scholarly journals Pengaruh Terapi Relaksasi Progresif Terhadap Penurunan Tingkat Kecemasan dalam Menghadapi Uji Kompetensi Mahasiswa Tingkat III Akper Muhammadiyah Cirebon

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 93
Eyet Hidayat

<p><strong>ABSTRACT<br /> </strong>A nurse is deemed competent to have a competency certificate obtained through a competency test. Anggraeni Novi (2013): 3rd grader D III Nursing Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia 56% experience anxiety from mild to moderate level in facing competency test. There is an effect of progressive muscle relaxation on anxiety levels in schizophrenic patients in RSJ Bali Province (Laksmi, 2015). This study aims to determine the effect of progressive relaxation therapy to decrease the level of anxiety in the face of nurse competence test at the level III student AKPER Muhammadiyah Cirebon. The study design used "Quasi Experimental Pre-Post Test with Control Group" with progressive relaxation therapy intervention. Population: all students of level III AKPER Muhammadiyah Cirebon with a sample of 72 people. The data collection tool used is an anxienty HARS rating scale (<em>Hamilton Anxienty Rating Scale</em>) measurement questionnaire. The analysis of research results consisted of univariate and bivariate analysis, using percentage, test of t-test and independent t test. Results: There was a significant decrease in anxiety levels in the intervention group after progressive relaxation therapy (p = 0,000). Advice: Progressive relaxation therapy may be applied to decrease anxiety levels among students in the face of competency tests.</p><p>Keywords: degree of anxiety and progressive relaxation therapy.</p><h3 align="left"> </h3><h3 align="left"> </h3><h3 align="left">Abstrak</h3><p>Seorang perawat dinyatakan kompeten apabila memiliki sertifikat kompetensi yang diperoleh melalui uji kompetensi. Anggraeni Novi (2013) : mahasiswa tingkat III D III Keperawatan Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia 56% mengalami kecemasan dari tingkat ringan  sampai sedang dalam menghadapi uji kompetensi. Terdapat  pengaruh  relaksasi otot progresif terhadap tingkat kecemasan pada pasien skizofrenia di RSJ Provinsi Bali ( Laksmi, 2015). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh terapi relaksasi progresif terhadap penurunan tingkat kecemasan dalam menghadapi uji kompetensi perawat pada mahasiswa Tingkat III AKPER Muhammadiyah Cirebon. Desain penelitian menggunakan “<em>Quasi Experimental Pre-Post Test with Control Group</em>” dengan intervensi terapi relaksasi progresif. Populasi : semua mahasiswa tingkat III AKPER Muhammadiyah Cirebon dengan sampel 72 orang.  Alat  pengumpulan data yang dipergunakan adalah kuesioner  pengukuran tingkat kecemasan menggunakan skala <em>HARS (Hamilton Anxienty Rating Scale) </em>Analisis hasil penelitian terdiri atas analisis univariat dan bivariat, dengan menggunakan prosentase, uji <em>Dependen t-Test</em> dan uji <em>independen t test. </em>Hasil penelitian : terdapat penurunan tingkat kecemasan yang bermakna pada kelompok intervensi setelah dilakukan terapi relaksasi progresif <em>( p = 0,000). </em>Saran : Terapi relaksasi progresif dapat diterapkan untuk menurunkan tingkat kecemasan pada mahasiswa dalam menghadapi uji kompetensi.                                                        </p>Kata Kunci : tingkat ansietas dan terapi relaksasi progresif.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 20
Fatma Siti Fatimah ◽  
Zulkhah Noor

