Nikolay Ivanovich Polishchuk

We investigate the questions of the qualitative impact of enforcement proceedings on the state of the legal order in the country. Also we provide the statistical data on the state of the legal order in the Russian Federation and the relevant conclusions about the impact of the detected crimes on the perception of this order by citizens. The ineffectiveness of the policy in the sphere of stabilization and reduction of the number of offenses in the country was noted. It is concluded that a significant distortion of human and legal values in the Russian society, including due to non-compliance with legal principles by the authorities. Special attention is paid to the existing interaction of the principle of humanism with the person who committed the crime. We substantiate the harmful influence of certain mass media on citizens due to incorrect and sometimes frankly false legal education. Special attention is paid to the reasons for the incompleteness of the reform of the penal system of the country. The current issues in the activities of corrections facilities are considered. The position that without effective institutions and bodies executing court decisions, it is impossible to properly counteract crime and ensure the desired public order is justified.

Lex Russica ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 74 (2) ◽  
pp. 64-79
R. V. Tkachenko

The paper is devoted to the examination of issues related to the increasing importance of budgetary regulation for the proper functioning of a modern innovative society. The key role of the budgetary regulation in the financial process of the State is particularly acute in the context of systemic crises that include socio-economic consequences caused by the spread of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) in Russia. In the course of the study, the features of changes in the state financial policy caused by the above-mentioned crisis phenomena are highlighted. The paper describes various approaches to the interpretation of the budgetary regulation as a category of financial law, explores various types and legal forms of methods of the budgetary regulation, analyses mechanisms and the impact of the State on the budget system through the existing legal structure of the budgetary regulation. It is determined that the rules of financial law governing the whole complex of public relations concerning the distribution and redistribution of the national product between the levels of the budget system of the Russian Federation constitute the institution of financial law, namely: the budgetary regulation. The author concludes that the approach based on the concentration of basic powers in the financial field at the federal level significantly slows down the dynamics of development of economic activity in the majority of regions of Russia, while the need for breakthrough innovative development of Russian society determinates the expansion of long-term tax sources of income for regional budgets. In this regard, it is proposed to consolidate additional regulation for revenues gained by regional and local budgets in the form of targeted deductions from federal taxes on a long-term basis.

Любовь Ильинична Разбирина

В статье приведены данные уголовно-правовой характеристики осужденных, отбывающих наказание в виде лишения свободы в Российской Федерации. Цель исследования заключается в том, чтобы показать влияние изменений в уголовной политике государства на изменение численности осужденных, распределение их в зависимости от квалификации совершенных преступлений, по количеству судимостей, назначенному сроку наказания в виде лишения свободы и по другим показателям. Установлено, что произошли существенные изменения в распределении осужденных в зависимости от числа судимостей и по срокам назначенного судом наказания, в распределении по видам исправительных учреждений. Анализ статистических данных ФСИН России демонстрирует, что в исследуемый период значительно возросла доля женщин, осужденных к лишению свободы, а численность несовершеннолетних осужденных сократилась в несколько раз, существенно возросли доля осужденных за преступления, связанные с незаконным оборотом наркотиков, и численность осужденных на срок наказания свыше 10 лет лишения свободы, а также произошли другие изменения. Знание и учет особенностей уголовно-правовой характеристики осужденных в деятельности научных и практических работников будет способствовать повышению эффективности деятельности уголовно-исполнительной системы в решении задач по исправлению осужденных и предупреждению совершения новых преступлений как осужденными, так и иными лицами, - достижении основных целей уголовно-исполнительного законодательства Российской Федерации. The article presents the data of criminal-legal characteristics of convicts serving a sentence of imprisonment in the Russian Federation. The aim of the study is to show the impact of changes in the criminal policy of the state on changes in the number of convicts, their distribution depending on the qualification of the crimes committed, the number of convictions, the appointed term of imprisonment and other criteria. As a result of the conducted researches it is established that there were essential changes in distribution condemned depending on number of criminal records and on terms of the punishment appointed by court, in distribution by types of correctional facilities and other indicators. The analysis of statistical data of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia reflects the fact that during the study period the proportion of women sentenced to imprisonment increased significantly, and the number of juvenile convicts decreased several times, the proportion of those convicted of crimes related to drug trafficking and the number of those sentenced to more than 10 years of imprisonment, as well as other changes. Knowledge and consideration of the features of the social and legal characteristics of convicts in the activities of researchers and practitioners will contribute to improving the efficiency of the penal system in solving problems of correction of convicts and preventing the Commission of new crimes by both convicts and other persons, which is the main objectives of the Penal legislation of the Russian Federation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 21-29
Svetlana Yu. Pavlova ◽  
Nikita V. Geroev

