Biosfer ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 54-59
Erna Heryanti ◽  
M Nurdin Matondang ◽  
Diana Ambar Wati

The number of cases on the environmental damage shows low concern for the environment. Environment awareness can be improved through scouting extracurricular activities carried out in each school as an educational institution. Scouting teaches lot of value, such us leadership, togetherness, social, love of nature, and  independence. The aim of this research was to know correlation level of student’s participation in scouting extracurricular with the attitude of environmental awareness. This research was conducted at Senior High School 88 Jakarta on May 2016. The method used was a correlational descriptive. Samples were selected by Purposive Random Sampling of  91 students. Prerequisite test showed that data were normal and homogeneous. Regression model showed that Ŷ=5.621+0.390X. The correlation coefficient obtained was 0.544, which means there is a correlation between student’s participation in scout extracurricular with the attitude of environmental awareness.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 301-310
Nirmala Fajar Pertiwi ◽  
Ice Yulia Wardani

Remaja yang tidak mampu menghadapi tekanan akan membawanya pada ketidakstabilan emosional dan cenderung melakukan berbagai perilaku berbahaya hingga bunuh diri. Bunuh diri memiliki faktor protektif berupa harga diri tinggi karena dapat memberikan kualitas psikologis positif. Faktor protektif ide bunuh diri lainnya yaitu pola asuh yang seimbang antara dimensi penerimaan dan pengendalian atau disebut pola asuh otoritatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan harga diri dan pola asuh orangtua dengan ide bunuh diri pada remaja SMA. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif korelatif dan pendekatan secara chross-sectional. Penelitian ini memiliki responden sejumlah 322 remaja di SMA yang dipilih dengan teknik proportional random sampling. Terdapat hubungan yang kuat dan arah negatifantara harga diri dengan ide bunuh diri dengan koefisien korelasi -0,876, yang berarti bahwa semakin rendah harga diri yang dimiliki remaja maka semakin tinggi ide bunuh diri. Terdapat hubungan dengan kekuatan sedangdan arah negatif antara pola asuh orangtua dengan ide bunuh diri dengan koefisien korelasi -0,365, artinya apabila pola asuh orangtua mengarah pada otoritatif maka ide bunuh diri akan semakin rendah, dan sebaliknya apabila pola asuh orangtua mengarah pada otoritarian maka ide bunuh diri akan semakin tinggi. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan intervensi keperawatan jiwa dalammengidentifikasi ide bunuh diri pada remaja, serta meningkatkan wawasan remaja dan guru terkait faktor protektif ide bunuh diri.   Kata kunci: faktor proteksi, harga diri,ide bunuh diri,dan pola asuh orangtua   SELF-SELF-PRICE AND PARENT'S PATTERN AS SELF-KILLING IDEAS PROTECTIVE FACTORS   ABSTRACT Teenagers who do not cope well under pressure will lead them to emotional instability and tend to perform a variety of malicious behavior or commit to suicide. Suicidial Ideation has protective factor such as high self esteem, because it can provide positive psychological qualities.Other protective factor is parenting style that contain balance between the dimensions of acceptance and control, also called authoritative. This study aims to determine the relationship of self-esteem and parenting Stylewith Suicidial Ideation in high school adolescents. This study used descriptive correlative and cross-sectional approach. This study has a number of 322 respondents, that are high school adolescents selected by proportional random sampling technique. There is strong relationshipwith negative directionbetween self-esteem with suicidal ideationand the correlation coefficient is -0,876, which means that the if adolescent’s self-esteem is lower so suicidal ideation will be higher. There is moderate relationshipwith negative direction between parenting style with suicidal ideation and the correlation coefficient is -0,365, which means that if parenting style is authoritative so suicidal ideation will be lower, and if parenting style is authoritarian so suicidal ideation will be higher.This study can be used to improve nursing intervention in identify suicidal ideation, and also to improve teenager’s and teacher’s knowledge about protective factors of suicidal ideation.   Keywords: parenting style, protective factor,self-esteem and suicidal ideation

