2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-130
Iswatun Khoiriah ◽  
Ifat Nabilah ◽  
Suyadi Suyadi

The development of elementary school age children is a matter that must be guided, and guarded together by parents, teachers, and the community. All parties must be involved in maintaining and creating a good environment for the nation's next generation. This is due to many distorted phenomena committed by elementary age children, such as bullying, stealing, smoking, fighting, fighting parents and the most concerning is the case of free sex and drugs. Based on these phenomena, the development of religious and moral values of elementary age students is very appropriate and interesting to study. This research is intended to analyze the development of the religious and moral values of elementary age children achieved. This research is a descriptive qualitative study with data collection methods using interview techniques to obtain data from the informants or respondents who are the research subjects. In addition, researchers also conducted interviews with teachers and conducted literature reviews from various sources to supplement and sharpen data related to the topics discussed. The research subject to be studied was a Class VI student from MI Ma'arif Bego. The results showed that the factors supporting the achievement of children's religious-moral values on the subject there are 3 factors namely, internal / from within the child, family, school and environment. These three factors must support each other, supervise, remind, guide, set an example and take care of one another so as to create the next generation of people who are religiously religious and moral. As well as the achievement of the development of religious and moral values in elementary age students, it will alienate elementary age students from deviant behavior and things.

Suyahman Suyahman

<p><em>The subject matter of the research was formulated: What is the strengthening of Pancasila values through Karangtaruna activities in Wirogunan Village, Kartasura District, Sukoharjo Regency during the Covid 19 pandemic. Research subjects: Karangtaruna management and members, and the objects are Pancasila values and Karangtaruna activities. Data collection methods: interviews and documentation. Data analysis was carried out by qualitative analysis. The results of the research were based on the results of interviews conducted with the management and members of the Karangtaruna group. Information was obtained: strengthening Pancasila values through Karangtaruna activities carried out by: 1. Religious values carried out by studying the Koran. 2. Human values: providing food and drink for residents who are self-isolating, 3. Unity value: maintaining a portal to monitor the exit of residents in an effort to anticipate the transmission of the Covid 19 virus, 4. Democratic value: regular meetings held by deliberation and consensus, 5 The value of fairness: treating all members and administrators fairly. The conclusion is that the strengthening of Pancasila values through Karangtaruna activities in Wirogunan Village, Kartasura District, Sukoharjo Regency is carried out by applying Pancasila values in all Karangtaruna activities.</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 34
Hasya Putri Afifian ◽  
Eka Setyaningsih

This study aims to describe the adaptive reasoning skills of students in SMP Negeri 5 Purwokerto in terms of student learning activeness in the subject system of two-variable linear equations. This study uses qualitative research methods and uses the Miles and Huberman model, which includes data reduction, data presentation (display data) and conclusions (verification/conclusion drawing). Sources of data in this study were students of class VIII H. The research subjects were obtained using purposive sampling techniques, and students were categorized into three categories, namely students with high, medium and low learning activeness categories. Each group was selected by three students for research purposes. Data collection methods in this study used questionnaires, tests, interviews and documentation. Based on the results of the study it can be said that students who have high learning activeness are able and meet three of the five indicators of adaptive reasoning skills appropriately, students who have active learning are not yet adequately fulfilling indicators of adaptive reasoning skills appropriately, and students who have low learning activeness have not been able to and mastering precisely the indicators of adaptive reasoning abilities.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 218-224
Ermaniza Ermaniza

The fluency of a person's language is closely related to the vocabulary he has. The more vocabulary you have, the larger the horizon you have. This is where the vocabulary is clearly visible. In general, the increased vocabulary of school-aged children because of the influence of the surrounding environment, such as getting a lesson in school directly reading, listening to teachers or friends who are talking and others. Based on the available information, the number and quality of vocabulary of elementary school age children is running rapidly. SD curriculum states that the vocabulary that must be mastered by primary school children is 6,000 words. The vocabulary has been determined based on a certain level, (Class I to VI). But the subject of the determination is not clear so it hasnot been seen how the relationship between the word one with another word. Speaking of vocabulary almost always implies meaning. Understanding vocabulary means relating to the potential to recognize the sense contained in the word.Thus the form and meaning of words used in everyday life must be linked to the underlying context