<p>Merapi eruption in 2010 in Yogyakarta caused people losing their homes and triggering traumatic effect. Elderly is one of victims that vulnerable to psychological problem. The common psychological late respons due to disaster is insomnia. The impacts of insomnia are decrease the level of immunity, increase mortality and decrease quality of life, thus it needs to be solved. One of the solution is by listening murotal Al-Qur’an that will give relaxation effect. The study was aimed to know the effectiveness of listening murotal Al-Qur’an to the changing of elderly insomnia level in shelter Dongkelsari, Sleman, Yogyakarta.The design of study was a quasy experimental pre post test with control group. Technique of taking sample was probability sampling and it was found that there were 37 elderly who live in shelter Dongkelsari Sleman Yogyakarta that fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Research instrument which was used to measure insomnia level is KSPBJ questionnaire rating scale and to listen for murotal Al-Qur’an (Ar-Rahmaan) was used laptop and speaker. The duration of listening murotal Al-Qur’an was 8 days with 12 minutes for each day. Data analysis was used paired samples t test and independent samples t test. The level of insomnia for control group pre test and post test is in moderate insomnia by the mean ± SD each of them is 9.3 ± 3.7 and 10.3 ± 3.4 (p&gt;0.05) and for intervention group there was a changing from moderate insomnia to mild insomnia by the mean ± SD each of them is 10.9 ± 3.6 and 8.2 ± 4.2 (p&lt;0.05). There was a significant differences between the intervention group and control group by the mean ± SD each of them is -2.8 ± 3.0 and 0.9 ± 3.5 (p&lt;0.05). In conclusion, listening murotal Al-Qur’an was effective to reduce elderly insomnia level in shelter Dongkelsari Sleman Yogyakarta.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 182-192
Achwan Achwan ◽  
Abdurahman B.B. Laksono

Leg cramps are a common side effect of intradialysis CKD patients. Preventing intradialysis cramping pain can improve quality of life. Breathing and stretching exercises are non-pharmacological treatments for cramping pain. The purpose of this study was to prove the effect of breathing and stretching exercises on changes in the intensity of leg cramps in hemodialysis patients at the Haji Jakarta Hospital in 2018. This study was a quasi-experimental study with a two-group pre-post test research design. The sample was selected by purposive sampling, a sample of 34 patients. The intensity of muscle cramps was measured using the Numeric Rating Scale. The results of the analysis using the paired sample T-test. The results showed that the intervention group had a P-value = 0.01 and the control group had a P-value = 0.055, meaning that there was a difference in mean the intensity of cramping pain before and after breathing and stretching exercises was compared, so it was concluded that there was an effect of breathing and stretching exercises on the intensity of intradialysis leg cramps. Patients are advised to breathing and stretching exercises regularly, light exercise, eat and drink diet.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 71
Claudia Fariday Dewi

Introduction: Stress among teachers has a significant relationship with the psychosomatic and depressive symptoms. Community nurses need to make efforts in preventing the adverse effects of stress on teachers. Progressive muscle relaxation with music and aromatherapy is an alternative intervention which can be practiced to reduce the level of stress among teachers. This study aimed to investigate the effects of progressive muscle relaxation which was combined with music and aromatherapy on decreasing the level of stress in teachers.Methods:This study employed a pre-post test quasi-experimental design with a control group. The samples were 46 teachers recruited by purposive sampling and were assigned to the intervention group (n=23) and the control group (n=23). The intervention of progressive muscle relaxation with music and aromatherapy was given to the intervention group for four sessions in four days; each session lasted for 20 minutes. The data were analyzed using the t-test to know the effects of the intervention on decreasing the stress level.Results:The results showed that the average level of stress of the teachers in the intervention group decreased from 50.65 ± 3.761 to 32.78 ± 8.426 after the intervention. Meanwhile, in the control group, the average stress level slightly decreased from 49.87 ± 3.348 to 49.17 ± 4.868. The result of the t-test obtained a p-value of 0.000 (<0.,05), indicating that there were significant differences in the stress levels between the intervention and the control group.Conclusion:Progressive muscle relaxation with music and aromatherapy could reduce the level of stress in school teachers. Based on the findings, it is recommended that the school teachers perform this relaxation therapy to decrease the stress level. The teachers could practice the therapy by the help of training from the community nurses.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 177-190
Nurlaili Nurlaili ◽  
Adnil Edwin Nurdin ◽  
Dewi Eka Putri ◽  
Yulastri Arif ◽  
Basmanelly Basmanelly ◽  

