scholarly journals Gambaran Isolat Bakteri Aerob Diare pada Anak yang Dirawat di RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin Tahun 2015

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 87
Gusti Muhamma Edy Muttaqin ◽  
Edi Hartoyo ◽  
Dona Marisa

Abstract: Diarrhea is one of the major health problems in children, especially children under five in developing countries because the mortality and morbidity rate is still high. In the world, 4 to 6 million children die every year from diarrhea, most of these deaths occur in developing countries. In general, the cause of diarrhea can not be separated from the bacterial infection. Bacteria that cause diarrhea varies by age, place, and time. The purpose of this study is analyzing anaerobic bacterial isolate in patients hospitalized children with diarrhea in general hospital ulin Banjarmasin. This study was an observational study with cross sectional design. Types of bacteria in pediatric patients in hospitals Ulin Banjarmasin period August-October 2015 at most is Escherichia coli by 26 samples (72.22%), Salmonella typhi by 7 samples (19.44%), and Shigella sp by 3 samples (8, 33%). Keywords: aerobic bacterial isolate, hospitalized children, diarrhea Abstrak: Diare merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan utama pada anak terutama balita di negara berkembang karena angka kematian dan kesakitannya masih tinggi. Di dunia, sebanyak 4 sampai 6 juta anak meninggal tiap tahunnya karena diare, dimana sebagian besar kematian tersebut terjadi di negara berkembang. Pada umumnya penyebab diare tidak terlepas dari infeksi bakteri. Bakteri penyebab diare berbeda-beda berdasarkan umur, tempat, dan waktu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk Mengidentifikasi isolat bakteri aerob diare pada pasien diare anak yang dirawat di RSUD Ulin Periode Agustus – November 2015. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian observasional dengan rancangan cross sectional. Sampel diambil adalah feses dari seluruh populasi anak penderita diare yang dirawat di RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin dengan menggunakan metode total sampling. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa jenis isolat bakteri pada pasien anak di RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin periode Agustus – Oktober 2015 dengan total 36 sampel paling banyak adalah Eschericia coli dengan jumlah 26 (72,22%) sampel, Salmonella typhi dengan jumlah 7 (19,44%) sampel, kemudian Shigella sp. 3 (8,33%) sampel. Kata-kata kunci: isolate bakteri aerob, anak yang dirawat, diare

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 33-36
Merry Lusiana ◽  
Tati Nuryati ◽  
Toha Muhaimin ◽  
Rizki Edmi Edison

Introduction: Non infectious disease is a major health problem especially in developing countries. Among those, stroke always be the leading one that occurs followed by health burden.  Some factors in increasing of mortality and disability due to stroke are lack of understanding of risk factors and awareness to early signs especially among people with hypertension. If the factors those influence the knowledge, awareness, and others stroke alert behaviors are known, promotive or prevention acts could be done by health workers. Aims: The aim of this study is to find out the stroke alert behavior among them that conducted at Puskesmas Cengkareng of West Jakarta on July and August 2020. Method: 116 patients were participated to fill the questionnaire and analyzed with cross-sectional design. Results: Our study revealed that knowledge, perception of utility, and perception to level of disease severity is the most influenced factor to stroke alert behavior.   

Medicina ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 57 (10) ◽  
pp. 1113
Madalina Timircan ◽  
Felix Bratosin ◽  
Iulia Vidican ◽  
Oana Suciu ◽  
Mirela Turaiche ◽  

