scholarly journals Overview of Academic Stress of FPIP Psychology Study Program Students Programming Thesis Courses in 2017/2018

Academia Open ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
M. Iqbal Hakiki ◽  
Lely Ika Mariyati

The aim of this research is to find out the academic stresses of psychology study program students who are programming thesis courses, faculty of psychology and education at Muhammadiyah University of Sidoarjo. The method in this study uses a descriptive quantitative approach which aims to determine the intensity of academic stress on psychology students who are programming thesis courses. The research subjects were 123 out of 200 students who processed thesis courses in 2017-2018. The sample was taken using simple random sampling. The data were collected using the academic stress scale compiled by the researcher. The results of this study illustrate that the results of the intensity of student academic stress are dominated in the moderate to quite high category, namely 67%. The results of this study also illustrate that the aspects of academic stress in psychology study program students are more dominant in the physical and emotional aspects. On the physical aspect, you get 34%, on the emotional aspect you get 29% on the intellectual aspect you get 21% and on the intrapersonal aspect you get 16%.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-80
Rini Agustina ◽  
Hariyadi Hariyadi

This study aims to describe the effect of application of SQ3R method and PQ3R method to students' reading skill. This research uses experimental method, Quasi Experimental Design research form with Nonequivalent Control Group Design design. Population in this research is all student of Study Program of Language and Literature of Indonesia semester 6 which amounted to 243. The sample used is class C Morning and class C afternoon obtained by simple random sampling technique. The technique used is the measurement with the tool in the form of reading test in the form of multiple choice which amounted to 30 items. Data analysis technique used in this research is anava 2 lane. Based on the result of data analysis, it is known that the application of SQ3R method and PQ3R method is good with the details as follows: (1) The average value before given treatment 20,476 with enough category; (2) the average application of the SQ3R method is 22.097 with good category; (3) the average percentage of PQ3R method is 22,045 with good category.   Keywords: method SQ3R, PQ3R method, read     Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pengaruh penerapan metode SQ3R dan metode PQ3R terhadap keterampilan membaca mahasiswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen, bentuk penelitian  Quasi Eksperimental Design dengan rancangan Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia semester 6 yang berjumlah 243. Sampel yang digunakan yaitu kelas C Pagi dan kelas C sore yang diperoleh dengan Teknik simple random sampling. Teknik yang digunakan yaitu pengukuran dengan alatnya berupa tes membaca berupa pilihan ganda yang berjumlah 30 butir soal. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah anava 2 jalur. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, diketahui bahwa penerapan metode SQ3R dan Metode PQ3R tergolong baik dengan rincian sebagai berikut: (1) Nilai rata-rata sebelum diberikan perlakuan 20,476 dengan kategori cukup; (2)  rata-rata penerapan metode SQ3R sebesar 22,097 dengan katergori baik; (3) persentase rata-rata metode PQ3R sebesar 22,045 denga kategori baik.   Kata kunci: metode SQ3R, metode PQ3R, membaca

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-76
Arta Rusidarma Putra ◽  
S Silfiana