2019 ◽  
Vol 46 (05) ◽  
pp. 863-893
Jennifer E. ARNOLD ◽  
Sandra ZERKLE ◽  
Leela RAO

AbstractLanguage development requires children to learn how to understand ambiguous pronouns, as in Panda Bear is having lunch with Puppy. He wants a pepperoni slice. Adults tend to link he with Puppy, the prior grammatical subject, but young children either fail to exhibit this bias (Arnold, Brown-Schmidt &amp; Trueswell, 2007) or do so more slowly than adults (Hartshorne et al., 2015a; Song &amp; Fisher, 2005). In the current study, we test whether language exposure affects this bias in elementary-school-age children. Children listened to stories like the one above, and answered questions like “Who wants a pepperoni slice?” which reveal their pronoun interpretation. Individual variation in the rate of selecting the subject character correlated with measures of print exposure, such that children who read more are more likely to follow the subject bias. This is the first study to establish that print exposure affects spoken pronoun comprehension in children.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 22
Marina Dwi Mayangsari ◽  
Dwi Nurrachmah ◽  
Alvina Rizkiani ◽  
Alda Nursyifa Aidilla ◽  
Tuti Asmaniah

The elderly are very vulnerable to anxiety, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. Many elderly people are infected with this virus, especially those who have comorbids. The feeling of worrying about mortality rate raises the risk of physical condition decreasing, this further increases susceptibility to infection. This study aims to determine the description and the factors that cause anxiety. The study was conducted using a qualitative approach. Data collection methods used observation, interviews, and Geriatric Anxiety Scale (GAS). The research subjects for the initial survey were five people, then deepening to an elderly woman (BW), 63 years old who obtained the highest anxiety score. The results showed that the elderly felt anxious about their surroundings being exposed to the Covid-19 virus, it’s seen from the symptoms such as restlessness, difficulty sleeping, and disturbed concentration of thought. Anxiety is caused by physical factors such as suffering from accompanying illness, trauma from emotional experiences, and loss contact with the social environment. The conclusion that the elderly excessive worry because of their physical vulnerability so they often worried if they contracted Covid-19. Simple intervention suggestions such as remembrance therapy in order to calm the feelings and thoughts of the subject during the Covid-19 pandemic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-5
Atikah Dewi Anggita ◽  
Iin Purnamasari ◽  
Rahmat Rais

This research is motivated by the large number of elementary school age children at SD Pleburan 03 Semarang who practice deviant behavior. This study aims to determine the form of deviant behavior, the factors that influence deviant behavior, and the efforts made to deal with deviant behavior in children. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The results showed that the forms of deviant behavior were lying, cheating, disturbing others, making noise, being late, scribbling on walls / tables / chairs, skipping classes, teasing, leaving class without permission, fighting, sleeping in class during lessons, not paying attention. teachers, not carrying out pickets, yelling, fighting against teachers, destroying other people's things, stealing, smoking, using sharp weapons. The influencing factors are due to the inability to absorb cultural norms, the learning process that strikes, the tension between culture and social structures, different social ties and the consequence of the socialization of deviant sub-cultural values. Efforts are given to address deviant behavior in children, namely preventive action, repressive action, curative action, and persuasive action. Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh banyaknya anak usia sekolah dasar di SD Pleburan 03 Semarang yang melakukan perilaku menyimpang. Penelitian ini bertujuan  untuk mengetahui bentuk perilaku menyimpang, faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku  menyimpang, dan upaya yang dilakukan untuk menangani perilaku menyimpang pada  anak. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bentuk perilaku menyimpang yang dilakukan adalah berbohong, menyontek, mengganggu orang lain, membuat kegaduhan, terlambat, mencoret-coret  dinding/meja/kursi, membolos, mengejek, meninggalkan kelas tanpa ijin, berkelahi, tidur  dikelas ketika pelajaran, tidak memperhatikan guru, tidak melaksanakan piket, memalak, melawan guru, merusak barang orang lain, mencuri, merokok, menggunakan senjata tajam. Faktor yang mempengaruhi yaitu karena ketidaksanggupan menyerap norma norma kebudayaan, proses belajar yang menyimpaang, ketegangan antara kebudayaan dan struktur sosial, ikatan sosial yang berlainan dan akibat proses sosisalisasi nilai subkebudayaan yang menyimpang. Upaya yang diberikan untuk menangani perilaku menyimpang pada anak yaitu tindakan preventif, tindakan represif, tindakan kuratif, dan tindakan persuasif.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-58
Karmila P. Lamadang ◽  
Pupung Puspa Ardini ◽  
Ali Kaku ◽  
Lukman A.R. Laliyo