Background and Objectives: As maternal deaths associated with the SARS-CoV-2 infection remain at several times greater than the general population, significant factors that might contribute to the higher mortality and morbidity rate are the psychological impact of the disease and pregnancy itself. Therefore, the current study’s main objective was to assess how pregnant women react and cope with the stress of COVID-19 disease and how it influences their overall health and quality of life in healthcare facilities. Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, we included 304 pregnant women who successfully completed standardized forms to assess our topics of interest, comprising of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, the Short Form Health Survey-12, the Coping Orientation to Problems Experienced Inventory scale, the CORE-Outcome Measure Questionnaire, and the Quality from the Patient’s Perspective questionnaire. Results: Unemployed, pregnant women living in poverty in the rural areas had higher SARS-CoV-2 infection rates during pregnancy. They faced higher anxiety levels and depression rates, with associated increased physical burden and exhaustion. However, these findings are not influenced by hospital care since it remained unchanged among COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 maternity units, excepting significantly lower technical competence scores of COVID-19 facilities. Conclusions: As the pandemic’s consequences emerge and additional outbreaks occur, care must prioritize the additional physical burden experienced by pregnant women who have contracted COVID-19, as well as psychological, emotional, and mental health support.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 700
M. Bala Gopal ◽  
P. Thiyagarajan ◽  
Vinayagamoorthy Venugopal ◽  
Venkata Naveen Kumar

Background: Antimicrobial resistance has reached to a significant proportion globally. This antimicrobial resistance increases the cost of health care in addition to the existing burden of the prevalence of infectious disease in developing countries. We need to have institutional protocols based on the standard guidelines. It is important for the clinician to use antibiotics only when it is necessary. The aim of the study was to analyze the rationality of the antibiotics used among the hospitalized children in the referral centre located in the rural area, to evaluate the pattern of antibiotics prescribed among the hospitalized children and to find out the factors associated with the usage of antibiotics among them.  Methods: Analytical, cross sectional study was performed on all patients admitted to the inpatient pediatric medical service at a referral centre situated in the rural part of the Puducherry, India during the period from July 2015 to June 2016. Results: 959 children were included in our study.607 children belong to less than 5 years of age group. Overall 60% of the children have received either oral or parenteral antibiotics. Based on the categorization of children as per the final clinical diagnosis children requiring antibiotic, can be used and not required are 13% (125), 38.6% (370) and 48.4% (464) respectively. Respiratory, gastrointestinal and systemic infectious diseases were the major group of cases admitted in our centre. Antibiotic use in respiratory and systemic infectious disease were maximum with 248 (70.1%) and 179 (71.6%) respectively. Among the antibiotics cephalosporin, penicillin group and azithromycin constitute more than 90% of the antibiotics prescribed cases.Conclusions: Overuse of antibiotic is universal and seen in both developed and developing countries. This increases the cost of treatment and increases the chances of microbial resistance. As per the W.H.O. recommendations surveillance system is required in all the hospitals to assess the antibiotic use and to monitor the prevalence of microbial resistance. 

2008 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 179
Joko Supono

Diare pada balita masih menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang penting di Indonesia. Persepsi keseriusan penyakit diare yang rendah merupakan kendala upaya menurunkan angka kesakitan diare. Penelitian yang menggunakan desain cross sectional ini bertujuan menguji hubungan antara faktor pengetahuan, pengalaman kontak, dan kepercayaan, dengan persepsi ibu terhadap diare pada balita. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah ibu balita yang bermukim di Kecamatan Bekasi Utara, Jawa barat. Dari hasil penelitian terbukti bahw pengetahuan, pengalaman kontak, dan kepercayaan berhubungan secara bermakna dengan persepsi ibu terhadap diare pada balita. Ibu balita yang berpengetahuan rendah berisiko 2,5 kali untuk berpersepsi diare sebagai penyakit biasa daripada ibu yang berpengetahuan tinggi (OR: 2,535; 95%CI: 1,321 – 4,866) setelah variabel pendidikan dikendalikan. Ibu balita yang tidak pernah berpengalaman kontak berisiko hampir 5 kali lebih besar untuk berpersepsi diare sebagai penyakit biasa daripada ibu balita yang pernah kontak (OR: 4,761; 95% CI: 1,853 - 12,235). Ibu balita dengan kepercayaan rendah berisiko 0,4 kali untuk mempersepsikan diare sebagai penyakit biasa lebih kecil daripada ibu dengan kepercayaan tinggi setelah variabel jumlah balita dikendalikan (OR: 0,392; 95%CI: 0,195 - 0,765). Upaya memperbaiki persepsi ibu balita disarankan dengan meningkatkan program promosi kesehatan yang dilakukan melalui peningkatan pengetahuan, menciptakan pengalaman dengan model simulasi, serta merasionalkan kepercayaan tentang diare pada balita di masyarakat.Kata kunci : Diare pada balita, persepsi, pengetahuan, pengalaman kontak, kepercayaanAbstractDiarrhea among under-five children is still a major problem in developing countries such as Indonesia. The low perception to the seriousness of diarrhea is one of the obstacles in decreasing the diarrhea frequency. Using cross sectional design, this research aims to find the relationship between knowledge, contact experience, and belief about diarrhea on under five children with the perception of mothers towards the seriousness of diarrhea. The research population is mothers with under five children in Bekasi Utara district, and 175 subjects were selected randomly across 6 regions (kelurahan). This research showed that knowledge, contact experience and belief have significant relation with the perception towards the seriousness of diarrhea on under five children. Mothers who had limited knowledge had chance 2,5 times more than mothers who had wide knowledge to perceive that diarrhea was not serious (OR: 2.535; 95%CI: 1.321 – 4.866) after education variable was controlled. Mothers who had no experience with diarrhea had chance almost 5 times more than mothers who had experience to perceive that diarrhea was not serious (OR: 4.761; 95%CI: 1.853 – 12.235). Mothers who had low belief had chance 0.4 times more than mothers who had high belief to perceive that diarrhea was not serious (OR: 0.392; 95%CI: 0.195 – 0.765) after the number of under five children was controlled. The effort to improve the perception of mothers towards diarrhea can be conducted by improving the program to promote health, such as enhancing the knowledge/ awareness, creating contact experience by simulation model, and by rationalizing belief about diarrhea.Keywords : Diarrhea, perception, knowledge, contact experience, belief