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Sunaryo Sunaryo

Abstract This research is about the understanding of junior high school students about heavy metal pollution in air, water, and land. The research was conducted at Labschools Junior High School, Rawamangun, East Jakarta in 2016 with a sample of 125 students taken from proportional random sampling, using correlational survey method. The results of this study obtained three conclusions. There is a positive and significant relationship between: 1) Knowledge of heavy metal contamination in air, water, and land with the character of student in maintaining environmental sustainability with research result correlation coefficient (ry1) equal to 0,643 and its coefficient of determination (r²y1) is 0,413 with regression equation Ŷ = 53,832 + 2.579X1; 2) The students understanding about heavy metal pollution in air, water, and land with the character of students in environmental sustainability with the result correlation coefficient (ry2) of 0.950 and its coefficient of determination (r²y2) is 0.902 with regression equation Ŷ = 9.390 + 0.952X2; 3) Student's knowledge and understanding about heavy metal contamination in air, water, and land together with student character in maintaining environmental sustainability with result correlation coefficient (ry12) equal to 0,950 and its coefficient of determination (r²y12) is 0,903 with regression equation Ŷ = 8,475 + 0.086X1 + 0.938X2. These indicates a change in the character of students in maintaining significant environmental sustainability. Keywords: student character, knowledge, environmental understanding. Abstrak Telah dilakukan penelitian pemahaman siswa SMP tentang pencemaran logam berat di air, udara dan daratan. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Labschools, Rawamangun,  Jakarta Timur pada Tahun 2016 dengan sampel 125 orang siswa yang diambil dari multitage proportional random sampling, dengan menggunakan metode survey korelasional. Hasil penelitian ini mempeoleh tiga kesimpulan. Terdapat hubungan positif dan signifikan antara: 1) Pengetahuan tentang pencemaran logam berat di air, udara, dan daratan dengan karakter siswa dalam menjaga keberlanjutan lingkungan hidup dengan koefisien korelasi (ry1) sebesar 0.643 dan koefisien determinasi (r²y1) sebesar 0,413 dengan persamaan regresi Ŷ=53.832+2.579X1; 2) Pemahaman siswa tentang pecemaran logam berat di air, udara dan daratan dengan karakter siswa dalam  keberlanjutan  lingkungan hidup dengan koefisien korelasi (ry2) sebesar 0.950 dan koefisien determinasi (r²y2) sebesar 0,902 dengan persamaan regresi Ŷ=9.390+0.952X2; 3) Pengetahuan  dan pemahaman siswa tentang pencemaran logam berat di air, udara, dan daratan secara bersama-sama dengan karakter siswa dalam menjaga keberlanjutan lingkungan hidup dengan koefisien korelasi (ry12) sebesar 0.950 dan koefisien determinasi (r²y12) sebesar 0,903 dengan persamaan regresi Ŷ=8,475+0,086X1 + 0,938X2. Hal ini menunjukkan adanya perubahan karakter siswa siswa dalam menjaga keberlanjutan lingkungan cukup signifikan. Kata-kata kunci : karakter siswa, pengetahuan, pemahaman lingkungan.

F1000Research ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 305
Ahmad Khoiri ◽  
Widha Sunarno ◽  
Sajidan Sajidan ◽  
Sukarmin Sukarmin

Background: Environmental awareness (EA) is a part of character education ignored by most students. This indifference tends to affect other students’ by not only in protecting and preserving the current environment but also in preventing and repairing the damage that occurs in the environment. This research analyses students' EA profile, based on the findings of LISREL 8.8 Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Methods: Research subjects included 131 students from Senior High School State 1 Selomerto Wonosobo, Central Java Province, Indonesia. Based on the Slovin formula, the number of samples is representative of the total population (N: 185; error tolerance: 0.05). Data were collected through non-test questionnaires and observation of Strategic Environmental Awareness (SEA). Quantitative descriptive data analysis on EA indicators (Care, Curiosity, Critical, Dependability, Responsibility, and Local Wisdom). Results: The EA profile of high school students was categorised sufficiently. This revealed the following results: a) the SEA instrument is effective in identifying students’ awareness about current environmental issues and meets model fit criteria (P-value 0.25>0.05; RMSEA 0.095; NFI 0.67); b) the SEA instrument is valid and reliable in accurately determining students’ EA profile; c) although the Responsibility profile was significant (t >1.96), other variables did not meet this significance criteria (EA 1a: ‘Care towards environmental damage’ under the Care profile; EA 3b: ‘Contributing towards preserving the environment’ under the Critical profile; and EA 6b: ‘Aware of local potentials’ under the Local Wisdom profile); d) evaluation of the expected changes in SEA is modified through an ethnoscience approach and the socioscientific issues strategy. Conclusions: Students’ lack of awareness of the environment and understanding of their regional potential fails to contribute towards creating a sustainable environment. Profile analysis in exploring attitudes, values, and ethics towards the environment are important, as it helps recognize students’ behaviour.

