Laboratorium Virtual Fisika dan Implikasinya pada Penguasaan Konsep Optik Mahasiswa

Gunawan Gunawan ◽  
Ahmad Harjono ◽  
Hairunnisyah Sahidu

<p><strong>Abstract: </strong>The laboratory has an important role in the learning of physics. Tools and materials are limited often used as an excuse for not doing the lab activities. In addition, the characteristics of the most abstract concepts of physics that cause difficulties in teaching it to students. In this research, we have developed several virtual experiments on the concept of optics. Besides as an alternative to the limited laboratory equipment in LPTK, is also intended as a visualization media of concepts to make it easier to understand by students. The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of a virtual laboratory to increase student’s mastery of optics concepts. This research includes research and development, which is divided into three stages: the preliminary study, model design, and testing models phase. The results showed that the virtual laboratory model effectively used in learning of physics. This is indicated by a higher increase in the mastery of the concept of the experimental class than the control class. The highest increase occurred in the concept of geometrical optics by 79.9%.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Keywords:</strong><em>  </em>Virtual Laboratory, Mastery of Concepts, Optics</p><p> </p><p><strong>Abstrak:</strong> Laboratorium memiliki peranan penting dalam pembelajaran fisika. Alat dan bahan yang terbatas sering dijadikan alasan untuk tidak melakukan kegiatan laboratorium. Selain itu, karakteristik sebagian konsep fisika yang abstrak menimbulkan kesulitan tersendiri dalam mengajarkannya kepada mahasiswa. Dalam penelitian ini, kami telah mengembangkan beberapa eksperimen virtual fisika pada konsep optik. Selain sebagai alternatif terbatasnya peralatan laboratorium di LPTK, juga dimaksudkan sebagai media visualisasi konsep agar lebih mudah dipahami mahasiswa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menguji efektivitas laboratorium virtual terhadap peningkatan penguasaan konsep optik mahasiswa. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian pengembangan, yang dibagi menjadi 3 tahap, yaitu: tahap studi pendahuluan, tahap pengembangan desain, dan tahap pengujian model. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model laboratorium virtual efektif digunakan dalam pembelajaran fisika. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh lebih tingginya peningkatan penguasaan konsep kelas eksperimen dibandingkan kelas kontrol. Peningkatan tertinggi terjadi pada konsep optik geometri sebesar 79.9%.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Kata kunci:</strong> Laboratorium Virtual, Penguasaan Konsep, Optik</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 36 (2) ◽  
Wawan Sundawan Suherman

This research aims to develop a "model of educative and attractive physical activity" (Majeda) based on children play as a mean for optimize kindergarteners’ growth and development. This research was using research and development of Borg and Gall. The research will be conducted in three stages: developing model, pilotting models, and the operational testing and dissemination of models. First phase of research to develop the model implemented by the following activities: preparing the model design, reviewing aspects of the teaching learning process in kindergarten, characteristics of kindergarterners, and the values and elements of motion in children play, choosing the format of Majeda, and validating the draft of Majeda. The result of analysis showed that the design of Majeda based on children play can be arranged, then validated by experts and practitioners.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 140 ◽  
Gunawan Gunawan ◽  
Ahmad Harjono ◽  
Hairunnisyah Sahidu

The purpose of this study was to develop a model of virtual labs on some concepts of physics. In this article will describe some of the findings of the preliminary study carried out in the framework of the development of the virtual laboratory model. Data were collected through observation, questionnaires, interviews, and studies related documents. The results showed that a number of problems related to the lecture held, particularly with respect to the selection method of teaching on certain concepts, issues related to the activities of laboratory experiments, the description of the physics of matter that is difficult for students. Results of this study are expected to be the basis for the development of the model as well as efforts to improve the quality of learning physics, particularly for prospective teachers of physics.

At-Turats ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 121
Rahmaniatul Fithriyah

This research aims to develop teaching materials to write poetry through audio-visual media in class II, SD / MI. To produce a product in the form of stage writing poetry in a simple child through audio-visual media in teaching material grade II SD / MI by the Research and Development of simplified, includes three main stages, namely 1) the preliminary study; 2) formulation and product development; 3) validation and product dissemination. Results of this research is the stage of writing poetry through audio-visual media that can be done in three stages: knowing, thinking, feeling. Know is the initial stage of introducing the theme of the poem to be written specified in two phases, namely: pre-foundation phase and foundation plantings. Imagining is the stage after the children turn imagination shown in visual media specified in three phases, namely: Phase reseftivitas, reactivity and productivity. Soaking is the stage where the state according to the image and theme supported by appropriate audio poetry themes detailed in two phases, namely: the implementation phase and exploration.