The article analyzes the structure of state programs financing, provides actual data on federal budget expenditures for several years. On the basis of actual data, the predominant role of state programs in forming the budget system expenditures in the Russian Federation is shown. On average, in 2014-2019, the share of expenditures on state programs was 51.5%. In 2019, the share of expenditures for implementing the state programs in the structure of federal budget expenditures was about 61%. The relevance of the topic showing the impact of state programs on the federal budget expenditures is caused by the fact that in modern conditions, implementation of state programs contributes to harmonious developing certain life spheres in the Russian society and helps the state to direct budget funds more specifically for certain purposes within the areas of state programs implementation. The predominance of state programs gives the state the opportunity to allocate federal budget funds purposefully, as well as it provides an opportunity for the state to finance the main policy directions. Using the methods of comparison, calculation of the specific weight and others, the results are obtained that enable us to draw the following conclusions: the change in the amount of federal budget expenditures and the amount of expenditures on state programs is not proportional, that is why the share of expenditures on implementing the state programs in each period under study is different, but still makes about half of the total amount of expenditures.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 133-139

The article considers the issue of interaction between the state and civil society, analyzes the main approaches and models of such interaction. The author notes the important consolidating role played by public and public Advisory Councils under state authorities in Russian society.

2019 ◽  
Vol 40 (3) ◽  
pp. 148-155
K. N. Yusupov ◽  
V. M. Timiryanova, ◽  
Iu. S. Toktamysheva ◽  
A. F. Zimin,

The article presents a methodology for assessing the impact of spatial environment on the socioeconomic development of municipalities. It relies on existing tools for assessing the state and potential of the geographical location of municipalities. An integrated approach allows to determine the potential of the interaction of the municipality with the neighbors of the first and second order. The methodology was tested on statistical data on the Blagovarsky municipal district.

Kristina A. Bannova ◽  
Nurken E. Aktaev ◽  
Yulia G. Tyurina

Digital technologies have changed the relationship between the society and business entities, taxpayers and the state. Ceteris paribus, the ability to effectively manage financial flows and make administrative decisions depends on the correct and established interaction between the state and taxpayers. This study aims to form and develop a taxpayer’s understanding of the digital age with all its features and opportunities for information and communication technologies, including mathematical modeling methods that form the basis of the digital economy for building and sustaining business development, improving the systemic vision of business processes. The research hypothesis is that the further development of economic entities management in the digital context, as well as the coordination of these entities’ interests, is possible only in the partnership of the key economic participants, with the taxpayer at the forefront. That will allow identifying the areas for improving tax trajectories. Using polynomial approximation, the authors have obtained the models of tax trajectories of companies that allow predicting tax burden. The data for approximations are obtained using the previously constructed mathematical model of the optimal tax path. The main input data of the model are fixed assets and human resources, the totality of which form the production function. The analysis of the transformation of tax paths shows ways for achieving a balance of interests between both the state and the taxpayers. Finding this balance will help to overcome the crisis of confidence in the authorities, the development of adaptability and creativity of Russian society to new tax changes. A number of parameters determines the scale of this task. They include the complexity of the object of study, the long-term and multi-aspect nature of the impact which modeling the digital economy has on adaptation to the new digital realities of the state and taxpayers, as well as the absence of significant analogues of the solution to this problem in global and Russian economics.