M. Syamsul Hidayat ◽  
Eny Setyariningsih ◽  

The purpose of this study was to determine what factors influenced students choosing schools at the National Vocational School in Mojosari. With the limitation of the problem in this study, the students who attend the Mojosari National Vocational Schools in grades 2 and 3. Vocational High Schools (Vocational High Schools) are a formal educational institution that organizes vocational education from secondary/junior high school. The method in this research uses quantitative methods. The population in this study was all students in grade 2 and 3 who attended the National Vocational School in Mojosari. To determine the sample using an opinion (Maholtra, 2006:291) that is 4 or 5 times the number of variables known in this study the variables are 42 x 4 = 168, so the number of samples from this study amounted to 168 respondents. The technique used is proportionate stratified random sampling, this technique is used for populations that have proportional and non-homogeneous stratified members/elements (Sugiyono, 2016:82). Sources of data in this study are primary, secondary and documentation data. For the results of factor analysis, the KMO (Kaisser-Meyer-Olkin) measure of sampling adequacy of 0.706 is greater than 0.5 and there are 42 variables whose values are above 0.5. For the factors formed there are 15 factors out of 42 variables. Of the 15 factors formed, the most influential were school product factors with a variance value of 15,885.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-78
Mudaim Mudaim ◽  
Eko Susanto

DIFFERENCES IN AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR BETWEEN ACTIVE STUDENTS AND INACTIVE IN EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES AT JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 3 OF WAY JEPARA. Aggressive behavior in adolescence is often shown with courageous attitude against parents and teachers, mischief, crime and acts aggressively. This study will look at differences in aggressive behavior between active and inactive students in extracurricular activities in Junior high School 3 of Way Jepara. The method of this study is comparative research, where the instrument that used for collecting the data is scale of aggressive behavior. The population of this research is eighth and ninth grade students of Junior High School 3 of Way Jepara in East Lampung that consist of 180 students. The sample is took by Disproportionate Stratified random Sampling, then it is obtained the sample of 124 of active extra-curricular students, whereas, the non-active extra-curricular student that consist 56. Hypotheses assessment is conducted by independent sample t-test where obtain calculated value of aggressive behavior in 1.360 with significance level of 0.015. Because p < 0.05 so Ho refused. There are some differences between active students and inactive students of extra-curricular.

2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 124-138
Honayapto Honayapto ◽  
Herlina Herlina

AbstrakTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat ada atau tidak adanya hubungan antara sikap siswa, gaya belajar siswa, dan atau sikap dan gaya belajar siswa terhadap kemampuan menulis deskriptif bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Sekolah Menengah Atas, kelas 2 SMAN. 2 Kambowa, Sulawesi Tenggara dengan menggunakan sampel acak pada 30 siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif korelasional dengan teknik deskriptif dan analisis statistik inferensial untuk melihat korelasi di antara tiap variabel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) ada korelasi yang positif antara sikap siswa terhadap kemampuan menulis bahasa Inggris dengan koefisien korelasi 0,95. (2) ada korelasi yang positif antara gaya belajar siswa terhadap kemampuan menulis bahasa Inggris dengan koefisien korelasi 0,86, dan (3) ada korelasi yang positif antara sikap siswa dan gaya belajar siswa terhadap kemampuan menulis bahasa Inggris dengan koefisien korelasi ganda 0,95. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa terdapat korelasi yang positif antara sikap siswa dan gaya belajar siswa terhadap kemampuan menulis bahasa Inggris baik sendiri maupun bersama-sama.Kata kunci: Sikap siswa, Gaya belajar siswa, dan Kemampuan menulis bahasa Inggris AbstractThe objective of this research was to determine whether there are any relationship between students’ attitude, students’ learning style, and both students’ attitude and students’ learning style toward the competence of writing English. The research was conducted at Senior High School, class 2, at SMAN. 2 Kambowa, Southeast Sulawesi, and used random sampling with 30 students. The research used correlational quantitative method with descriptive and inferential analysis technique to see correlation between variables. The research results were (1) There is a positive correlation between students' attitude toward the competence of writing English with correlation coefficient 0,95. (2) There is a positive correlation between students' learning style toward the competence of writing English with correlation coefficient 0,86, and (3) There is a positive correlation between students’ attitude and learning style toward the competence of writing English with a double correlation coefficient 0.95. The result of the research concludes that there is a positive correlation between students’ attitude and learning style either individually or together to the the competence of writing English.Keywords: Students’ attitude, Students’ learning style, and Competence of writing English.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-106
Sudiyono Sudiyono

AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji dana BOS di SMA dan SMK ditinjau dari sumber pendanaan, pemanfaatan dana, dan sebagai upaya peningkatan mutu pembelajaran. Studi ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Populasi dalam studi ini adalah seluruh SMA/SMK yang menerima bantuan BOS tahun 2014 baik negeri maupun swasta di kabupaten/kota seluruh Indonesia. Teknik pengambilan sampel kabupaten/ kota menggunakan proporsional random sampling dengan didasarkan pada indeks kapasitas fiskal (IKF) tinggi dan rendah, sedangkan penentuan sampel SMA dan SMK secara random. Responden/sumber data penelitian adalah 64 kepala sekolah dan 64 pengelola BOS di sekolah sampel. Data dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan kuesioner, FGD, dan dokumentasi. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan metode statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemanfaatan dana BOS di SMA dan SMK terbesar digunakan untuk pengadaan buku dan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler efektif dalam membantu kegiatan kurikuler maupun ekstrakurikuler sehingga mampu meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran. AbstractThe purpose of this study is to examine the school operational assistance funds in general and vocational senior high school in terms of source of fund, utilization of fund and as an effort to improve the quality of learning. This study is descriptive research with quantitative and qualitative approach. The population in this study is the entire general and vocational senior high school which receive school operational assistance in 2014 both public and private in districts/cities throughout Indonesia. The sampling technique of districts/cities using proportional random sampling is based on high and low fiscal capacity index, whereas the determination of sample of general and vocational senior high school is random. Respondents/ research data sources were 64 school principals and 64 school operational assistance managers in sample schools. The data in this study were collected by using questionnaires, FGD, and documentation. The data obtained were analyzed using descriptive statistic method. The results showed that the utilization of school operational assistance funds in general and vocational senior high school is used to procure books and extracurricular activities and also effective in helping school activities such as curricular to enhance quality learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-32
Rizka Permatasari ◽  
Endang Suarsini ◽  
Siti Imroatul Maslikah

