adequate analysis
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2085 (1) ◽  
pp. 012009
Shuai Ma ◽  
Yue-Jiang Shi ◽  
Yun-Kun Gao ◽  
Yue Sun ◽  
Na Zhang ◽  

Abstract In this paper, an innovative design of balancing mechanism is completed after solving the problem of collision between balancing weight and barrel by TRIZ. For the original design of adding a balancing weight, the Functional Model Analysis is set and the key point of the collision problem is found. For the sake of improving the original design, this paper find out the key point of collision problem and adequate analysis by TRIZ theory, and proposed an innovative solution at last.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (10) ◽  
pp. 1951-1972
Valerii K. SEMENYCHEV ◽  
Galina A. KHMELEVA ◽  

Subject. The article provides the results of meso-dynamics analysis of main twelve industries, based on monthly data for 82 Russian regions, from January 2005 till December 2020. Objectives. The purpose of the study is to address the problem of balanced and stable spatial development of Russia’s regions and Russia, which requires modeling of adequate tools and forecasting nonlinear mesodynamics. Methods. The study follows the econophysics methodology. Results. We consider additive and multiplicative interactions of regular time series components between each other and the residuals, thus expanding the scope of tools application for the variety of considered industries and their models. Using the common and new trend models, we analyze structural changes, introduce the topological measure of proximity to the neighborhood of residuals with heavy-tailed distribution, which is estimated by median values of trends and cycles for regular components. The traditional time series decomposition (by trend, cycle, seasonality, and residual) is supplemented by our unique complex of wavelet transformations, which forms the models of cycles, using auto regression. We obtained representative and time-synchronized analytical estimates of regular components of industries’ dynamics for meso- and macro-indicators of the Russian economy that have higher accuracy than the known results for the accuracy of modeling and forecasting. Conclusions. The offered methodology and tools enable a more adequate analysis of non-linear dynamics of regions’ middle-term development. They help shift to growth point identification, create the atlas of economic industrial cycles, analyze stages of bifurcations and scenario predictive planning.

А.С. Танас ◽  
О.А. Симонова ◽  
Н.Ю. Абрамычева ◽  
В.В. Стрельников

Введение. Программное обеспечение, предоставляемое производителями автоматических генетических анализаторов, в большинстве случаев позволяет провести адекватный анализ результатов секвенирования ДНК по Сэнгеру для матриц с составом нуклеотидов, близким к эквивалентному. Однако для рассмотрения результатов секвенирования матриц, отличающихся неэквивалентным нуклеотидным составом, требуется проводить анализ электрофореграмм с сохранением информации об интенсивности сигналов флуоресценции. В особенности это касается секвенирования ДНК, модифицированной бисульфитом натрия. Цель: разработать и апробировать в практике научных исследований компьютерную программу для обеспечения адекватного анализа электрофореграмм секвенирования ДНК по Сэнгеру на основе бережного отношения к первичным данным и аккуратного определения базовых линий в спектральных каналах отдельных нуклеотидов. Методы. Программа SeqBase написана на языке C#, программная платформа .NET Framework 4.0, и выполняется в среде исполнения CLR (Common Language Runtime) для операционных систем семейства Windows. Адрес установочного пакета программы SeqBase: Результаты. Разработана компьютерная программа, предназначенная для анализа первичных результатов секвенирования по Сэнгеру (хроматограмм капиллярного электрофореза), полученных на автоматических генетических анализаторах и представленных в файлах формата ABIF (*.ab1), обеспечивающая следующие возможности: 1) просмотр исходных электрофореграмм как в общем виде, так и раздельно по спектральным каналам; 2) кадрирование области анализа; 3) сглаживание сигналов; 4) ручная установка базовой линии по каждому из спектральных каналов; 5) сведение базовых линий по всем каналам; 6) ручная коррекция подвижности фрагментов ДНК в зависимости от типа флуоресцентной метки терминирующего нуклеотида. Апробация программы успешно проведена в рамках ряда исследований, результаты которых опубликованы в рецензируемых научных изданиях. Заключение. Использование программы SeqBase целесообразно для анализа результатов секвенирования по Сэнгеру матриц ДНК с неэквивалентным нуклеотидным составом, в особенности, модифицированных бисульфитом натрия, во избежание получения ложных результатов и для уточнения количественных оценок. Background. The software provided by the manufacturers of automatic genetic analyzers, in most cases, allows an adequate analysis of the results of Sanger DNA sequencing for templates with a nucleotide composition close to the equivalent. However, to consider the results of sequencing of templates with non-equivalent nucleotide composition, it is necessary to analyze electrophoregrams with preservation of primary information on the intensity of fluorescence signals. This is especially important for the sequencing of DNA modified with sodium bisulfite. Aim: to develop and validate in the practice of scientific research a computer program that ensures adequate analysis of electrophoregrams of Sanger DNA sequencing based on preservation of the primary data and on accurate determination of baselines in the spectral channels of individual nucleotides. Methods. The SeqBase program is written in C#, the programming platform .NET Framework 4.0, and runs in the CLR (Common Language Runtime) for Windows operating systems. SeqBase installation package address is Results. A computer program has been developed designed to analyze the primary results of Sanger sequencing (chromatograms of capillary electrophoresis) obtained from automatic genetic analyzers and presented in files of the ABIF (*.ab1) format, which provides the following functions: 1) viewing the original electrophoregrams both in general form and separately by spectral channels; 2) cropping the area of analysis; 3) signal smoothing; 4) manual setting of the baseline for each of the spectral channels; 5) convergence of baselines on all channels; 6) manual correction of the mobility of DNA fragments depending on the type of fluorescent label of the terminating nucleotide. The program has been successfully tested in a number of studies, the results of which have been published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Conclusion. The use of the SeqBase program is advisable for the analysis of the results of Sanger sequencing of DNA templates with non-equivalent nucleotide composition, especially those modified with sodium bisulfite, to avoid false results and to clarify quantitative estimates.

