scholarly journals An Experiential Evaluation of Arka Dhyana (Intuitive Medita-tion) from the Perspective of HeartMath and the Theory of the Six Main Levels of Consciousness

Tina Lindhard ◽  
Caroll Hermann ◽  
Stephen D. Edwards

An introductory course of Arka Dhyana, also known as Intuitive Meditation (IM), consisting of five sessions, was offered to an international audience via Zoom technology. Participants were shown how to connect to their deeper self, essence or soul by bringing their I-ego-awareness from the thinking mind, often associated with the frontal part of the brain, to 19 energetic stations in the body including the heart centre. In this limited study, evaluation was both process and outcome orientated and included HeartMath (HM) Inner Balance or emWave2 electronic technology to measure mean coherence and achievement before and after each session. A highly significant increase in both coherence and achievement in six participants was found, which was also reflected in a reported increase in wellbeing related to feelings in qualitative statements indicating changes in levels of consciousness and individual transformative experiences as predicted by the Theory of the Six Main Levels of Consciousness.

Healthcare ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (9) ◽  
pp. 1162
Tina Lindhard ◽  
Caroll Hermann ◽  
Stephen D. Edwards

In an experimental evaluation of an introductory Arka Dhyana (Intuitive Meditation) course, HeartMath (HM) Inner Balance or emWave2 electronic technology showed highly significant increases in both coherence and achievement in six participants who learned how to change their level of consciousness as proposed by the Theory of the Six Main Levels of Consciousness. During the course, which was offered to an international audience via Zoom technology, participants intended to connect with their deeper self, being, or essence, by bringing their I-ego-awareness from the thinking mind, often associated with the frontal part of the brain, to 19 energetic stations in the body including the heart centre. Considering the results from the HeartMath Coherence Model viewpoint, it seems this intended shift leads to cardiovascular phase synchronicity and interconnection of various bodily subsystems, which is also comprehensible based on our bodily development during embryogenesis. Qualitative statements involving feeling also point to increases in well-being, indicating changes in levels and individual transformative experiences as predicted by the Theory of the Six Main Levels of Consciousness. Increased focus, stilling of the mind, and calming of emotions also seem to be health benefit by-products of Intuitive Meditation (IM), but further research on more advanced practitioners is needed. This preliminary study needs to be repeated using a bigger sample size and further research on more advanced IM practitioners is required.

Vestnik ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 190-195
М.С. Кулбаева ◽  
А.Н. Курал ◽  
Л.Б. Умбетьярова ◽  
Н.Т. Аблайханова ◽  
Г.К. Атанбаева ◽  

