2011 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
Inge Dwisvimiar

The author in this paper tries to investigate and describe the perspective of Justice in Legal Studies. Fairness in Legal Studies Philosophy attention to all aspects of terminology relating to justice and legal philosophy of science. Justice is the ideals and purposes of the law that reach from the philosophy of science perspective of the law by providing that justice is realized through law. By reviewing the opinion of Plato and Aristotle as the foundations of justice, Thomas Aquinas, who called for justice as well as John Rawls proportional equality with justice fairness the the basic values  of justice are included in the study of philosophy of science philosophy of law will be answered by the legal science it self.The justice is not just there and read the text of legislation but also the legal justice in society. Both Article 16 paragraph (1) Law 4/2004 and Article 5 paragraph (1) Law 48/2009 states that justice shall be upheld in spite of no normative provisions and how thejudge alone buat also to explore and understand the values and sense of justice that exists in the community.Key words: justice, legal studies, philosophy of science of law

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Aditya Yuli Sulistyawan

<p class="IABSSS">The dominance of legal positivism in thought and law enforcement is a reality. Saintism of legal science presents a law that is conceptualized as something that exists in sensory terms, along with its straightforward, rational, and objective nature. Law is always requested objectively. Objectivity is done by freeing the subject's mind to the legal reality that already exists as an object. Therefore, various legal cases such as the case of Asyani, Rasminah, Minah and others, are things that are easily proven as violating the law because it is a violation of the text of the article of law. Such a way of law, is now starting to become a public concern. So, when objectivity begins to be questioned, that's when the real subjectivity of asking begins to be considered - and this will be explained [only] in the study of legal philosophy, especially paradigmatic studies. This paper will discuss the possibility of subjectivity in law, which will be presented in the paradigmatic study.</p>

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 201-212
Ramlani Lina Sinaulan

On the development of law (rechtsbeoefening) both practical and theoretical, a scientist Law (academics and legal practitioners) often ignore the studies of the social aspects. In this case, a scientist Law (academics and legal practitioners) are trapped and confined on the nature of Legal Studies as a normative science. Thus, the development often collide in the level of practice of law in relation to the fulfillment of public sense of justice. In fact, the law enforcement authorities, especially police investigators, based on the pattern of education, obviously prefers cultural improvement of law and override the Legal Psychology. So, almost certainly, a police investigator in carrying out its duties and functions will never escape, in fact, are still stuck with the principle inquisatoir in examinations investigation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Indriyana Dwi Mustikarini

Abstract— This paper aims to describe the Building of Legal Political Science between Social Sciences and Legal Studies in Indonesia. This research focuses on the study of the legal, political science of other social sciences. The method used in this research is normative juridical. This method examines the applicable laws and regulations as well as theoretical from a variety of literature, relating to the politics of law in the formation of legislation. The results of this study indicate the relationship between law and political science that law is determined by politics, so the law is formed based on expectations or what should be (das sollen). Instead of politics determined by law, the law was formed by agreement of the political elite / actual reality (das sein). While law and politics are interdependent, the law is developed based on what should be and actual reality (das Sollen-Sein). Keywords—: legal politics; legal science; political science.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Rina Yulianti ◽  
Mufarrijul Ikhwan

Article 5 (1) of Law Number 48 Year 2009 concerning Judicial Power becomes ineffective if acentralistic ideology still working  in view of the judge. The type of study used in this researchwas a non-doctrinal legal studies (sociolegal research). Research conducted in the DistrictCourt and Religious Court in Madura based on the judges perception by meaning of article 5paragraph (1) law 48/2009 and justices consideration to verdict making process. The resultsshowing the judges majority interpret the Article 5, paragraph 1 Law 28/2009 to legaldiscovery (rechtsvinding) as an efforts if a legal vacuum, otherwise the judges did notinterpret used living law when there are legal gaps. Thus showing domination of the state lawover the law that lives in society. DOI: 10.15408/jch.v5i2.4190