2021 ◽  
pp. 009059172110437
James Lindley Wilson

In this essay, I make the interpretive claim that we cannot properly understand the Federalist without appreciating the extent to which the papers mount a sustained rejection of extra-constitutional democracy—practices in which people aim to assert authority over the terms of common life in ways that are not sanctioned by existing laws. I survey such practices, which were common in America before and after the Revolution. I argue that there is continuity between Publius’s justification for rejecting extra-constitutional democracy and his justification for his preferred system against constitutional alternatives. Adequate analysis and evaluation of the Federalist’s arguments about faction, representation, and institutional design require attention to the double duty the arguments play against constitutional and extra-constitutional opposition. This interpretive argument supports several analytic and evaluative conclusions. First, we must distinguish a new form of “non-hierarchical dualist” constitutionalism, according to which irregular democratic activity need not be limited to extraordinary “constitutional moments” or revolutions. Second, the politically egalitarian character of procedures depends not on the procedures alone, but how the maintenance of such procedures limits other forms of democratic practice. Third, the argument suggests a novel defense of “uncivil” disobedient politics: one grounded not in contributions to democratic deliberation, but in the entitlements of citizens to direct assertions of authority over common life.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 212-222
Débora Knauth ◽  
Antônio Luiz de Moraes

Resumo Práticas que visem a um ensino-aprendizagem mais dinâmico e significativo têm sido foco de interesse de pesquisas dentro da área de educação. Fazer com que os estudantes sejam mais participativos no processo de aprendizagem e ajudá-los a ter autonomia na busca por informações têm sido um desafio para os educadores. A teoria da Aprendizagem Significativa, proposta por Ausubel (1963), explica que novos conhecimentos são incorporados e melhor aprendidos quando relacionados a conhecimentos prévios já compreendidos pelo sujeito. Na educação, essa metodologia permite ressignificar e reorganizar ideias, criando novas conexões cognitivas. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar uma prática de ensino-aprendizagem baseada na teoria da Aprendizagem Significativa por meio da elaboração de livretos de contos infantis. Uma turma do 1º ano do Ensino Médio foi escolhida para participar da prática que teve como ponto de partida a elaboração de Mapas Conceituais (organizadores prévios) e aplicação de um pré-questionário. Os estudantes foram orientados sobre onde e como fazer uma busca por informações pela internet, uma vez que esse meio de pesquisa é tão usado e importante, porém pouco explorado em sala de aula. A construção do livreto de contos sobre um tópico de Ciências da Natureza foi o produto final do trabalho. Após a atividade, foi realizada a aplicação de um pós-questionário para tornar viável uma análise mais adequada das possíveis aprendizagens dos estudantes. A comparação dos questionários e análise dos materiais produzidos mostraram ideias mais ricas, claras e interrelacionadas, corroborando a hipótese do estudo. O trabalho evidenciou uma ligação entre o múltiplo espaço da internet e a produção física de material (livreto), que se mostrou eficiente para a compreensão e síntese de conteúdos ligados as Ciências da Natureza. Palavras-chave: Ausubel; ensino-aprendizagem; livreto; mapas conceituais; metodologia.       Abstract Science for minors: writing children's booklets as a practice for Meaningful Learning in Science Education Practices that aimed more dynamic and meaningful teaching-learning have been the focus of interest within the area of Education. Making students participatory in the learning process and helping them to have autonomy in the search for information has been a challenge for educators. The Theory of Meaningful Learning, proposed by Ausubel, brings that new knowledge are incorporated and better learned when related to previous knowledge already understood by the subject. In education, this methodology makes it possible to reframe and reorganize ideas, creating new cognitive connections. Thus, the present work aims to present a teaching-learning practice based on the Theory of Meaningful Learning through the development of children's booklet. A class from the 1st year of high school was chosen to participate in the practice that started with the elaboration of Concept Maps (previous organizers) and application of a Pre-questionnaire. The students were instructed on where and how to search for information on the internet, since this means of research is so used and important, but little worked in the classroom. The construction of the booklet of short stories on a topic in Natural Sciences was the final product of the work. After the activity, a Post-questionnaire was applied to make a more adequate analysis of the students' learnings. This study evidenced a connection between the multiple space on the internet and the physical production of material (booklet), which proved to be efficient for the understanding and synthesis of contents related to the Natural Sciences. The comparison of the questionnaires and analysis of the materials produced showed richer, clearer and more interrelated ideas, corroborating the study's hypothesis. Keywords: Ausubel; booklet; concept maps; methodology; teaching-learning.   