Человека давно интересует вопрос о том, как умственная нагрузка влияет на организм. Известно, что при длительной умственной работе преобразуется сила процессов возбуждения и торможения, изменяется соотношение между ними. С возникновением утомления в головном мозгу нарушаются взаимосвязи между корой больших полушарий и подкорковыми образованиями. При этом наблюдается снижение регулирующего влияния больших полушарий на все функции организма и уменьшение активизирующих воздействий подкорковых отделов мозга. Кроме того, длительное сидячие положение, состояние низкой двигательной активности ведут к значительному уменьшению центростремительных импульсов с рецепторов мышц, сухожилий, суставов. В исследовании приняли участие 17 относительно здоровые, имеющие стабильное физиологическое состояние девушек-студенток в возрасте от 21 до 25 лет. Для исследования были взяты 16 биологически активных точек на стандартных меридианах, связаных с определенным органом. Для оценки физиологического состояния органов до и после умственной нагрузки были исследованы показатели ЭП БАТ на коже. Выявлено снижение показателей каждого органа после умственной нагрузки по сравнению с показателями до ее выполнения со статистической достоверностью во всех исследуемых органах (р<0,05). Особенно низкие значения показателей ЭП БАТ после умственной нагрузки были выявлены в биоактивных точках меридиана печени F.3 Тай-Чун, меридиана толстой кишки GI.5 Ян-Си и GI.4 Хэ-Гу, меридиана сердца С.7 Шэнь-Мэнь, меридиана тонкой кишки IG.1 Шао-Цзе и IG.2 Цянь-Гу, меридиана почек R.1 Юн-Цюань и Р.2 Жань-Гу. Humans has long been interested in the question of how mental activity affects the body It is known that with prolonged mental work, the strength of the processes of excitation and inhibition is transformed, the ratio between them changes. With the onset of fatigue in the brain, the relationship between the cerebral cortex and subcortical formations is disrupted. At the same time, there is a decrease in the regulatory influence of the large hemispheres on all body functions and a decrease in the activating effects of the subcortical parts of the brain. In addition, prolonged sitting, a state of low motor activity leads to a significant decrease in centripetal impulses from the receptors of muscles, tendons, and joints. The study involved 17 relatively healthy, stable physiological condition of female students aged 21 to 25 years. For the study, 16 biologically active points were taken from standard meridians associated with a specific organ. To assess the physiological state of the organs before and after the load of mental labor, the indicators of EC BAP on the skin. A decrease in the indicators of each organ after mental labor was revealed in comparison with the indicators before mental labor with statistical reliability in all the studied organs (p˂0.05). Especially low values of the EC BAP values after a load of mental labor were found in the bioactive points of the liver meridian F. 3 Tai-Chun, the colon meridian GI.5 Yang-Si and GI. 4 He-Gu, the heart meridian C. 7 Shen-Men, the small intestine meridian IG.1 Shao-tse and IG.2 Qian-Gu, the meridian of the kidneys R. 1 Yun-Chuan and R. 2 Zhan-Gu.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1407-1413
Dwi Haryati ◽  
Nuniek Nizmah Fajriyah ◽  
Firman Faradisi

AbstractStroke is an acute neurocological disease caused by blood vessel disorders in the brain that occur suddenly and can cause symptoms according to areas in the brain that occur suddenly and can cause symptoms of paralysis, difficulty speaking, numbness of one side of the body and other disorders. ROM (Range of Motion) exercise is the maximum number of movements performed by the joints under normal conditions where a person moves each joint according to normal movements either actively or passively.The purpose of this scientific paper is to determine the effect of giving Range Of Motion (ROM) on increasing muscle strength in stroke patients.There is a difference in the mean (mean) before giving Range Of Motion therapy is 2.65 and after giving Range Of Motion is 3.62, there is an effect of giving Range Of Motion (ROM) therapy. Most of the respondents were male with a partial presentation (70%) and (30%) female, the age of the respondent in this study was >56 years old. Prior to ROM therapy, the degree of muscle strength was categorized as 0 to degree 2 and after ROM therapy, the degree of muscle strength was categorized as grade 2 to degree 4. The conclusion was that there was an increase in muscle strength before and after Range Of Motion (ROM) therapy. ROM therapy is effective for increasing muscle strength in stroke patients.Keywords: Muscle Strength, Range Of Motion (ROM), Stroke AbstrakStroke merupakan suatu penyait neurokologis akut yang disebabkan oleh gangguan pembulu darah otak yang terjadi secara mendadak dan dapat menimbulkan gejala yang sesuai dengan daerah di otak yang terserang terjadi secara tiba-tiba dan dapat menimbulkan gejala kelumpuhan, kesulitan bicara,mati rasa sebelah badan dan gangguan lainnya. Latihan ROM (Range of Motion) adalah jumlah maksimum gerakan yang yang dilakukan oleh sendi dalam keadaan normal dimana seseorang menggerakan masing-masing persendiannya sesuai gerakan normal baik secara aktif ataupun pasif. Tujuan karya tulis ilmiah ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian Range Of Motion (ROM) Terhadap peningkatan kekuatan otot pada pasien stroke.Terdapat perbedaan rata-rata (mean) sebelum pemberian terapi Range Of Motion adalah 2,65 dan sesudah pemberian Range Of Motion adalah 3,62, terdapat pengaruh pemberian terapi Range Of Motion (ROM). Responden terbanyak berjenis kelamin laki-laki dengan presentasi sebagian (70%) dan (30%) perempuan, umur respoden pada penelitian ini berusia >56 tahun. Sebelum dilakukan terapi ROM derajat kekuatan otot termasuk katagori 0 hingga derajat 2 dan sesudah dilakukan terapi ROM derajat kekuatan otot termasuk kategori derajat 2 hingga derajat 4. Simpulan terdapat peningkatan kekuatan otot sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan terapi Range Of Motion (ROM). Terapi ROM efektif untuk meningkatkan kekuatan otot pada pasien stroke. Kata kunci : Kekuatan Otot, Range Of Motion (ROM), Stroke