2018 ◽  
Vol 37 (2) ◽  
Bambang Sumardjoko

Abstract: The objectives of this study are to describe the existing civic education learning, develop the model of civic education learning, and measure the effectiveness of the model of civic education learning based on the local wisdom. This research and development study was carried out in three stages, i.e., preliminary study, development, and model effectiveness test. The data in this study were collected through interview and observation. The results of the research are, first, there are strength, weaknesses, chances, and obstacles in civic education learning. Second, the development of the model of civic education learning based on the local wisdom is presented in the form of the syntax of learning model through the practice of cooperative learning of Problem Based Learning and Value Clarification. Third, the model of civic education learning can be categorized as “effective” based on the criteria of validity, practicality, and effectiveness. The model of civic education learning based on the local wisdom is able to improve the score of character and nation identity by 80% and the mastery learning at least 75%. Keywords: effectiveness of learning model, local wisdom, civics learning MODEL PEMBELAJARAN PENDIDIKAN KEWARGANEGARAAN BERBASIS KEARIFAN LOKAL SEBAGAI STRATEGI REVITALISASI NILAI-NILAI PANCASILA Abstrak: Tujuan penulisan ini untuk mendeskripsikan pemataan pembelajaran PKn yang tengah berlangsung selama ini, pengembangan model pembelajaran PKn, dan efektivitas model pembelajaran PKn berbasis kearifan lokal. Data diperoleh melalui penelitian pengembangan, dimulai dari studi pendahuluan, pengembangan, dan uji efektivitas model. Hasil penelitian sebagai berikut, pertama, dalam pembelajaran PKn terdapat kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang, dan ancaman. Kedua, pengembangan model pembelajaran PKn berbasis kearifan lokal dikemas dalam sintak model pembelajaran, melalui praktik pembelajaran kooperatif Problem Based Learning dan Value Clarification. Ketiga, model pembelajaran PKn tergolong efektif berdasarkan kriteria kevalidan, kepraktisan, dan keefektifan. Model pembelajaran PKn berbasis kearifan lokal mampu meningkatkan skor karakter dan jati diri bangsa sebesar 80% serta ketuntasan belajar sekurang-kurangnya 75%. Kata kunci: efektivitas model pembelajaran, kearifan lokal, pembelajaran PKn

2016 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 156-168
Anan Sutisna

This research aimed at discovering a instructional model to improve self learning of students package C program. Alternative selected to reach the objective of this research to develop a instructional model of Blended Learning, focusing at self learning. The instructional model was developed based on the fact and consideration that the on going instruction process was regarded too conventional. Learning Blended learning model on the package C program is conducted by the method of research and development through three stages: a preliminary study, the preparation of conceptual models and test to determine the effectiveness of the model. The result showed that instructional model of Blended Learning is effective to improve the self learning of students package C program at the Center for Community Learning.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Wawan Sundawan Suherman ◽  
Panggung Sutapa ◽  
Dapan Dapan

This study was aimed at developing Majeda teaching learning model based on children plays in effort to improve the excitement and the activeness of kindergarteners and the guideline of use. The study was research and development of the Borg and Gall model designed in three stages: first, preliminary studies and learning model design; second, small-scale and large-scale pilotage of Majeda; and third, operational try-out of Majeda, the revision of the guideline, and drafting of dissemination plan. The study was conducted in ten kindergartens namely, PKK Widodo, Tunas Muda Kledokan, PKK Temanggal, ABA Klepu, Pedagogia, ABA KKN Pantai Baru, Pembina Galur, ABA Dlaban Pogangan Sentolo, Wonosari 1, and ABA Karangmojo XVII. The finding shows that play-based Majeda is able to increase the excitement and the activeness of the kindergarten students in learning. Therefore, the developed Majeda is accountable to be used in teaching learning processesPENINGKATAN KEGEMBIRAAN DAN KEAKTIFAN SISWA TK DALAM PEMBELAJARAN DENGAN "MAJEDA" BERBASIS DOLANAN ANAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan "Model Pembelajaran Majeda Berbasis Dolanan Anak" untuk meningkatkan kegembiraan dan keaktifan siswa TK dan pedoman penggunaannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian dan pengembangan dari Borg dan Gall, dan dirancang dalam tiga tahapan: pertama, studi pendahuluan dan perancangan model pembelajaran; kedua, pengujicobaaan skala kecil dan skala besar Majeda Berbasis Dolanan Anak; dan ketiga, pengujioperasionalan Majeda Berbasis Dolanan Anak, revisi panduan penggunaannya, dan penyusunan rancangan diseminasi Majeda Berbasis Dolanan Anak. Uji lapangan Majeda Berbasis Dolanan Anak diselenggarakan di sepuluh Taman Kanak-Kanak (TK), yaitu TK PKK Widodo, TK Tunas Muda Kledokan, TK PKK Temanggal, TK ABA Klepu, TK Pedagogia, TK ABA KKN Pantai Baru, TKN Pembina Galur, TK ABA Dlaban Pogangan Sentolo, TKN 1 Wonosari, dan TK ABA Karangmojo XVII. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Majeda Berbasis Dolanan Anak mampu meningkatkan kegembiraan dan keaktifan siswa TK dalam pembelajaran. Oleh karena itu, Majeda Berbasis Dolanan Anak dianggap tepat digunakan dalam pembelajaran di TK

