. Methods: In December 2015, advertisements and snowball sampling was used to recruit four Pacific smokers and three Pacific smoking cessation specialists in Auckland, New Zealand. Semi-structured interviews where undertaken, whereby participants were asked about motivations to quit and their views on smoking cessation products, including cytisine (which is currently unavailable in New Zealand). Interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim, with thematic analysis conducted manually. Findings: Pacific smokers reported wanting to quit for loved ones and family, but did not find currently available smoking cessation products effective. Almost all participants had not previously heard of cytisine, but many of the Pacific smokers were keen to try it. Participants identified with cytisine on a cultural basis (given its natural status), but noted that their use would be determined by the efficacy of the medicine, its cost, side-effects, and accessibility. They were particularly interested in cytisine being made available in liquid form, which could be added to a “smoothie” or drunk as a “traditional tea”.  Participants thought cytisine should be promoted in a culturally-appropriate way, with packaging and advertising designed to appeal to Pacific smokers. Conclusions: Cytisine is more acceptable to Pacific smokers than other smoking cessation products, because of their cultural practices of traditional medicine and the natural product status of cytisine.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 84-92
R. Obour, D. Amankwaa, A. Asare

Protected Areas (PAs) are created for the protection and maintenance of biological diversity, but many of Ghana’s PAs are subjectto severe pressures and threats, the main pressures being the illegal extraction of natural resources. Rattans are indisputablyone of the most important Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) in Ghana’s Protected Areas that is without doubt one of thereasons for which it has drawn the attention of researchers. In this study the illegal rattan extraction patterns in the AnkasaConservation Area (ACA) in Ghana was inspected. Simple random sampling and Snowball sampling techniques were used. Datacollection employed the use of semi-structured questionnaires, interviews and field enumeration of rattans as well as an analysisof Effective Patrol Man-days (EPMDS) from 2004 to 2012. The results showed a significant positive correlation (r = 0.75, p<0.05, r2 = 0.557) between patrol effort and rattan extraction encounters. In addition, there was a general reduction in illegalrattan extraction encounters from 2004 to 2012 at a rate of 4.3 per year. The highest illegal rattan extraction incidences wererecorded in 2006 (76 encounters), 2005 (35 encounters), 2008 (22 encounters), 2004 (18 encounters) and the least incidencewere recorded in both 2010 (3 encounters) and 2011 (3 encounters).The research also revealed that Eremospatha macrocarpawas the most extracted rattan species followed by Laccosperma secundiflorum. The major rattan extraction and trade routesoriginate in the northern parts and in the area east of the reserve and also south of Draw River Forest Reserve. Generally, rattanpoaching in Ankasa Conservation Area has declined, but there are still human incursions in the northern part of the reserve. Thestudy recommended an intensification of patrols in the north of the reserve. Also, enrichment planting and Agroforestry practicesof inter-cropping rattans with seasonal crops should be pursued vigorously for the local communities.

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Risna Kanurna Sopalatu

Sewa menyewa (al-ijarah) jasa atau imbalan adalah akad yang di lakukan atas dasar suatu manfaat dengan imbalan jasa. Ijarah adalah istilah dalam fikih islam yang berarti sesuatu di sewakan untuk di ambil manfaat dengan jalan penggantian atau suatu kegiatan untuk mendapatkan manfaat atas suatu barang tanpa mengurangi zat atas suatu barang. Tujuan penelitian  ini adalah untuk mengetahui pandangan hukum ekonomi islam tentang pelaksanaan sewa menyewa tanaman pohon kelapa yang di lakukan oleh masyarakat Desa Sepa kecamatan amahai Kabupaten Maluku Tengah. Kemudian kegunaan penelitian ini yaitu bermanfaat untuk memberikan sumbangsih bagi ilmu pengetahuan khususnya dalam bidang ekonomi islam dan sebagai bahan rijukan serta pertimbangan kelak, jika menemukan hal yang ada kaitannya berhubungan dengan penelitian ini. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kwalitatif deskriptif, maka penelitian ini di maksudkan untuk menggambarkan, mendepenelitiankan atau melukiskan suatu keadaan, gejala atau kelompok tertentu secara terperinci.Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik Observasi dan wawancara. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah masyarakat desa Sepa sebanyak 15 Orang yang paling mengetahui tentang pelaksanaan sewa menyewa tanaman pohon kelapa yang dipilih dengan menggunakan teknik snowball sampling. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu pelaksanaan sewa menyewa tanaman pohon kelapa yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat Desa Sepa Kecamatan Amahai Kabupaten Maluku Tengah telah sesuai dengan hukum ekonomi Islam karena menyewakan buah dari  tanaman untuk diambil manfaatnya dibolehkan dalam Islam sebagaimana suatu materi yang bervolusi secara bertahap hukumnya sama dengan manfaat seperti buah pada pepohonan, susu dan bulu pada kambing

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 122-129
Maria C K Nadjib ◽  
Alfetri N.P Lango ◽  
Paulus Un

The research, which was conducted in the village of Oepaha, Nekamese District, Kupang Regency, from June to July 2019, aims to identify marketing channels, capabilities and margins, and the share and benefits of celery marketing for farmers. The location of the research was determined using purposive sampling methods, considering that the location was the most important supplier area for celery in Kupang Regency. The population in this study was the farming community in Oepaha Village, Nekamese district, Kupang Regency,in the amount of 96 celery farmers. The sampling methods is carried out by simple random sampling according to the Slovenian formula, so that a sample of 49 celery farmers is obtained. Sampling for marketing institutions was determined by selecting the marketing institutions which directly involved in celery marketing using snowball sampling methods. In the end, respondents selected marketing institutes consisting of village collectors amounted to 4 people and retailers amounted to 4 people. The analysis of the data used in this study includes descriptive analysis, marketing margin analysis, farmer's share analysis and marketing profit analysis. The results showed that the marketing channel for celery carried out by farmers consisted of two channels, namely farmers directly to consumers and farmers to consumers through intermediaries, namely village collectors and retailers. Celery marketing functions that arise are the functions of sales, purchases, transport, standardization and financing and market information on the zero level channel,while sales, purchasing, transportation, storage, standardization, and financing, as well as market information, run on the second level channel. The marketing margin at zero level is Rp. 51.000,-, while the second level marketing channel is Rp. 17,000 at the collector and Rp. 34,000 at the retailer. The percentage of farmer’s share received by farmers is 25% at zero level and 25% at second level channel. The profit from celery marketing in the zero level marketing channel is Rp. 8.261 (farmers), the second level marketing channel is Rp. 16,688 (farmers), Rp. 15.267 (collectors' traders), Rp. 28,029 (retailers).


The purposes of this study were to know marketing channel, marketing margin, share, and marketing profit of fresh fruit bunches of oil palm in Tempakan Village, Batu Engau Subregency, Paser Regency. The study was conducted from June to August 2016. The sampling method was done with two ways as random sampling in farmer level and in marketing channel as snowball sampling. Data analysis were done by calculating marketing margin, share, and marketing profit. The results of this study showed that there are two marketing channels in reserach location are channel of level zero and channel of level one. Marketing margin in farmer level was Rp40.39 kg-1 and margin in whole trader level was Rp314.44 kg-1. The average share of farmer level was 97.58% and in trader level was 81.48%. Margin and share that profitable for farmer is at channel of level zero. The average of profit in whole trader level of fresh fruit bunches was 112.75%, that meant marketing by whole trader is profitable.

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