Halusinasi mengakibatkan bunuh diri, mencederai orang lain atau merusak lingkungan. Halusinasi harus diturunkan dengan asuhan keperawatan mandiri dan kolaborasi obat-obatan. Asuhan keperawatan mandiri dengan tehnik distraksi. Tehnik distraksi terdiri dari 3, yaitu: distraksi melawan dengan suara keras, distraksi menghindar melalui bercakap-cakap dengan orang lain dan distraksi mengalihkan dengan melakukan aktifitas terjadwal. Fokus penelitian ini pada tehnik distraksi menghardik yang dikombinasikan dengan terapi spiritual.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh tehnik distraksi menghardik dengan spiritual terhadap halusinasi pasien. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan desain “Quasy Experimental Pre-Post Test With Control Group”. Tehnik pengambilan sampel dengan purposive sampling berjumlah 94 pasien halusinasi pendengaran, terdiri dari 47 responden kelompok intervensi dan 47 responden kelompok kontrol. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuesioner dari Haddock berupa Auditory Hallucinations Rating Scale (AHRS). Teknik analisis menggunakan analisis univariat dan bivariat dengan uji paired t-test dan independent t-test. Hasil Penelitian ada pengaruh tehnik distraksi menghardik dengan spiritual terhadap penurunan halusinasi pasien dengan nilai ƿ value 0,000. Kesimpulan penerapan tehnik distraksi menghardik dengan spiritual dapat menurunkan halusinasi pasien.                                           Kata kunci : tehnik distraksi,  halusinasi, spiritual, asuhan keperawatan mandiri, skizofrenia   THE INFLUENCE OF SPIRITUAL DISTRACTION TECHNIQUES REBUKES THE PATIENT'S HALLUCINATIONS   ABSTRACT Hallucinations result in suicide, injury to others or damage the environment. Hallucinations must be derived from independent nursing care and drug collaboration. Independent nursing care with distraction techniques. Distraction technique consists of 3, namely: distraction against loud, distraction avoids through conversing with other people and distraction distracts by carrying out scheduled activities. The focus of this study is on rebuking distraction techniques combined with spiritual therapy. This study aims to determine the effect of rebuking with spiritual rebellion techniques on patient hallucinations. The research method uses quantitative methods with the design "Quasy Experimental Pre-Post Test With Control Group". Sampling technique with purposive sampling amounted to 94 patients with auditory hallucinations, consisting of 47 respondents in the intervention group and 47 respondents in the control group. The research instrument used a questionnaire from Haddock in the form of the Auditory Hallucinations Rating Scale (AHRS). The analysis technique uses univariate and bivariate analysis with paired t-test and independent t-test. The results of the study have the effect of spiritual rebuking distraction techniques on decreasing hallucinations of patients with a value of ,000 0,000. Conclusion The application of spiritual rebuking distraction techniques can reduce patient hallucinations.   Keywords: distraction techniques, hallucinations, spiritual, independent nursing care, schizophrenia