Resumen Ciencia para menores: elaboración de cuentos para niños como práctica para un aprendizaje significativo en la enseñanza de las ciencias Las prácticas dirigidas a una enseñanza y un aprendizaje más dinámicos y significativos han sido el foco de interés dentro del área de la educación. Hacer que los estudiantes sean participativos en el proceso de aprendizaje y ayudarlos a tener autonomía en la búsqueda de información ha sido un desafío para los educadores. La teoría del Aprendizaje Significativo, propuesta por Ausubel, trae consigo que se incorporen nuevos conocimientos y se aprendan mejor cuando se relacionan con conocimientos previos ya entendidos por el individuo. En educación, esta metodología permite afinar y reorganizar ideas, creando nuevas conexiones cognitivas. Así, el presente trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar una práctica de enseñanza-aprendizaje basada en la teoría del Aprendizaje Significativo a través de la elaboración de libros de cuentos infantiles. Se eligió una clase de 1º año de secundaria para participar de la práctica que se inició con la elaboración de Mapas Conceptuales (organizadores anteriores) y aplicación de un Pre-cuestionario. Se instruyó a los estudiantes sobre dónde y cómo buscar información en Internet, ya que este medio de investigación es tan utilizado e importante, pero poco trabajado en el aula. La construcción del libro de cuentos sobre un tema de Ciencias Naturales fue el producto final del trabajo. Tras la actividad, se aplicó un Post-cuestionario para viabilizar un análisis más adecuado del posible aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Este estudio evidenció una conexión entre el espacio múltiple en internet y la producción física de material (cuadernillo), que resultó ser eficiente para la comprensión y síntesis de contenidos relacionados con las Ciencias Naturales. La comparación de los cuestionarios y el análisis de los materiales producidos arrojaron ideas más ricas, claras e interrelacionadas, corroborando la hipótesis del estudio. Palabras-clave: Ausubel; enseñanza-aprendizaje; libro; mapas conceptuales; metodología.

2021 ◽  
pp. 54-59
Rustam Djumayev

The article provides estimates of the “material standard of living” of the world’s population by periods (life expectancy, the volume of production of consumer goods, services, and products per capita). Many scientists and experts, politicians and, statesmen who have left their mark on world history have thought about the concept of progress. Most of them supported the idea of “progress” only from the bottom up. One described the pinnacle of progress as Chinese communism and, another called it “Western democracy.” This one-sided explanation reflects in the theory of five entities. (primitive, slavery, feudalism, capitalism and, communism or Western democracy). It emphasizes that all nations must go through these formations. The end of the twentieth century was characterized not only by the breakdown of the socialist system so “longawaited” in the West, the disappearance of the bipolar world and the emergence of world centers of power, unpredictable insane globalization with all the ensuing consequences, but, as it is obvious now, by the emergence of new, previously unseen threats and challenges not only to the sovereignty of individual countries but, above all, by threats to the existence of both each individual and by challenges to the existence of people itself. The first quarter of the 21st century, more than ever before, stuck out, exposed and, brought to the culmination point all painful problems - environmental, economic, geopolitical, socio-cultural, etc. The problem of adequate analysis and forecasting of these threats and challenges did not test, methodologically verified. The study made it possible to conclude that the issue of global and national security on earth is one of the main tasks of any state. And the understanding of the current requirements plays a principal role in preventing the emergence of a threat factor. Thus, understanding the period is one of the dominant needs in preventing the emergence of a threat factor

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Gabriel Jiménez-Avalos ◽  
A. Paula Vargas-Ruiz ◽  
Nicolás E. Delgado-Pease ◽  
Gustavo E. Olivos-Ramirez ◽  
Patricia Sheen ◽  