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 245
Lilis Agustina ◽  
Suzanna Primadona

Background: Food waste or plate waste becomes one of the simple indicators which are used in evaluating hospitals’ nutritional care. Leftover food or plate waste may happen due to two factors food presentations and its taste. Objectives: To analyze the relation between food taste and food temperature with plate waste of animal-based food among pediatric patients at Dr. Ramelan Surabaya Naval Hospital. Method: This research was conducted using cross sectional design with 34 child patients in class II and III inpatient rooms, as the respondents. The data collection was done by observing the food leftovers, medical records, and interviewing the respondents. The data regarding plate waste were taken using visual Comstock 6-point scale, and analyzed using chi square test.Results: This research showed that respondents who consider the taste of animal-based food as appropriate with its average waste during breakfast were 71.33%, while respondents who consider it as very appropriate were 37.8% (p=0.04). It also found that there was a significant difference between the average of animal-based food waste and the temperature of animal-based food during the night (p=0.03), in which 53% respondents rated it as appropriate and 38% as very appropriate.Conclusion: Food taste and food temperature were correlated to the plate waste of animal-based food among pediatric patients. ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Sisa makanan merupakan salah satu indikator yang sederhana yang dapat digunakan untuk mengevaluasi keberhasilan pelayanan gizi rumah sakit. Faktor penampilan dan rasa makanan dapat mempengaruhi terjadinya sisa makanan.Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara rasa makanan dan suhu makanan dengan sisa makanan lauk hewani pada pasien anak di ruang rawat inap RUMKITAL Dr. Ramelan Surabaya. Metode: Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan disain cross sectional dengan responden 34 pasien rawat inap anak di kelas II dan III. Pengambilan data penelitian dilakukan dengan metode observasi sisa makanan, rekam medis dan wawancara kepada responden. Data tentang sisa makanan diperoleh dengan metode visual comstock skala 6 poin. Data diolah dengan menggunakan uji chi-square. Hasil: Penelitian ini menunjukkan hasil bahwa responden yang berpendapat bahwa rasa lauk hewani sesuai dengan rata-rata sisa lauk hewani saat pagi sebanyak 71,33%  dan responden yang berpendapat sangat sesuai dengan rata-rata sisa lauk hewani saat pagi sebanyak 37,8% (p=0,04). Hasil selanjutnya menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara rata-rata sisa lauk hewani dengan suhu lauk hewani saat malam hari (p=0,03) dengan responden yang menilai sesuai sebanyak 53% dan yang menilai sangat sesuai sebanyak 38%.Kesimpulan: Rasa makanan dan suhu makanan berhubungan dengan sisa makanan lauk hewani pada pasien anak.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 69-76
Rumita Ena Sari ◽  
Fransiska Sitepu ◽  
Arnild Augina Mekarische ◽  
Hubaybah Hubaybah ◽  
Rinaldi Daswito ◽  

