Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan
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Published By Universitas Wiraraja


2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-45
Hidayat Hidayat ◽  
Tusy Triwahyuni ◽  
Zulfian Zulfian ◽  
Vita Lestari Ayuningsih

Demam berdarah dengue termasuk penyakit endemik yang disebabkan oleh virus dengue. Manifestasi klinis ditandai oleh trombositopenia. Trombositopenia terjadi melalui mekanisme supresi sumsum tulang, destruksi dan pemendekan masa hidup trombosit. Selain jumlah trombosit, terdapat indeks trombosit yang diketahui sebagai aktivasi trombosit yaitu PDW, MPV, P-LCR dan PCT. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui perbedaan indeks trombosit (PDW, MPV, P-LCR, PCT) dan jumlah trombosit pada pasien  infeksi dengue primer dan sekunder di RSUD Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek Provinsi Lampung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analitik cross-sectional. Populasi yaitu pasien infeksi dengue primer dan sekunder menggunakan metode total sampling dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 35 pasien. Data diperoleh dari rekam medis di RSUD Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek Provinsi Lampung. Analisis data dengan uji independent T test dan uji Mann Whitney. Dari 35 data didapatkan hasil yang terinfeksi dengue primer sebanyak 13 orang (37,1%) dan 22 orang (62,9%) terinfeksi dengue sekunder. Median PDW infeksi dengue primer 9,7±1,24% dan sekunder 10,75±1,87%. Median MPV infeksi dengue primer 9,7±2,25fL dan sekunder 10,087±0,84fL. Rerata P-LCR infeksi dengue primer 20,58±7,93% dan sekunder 25,33±6,84%. Median PCT infeksi dengue primer 0,17±1,07% dan sekunder 0,18±0,07%. Rerata jumlah trombosit infeksi dengue primer 169.523,08±57.590,713/µL dan sekunder 179.318,18±75.082,422/µL. Hasil uji statistik didapatkan nilai p; PDW nilai p=0,068, MPV nilai p=0,538, P-LCR nilai p=0,101,  PCT nilai p=0,973 dan jumlah trombosit nilai p=0,393. Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara indeks trombosit (PDW, MPV, P-LCR, PCT) dan jumlah trombosit untuk infeksi dengue primer dengan sekunder. Dengue hemorrhagic fever is endemic disease caused by dengue virus.. Clinical symptomp marked by trombositopenia. Trombositopenia occurs through in mechanism of bone marrow suppresion, destruction and shortening of platelet life span. Morever platelet count, there are platelet index who known as platelet activator are PDW, MPV, P-LCR and PCT. This research to determine the difference platelet index (PDW, MPV, P-LCR, PCT) and platelet count between primary and secondary dengue infection patient at Regional General Hospital Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek Lampung Province. The research use analytic observational method with cross-sectional research design. Population are patient who diagnosed with primary and secondary dengue infection and using total sampling method for sampling with 35 patient. Data obtained from Regional General Hospital Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek Lampung Province. Data were analyzed by independent T test and Mann Whitney test. Based on 35 data from medical records, the patient who diagnosed as primary dengue infection are 13 people (37,1%) and 22 people (62,9%) who diagnosed as secondary dengue infection. Median of PDW primary dengue infection was  9,7±1,24% and secondary dengue infection was 10,75±1,87%. Median of MPV primary dengue infection was 9,7±2,25fL and secondary dengue infection was 10,087±0,84fL. Mean of P-LCR primary dengue infection was 20,58±7,93% and secondary dengue infection was 25,33±6,84%. Median of PCT primary dengue infection was 0,17±1,07% and secondary dengue infection was 0,18±0,07%. Mean of platelet count primary dengue infection was 169.523,08±57.590,713/µL and secondary dengue infection was 179.318,18±75.082,422/µL. Based on the result of statistical analyisis data, PDW p value =0,068, MPV p value=0,538, P-LCR p value=0,101,  PCT p value=0,973 and platelet count p value=0,393.There are no significant differences platelet index (PDW, MPV, P-LCR, PCT) and platelet count in primary with secondary dengue infection.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-31
Aulia Aulia ◽  
Dian Ika Puspitasari ◽  
Nailiy Huzaimah ◽  
Yulia Wardita ◽  
Aldi Prawira Sandi