This study aims to determine the impact on elementary school children after the eviction in Tanjung Sari, Karaton, Luwuk Subdistrict, Banggai District, Indonesia. The study was conducted for three months, from February to June 2018. The research subjects were the community, especially children who were sitting in the elementary school along with parents of students at Tanjung Sari. Procedure This research is this research using procedures with stages including the following: planning, observation and implementation stages. In this study using qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques obtained through respondents' statements contained in the questionnaire data, and then to check the accuracy of the data is also carried out interviews, observation and documentation. While in describing the data obtained quantitatively used descriptive statistics, this was done in this study to obtain the correct information. Furthermore, in data processing there are two steps used, Data Selection and Classification The steps taken are a) checking whether all respondents; b) check all questions in the questionnaire to ensure answers according to the instructions given; c) check whether the collected data is suitable for processing. Then giving the score weight for each alternative answer in scoring is used Likert scale which is one way to determine the score. This technique is used to get the tendency of the scores given by respondents on each item of the question according to the criteria or benchmarks used. Based on the results of research conducted that the impact of residential execution on the continuity of education in elementary school age children in Tanjung Sari, Kelurahan Karwen, Luwuk Subdistrict, Banggai Regency has a very strong impact on the continuity of education in elementary school children in Tanjung Sari, Karaton, Luwuk Subdistrict, Banggai District.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 368
Mifdal Zusron Alfaqi ◽  
Abd. Mu’id Aris Shofa ◽  
Muhammad Mujtaba Habibi

This study aims to reveal the role of youth in the preservation of wayang suket in the Gubuk Baca Lentera Negeri (GBLN) and see the actualization of the Pancasila moral values in the traditional Suket puppet play. This study was conducted on a group of young people who are members of the Gubuk Baca Lentera Negeri in Sukolilo Village, Jabung District, Malang Regency. This study uses a qualitative method, the subject of the study is the Gubuk Baca Lentera Negeri and the object of study is the role of youth in the preservation of wayang suket as the actualization of the Pancasila moral values. Data collection methods in this study use interviews, observations, field notes, literature, internet, and documentation. The results of this study have illustrated that the Gubuk Baca Lentera Negeri has preserved wayang suket and in the process of making and story of wayang suket, there is a moral value of Pancasila.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 88-95
Aen Fariah

This study discusses the inhibiting factors for online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study aims to make parents aware of the factors that become obstacles when accompanying their children to study from home. This type of research uses qualitative methods and empowerment activities carried out by the research team, the researcher provides an open questionnaire to the subject, namely the parents of students aged 9-10 years old. In addition, we conduct education to find solutions to the inhibiting factors while learning from home takes place online. From the results of this study, it is concluded that the parents of students have an inhibiting factor in accompanying learning from home, namely parents have difficulty understanding the material being studied by the child, which causes emotional expressions of anger, annoyance, resentment. Apart from that, the limitations of the gadgets that are owned and the signal constraints are also inhibiting factors in distance learning.

1978 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-23
Karen Navratil ◽  
Margie Petrasek

In 1972 a program was developed in Montgomery County Public Schools, Maryland, to provide daily resource remediation to elementary school-age children with language handicaps. In accord with the Maryland’s guidelines for language and speech disabilities, the general goal of the program was to provide remediation that enabled children with language problems to increase their abilities in the comprehension or production of oral language. Although self-contained language classrooms and itinerant speech-language pathology programs existed, the resource program was designed to fill a gap in the continuum of services provided by the speech and language department.

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