Development activity and rapid technological advances impacting on the environment that is pollution and damage to the environment. Good management needs to be done to restore the environment and prevent the damage is getting worse. Everyone has the right in the management of the environment. Educational institutions like Adiwiyata high school is expected to join on protection and preservation of the environment because of formal environmental education has been integrated into the school curriculum is thereby expected students already have a good knowledge of the environment and a high level of awareness. Research aims to find out the influence of the knowledge of environmental management and environmental awareness towards the participation of high school students in Malang. The research is classified as a research survey with questionnaire likert-scale instruments. Research done on May until July at four adiwiyata senior high schools namely SMAN 2, SMAN 5, SMAN 7, and SMAN 8 Malang. Sample research totalling 100 people at each school so that the total sample is 400 students drawn at random (random sampling). Data analysis using multiple linear regression analysis, T-test, F-test, and that previous test has been carried out normality test, multicolinierity test, and heteroskedastisity. The result showed that knowledge of environmental management and environmental awareness are jointly influenced the participation of students in the preservation of the environment. Kegiatan pembangunan dan pesatnya kemajuan teknologi berdampak pada lingkungan yaitu pencemaran dan kerusakan lingkungan hidup. Pengelolaan yang baik perlu dilakukan untuk memulihkan lingkungan dan mencegah kerusakan yang semakin parah. Setiap orang berhak dalam pengelolaan lingkungan hidup. Institusi pendidikan khususnya SMA Adiwiyata diharapkan ikut berpartisi pada perlindungan dan pelestarian lingkungan sebab secara formal pendidikan lingkungan hidup telah terintegrasi ke dalam kurikulum sekolah dengan demikian diharapkan siswa telah memiliki pengetahuan lingkungan yang baik dan tingkat kesadaran lingkungan yang tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pengetahuan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup dan kesadaran lingkungan terhadap partisipasi siswa sma negeri di kota malang. Penelitian diklasifikasikan sebagai penelitian survei dengan instrumen kuesioner berskala likert. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Mei sampai Juli 2017 di empat sekolah adiwiyata yaitu SMAN 2, SMAN 5, SMAN 7, dan SMAN 8 Kota Malang. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 100 orang pada masing-masing sekolah sehingga total sampel adalah 400 siswa yang diambil secara acak (random sampling). Analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda, uji T, dan uji F yang sebelumnya telah dilakukan uji normalitas, uji multikolinieritas, dan uji heteroskedastisitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup dan kesadaran lingkungan secara bersama-sama berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap partisipasi siswa.

F1000Research ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 305
Ahmad Khoiri ◽  
Widha Sunarno ◽  
Sajidan Sajidan ◽  
Sukarmin Sukarmin

Background: Environmental awareness (EA) is a part of character education ignored by most students. This indifference tends to affect other students’ by not only in protecting and preserving the current environment but also in preventing and repairing the damage that occurs in the environment. This research analyses students' EA profile, based on the findings of LISREL 8.8 Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Methods: Research subjects included 131 students from Senior High School State 1 Selomerto Wonosobo, Central Java Province, Indonesia. Based on the Slovin formula, the number of samples is representative of the total population (N: 185; error tolerance: 0.05). Data were collected through non-test questionnaires and observation of Strategic Environmental Awareness (SEA). Quantitative descriptive data analysis on EA indicators (Care, Curiosity, Critical, Dependability, Responsibility, and Local Wisdom). Results: The EA profile of high school students was categorised sufficiently. This revealed the following results: a) the SEA instrument is effective in identifying students’ awareness about current environmental issues and meets model fit criteria (P-value 0.25>0.05; RMSEA 0.095; NFI 0.67); b) the SEA instrument is valid and reliable in accurately determining students’ EA profile; c) although the Responsibility profile was significant (t >1.96), other variables did not meet this significance criteria (EA 1a: ‘Care towards environmental damage’ under the Care profile; EA 3b: ‘Contributing towards preserving the environment’ under the Critical profile; and EA 6b: ‘Aware of local potentials’ under the Local Wisdom profile); d) evaluation of the expected changes in SEA is modified through an ethnoscience approach and the socioscientific issues strategy. Conclusions: Students’ lack of awareness of the environment and understanding of their regional potential fails to contribute towards creating a sustainable environment. Profile analysis in exploring attitudes, values, and ethics towards the environment are important, as it helps recognize students’ behaviour.

Biosfer ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 7-11 ◽  
Eka Putri Azrai ◽  
Diana Vivanti Sigit ◽  
Meilani Puji

Environmental awareness is consciousness of the environment’s problems for doing positive action through environmental preservation. Environmental preservation is an obligation for every people, including students. Therefore, students participation is needed to preserve school environmental through the Go Green School activity. One of the factors that can affect participation of students in Go Green School activity is their environmental awareness. The study aims to determine the correlation between environmental awareness and participation of students in Go Green School activity at Adiwiyata School. The research was conducted at SMAN 4 Tangerang in April 2016. The method used was survey method with correlational studies. The sample total used was 218 students taken by simple random sampling. Data was normally distributed and homogeneous. The simple regression equation is Ŷ = 44,92 + 0,695X. Correlation coefficient obtained is 0,7566 which means that there is a correlation between environmental awareness with participation of students in Go Green School activity. Environmental awareness of students accounted for 57,24% of the Go Green School activity. The result of this study concluded that there was positive correlation between environmental awareness and participation of students in Go Green School activity.

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