Stunting and Maternal Factors. Stunting is still one of the unresolved priority issues. Maternal factors greatly influence the incidence of stunting in children. This study explains the relationship between stunting and maternal factors, namely education, knowledge of nutrition, parenting patterns, and mother's motivation. This qualitative research is a type of correlational analytic research with the cross-sectional method. The subjects of this study were stunting mothers and toddlers at Dungkek Health Center (n=40), obtained using simple random sampling. Data collection using questionnaires and met lines. Data were analyzed using a contingency correlation test. The results showed a relationship between stunting in children with education, nutritional knowledge, and self-efficacy (p= 0.001; p= 0.033; p= 0.01). Edit was not related to parenting (p = 0.866). Health workers need to pay attention to maternal factors as the target of promotive and preventive activities in stunting cases because maternal factors make an important contribution in the first 1000 days of life, preventing stunting.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-26
Agoes Santika Hyperastuty ◽  
Yanuar Mukhammad ◽  
Sugeng Sugeng

Sesuai dengan peraturan Badan Pengawas Tenaga Nuklir Republik Indonesia nomor 2 tahun 2018 bahwa pesawat sinar X ray yang belum mempunyai sertifikat uji kesesuaian dan pesawat sinar X yang akan melampaui masa uji berkala harus mempunyai sertifikat uji kesesuaian alat. Uji kesesuaian pesawat sinar X ray dilakukan oleh lembaga yang ditunjuk oleh Kepala Badan untuk melaksanakan Uji Kesesuaian dan menerbitkan sertifikat Uji Kesesuaian. Kami telah melakukan uji kesesuaian (Compliance Test) terhadap pesawat sinar-X radiografi mobile merk DRGEM Topaz-40D. Tujuannya adalah untuk memastikan pesawat sinar X dalam kondisi ANDAL,ANDAL dalam perbaikan atau tidak ANDAL. Jenis pengujian yang dilakukan diantaranya Uji kolimasi berkas cahaya, Uji generator dan tabung sinar X.  Dari hasil penelitian untuk uji iluminasi didapatkan hasil 292,25 lux, uji selisih lapangan kolimasi dengan berkas sinar X 0,6 dan 0,7, sedangkan ketegaklurusan berkas sinar X diukur dengan multimeter sinar X adalah 1 º. Untuk uji generator dan tabung sinar X meliputi uji akurasi tegangan error menunjukkan 0,4 %, uji akurasi waktu penyinaran error menunjukkan 1,4%. Uji linieritas didapatkan CL=0,02 dengan pengambilan focus besar dan focus kecil. Uji reproduksibilitaas tegangan, waktu dan dosis mendapatkan keluaran radiasi 0,001 dengan waktu eksposi 0,000 dan tegangan puncak 0.001. Uji kualitas HVL dengan pengaturan tegangan 70 dan 80 kV yang dipasang secara permanen mendapatkan hasil 2,8 mmAl dan 3,2 mmAl.Uji kebocoran tabung dihitung mencapai 1 mGy/jam. Dari semua hasil pengukuran yang telah dilakukan hasil uji dalam rentang nilai lolos uji yang ditetapkan oleh BAPETEN. Sesuai PERBA BAPETEN No.2 Tahun 2018 bahwa  pesawat X-ray radiografi mobile merk DRGEM Topaz-40D dinyatakan dalam kondisi ANDAL. Metode ini bisa dilakukan untuk uji kesesuaian pesawat sinar x ray radiografi mobile atau pesawat sinar x ray radiografi umum terpasang tetap. kunci—Uji kesesuaian, pesawat x ray radiografi mobile, ANDAL, Piranha

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-18
Zakiyah Yasin ◽  
Mujib Hannan ◽  
Erlyn Wahyuni

Pregnant women who experience anemia and untreated until the end of pregnancy will have an effect at the time of delivery, so that it can cause post partum hemorrhage which results in death in the mother. This study aims to analyze the relationship between anemia and the incidence of post partum hemorrhage in Puskesmas Lenteng, Lenteng District, Sumenep Regency. The study design was analytic with a retrospective approach, the total population was 35 mothers, the total sample was 29 mothers, the sampling technique used random sampling. The independent variable is anemia, the dependent variable is the incidence of post partum hemorrhage. Collecting data using a checklist, data analysis using the chi square statistical test, the value of a = 0.05. The results showed that of the 29 women who gave birth, most of them experienced anemia (HB level <11 g%) during pregnancy, as many as 19 mothers gave birth (65.5%), and of the 29 mothers gave birth, most of them experienced post partum hemorrhage as much as 17 mothers gave birth (59%). The result of statistical tests using chi square with a value of a = 0.05, the resulting value (ρ) = 0.000, so that the value (ρ) <a (0.000 <0.05), which means that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted, i.e. the relationship between anemia and the incidence of post partum hemorrhage at the Lenteng Public Health Center, Lenteng District, Sumenep Regency in 2020 In order to reduce the incidence of post partum hemorrhage, it is hoped that the mother in labor can prevent anemia during pregnancy, namely by consuming foods that contain lots of protein such as meat, liver, eggs, vegetables, folic acid (Vitamin C) and consumption of Fe tablets regularly and how to drink properly and according to conditions / needs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Nian Afrian Nuari

  Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease that has characteristics of high blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia), this can occur due to abnormalities in insulin secretion. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship of hemoglobin levels with long suffering  Diabetes Mellitus patients.  This study used was correlational design with a cross sectional approach.  The population in this study were 225 people with a sample of 67 respondents with purposive sampling technique.  Data was collected by checking hemoglobin levels and Quesioner. The results showed that almost all respondents had normal hemoglobin levels and most of the respondents had  long history of suffering from Diabetes Mellitus for 5-10 years..  Data analysis used was the Rho Spearman test and can not found the relationship between hemoglobin levels and long suffering Diabetes Mellitus (p value = 0.565). History of suffering from Diabetes Mellitus,did not necessarily have low hemoglobin levels, because it can be noticed from other factors such as routine taking medication, diet, exercise, and lifestyle that can affect the condition of diabetes patients themselves.  Diabetes Mellitus patients need to maintain the blood sugar levels and hemoglobin levels with a healthy lifestyle, take the recommended diet, routinely consume drugs, and check blood sugar levels regularly.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-12
Yulia Wardita ◽  
Emdat Suprayitno ◽  
Eka Meiri Kurniyati

Determinant of stunting incident in Saronggi Subdistrict, Sumenep Regency. The prevalence of stunting of toddlers in East Java is higher than the average prevalence at the national level of 32.8%. In 2020, the Health Office of East Java Province mentioned that the prevalence of stunting in SumenepRegency reached 170 toddlers spread across 14 villages. The highest prevalence of stunting was found in NongGunongSubdistrict which reached 6.02% and in SaronggiSubdistrict which reached 4.05%.This study aims to analyze the influence of maternal pregnancy history, nutritional status of children, parenting patterns, maternal knowledge and history of exclusive breastfeeding to stunting.This research is analytical research with case-control design. The samples used were 30 mothers with toddler cases and 30 mothers with control toddlers.Maternal pregnancy history, child nutrition status, parenting patterns, maternal knowledge and exclusive breastfeeding have a significant influence on stunting incidents in Saronggi Subdistrict, Sumenep Regency.Mothers must meet the intake of good nutrition, provide exclusive breastfeeding and good parenting patterns and health officials must improve health education programs, especially about stunting so that maternal knowledge can be improved and stunting problems can be addressed immediately.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 61-67
Widiharti Widiharti ◽  
Wiwik Widiyawati ◽  
Widya Lita Fitrianur

Tekanan darah adalah faktor penting dalam sistem sirkulasi tubuh manusia. Tekanan darah dapat dengan mudah berubah meski dalam hitungan detik (Sasmalinda, Syafriandi, & Helma, 2013). Pada 2 Maret 2020, pemerintah Indonesia pertama kali mengumumkan dua kasus pasien postif Covid-19. (Pranita, 2020). Pasien tidak berani melakukan pemeriksaan ke rumah sakit, sehingga jika ada keluhan yang tidak begitu berat mereka akan membeli obat di apotik tanpa mengetahui tekanan darahnya. Hal ini sangat mengkhawatirkan karena tekanan darah yang tidak terkontrol dapat menyebabkan komplikasi lain seperti stroke. Tujuan penelitian menganalisis faktor yang berhubungan dengan tekanan darah. Desain penelitian analitik observasional, dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional (Notoatmodjo, 2012). Pelaksanaan bulan  Maret – Mei 2020. Populasi dari Seluruh warga  babatan RT 8 RW 2 Kelurahan Babatan Kecamatan Wiyung sebanyak 110 orang. Teknik Sampel total sampling. Variabel independen; jenis kelamin, beban kerja, pendapatan, tingkat kecemasan dan riwayat keluarga. Variabel dependen; tekanan darah. Instrument penelitian; timbangan injak digital, tensi digital, dan kuesioner. Variabel Tingkat kecemasan  menggunakan HARS (Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale). Dianalisis uji statistik Chi Square dengan nilai p value <0.05. Hasil penelitian chi square  beban kerja nilai p-value 0,004<0,005 ada hubungan beban kerja dengan  tekanan darah. Hasil  p – value 0,002<0,05 ada hubungan antara jenis kelamin dengan tekanan darah.  Hasil p value 0,463<0,05 tidak ada hubungan antara tingkat kecemasan, hasilnya p – value 0,000<0,05 ada hubungan riwayat keluarga dengan tekanan darah. Kesimpulan faktor yang berhubungan dengan tekanan darah yaitu jenis kelamin, beban kerja, pendapatan, riwayat keluarga sedangkan faktor yang tidak berhubungan dengan tekanan darah yaitu kecemasan