Jurianto Gambir ◽  
Iman Jaladri ◽  
Endah Mayang Sari ◽  
Yulinda Kurniasari

<p>ABSTRAK</p><p><br />Latar Belakang: Edukasi gizi yang tepat dapat merubah remaja putri untuk berperilaku hidup sehat. Inovasi program edukasi yang dapat memotivasi remaja putri dalam mencari dan mengkonsumsi tablet zat besi secara teratur sangat dibutuhkan sehingga dapat menurunkan prevalensi anemia di Indonesia.<br />Tujuan: Mengetahui pengaruh edukasi melalui buku diary gizi terhadap pengetahuan gizi, minat mencari tablet zat besi dan kepatuhan remaja putri dalam mengkonsumsi tablet zat besi (Fe).<br />Metode: Quasi experimental (Non-Randomized group pre–post test) study dengan 50 subyek penelitian yang terbagi menjadi dua kelompok perlakuan. Subjek penelitian adalah siswi remaja putri di SMA di Kota Pontianak, dengan kriteria umur 14-16 tahun sudah haid dan bersedia menjadi subjek penelitian. Intervensi berlangsung selama dua bulan efektif. Kelompok intervensi diberikan tablet zat besi (Fe) + buku Diary Gizi dan kelompok kontrol tanpa buku Diary Gizi. Tablet zat besi (Fe) yang diberikan mengandung 60 mg Fe elemental dan 20 mg asam folat. Data dianalisis menggunakan software komputer dan disajikan dalam bentuk tekstular dan table, dengan uji statistik Chi square dan t test. <br />Hasil: Hasil penelitian program suplementasi zat besi (Fe) dikalangan remaja putri belum popular. Tingkat pengetahuan siswi yang mendapatkan edukasi gizi dengan Buku Diary lebih baik dibandingkan dengan siswi yang mendapatkan edukasi melalui penyuluhan (p&lt;0,05). Siswi dari kelompok buku Diary Gizi lebih patuh dalam mengkonsumsi tablet zat besi (p&lt;0,05). <br />Kesimpulan: Pemberian dan aktivitas dengan catatan harian buku Diary Gizi dapat digunakan dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan dan meningkatkan kepatuhan remaja putri dalam mengkonsumsi tablet zat besi (Fe). Penggunaan Buku Diary Gizi dapat dipertimbangkan dalam mensukseskan program suplementasi zat besi (Fe) pada remaja putri<br /> <br />KATA KUNCI: buku diary gizi; kepatuhan; konsumsi; pengetahuan; remaja putri; tablet zat besi (Fe)</p><p><br /> <br />ABSTRACT</p><p>Background: Proper education about nutrition can change adolescent females to have a healthy lifestyle. Innovation of education programs which can motivate female adolescents in finding and consuming iron tablets regularly is highly necessary, so that it can decrease the prevalence of anemia in Indonesia.<br />Objectives: To find out the effect of Nutrition Diary-Book education on nutritional knowledge, effort to find iron tablets and consuming iron tablets in adolescence.<br />Methods: A quasi experimental study (non-randomized group pre–post test) was conducted with 50 subjects divided into two groups. The age of the subjects were 14-16 years old, already had menstruation and were willing to be research subjects for 2 months. Iron tablets and nutrition diary-books were administered to intervention group and were administered to control group without nutrition diary-books. The results were analyzed using chi square and t-test.<br />Results: The level of knowledge who get education about nutrition by having nutrition diary-books is better compared to female students who get the education through elucidation (p&lt;0.05). The female students from the intervention group were proven to be more obedient in consuming iron tablets (p&lt;0.05).<br />Conclusion: The administration of nutrition diary-book and activity of writing nutrition diary-book can be used to increase knowledge and adherence in consuming iron tablets among adolescent female students.</p><p>KEYWORDS: adherence; adolescent; iron tablet; knowledge; nutrition diary-book</p>

2011 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-112
Sutejo Sutejo ◽  
Budi Anna Keliat ◽  
Sutanto Priyo Hastono ◽  
Novy Helena C.D

AbstrakAnsietas merupakan salah satu gangguan mental emosional yang dapat disebabkan karena pengalaman traumatis sepertibencana alam di Kabupaten Klaten. Melalui logoterapi diharapkan dapat membangkitkan optimisme seseorang dalam menghadapimasa depan. Tujuan penelitian adalah menjelaskan pengaruh logoterapi kelompok terhadap ansietas penduduk pascagempa.Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 42 responden kelompok intervensi dan 42 responden kelompok kontrol. Metode penelitian yaituquasi experimental pre-post test with control group dengan teknik simple random sampling. Analisis yang digunakan adalahuji chi squere, dependent, independent sample t-test, regresi linier ganda. Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan self evaluasi danobservasi terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna terhadap respon yang ditimbulkan dari ansietas (p= 0,00, α= 0,05). Rekomendasipenelitian diutamakan kepada Puskesmas agar memfasilitasi penerapan logoterapi kelompok dalam mengatasi ansietas.Kata kunci: ansietas, bencana, dampak psikologis, logoterapi kelompokAbstractAnxiety is one of the emotional mental disorders can be caused by traumatic experiences such as natural disasters in Klatenregency. The therapy arrouses their optimism about the future with any obstacles. The research’s goal was to explain the effectof group logotherapy to minimize clients anxiety post disasters. They were 42 respondents as intervention group and theothers control group. The research’s method used quasi experimental pre-post test with control group and sampling wassimple random. Analyze by Chi-square, dependent and independent sample t-test, and double linear regression. The resultsshowed that based on self evaluation and observation there was significance anxiety responses caused by anxiety (p= 0.00,α= 0.05). This research recommended that the public health should facilitate the application of group logotherapy to reduceanxiety.Keywords: anxiety, disaster, group logotherapy, psychological impact

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-28
Aprillia Veranita ◽  
Ni Luh Widani ◽  
Wilhelmus Hary Susilo