10.12737/5760 ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Куликов ◽  
N. Kulikov ◽  
Череващенко ◽  
Lyubov Cherevashchenko ◽  
Череващенко ◽  

Among vascular brain diseases a special place in its importance takes chronic cerebrovascular pathology in the form of dyscirculatory encephalopathy. The most frequently affected cerebral structures with discirculatory encephalopathy are those parts of the brain that are largely responsible for shaping over segmental vegetative disorders, which are characteristic of clinics chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency. The purpose of this work is to develop a new modern high technology of sanatorium rehabilitation of the patients with circulatory encephalopathy on stage I and to correct autonomic imbalance. The authors observed 60 patients who were divided into 2 groups. The control group received radon baths, the patients from the main group in addition to radon baths received laser therapy paravertebrally C1-Th3, according to scanning technique. In all patients before and after treatment the state of the autonomic nervous system studied. It was found that the initial manifestations of vascular encephalopathy accompanied by autonomic imbalance with a predominance of sympathetic tone, activation and inhibition effects of ergotrop activities segmental systems, primarily due to the parasympathetic division. The results of this study demonstrate feasibility of incorporating laser therapy in complex radon baths for rehabilitation of patients with circulatory encephalopathy autonomic imbalance. The findings suggest that improving the functional state mechanisms vegetative maintenance activities, which help to eliminate the state of surge and flow of adaptive reactions in the body.

S.K. Aggarwal ◽  
J.M. Fadool

Cisplatin (CDDP) a potent antitumor agent suffers from severe toxic side effects with nephrotoxicity being the major dose-limiting factor, The primary mechanism of its action has been proposed to be through its cross-linking DNA strands. It has also been shown to inactivate various transport enzymes and induce hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia that may be the underlying cause for some of its toxicities. The present is an effort to study its influence on the parathyroid gland for any hormonal changes that control calcium levels in the body.Male Swiss Wistar rats (Crl: (WI) BR) weighing 200-300 g and of 60 days in age were injected (ip) with cisplatin (7mg/kg in normal saline). The controls received saline injections only. The animals were injected (iv) with calcium (0.5 ml of 10% calcium gluconate/day) and were killed by decapitation on day 1 through 5. Trunk blood was collected in heparinized tubes.