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 21 ◽  
Indriati Amarini

The task of the judge in realizing justice is inseparable from the decisions that are made. A qualified judge's decision is obtained through the judge's thought process through a choice of judges that reflects judicial activism. The problem in this research is how judicial activism is used by judges in issuing decisions and how the implementation of judicial activism in decision making. Judicial Activism is the choice of decision making by judges in order to realize justice. Judicial activism in the Indonesian judicial system is regulated in Article 5 paragraph (1) of Law Number 48 of 2009 concerning Judicial Power. The law requires judges to explore the law and sense of justice that lives in society. The implementation of judicial activism is carried out by judges through means of legal discovery. Through means of legal discovery, judges play an active role in realizing justice as a law that lives in a dynamically developing society.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 284
Meta Nadia Winata ◽  
Naomi Jesica ◽  
Lusi Septiyati

Pancasila is an ideology of Indonesia. One of the precepts of Pancasila is the principle of Social Justice for All Indonesians implies that all Indonesian people have the same position before the law. But nowdays, there have been many cases of injustice against the poor citizens. Therefore this research journal is about the realization of social justice for the underprivileged people in the philosophy of law, especially based on the theory named Critical Legal Studies.Keywords: Critical Legal Studies; Injustice; Poor Citizens

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 28-34
Ilya L'vovich Chestnov

The writer show important of philosophical understanding of the law existence. The legal philosophy is searching the ground of juridical science. Philosophy of science is not like a separate area of knowledge, existed closer with this scientific discipline, but her high level- the level of her grounds. In this level occur “contact” between worldview, philosophy and this scientific discipline. Philosophical knowledge (with ideological and everyday knowledge subjected to philosophical ref lection) used for ontological and epistemological substantiation of science. Philosophy of science (like her according level) is not a science, but the knowledge and without this knowledge, science (and juridical science) is impossible. In this case the legal philosophy is the high level of jurisprudences provided ontological and methodological justification of law. Exactly legal philosophy allows juridical discipline come in “meta-legal” area, only from legal philosophy possible explication of legal grounds.Post-classical philosophy formulates the following picture of legal reality: 1) law is created (constructed) by people;2) law is conditioned by historical and socio - cultural context; 3) law is multifaceted, potentially inexhaustible in its external manifestations, phenomenon; 4) law exists in the sign form and practices (behavioral and discursive, mental) people. Post-classic right philosophy is characterized by anthropology and practical orientation.Legal reality formulated by people and reproduced by their practices. The study of exactly how this happens is an important task of post - classical philosophy of law. This approach differs significantly from the classical one and is an adequate analysis of law in post-modern, global society.

2015 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 179 ◽  
Victor Imanuel W. Nalle

Some law schools in Indonesia reject socio-legal studies with epistemological arguments that puts jurisprudence as sui generis. Rejection is based argument that jurisprudence is a normative science. In fact socio-legal studies in the development of jurisprudence outside Indonesia has long existed and contributed to the legal reform. Socio-legal studies also significant for legal reform. It is caused by the existence of non doctrinal aspect in law making and implementation of the law. Therefore the position and relevance of socio-legal research is not related to the benefits that provided for the development of national law or jurisprudence. Beberapa fakultas hukum di Indonesia menolak penelitian sosio-legal dengan argumentasi epistemologis yang menempatkan ilmu hukum sebagai sui generis. Penolakan tersebut didasarkan argumentasi bahwa ilmu hukum adalah ilmu yang bersifat normatif. Kenyataannya studi sosio-legal dalam perkembangan ilmu hukum di luar Indonesia telah lama eksis dan berperan dalam pembaharuan hukum. Selain itu, studi sosiolegal juga berperan dalam pembaharuan hukum. Hal ini disebabkan adanya aspek-aspek nondoktrinal yang berperan dalam pembentukan hukum dan implementasi hukum di masyarakat. Oleh karena itu kedudukan dan relevansi penelitian sosio-legal pada ada tidaknya manfaat yang diberikan bagi perkembangan hukum nasional ataupun ilmu hukum.