2018 ◽  
Vol 42 ◽  
pp. 00083
Zulkifli ◽  
Suheni ◽  

It is found widespread problems about the implementation of Bosda of Padang City, like the weakness of policy legality and delays in disbursement of funds. This research was carried out to reveal the needs analysis of real conditions in the field for the development of implementation model of Bosda in Padang City. This research was a preliminary study of research and development to get the model of development of Bosda implementation consisting of three stages; library study, field survey and modeling. However, this report was only up to the field survey stage in the form of needs analysis on implementation of Bosda. The findings indicated that the planning has not been referring to the material and non-material planning aspects, the implementation of Bosda is not supported by adequate socialization, cooperation of managerial, and commitment of Bosda recipient, and the evaluation has not fully covered the work program aspect and the implementation process of Bosda. The paper concludes that Bosda of Padang City is not implemented well. It was recommended that the managers should plan, implement, and evaluate the implementation of Bosda thoroughly and sustainably, so that the Bosda program can be realized well.

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 173 ◽  
Ismalik Perwira Admadja ◽  
Eko Marpanaji

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) menghasilkan multimedia pembelajaran pada mata pelajaran praktik individu instrumen pokok dasar, (2) mengetahui kelayakan multimedia pembelajaran pada mata pelajaran praktik individu instrumen pokok dasar, dan (3) mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar siswa menggunakan multimedia pembelajaran pada mata pelajaran praktik individu instrumen pokok dasar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian dan pengembangan dengan desain model pengembangan Stephen M. Alessi dan Stanley R. Trollip. Langkah-langkah pengembangannya yaitu: (1) perencanaan; (2) desain; dan (3) pengembangan. Teknik analisis data untuk uji coba produk menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) ditinjau dari aspek media dinilai “Sangat Baik” dengan skor 4,27 oleh ahli media;(2) ditinjau dari aspek materi dinilai “Sangat Baik” dengan skor 4,47 oleh ahli materi; (3) ditinjau dari aspek penggunaan dinilai “Sangat Baik” dengan skor 4,23 oleh siswa; (4) peningkatan hasil belajar siswa menunjukkan kenaikan rerata skor siswa kelas yang menggunakan multimedia sebesar 31,53 sedangkan kelas yang tidak menggunakan multimedia meningkat sebesar 20,11. Kata kunci: pengembangan, pembelajaran, multimedia pembelajaran, kelayakan. DEVELOPING LEARNING MULTIMEDIA OF INDIVIDUAL PRACTICE IN FUNDAMENTAL MUSIC INSTRUMENT FOR SMK STUDENTS IN THE EXPERTISE OF KARAWITAN Abstract The purposes of this research were: (1) to produce multimedia learning on the subject of individual practice in fundamental music instrument; (2) to determine the appropriateness of the learning multimedia in the subject of individual practice in fundamental music instrument; and (3) to determine the improvement in the students’ learning outcomes from the use of multimedia in teaching the subject of individual practice in fundamental music instrument.This research was a research and development, with the development model design by Alessi and Trollip. The development stages were as follows: (1) planning; (2) design; and (3) development. The data of the try-out of the product was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results showed that: (1) the media aspects were rated "very good" with a score of 4.27 by the media expert; (2) the material aspects were rated "very good" with a score of 4.47 by the materials expert; (3) the aspects of using product were rated "very good" with a score of 4.23 by the students; (4)the improvement of the students’ learning outcomes in the class using the multimedia showed a mean score increase of 31.53 which was greater than that of the nonmultimedia class which was only 20.11. Keywords: development, learning, learning multimedia, appropriateness

2005 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 263-274 ◽  
Ioanna Kantzavelou

This paper presents a model of a virtual laboratory for an introductory computer science course. The proposed model aims at solving a number of problems involved in the educational procedure of such a course. The model architecture consists of seven modules, each one corresponds to a specific topic of the course. Every module provides several different services in order to assist students to assimilate theory with practical exercises. Preliminary results of partial implementation of the proposed model, show the solution of some problems and better understanding of abstract concepts.

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