scholarly journals Islamic Education in Early Childhood: Cooperation between Parents and School To Build Character in Disruption Era

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-32
Burhan Nudin
Aulia Wahyunisa

Islamic Education for Early Childhood should be based on the values of manners, characters or moral animated by the Al-Quran and Sunnah. Achieving manners, characters or the perfect moral are the real purpose of education. Additionally, manners, characters or morality is a basic foundation of one's life in society and the state. The purpose of this paper is to know more clearly what is Early Childhood Islamic Education (PIAUD), and how these concepts in disruption era. The conclusion is the Early Childhood Islamic Education will get more from a family environment, education as a preparation for the child to live in the larger environment, the people. The education should be given to early children is 1) Faith Education and Investment 2) Worship Education and Investment 3) Character Education and development. The Islamic concepts of early childhood education in the era of disruption must start from the family as the first education for children. And the things that must be waged to the families in order to instill the concept of Islamic education itself are: 1) Parents should understand their roles and responsibilities; 2) Family as the first education for children; 3) Commitment to being a good educator for children: 4) Modelling the Prophet as an example; 5) Choose a good school for the children; 6). Being a parent does not have to know everything. And all the concepts of Islamic education will be given to the children by doing the method of habituation, modelling, giving good advice, every attitudes should be punished or rewarded, ordering and prohibiting.

2015 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Zul Fa

Kurikulum merupakan bagian integral dari pendidikan. Kurikulum juga merupakan media untuk menumbuhkan nilai-nilai agama pada anak-anak, terutama di bidang pendidikan anak usia dini (usia 0-6 tahun). Fokus utama dari penelitian ini adalah beberapa Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) di Kota Salatiga dan Kabupaten Semarang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh suatu tujuan, faktual, akurat dan sistematis proses pelaksanaan kurikulum pendidikan Islam dan strategi yang diterapkan pada objek penelitian. Data dikumpulkan dengan beberapa metode yaitu observasi, dokumentasi dan wawancara. Kemudian data yang dikumpulkan dianalisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pelaksanaan kurikulum pendidikan agama Islam di PAUD di Salatiga dan kabupaten Semarang sudah mengacu pada standar di Permendiknas Nomor 58 tahun 2009. Beberapa dari mereka belum mengacu patokan dasar pemerintah. Mereka juga melakukan pengembangan yang sesuai dengan karakteristik masing-masing lembaga. Bahan pendidikan agama Islam yang diberikan cocok dengan tahap perkembangan peserta didik. Materi tersebut disampaikan melalui bercerita, bercakap-cakap, tugas, Iqro ', simulasi dan praktek. Curriculum is an integral part of education. The curriculum is also a medium to cultivate of religious values in children,especially in early childhood education (ages 0-6 years). The main focus of this study is some early childhood education in Salatiga and Semarang district. This study is aimed to gain an objective, factual, accurate and systematic of curriculum implementation process of Islamic education and its strategies that applied in the research object. The data is collected by several methods namely, observation, documentation and interviews. Then the gathered data were analyzed using descriptive qualitative approach. The results indicate the implementation of Islamic religious education curriculum in early childhood education in Salatiga and Semarang districts already refers to the standards in Permendiknas No. 58 of 2009. Some of them have not referring to the government's basic benchmark. They also undertake the development which is appropriate with the characteristics of each institution. The materials of Islamic religious education is given suited with stage of learners’ development. It is delivered by storytelling, chatting, assignments, Iqro ', simulation and practice. Kata kunci: implementasi, kurikulum pendidikan Islam, strategi