In Jambi Province, the morbidity rate of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) has increased for three consecutive years with a mortality rate of 0.74%. This study aimed to determine the performance of health workers to reduce the incidence of dengue fever at the Jambi City Health Center in 2020. This study used a cross-sectional design with several respondents 80 officers, the sampling technique used total sampling. The instrument in this study used a questionnaire. Data analysis using Chi-square test. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between the length of work (OR = 0.184), facilities and infrastructure (OR = 1.977), supervision (OR = 2.118), and superior support (OR = 2.029) with the performance of health workers, and there was no significant relationship between the last education (OR=1.152) and reward (OR=1.472) with the performance of health workers. Health officers DHF program are expected to maximize services such as environmental health inspections and PSN 3M counseling as well as increase supervision of the community so that they can participate in the prevention of DHF, namely by forming Jumantik cadres, maximizing outreach and outreach with the community, and fostering community self-hygiene.

2020 ◽  
Atalel Fentahun Awedew ◽  
Woldemariam Beka Belay ◽  
Bedemariam Tadesse Amsalu ◽  
Dawit Zerihun Yalewu

Abstract Background: Small bowel volvulus (SBV) is a benign gastrointestinal surgical condition in which there is a torsion of all or parts of a segment of small bowel on its mesenteric axis. It has been contributed significant burden of surgical emergency as cause of small bowel obstruction in developing countries. The main objective this study was to explore clinical and epidemiological profile of Small bowel volvulus in Northcentral Ethiopia Method: The study was conducted at Debre Tabor General Hospital, South Gondar in Northcentral Ethiopia. The medical records of patients with a discharge diagnosis of small bowel volvulus were reviewed. The patients were seen for a 4year period from Jan1, 2016-Dec31, 2019. The study was hospital-based retrospective cross-sectional and data were collected with a standardized structure questioner tool. The collected data checked for any inconsistency, code, and enter SPSS version 23 for data processing and analysis. Descriptive analyses were represented as frequency, percent, mean ± standard deviation for normal distribution, and Median ± Interquartile range for skewed data. Cross tabulation analysis was done for risk factors contributed for mortality and morbidity of SBV.Result: There were 148 patients with Small bowel volvulus as a cause of small bowel obstruction was admitted within four years. The annual occurrence rate of SBV was 35cases per year. Small bowel volvulus represented 59% of small bowel obstruction and 36.3% of bowel obstruction. The majority of SBV were males (N=125, 84.5%) and females were (N=23, 15.5%). The age ranged from 15-78years.The mean age was 41.14±(SD=15.4) .The most common clinical presentation was abdominal pain 98% and vomiting 91.2%. The median time of hospital stay was 5 days (± IQR=2).The mean duration of illness before hospital admission was 2days (± SD=1.4) and median was 1 day (± IQR=2). The morbidity rate was 5.4% (N=8) and the mortality rate was 3.4 %( N=5) Conclusion: Annual occurrence of SBV was 37 cases per year. The prevalence of SBV was 59% of small bowel obstruction and 36.3% of bowel obstruction respectively.

2020 ◽  
Atalel Fentahun Awedew ◽  
Woldemariam Beka Belay ◽  
Bedemariam Tadesse Amsalu ◽  
Dawit Zerihun Yalewu