Надежда Владимировна Романова

В статье автором изучен такой общественно опасный феномен как коррупция, в частности, коррупционные правонарушения сотрудников УИС, вызывающие наибольший резонанс и создающие реальную угрозу не только пенитенциарной, но и национальной безопасности государства, поскольку именно сотрудники УИС должны являться гарантом обеспечения законности, правопорядка и справедливого исполнения наказаний. Показывается, что в борьбе с данным негативным явлением одним из эффективных средств является правовое просвещение и воспитание, поскольку причиной многих коррупционных правонарушений, совершаемых в УИС, является правовая безграмотность сотрудников. На основе проведенного анкетирования были изучены содержание, формы и методы работы сотрудниками УИС по правовому просвещению в рамках профилактической деятельности в борьбе с коррупцией в УИС. Автор приходит к выводу, что достижение реальных результатов в деле формирования атмосферы нетерпимости к коррупционным проявлениям, подрывающим авторитет государственной службы в Российской Федерации, возможно только путем консолидации всех усилий, а проводимый комплекс информационно-пропагандистских и просветительских мероприятий дает положительные результаты. In the article the author studied such socially dangerous phenomenon as corruption, in particular - corruption offenses of CES employees, causing the greatest resonance and creating a real threat not only to penitentiary, but also to national security of the state, since it is the CES employees should be the guarantor of legality, law and order and fair execution of punishment. It is shown that one of the effective means to combat this negative phenomenon is legal enlightenment and education, since the cause of many corruption offenses committed in the CES is the legal illiteracy of employees. The content, forms and methods of work on legal education as part of preventive anti-corruption work with employees of prisons have been studied on the basis of the questionnaire. The author concludes that the achievement of real results in the formation of an atmosphere of intolerance to corrupt practices that undermine the authority of public service in the Russian Federation is possible only through the consolidation of all efforts, and the ongoing set of outreach and educational activities gives positive results.

Дмитрий Викторович Кияйкин

В статье проведен анализ существующей практики защиты имущественных интересов уголовно-исполнительной системы Российской Федерации при участии в уголовном процессе в качестве представителя потерпевшего, изложены рекомендации по улучшению данной работы с учетом особенностей сложившейся практики. Раскрываются особенности уголовно-процессуальной защиты на основе материалов территориальных органов и анализа дел указанной категории схарактеристикой эффективных решений иимеющихся проблем по защите имущественных интересов уголовно-исполнительной системы (далее - УИС), материалов практики защиты поуказанным вопросам, аналитических и статистических данных за 2018-2020 гг. Обращено внимание, чтона практике имеются сложности с определением размера возмещаемого ущерба и сроков исковой давности, а также с фактическим исполнением судебных решений овзыскании ущерба в связи с финансовой несостоятельностью должников. Важной проблемой по защите имущественных интересов остается отсутствие методики определения размера причиненного репутационного вреда органам иучреждениям уголовно-исполнительной системы Российской Федерации. Обеспечение своевременного допуска представителя органа илиучреждения УИС имеет существенное значение для защиты имущественных интересов, поскольку юридическое лицо получает фактическую возможность по отстаиванию своих законных интересов лишь смомента допуска представителя - физического лица. Автором определены направления работы должностных и иных заинтересованных лиц по реализации защиты имущественных интересов УИС при участии в уголовном процессе в качестве представителя потерпевшего. The article analyzes the existing practice of protecting the property interests of the Penal system of the Russian Federation when participating in criminal proceedings as a representative of the victim, and provides recommendations for improving this work, taking into account the features of the current practice. The article reveals the features of criminal procedure protection based on the materials of territorial bodies and the analysis of cases of this category with the characteristics of effective solutions and existing problems in protecting the property interests of the Penal system (hereinafter the FPS), materials of defense practice on these issues, analytical and statistical data for the period 2018-2020. Attention is drawn to the fact that in practice there are some peculiarities in determining the amount of damage to be compensated and the limitation period. Due to the financial insolvency of debtors in practice, there is a difficulty with the actual execution of court decisions on recovery of damages. An important problem in protecting property interests remains the lack of a methodology for determining the amount of reputational damage caused to the bodies and institutions of the Russian Federation's penal system. Ensuring the timely admission of a representative of a body or institution of a penal system is essential for the protection of property interests, since a legal entity gets the actual opportunity to defend its legitimate interests only from the moment of admission of a representative - an individual. The author defines the directions of work of officials and other interested persons to protect the property interests of the Penal system of the Russian Federation when participating in criminal proceedings as a representative of the victim.