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 16-25
Arina Dewi Masithoh

The golden age for children at an early age is the growth of intelligence in children because this age child started to vulnerable to increased them in faith and the development and growth physical mental out of the ordinary in phase which gradual. This day and age is a period of the formation of the nature of, personality and the character of a child. Early age is the most important because of the creation of the children the most important personality. Very important start instruction and correction of the child by religion give education from an early age. If religious education is not the doctrine taught to a child in effect learning early childhood, but education by changing civilization to embody the generation who excels in intellectuals religious by instilling religious values and sticks to young kids. In the planting of Islamic values sticks teaching Islamic education having a very large share. Especially for the developments of the times sure. Keywords: Early Childhood; Education; Values Aqidah. Abstrak Golden age bagi anak-anak Usia dini merupakan masa tumbuh kembang kecerdasan pada anak, karena rentan pada usia ini anak-anak mulai mengalami masa perkembangan dan pertumbuhan fisik mental yang luar biasa dalam fase yang bertahap. Masa ini merupakan periode pembentukan watak, kepribadian dan karakter anak. Usia dini merupakan masa yang terpenting, karena masa untuk pembentukan kepribadian anak yang paling utama. Sangat penting memulai didikan kepada anak dengan memberikan pendidikan agama sejak dini. Bukanlah doktrin jika Pendidikan agama diajarkan kepada anak dalam mempengaruhi pembelajaran anak usia dini, melainkan pendidikan dengan mengubah peradaban untuk mewujudkan generasi yang unggul dalam intelektualis serta religius agamis dengan menanamkan nilai-nilai Aqidah kepada anak sejak dini. Dalam penanaman nilai-nilai Aqidah Islam Pengajaran Pendidikan agama Islam memiliki andil yang sangat besar. Terutama bagi perkembangan zaman tentunya berbeda dalam metode pengajarannya, tetapi nilai-nilai Aqidah harus tetap ditanamkan sejak anak berada pada tahapan usia dini. Pendidikan Agama diperkenalkan sejak dini kepada anak berarti telah membentuk pribadi anak yang religius, terutama dalam nilai-nilai keagaamaan yakni Aqidah dan syariat agama. Kata Kunci: Anak Usia Dini; Pendidikan; Nilai-nilai Aqidah.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 185-200
Suhartini Nurul Azminah

ABSTRACT: Character education in Islam has its own style, as well as the character values con- tained in various learning media for early childhood. This study is a follow-up study to find the effect of Movie Media with Islamic Character Values (M-ICV) in shaping "Ahlaqul Karimah" in early childhood. Using an experimental method with a control class, which involved 19 respondents of early childhood. Data shows that the ttest < t table (0.75 < 2.110), meaning that there is a significant difference in effect between the experimental class and the control class. The results conclude that M-ICV is able to form a child's "Ahlakul Karimah" slowly, because the child likes various movies with content interesting and easy to imitate. The implications of further research on movie content development for children are able to develop other aspects of children's development. Keywords: Early Childhood, Ahlakul karimah, Islamic Character Values Movie Media References: Al-Qardawi, Y. 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2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 202-221
Bahrul Ulum

This paper aims to study the storytelling method for early childhood education in the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad r, where many stories are told by the Prophet which contain educational values. Prophet Muhammad as a great educator realizes that the storytelling method is very effective in instilling faith and character building in children's souls, because in the storytelling method there is an attraction that can touch the souls of listeners/students as if he lives in the story and become one of the actors. The story method in Islamic education has functions and tasks that are not found in other educational methods, it is very effective for attracting the children’s attention and stimulating their brains well, and the story in the Hadith Al-Shareef has features that impact on children's psychology and education which are very strong, clear, and long-term. Therefore, The Prophet Muhammad is the most powerfull model for us in educating our children.

Generasi Emas ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 144
Nurhadi Nurhadi

Multiple Intelligences and spiritual, emotional and intellectual intelligence in the study of Islamic education philosophy are called Imaniyah, Amaliyah and Fikriyah intelligence. This term the author (researcher) concludes from Islamic history about the intelligence of the servants of the Shari'a bearers (the Prophets and the Apostles), the intelligence of the companions of the Prophet and the Messenger of Allah and the intelligence of the ulama (mujtahid fiqh). In Surah Luqman verses 12-19, it contains the subjects of Faith, Aqeedah, Tawheed is Ottoman intelligence. Thanks to Allah Almighty, Prayers, Devotion to Parents is Amaliyah's intelligence. Responsible, Tolerance, Patience, Tawaduk, Amar Ma'ruf, Nahi Mungkar, Ta'at Ibadah are Intellectual intelligence. In accordance with their nature, even though early childhood children are required to receive comprehensive teaching on multiple intelligences because early childhood is naturally fit, therefore parents as teachers must first express that intelligence to their children. In order to wake up and be aware of the potential of our human beings as a servant of Allah SWT. Because early childhood is a golden age for children for the revival of the soul of the afterlife world.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Masdalipah Masdalipah ◽  
Endin Mujahidin ◽  
Ending Bahruddin