Liquidity ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 159-166
Muchtar Riva’i

The law arrangement of franchise law was first explicitly regulated by the Government Regulation No. 16 of 1997 which is then updated by Government Regulation No. 42 of 2007 to be created in an agreement that at least contains clauses as stipulated by Article 5 of the Government Regulation. However, franchise arrangements also associated with a variety of other laws and regulations applicable in Indonesia. This article is going to state that the importance of partnerships with small and medium enterprises as an effort to encourage the involvement of the wider economic community.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 61-74
Galileu Galilei Medeiros de Souza

Resumo: O artigo é um ensaio sobre como a atividade científica poderia ser influenciada por uma proposta ética voltada para a superação das desigualdades. A questão subjacente a este estudo tematiza a possível contraposição entre a ética, que parece ser inteiramente vinculada à liberdade humana e seus processos de escolha, e a lógica da pesquisa científica, que ainda, pelo menos em visão popular, parece se basear na posse de informações objetivas e na descoberta de leis de regulação da natureza. Será feita uma breve contextualização das aquisições teóricas sobre o sentido da ciência positiva dos últimos séculos, procurando extrair daí as indicações de uma estreita dependência dessa em relação às escolhas humanas, em virtude de sua metodologia dialética.   Palavras-Chave: Ciência positiva. Filosofia da ciência. Dialética. Ética.      Abstract: The article is an essay on how scientific activity could be influenced by an ethics proposal aimed at overcoming inequalities. The question underlying this study discusses the possible contrast between ethics, which seems to be entirely linked to human freedom and choice processes, and the logic of scientific research, which still, at least in a popular view, seems to be based on possession of objective information and discovery of regulatory laws of nature. Will be presented a brief background of theoretical acquisitions on the meaning of positive science of the last centuries, looking to extract the indications of a close dependence of this in relation to human choices, because your dialectic methodology.  Keywords: Positive Science. Philosophy of Science. Dialectic. Ethics. REFERÊNCIASARISTÓTELES, Tópicos. In: _______. Órganon. 2.ed. São Paulo: EDIPRO, 2010, p. 347-543.BLONDEL, M. L’Action (1893): essai d’une critique de la vie et d’une science de la pratique, Paris: Quadrige, 1993.CARNAP, R. A superação da metafísica por meio da análise lógica da linguagem. In: Cognitio, São Paulo, v. 10, n. 2, jul./dez. 2009, p. 293-309.DESCARTES, R. Discurso do Método. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2001.DILTHEY, W. Introdução às ciências humanas. Rio de Janeiro: Forense, 2010.FANNING, P. A. Isaac Newton e a transmutação da alquimia: uma visão alternativa da revolução científica. Balneário Camboriú (SC): Livraria Danúbio, 2016.GALILEI, G. Edizione Nazionale delle Opere di Galileo Galilei. Antonio Favaro (ed.) Florença: Barbéra, 1928-38, 19 Vols.HESSE, Mary. Revolutions and Reconstruction in Philosophy of Science. Brighton, 1980.HUME, D. Investigações sobre o entendimento humano. In: BERKELEY, G.; HUME, D. Tratado sobre os princípios do conhecimento humano; Três diálogos entre Hilas e Filonous em oposição aos Céticos e Ateus; Investigação sobre o entendimento humano; Ensaios morais, políticos e literários. São Paulo: Abril Cultural, 1978.KUHN, T. La strututtura delle rivoluzioni scientifiche. Torino: [s.n], 1978.LEVINAS, E. Totalité et Infini. [sl]: The Hague, 1971.MACINTYRE, A. Dopo la virtù: Saggio di teoria morale. Milano: Feltrino, 1988.NEIMAN, S. O mal no pensamento moderno: uma história alternativa da filosofia. Rio de Janeiro: DIFEL, 2003.NIETZSCHE, F. Assim falou Zaratustra. 2.ed., Petrópolis: Vozes, 2008.ORTEGA Y GASSET, J. O que é Filosofia? Campinas: Vide Editorial, 2016.PAGANI, S.M.; Luciani, A. (org.) Os Documentos do Processo de Galileu Galilei. Petrópolis: Vozes, 1994.PLATÃO. Teeteto. Tradução de Edson Bini, Bauru/SP: EDIPRO, 2007.POPPER. K. A lógica da descoberta científica. São Paulo: Cultrix, 2001.WHITE, M. O grande livro das coisas horríveis: a crônica definitiva da história das 100 piores atrocidades. Rio de Janeiro: Rocco, 2013. 

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