Pendahuluan: Kanker paru adalah pertumbuhan sel yang tidak terkendali pada paru-paru yang sering menimbulkan nyeri dan sesak napas. Manajemen nyeri yang tepat diperlukan untuk menangani respon nyeri.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh terapi musik & Deep Breathing Exercise (DBE) terhadap penurunan nyeri, frekuensi nadi dan pernapasan pada pasien kanker paru. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi  quasi experimental pre-post test with control group dengan teknik purposive sampling ,terdiri dari 86 responden kelompok intervensi dan 22 kelompok kontrol di RSUP Persahabatan. Nyeri diukur dengan Numeric Rating Scale (NRS). Analisis yang digunakan adalah Uji regresi linear berganda, Paired sampel t-test,  Independent t-test. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukan perbedaan bermakna nilai skala nyeri, frekuensi pernapasan dan nadi  sebelum dan sesudah intervensi terapi musik dan Deep Breathing Exercise (DBE) (p=0,000). Kesimpulan: Penurunan skala nyeri, frekuensi pernapasan dan nadi kelompok intervensi lebih besar dari pada kelompok kontrol. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan terapi musik & DBE sebagai intervensi mandiri keperawatan untuk mengurangi nyeri kanker paru.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 59
La Rangki

Benson relaxation therapy to be used alternative therapy to normalize blood pressure. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of benson relaxation therapy on blood pressure in eldery hypertension and to know the difference in blood pressure between the intervention group and the control group at Social Institution of Tresna Werdha Minaula Kendari. This study used the Quasi experimental pre-post test with control group.The sampling techique used total sampling with 14 respondents. Data analysis used paired T-test to test one group in the intervention and control group and Mann Whitney test to see differences between the two groups ( p = < 0,05). The results showed a significant effect of benson relaxation therapy on stystolic and diastolic blood pressure in the intervention group (p = 0,000 for systolic and p = 0,004 for diastolic). ). Whereas in the control group there was no change in systolic blood pressure ( p = 0,069 for systolic and diastolic show blood pressure p = 0,016).

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-32
Fatikhah Fatikhah ◽  
Nur Zuhri

Nurses’ job satisfactioninfluences the quality of nursing services. The improperly managed job satisfaction of nurses can disrupt the function of the hospital in providing comprehensive and quality health services. The nurses’ job satisfaction can be achieved through a good relationship between nurses and hospital leaders. A good and equal as well as supporting and collaborative relationshipis reflected in the supervision of reflective model. This study aimed to analyze the influence of head nurses’ supervision of reflective model on the job satisfaction of nursesat Tugurejo Regional Public Hospital in Central Java Province. This study employed a pre-post-test quasi-experimental design with a control group. The samples were 68 nurses recruited by purposive sampling and were assigned to the intervention group (n = 34) and control group (n = 34). The data were collected using questionnaires and then analyzed using the paired t-test. The result of paired t-test test obtained a p-value of < 0.001, indicating that there were influences of the head nurses’ supervision of reflective model on the nurses’ job satisfaction. The reflectivemodel supervision can be used as an alternative to improve the job satisfaction among the nurses. The head nurses as a low-level manager can perform the management functions well through the reflective model supervision to improve the nurses’ job satisfaction.

Abdullah Farih

The objective of this study is to measure whether there is or not significant effect of teaching reading by utilizing Hot Potatoes software toward students’ reading comprehension of descriptive text. The variables used were the teaching treatment of Hot Potatoes Software as the independent variable and the students’ reading comprehension of Descriptive Text as dependent variable. Then, the research designed was Quasi-experimental design and the presentation of data used was quantitative. The data were obtained from the eleventh grade, of which 28 students were taken as sample. The students are divided into two groups; experiment group consisted of 12 students and control group consists of 16 students. To get the data, the pre-test and post-test were applied and then analyzed using t-test formula. The researcher had concluded that there is Significant effect of Hot Potatoes Software toward the students’ reading comprehension achievement. The result showed that mean of students’ post-test was increased. It is proved by the t-test (8.54) which is higher than t-table (2.05) at level of significance 5%. It means that the alternative hypothesis was accepted and it proved that Hot Potatoes Software had significant effect toward students’ reading comprehension of Descriptive Text

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