Abstract Background: Small bowel volvulus (SBV) is a benign gastrointestinal surgical condition in which there is a torsion of all or parts of a segment of small bowel on its mesenteric axis. It has been contributed significant burden of surgical emergency as cause of small bowel obstruction in developing countries. The main objective this study was to explore clinical and epidemiological profile of Small bowel volvulus in Northcentral Ethiopia Method: The study was conducted at Debre Tabor General Hospital, South Gondar in Northcentral Ethiopia. The medical records of patients with a discharge diagnosis of small bowel volvulus were reviewed. The patients were seen for a 4-year period from Jan1, 2016-Dec31, 2019. The study was hospital-based retrospective cross-sectional and data were collected with a standardized structure questioner tool. The collected data checked for any inconsistency, code, and enter SPSS version 23 for data processing and analysis. Descriptive analyses were represented as frequency, percent, mean ± standard deviation for normal distribution, and Median ± Interquartile range for skewed data. Cross tabulation analysis was done for risk factors contributed for mortality and morbidity of SBV.Result: There were 148 patients with Small bowel volvulus as a cause of small bowel obstruction was admitted within four years. The annual occurrence rate was 35cases per year. It represented 59% of small bowel obstruction and 36.3% of bowel obstruction. The majority were males (N=125, 84.5%) and females were (N=23, 15.5%). The age ranged from 15-78 years. The mean age was 41.14±(SD=15.4) .The most common clinical presentation was abdominal pain 98% and vomiting 91.2%. The median time of hospital stay was 5 days (± IQR=2).The mean duration of illness before hospital admission was 2 days (± SD=1.4) and median was 1 day (± IQR=2). The morbidity rate was 5.4% (N=8) and the mortality rate was 3.4 %( N=5) Conclusion: Annual occurrence of SBV was 37 cases per year. The prevalence of SBV was 59% of small bowel obstruction and 36.3% of bowel obstruction respectively.

2021 ◽  
Vol 50 (Supplement_1) ◽  
Farah Naz Rahman ◽  
Jahangir Hossain ◽  
AKM Fazlur Rahman

Abstract Background Everyday 2591 elderly people die due to injury worldwide. The complications and consequences of injury is different and worse than that of other age-groups. Yet little is known about the injury scenario of elderly population of Bangladesh. This paper aim to describe the epidemiology of geriatric injury of Bangladesh which will help policy-makers to undertake interventions for this vulnerable-group. Methods Bangladesh Health and Injury Survey 2016, a nationwide cross-sectional survey was carried out among 299,216 residents to identify the injury-related mortality and morbidity. Injury data among the population aged 60-years and above was extracted and analyzed for this study. Results Injury was found to cause 3.9% of the total deaths among elderly population of Bangladesh. Mortality and morbidity rate due to injury was found 157 (95%CI 112- 216) per 100,000 elderly populations and 129 (95%CI 124-133) per 1000 elderly population respectively. Fatality rate was 182.6 among urban population and 147 among rural population. Fall was identified as the leading cause of injury deaths and morbidity. It caused 47.2% of all fatality followed by Transport-injury (19.4%) and Suicide (13.9%). Among all fatally injured, 72.2% victims received treatment from health-service providers and among these 58.3% (n = 21) went to registered doctors. Conclusions Fall is the leading cause of injury related mortality and morbidity among elderly of Bangladesh. A significant amount of deaths also occurred due to RTI and suicide. Further in-depth research and interventions are needed to minimize the preventable burden of fatality and morbidity among this vulnerable-group. Key messages Elderly, Injury, Epidemiology, Bangladesh

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 20-24
Emdat Suprayitno1

ABSTRACT Hypertension is a health problem in the world, especially in developing countries. Hypertension is often called a silent killer (silent killer) because it is included in a deadly disease without accompanied by symptoms first as a warning for victims. The problem of high hypertension, especially in the elderly with concomitant decline in organ function. This type of research is quantitative descriptive using non-analytic cross sectional design. The sampling technique used was total sampling with a sample size of 32 people. The instrument used in the form of a tensimeter and blood pressure observation sheet. The results showed that the majority of respondents aged 55-60 years were 10 people (31.25%), the majority of respondents were male as many as 18 people (56.25%). Blood pressure status in patients with hypertension in Karanganyar village is systolic blood pressure 140-159 mmHg, diastolic blood pressure 90-99 mmHg as many as 18 people (56.25%) It can be concluded that the majority of blood pressure status of hypertension sufferers in Gadung Hamlet, Karanganyar Village, Kalianget Subdistrict are in the category of Hypertension.   Keywords: Blood Pressure, Hypertension

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