Олег Игоревич Денисенко ◽  
Оганнес Давитович Мкртчян

В связи с увеличением числа преступлений террористической направленности разрешения требуют вопросы, связанные с обеспечением объектов (территорий) УИС инструментами антитеррористической защищенности, к которым можно отнести такие, как проведение организационно-практических мероприятий антитеррористической защиты объектов УИС, наличие соответствующей документации и ответственного должностного лица, выполнение режимных требований на объектах УИС в соответствии с законодательством РФ, а также обеспечение контроля за количественными и качественными характеристиками эксплуатируемых инженерно-технических средств охраны и надзора. Актуальность проводимого исследования обусловлена необходимостью качественной реализации в правоприменительной практике совокупности требований обеспечения мероприятий по обеспечению антитеррористической защищенности объектов (территорий) УИС с целью защиты прав и интересов всех субъектов уголовно-исполнительной системы от террористического посягательства. Авторами выявляются проблемы правового и организационного уровня при оценке состояния антитеррористической защищенности объектов УИС: формализм при проведении обследований, недостаточный уровень оснащенности объектов УИС инженерно-техническими средствами охраны и надзора, а также финансирования для удовлетворения нужд объектов УИС в части обеспечения антитеррористической защищенности. Помимо прочего упоминаются такие проблемы, как отсутствие унифицированных принципов организации деятельности комплексных комиссионных обследований, разработанных с учетом современных правоприменительных норм и запросов практики, а также обосновывается необходимость повышения компетентности сотрудников ФСИН России при проведении комплексных комиссионных обследований. In connection with the increase in the number of terrorist crimes, the resolution requires issues related to the provision of facilities (territories) of the penal system with anti-terrorist security tools, which include such as the implementation of organizational and practical measures for the anti-terrorist protection of the penal system, the availability of appropriate documentation and a responsible official, the implementation of regime requirements at the facilities of the penal system in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as ensuring control over the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the operating engineering and technical means of protection and supervision. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that in law enforcement practice, a high-quality implementation of the set of requirements for ensuring the anti-terrorist protection of objects (territories) of the penal system is required so that the rights and interests of all subjects of the penal system in terms of protection from terrorist encroachment are observed. The authors identify the problems of the legal and organizational level when assessing the state of anti-terrorist security of penal facilities: formalism in conducting surveys, insufficient equipment of penal facilities with engineering and technical means of protection and supervision, as well as the level of funding to meet the needs of penal facilities in terms of ensuring anti-terrorist protection. Among other things, such problems as the lack of unified principles for organizing the activities of complex commission surveys, developed taking into account modern law enforcement norms and practice requests, are mentioned, as well as the need to improve the competence of employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia when conducting comprehensive commission surveys is substantiated.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 233-254
Jonáš Syrovátka ◽  
Jan Holzer

Abstract Euromaidan events represented a major political issue for discussion among Russian political analysts. While from a distance the perception in Russian society might seem monolithic, a closer look suggests that Euromaidan events spurred multiple reactions within the population. To demonstrate this, the article describes the different perceptions of Euromaidan in 108 texts published by Russian academics between 2013 and 2018. While analyzing the argumentation of these texts, it is possible to identify two main differences—terminology in the use of either coup or revolution to describe the happenings, and the importance of the local context for the course of events. Significant differences among texts allow us to conclude that there have been various interpretations of Euromaidan among Russian academics. This conclusion not only sheds new light on the state of public debate in the Russian Federation but can be also seen as a contribution to the debate about how so-called modern authoritarian regimes operate.

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