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kerentanan sosial ekonomi, dan bangunan fisik masyarakat perkotaan terhadap bencana banjir di Kelurahan Margagiri, Kecamatan Bojonegara Kabupaten Serang Provinsi Banten. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini metode campuran kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Data yang digunakan data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer dikumpulkan dengan observasi langsung di lapangan dan wawancara berstruktur dengan responden yang dipilih secara random dengan teknik simple random sampling. Wawancara dilakukan terhadap 90 kepala rumah tangga dari total populasi 483 kepala rumah tangga. Sedangkan data sekunder diperoleh dari berbagai dokumen dan instansi terkait yang dianggap berkompeten. Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa berdasarkan hasil interpolasi kedalaman banjir yang terkena dampak banjir berada di sebagian besar wilayah bagian timur penelitian dengan kedalaman maksimum 1,5 meter. Berbagai faktor yang dapat menyebabkan banjir, seperti kondisi topografi yang lebih rendah, penyempitan sungai, tersumbatnya drainase dan tersumbatnya saluran sungai yang menyebabkan terhambatnya aliran sungai yang mengalir ke outlet utama. Hasil penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa kerentanan sosial ekonomi yang lebih tinggi ditemukan pada tingkat pendidikan dominan yang rendah yaitu tingkat sekolah dasar (SD) (40,42%) dan elemen penduduk rentan karena usia lanjut dan anak-anak sebanyak 30,09 %. Sementara itu, temuan penelitian lainnya berkaitan dengah kerentanan fisik, menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kerentanan tinggi aspek fisik sebanyak 32 bangunan, kerentanan tingkat sedang aspek fisik ebanyak 43 bangunan, dan kerentanan tingkat rendah sebanyak 25 bangunan. Serta tingkat kerentanan sedang hingga tinggi didominasi oleh jenis bangunan non tembok. Kata Kunci: Masyarakat Perkotaan, Kerentanan Sosial Ekonomi, Kerentanan Fisik, Bahaya Banjir ABSTRACT This study aims to analyze the socio-economic and physical building vulnerability of urban communities against flooding in Margagiri Village, Bojonegara District, Serang Regency, Banten Province. The method used in this study was a mixture of qualitative and quantitative methods. The data used were primary data and secondary data. Primary data were collected by direct observation in the field and structured interviews with respondents randomly selected by simple random sampling technique. Interviews were conducted with 90 heads of households from a total population of 483 heads of households. Meanwhile, secondary data were obtained from various documents of related institutions that is considered to be competent. The results of study showed that based on the results of interpolation the depth of floods affected by flooding was in most of the eastern part of the study with a maximum depth of 1.5 meters. Various factors can cause flooding, such as lower topographic conditions, river narrowing, drainage clogging and blockage of river channels which causes obstruction of river flow flowing to the main outlet. The results of this study also showed that higher socioeconomic vulnerability was found at the low predominant level of education, namely elementary school level (40.42%) and elements of the vulnerable population due to old age and children as much as 30.09%. Meanwhile, other research findings related to physical vulnerability, showed that the high level of physical aspect vulnerability was 32 buildings, the moderate level of physical vulnerability was 43 buildings, and the low level vulnerability was 25 buildings. Keywords: Urban community, socioeconomic vulnerability, physical vulnerability, flood hazarrd 

Ainil Witri ◽  
Yusri Abdul Hamid ◽  
Khairi Budayawan

The background of this research has by problem  learning outcomes in digital technique subject was low then student in electronics technique majors of FT UNP, where 93,68% student which not yet reached value ≥ B. This research is purposed to reveal the contribution style learn and cognitive ability to learning outcomes in subject of digital technique in electronics technique majors of FT UNP. This research type is descriptive which have the character of correlation.The population of this research was totaled of95 people and sampel 49 people student study program education electronics technique of semester january-june 2013. Using technique of random sampling (Simple Random Sampling). Data learning outcomes student obtained in subject of digital technique in electronics technique majors of FT UNP. While data style learn and collected cognitive ability to enquette by using scale of likert which have been tested validity and reliability. data were analyzed use statistical methods constructively Microsoft Excel software 2007.The result of data analysis showed: (1). style learn to give contribution equal 18,38% to  student learning outcomes in Majors Technique Electronics of FT UNP (2). cognitive ability give contribution equal  22,56% to studentlearning outcomesin Majors Technique Electronics of FT UNP (3). style learn and cognitive ability by together give contribution equal 25,61% to student learning outcomesin Majors Technique Electronics . Become can be concluded that style learn and cognitiveability  have contribution to learning outcomes, progressively style goodness learn student in course of learning to teach andcognitive ability excelsior of student, hence result learn of excelsior.Keywords: Style Learn, cognitive ability, Learning Outcomes,                Descriptive Correlational, Simple Random Sampling.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 95
Yondi Akhiruddin ◽  
Subiyono Subiyono