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 68-73
Emdat Suprayitno ◽  
Sylvina Rahmawati ◽  
Adivtian Ragayasa ◽  
Muchti Yuda Pratama

Abstract The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the 2019 Coronavirus (Covid-19) a global pandemic. This virus is easily transmitted, so it requires knowledge and a good attitude in efforts to prevent transmission. The purpose of this study was to describe the knowledge and attitudes of COVID-19 prevention in the community in Murtajih Village, Pademawu District, Pamekasan Regency.  This research is a descriptive study with a cross-sectional non-analytic design. This research uses descriptive analysis with a questionnaire research instrument. The sample of this research is part of the community in the hamlet of East Solo and North Solo, Murtajih Village, Pademawu District, as many as 62 people with a total sampling technique. The results showed that the level of public knowledge in preventing covid-19 in Murtajih Village, Pademawu sub-district was mostly good, as many as 32 people, 51.6%, while the public attitude in preventing Covid-19 in Murtajih Village, Pademawu sub-district was mostly positive as many as 53 people 85, 5%. The results of this study indicate that most of the knowledge of the community in the village of Murtajih, Pademawu district is mostly good and the attitudes are mostly positive. It is hoped that the community will take precautionary measures to prevent transmission of COVID-19 by washing their hands and wearing masks.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 86-91
Sri Sumarni ◽  
Laylatul Hasanah

Cervical cancer is a neoplasm or malignancy in the cervix. The problem of cervical cancer in Indonesia is very distinctive, namely that many and more than 70% of cases are found at an advanced stage when they come to the hospital. One of the screening tools for cervical cancer is the IVA method. A positive IVA test is thought to be a precancerous lesion. IVA stands for Acetic Acid Visual Inspection. This method of examination is done by smearing the cervix or cervix with acetic acid. According to a preliminary study at Puskesmas Rubaru Kab. Sumenep found that from the results of the IVA examination, there were 10 women who tested positive for the IVA test (12%). The aim of this study was to analyze multiple children and sexual relations at a young age with the results of the IVA test. This research method is analytic with cross sectional approach. The total population is 72 people, the sample of this study is based on a sample size formula of 60 people who meet the inclusion criteria. The results showed that most of the age at first marriage were WUS ≤ 16 years, as many as 36 WUS (60%), almost half of WUS had children> 1 x, namely 18 WUS (30%), and a small proportion of WUS got positive results during the examination IVA tests were 10 WUS (16.7%). Based on the statistical test of each variable, it shows p value <α, so that H1 is rejected, meaning that there is a relationship between parity and early marriage with the results of the IVA test at the Rubaru Community Health Center, Rubaru District, Sumenep Regency.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 74-78
M. Jamaluddin ◽  
Widiyaningsih Widiyaningsih ◽  
Zulfatun Nadhifah

Latar belakang : Stroke merupakan gangguan fungsi sistem saraf yang terjadi secara mendadak dan disebabkan oleh gangguan peredaran darah di otak. Menurut WHO sekitar 15 juta orang menderita serangan stroke pertama setiap tahun, dengan sepertiga dari kasus ini dapat mengakibatkan kematian. Masalah yang dialami penderita stroke adalah gangguan gerak. Maka perlu dilakukan terapi non farmakologis berupa terapi tali temali. Bersifat meningkatkan panjang dan elastisitas otot dan jaringan sekitar sendi karena dengan menggerakan sendi dapat melancarkan peredaran darah untuk mengurangi kekakuan fleksibilitas sendi. Tujuan penelitian: Untuk mengetahui peningkatan fleksibilitas sendi pada pasien stroke dengan terapi tali temali Metode Penelitian: Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan Pre Experimental Design. Populasi penelitian ini adalah pasien penderita gejala post stroke non hemoragik di Poliklinik Saraf RSUD Ungaran dengan sampel sebanyak 20 orang. Teknik sampling pada penelitian ini adalah Purposive Sampling Hasil penelitian : Uji normalitas menggunakan  Uji Sapiro Wilk didapatkan hasil sebelum terapi 0,062 (> 0,05) dan didapatkan hasil setelah terapi 0,068 (> 0,05). Uji statistik menggunakan Uji Paired T-Test menunjukan p-value 0.000 atau < 0,05 maka dapat disimpulkan ada pengaruh terapi tali temali terhadap fleksibilitas sendi. Kesimpulan: Ada pengaruh terapi tali temali terhadap fleksibilitas sendi pada pasien stroke di RSUD Ungaran.

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