<p>Implementation of early childhood education (ECD) in Indonesia, especially under the auspices of Islamic educational institutions are still very limited and have not been able to cater to the educational needs of early children across Indonesia. In addition, an increase in the quantity of early childhood institutions, has not been accompanied by an increase in quality. For that, we need innovative learning model in early childhood institutions. This research focuses on the implementation of thematic learning model on Islamic Education in Raudhatulathfal Al-Jihad, which covers all aspects of planning (program), execution (process), evaluation of thematic learning, and its impact on the quality of Islamic education. The research method used was eksperimental research. In addition to testing, the researcher also collected qualitative data through observation and interviews. The study is located in the Kelurahan Kalibaru RT.02 RW.02 Kecamatan Cilodong, Depok, West Java. Formally, the tryout of study was conducted from January to July 2012. Based on the research conducted, through validation readability level, student responses and learning outcomes, the thematic learning model on Islamic education deserves to be applied to early childhood education in Raudhatulathfal Al-Jihad and also applied to other institutions those are similar. In the pre-test results, two different groups obtained about average 7.737 for the experimental group; and 7.789 for the controlled group. Once the thematic learning model on Islamic education applied, then the group of students performed post-test, the result is 8.578 for the experimental group; and 7.947 for the controlled group. The impact of the implementation of the model thematic learning on Islamic education in early childhood toward the quality of Islamic education is very significant. This is obvious from the responses of students very well, that is 96.51%, and the learning outcomes achieved 100% completion. Through a thematic learning model on Islamic education in early childhood, the average increase in the quality of education obtained in the experimental group were higher (0.841) than the controlled one (0.158). Therefore, it is highly recommended that thematic model of learning to be applied in Islamic educational institutions which organizing early childhood education with specific instructional objectives for learning Islamic Education, which covers three areas; cognitive, affective and psychomotor, so that every student in early childhood education can develop basic competencies, such as morals behavioral/social emotional, Islamic competence and other basic competences as the provision they entered to the next educational level.</p><p class="Affiliation"><strong><em><br /></em></strong></p>

At- Tarbawi ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 216-227
Wildan Nuril Ahmad Fauzi ◽  
Seka Andrean

Since long time ago the position of women became second class in the view of society. Not only in obtaining social status, they also get this diksriminasi in health and education. In this paper aims to discuss some of the things that become unease about Islamic education received by women. Although many islamic leaders are well known, unfortunately the drivers of women's Islamic education in Indonesia are very difficult and rare to find. This research uses library research using philosophical approach. Data collection techniques used in articles are by documentation techniques that collect data material in the form of sources of books in the library, articles related to writings related to research. The results showed that women's standing is needed trobosan and movement proves directly through various things and various fields. The establishment of a girls' early childhood school, to build a university based on Islam that combines it with general science, is able to open the face of women as a figure worthy to be recognized the greatness of Islamic Education received by these women contains a variety of knowledge that is able to improve their position and position as a mother and as a wife.

Restu Yulia Hidayatul Umah

This study aims to describe the background and experience of parents, as well as perform a typology on the views of parents in sending their children to school at an early age. Lately, there has been a lot of discussion about the pros and cons of enrolling early childhood children into PAUD (KB) level schools. Pro parents argue that at school, children can socialize with their friends, can learn by playing, can be independent, and much more. This research is a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. The results of this study indicate that parents who send their children to school at an early age are motivated by the fact that children do not have friends, for the sake of children's independence, lack of educational games at home, children's desires, for children's growth and development, basic Islamic education, and reasons for adequate school facilities. Then, the experience felt by parents in sending their children to school at an early age is the number of positive changes in children. While the view of parents in sending their children to school at an early age is the need for optimizing children's growth and development; school preparation in the next stage; educational playground; and familiarity with the rules.

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