This study aims to determine and describe students’ reading ability and drafting skills on technical drawing, and the students’ complaints of school factors, which affect the learning process on engineering drawing subject in grade XI of Machining study program. This is a descriptive research with a quantitative approach. The population in this research were 112 students. The samples of 91 students were chosen using simple random sampling technique. Data were collected by means of tests and questionnaire. Data were then analyzed using descriptive analysis. The result shows that students’ reading ability of engineering drawing is in the category of “high” with percentages of completion from the “comply with the drawing standard” indicator is 91.21% and “correctness” indicator is 40%.  Students’ drafting skills is in the category of “high” with percentages of completion from the indicators of “comply with the drawing standard” is 79.12%, “clear and easy to understand” is 63%, “drafting speed” is 87%, and “cleanliness” is 89%. The most complained in terms of school factors on the subject of engineering drawing are student-teacher relationship, classroom equipment, building condition, and homework.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan kemampuan siswa dalam membaca gambar, mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan kemampuan siswa dalam membuat gambar kerja, dan keluhan siswa ditinjau dari faktor sekolah yang mempengaruhi belajar mengajar siswa pada mata pelajaran gambar teknik kelas XI Teknik Pemesinan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian sebanyak 112 orang. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 91 siswa ditentukan dengan teknik simple random sampling. Data dikumpulkan dengan tes dan angket. Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kemampuan siswa dalam membaca gambar berada pada kategori tinggi dengan presentase keberhasilan indikator tiap evaluasi pada standar sebesar 91.21% dan betul sebesar 40%, kemampuan siswa dalam membuat gambar berada pada kategori tinggi dengan presentase keberhasilan indikator tiap evaluasi pada standar sebesar 79.12%, jelas dan mudah dipahami sebesar 63%, kecepatan sebesar 87%, dan kebersihan sebesar 89%, dan keluhan siswa pada mata pelajaran gambar teknik ditinjau dari faktor sekolah yang cukup dikeluhkan adalah relasi guru dengan siswa, alat pelajaran, keadaan gedung, dan tugas rumah.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 20
Giur Hargiana ◽  
Tia Sintiawati

Pada perkembangan era digital saat ini istilah kecanduan sudah memiliki perkembangan yang sangat dinamis, bukan hanya kecanduan narkoba namun kecanduan gawai merupakan bentuk kecanduan yang berbahaya dan memiliki efek yang luas dimasyarakat. Generasi Z, merupakan populasi usia dewasa muda saat ini, generasi ini berkembang di era digital, sehingga pembentukan kopingnya pun terpengaruh oleh hal tersebut. Pada usia dewasa muda, biasanya orang sedang dalam fase pendidikan tinggi sebagai mahasiswa, mahasiswa disibukkan oleh berbagai kesibukan baik akademik maupun non akademik. Hal ini membuat mahasiswa rentan mengalami stres. Salah satu stresor yang mahasiswa rasakan selama perkuliahannya yaitu  berkaitan dengan stres akademik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi gambaran tingkat ketergantungan gawai dan tingkat stres akademik pada mahasiswa di FIK UI dan untuk mencari hubungan keduanya menggunakan kuesioner Academic Stress Scale (ASS) dan Test for Gadget Dependency. Desain penelitian ini adalah cross sectional, teknik sampel menggunakan proportional stratified random sampling dengan melibatkan 229 mahasiswa. Hasil analisis uji statistik chi-square didapatkan  p= 0,000 dan nilai p < a = 0,05 yang berarti terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara ketergantungan terhadap gawai dengan stres akademik pada mahasiswa. Hasil penelitian ini juga menemukan mahasiswa mengalami stres akademik sedang sebanyak  66,4% dan mahasiswa mengalami ketergantungan terhadap gawai pada kategori sedang sebanyak 69,9%.  Ketergantungan terhadap gawai dan stress akademik memiliki hubungan yang saling memengaruhi, seseorang dengan ketergantungan gawai yang tinggi akan memiliki stress akademik yang tinggi pula dan sebaliknya. Rekomendasi dari penelitian ini mahasiswa perlu aware dengan perilaku dalam menggunakan gawai.Kata kunci: ketergantungan gawai; mahasiswa keperawatan; stres akademik 