AbstractSARS-CoV-2 main protease is a common target for inhibition assays due to its high conservation among coronaviruses. Since flavonoids show antiviral activity, several in silico works have proposed them as potential SARS-CoV-2 main protease inhibitors. Nonetheless, there is reason to doubt certain results given the lack of consideration for flavonoid promiscuity or main protease plasticity, usage of short library sizes, absence of control molecules and/or the limitation of the methodology to a single target site. Here, we report a virtual screening study where dorsilurin E, euchrenone a11, sanggenol O and CHEMBL2171598 are proposed to inhibit main protease through different pathways. Remarkably, novel structural mechanisms were observed after sanggenol O and CHEMBL2171598 bound to experimentally proven allosteric sites. The former drastically affected the active site, while the latter triggered a hinge movement which has been previously reported for an inactive SARS-CoV main protease mutant. The use of a curated database of 4.8 k flavonoids, combining two well-known docking software (AutoDock Vina and AutoDock4.2), molecular dynamics and MMPBSA, guaranteed an adequate analysis and robust interpretation. These criteria can be considered for future screening campaigns against SARS-CoV-2 main protease.

2021 ◽  
pp. 053331642110087
Alasdair Forrest

Group analysts have not much turned their attention to Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. There is only one paragraph on it in this journal—and in fact it was in the newsletter accompanying it (Leal, 2013)—alongside a few incidental references. In part, this may reflect a general distrust of diagnostic labels, particularly those relating to disturbed development, defined medically. It may also reflect the recent lack of attention towards group-analytic formulations of specific psychopathological constructs. Instead, group-analytic writers have recently been particularly interested in the social unconscious and a more detailed analysis of issues of power and positionality. While this is necessary, and no analysis of people social to their core is competent without it, there is also space for a detailed consideration of psychopathology. To advance this, I attempt a group-analytic understanding of the concept of ADHD. I do this because I shall argue it is a clear example of the balance between projection and introjection, and that an adequate analysis of disturbance in a network must account for both sets of processes. I shall also do it to illustrate that such a group-analytic formulation should be possible, and to encourage further group-analytic formulations of other specific psychopathological constructs. Initially, I shall describe the development and utility of the concept, tying it to neurobiological findings, particularly those related to the Default Mode Network. Next, I shall suggest a group-analytic formulation. I shall then go on to describe the clinical implications of taking this approach, and shall describe how ADHD is too important to keep out of the analytic field, and suggest that group analysis has much to offer in the emerging discourse on social interactional neuroscience.

I. P. Lebedeva

Problems that should be resolved by marketer when a new mobile application is put on sale can be divided into two groups. The 1-st one is connected with customer attraction, the 2-nd one – with his/her retaining. On the one hand, resolving these problems is directly connected with advertizing campaign and marketing research, however the majority of companies – developers of mobile applications have no financial possibilities for marketing accompaniment of application entering market. The article studies research, which can be done by own forces. With adequate analysis they can lead to high-quality results and increase in the number of users. Apart from that the author proposes the method of analyzing event arrangement in application software section, which can help keep an eye on user’s steps and interpret them to find key problems of the application. This method of event arrangement is not new for developers and it is offered by existing analytical platforms, however interpretation of obtained results and subsequent company steps can become a serious task. Further development of such methodology based on analytics, segmentation and reviews of users could resolve a problem of developing by companies-developers of mobile applications their own marketing strategy verified in practice.

2021 ◽  
Vol 82 (2) ◽  
pp. 49-56
O. S. Khramushina

This article aims to determine the types and role of phonetic transformations of words as an active tactics applied in modern Russian poetry. This problem has not received sufficient theoretical attention, which is significant for an adequate analysis of artistic speech. The methods of functional and contextual analysis were applied allowing the phenomenon under study to be considered as an element of an integral literary text. As a result, the functions of phonetic transformations of words in poetic speech were revealed, in particular: 1) rhythmic (primary associated with the nature of poetic speech); 2) iconic, including the function of creating sound imagery (contributing to an enhanced expression of the author’s intention and ensuring the participation of phonetic transformations in certain types of stylisation); 3) compressive (reflecting the tendency towards speech economy, focused on spoken speech and incomplete pronunciation style); 4) text-forming (sound transformations as the main expressive means of a text can determine its structure); 5) euphemistic (the transformed version of the word constructs a phonetic allusion to its original version); 6) comic (the original sound can generate new versions including game, ironic and other meanings). It is concluded that there is a tight connection between phonetic experiments and the semantic accents made in poetic texts. The results of the study contribute to the existing scientific literature on phonemic transformations. The results can be applied when conducting a philological analysis of a text and at Russian language and literature lessons.

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