A. E. Chernikova ◽  
Yu. P. Potekhina

Introduction. An osteopathic examination determines the rate, the amplitude and the strength of the main rhythms (cardiac, respiratory and cranial). However, there are relatively few studies in the available literature dedicated to the influence of osteopathic correction (OC) on the characteristics of these rhythms.Goal of research — to study the influence of OC on the rate characteristics of various rhythms of the human body.Materials and methods. 88 adult osteopathic patients aged from 18 to 81 years were examined, among them 30 men and 58 women. All patients received general osteopathic examination. The rate of the cranial rhythm (RCR), respiratory rate (RR) heart rate (HR), the mobility of the nervous processes (MNP) and the connective tissue mobility (CTM) were assessed before and after the OC session.Results. Since age varied greatly in the examined group, a correlation analysis of age-related changes of the assessed rhythms was carried out. Only the CTM correlated with age (r=–0,28; p<0,05) in a statistically significant way. The rank dispersion analysis of Kruskal–Wallis also showed statistically significant difference in this indicator in different age groups (p=0,043). With the increase of years, the CTM decreases gradually. After the OC, the CTM, increased in a statistically significant way (p<0,0001). The RCR varied from 5 to 12 cycles/min in the examined group, which corresponded to the norm. After the OC, the RCR has increased in a statistically significant way (p<0,0001), the MNP has also increased (p<0,0001). The initial heart rate in the subjects varied from 56 to 94 beats/min, and in 15 % it exceeded the norm. After the OC the heart rate corresponded to the norm in all patients. The heart rate and the respiratory rate significantly decreased after the OC (р<0,0001).Conclusion. The described biorhythm changes after the OC session may be indicative of the improvement of the nervous regulation, of the normalization of the autonomic balance, of the improvement of the biomechanical properties of body tissues and of the increase of their mobility. The assessed parameters can be measured quickly without any additional equipment and can be used in order to study the results of the OC.

Paulina Hebisz ◽  
Rafal Hebisz ◽  
Marek Zaton

AbstractBackground: The purpose of this study was to compare body balance in road and off-road cyclists, immediately before and after the racing season.Material/Methods: Twenty individuals participated in the study and they were divided into two groups: specialists in road-cycling (n = 10) and in off-road cycling (n = 10). Immediately before and after the five-month racing season stabilographic trials were carried out (at rest and after progressive exercise). In assessing body balance the distance and velocity of the centre shifts (in the anterior-posterior and left-right direction) were analysed. The tests were performed with the cyclists’ eyes open, eyes closed, and in feedback.Results: After the racing season, in the off-road cyclists’ group, distance and velocity of the centre of pressure shifts increased after a progressive exercise.Conclusions: In the off-road cyclists’ group the balance of the body in the sagittal plane deteriorated after the racing season. Moreover, after the racing season off-road cyclists were characterized by a worse balance of the body, compared to road cyclists

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (o3) ◽  
Suaad Muhssen Ghazi ◽  
Fatin Shallal Farhan

Vitamin D deficiency is common in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome. Vitamin D plays an important physiologic role in reproductive functions of ovarian follicular development and luteinization through altering anti-müllerian hormone signaling, follicular stimulating hormone activity and progesterone production in human granulose cells. Vitamin D is precipitated in adipose fat tissues, making it notable to be used for the body as a result; obese people with high body mass index are already highly expected to have low levels of serum vitamin D.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 66
Rahmaini Fitri

Pregnancy causes physiological changes in the body and as well as in the oral cavity. Dental and oral diseases associated with pregnancy that is, gingivitis, periodontitis and pregnancy granuloma. Mouth dental disease during pregnancy is not only influenced by the pregnancy itself but rather the lack of knowledge about dental and oral health maintenance. Efforts to improve the knowledge of pregnant women about oral health is done by providing information, information necessary for health education media. In this case the media is created and used to improve the knowledge of pregnant women is the booklet. This study aimed to analyze the differences in knowledge and attitudes before and after maintenance booklet oral health in pregnant women. This study is a quasi experiment with one group pre  and post test design. The sample is the first trimester pregnant women who come to the health center in Sentosa Baru Medan as many as 34 people. Analysis of the data  forcompare the average difference in scores of knowledge and attitudes before and after the intervention used the Wilcoxon test. The results showed there is an increased knowledge and attitude maintenance of oral health in pregnant women after being given a booklet with a value of p < 0.001, a percentage increase of 30% knowledge and attitudes percentage of 37%. The conclusions of this study is increased knowledge and attitude maintenance of oral health in pregnant women after being given a booklet.

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