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (9) ◽  
pp. 474-480
Efa Wahyu Prastyaningtyas ◽  
Widi Wulansari

This study objective is to determine the application of Project Based Learning in entrepreneurship subjects for students of the Elementary School Study Program, Universitas Nusantara PGRI of Kediri. This study used a quasi-experimental design with Posttest-Only Design with None equivalent Group. The population were 8 classes and simple random sampling technique was used to take the sample. Then, divide the sample into two categorized as students who already have a business and students who do not have one. In conclusion, the average score of students who have entrepreneurial experience is higher; it was 89.62 than the average score of students who do not have entrepreneurial experience with a score of 88.44 in PjBL-based Entrepreneurship learning. Thus, it can be interpreted that the implementation of PjBL-Based Entrepreneurship (Problem Based Learning) subjects for students who have entrepreneurial experience gives positive and significant results. Keywords: Entrepreneurship subject, Project based learning, Pandemic.

A. Rivai Beta

This study aimed to look at the lecturers on competency of the the learning outcomes of students in the Communication and Islamic Broadcasting Study Programe Faculty of Ushuluddin, Adab and Dakwah IAIN Samarinda This research used quantitative methods by analyzing using regression analysis with SPSS 17 assistance. Communication and Islamic Broadcasting Faculty of Ushuluddin, Adab and Dakwah IAIN Samarinda, where the population of this research was 95 students of Communication and Islamic Broadcasting IAIN Samarinda and a sample of 77 people was taken by using the Simple Random Sampling method with Slovin formula. As a result, together the influence of lecturer competence on learning outcomes was 0.6% with a significance of 0.038 less than 0.05, which means that the effect is significant. Separately from the four lecturers' competencies namely 0.7% pedagogic competence, 0.6% professional, and 0.6% personality, towards learning achievement, where all three competencies had less than 0.05 so the effect is significant. The social competence of the lecturers only gives a small contribution of 0.2% which did not affect the learning outcomes of students of the Communication and Islamic Broadcasting Study Program of the Faculty of Ushuluddin, Adab and Da'wah of IAIN Samarinda, and the significance value is 0.203 greater than 0.05. significant. So that the need for improvement of social competence for lecturers.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Tiffani Tantina

Premenstrual syndrome is quite high, with almost (75%) of women of childbearing age around the world experiencing premenstrual syndrome. Country of Indonesia itself the number of events around (70-90%), which occurs in women of childbearing age and more often found in women aged 20-40 years. This figure indicates that Premenstrual Syndrome in Indonesia is quite a lot that needs to be done countermeasures to stay and overcome it. Low knowledge of the various forms of adolescents have risky behavior / action. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between the variables studied and knowledge with Premenstrual Actions Syndrome. This research method uses pure quantitative in cross sectional approach. The research subjects were female teenagers residing in the new village of Pancur Batu sub-district, which faced 90 people who were 12-16 years old. Random sampling technique by simple random sampling. Data analysis was done by Chi-Square test with multiple Linear regression test. The result of the study was no correlation between end result of age, education, first menstruation with action of overcoming premenstrual syndrome , the most dominant and significant variable is age, and knowledge also has a significant relationship with the action of overcoming premenstrual syndrome.

_10438 ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-46
Rasyid Salim ◽  
Yunias Setiawati ◽  
Nurul Mawaddah

Tujuan: Enuresis merupakan masalah yang sering ditemukan pada anak-anak. Enuresis memberikan pengaruh buruk baik secara psikologis dan sosial sehingga bisa mengganggu kehidupan anak dan mempengaruhi kualitas hidupnya saat dewasa. Salah satu faktor penyebab enuresis pada anak adalah stres atau faktor psikologis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan stres dengan enuresis pada anak usia sekolah.Metode: Desain observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel diambil dengan menggunakan simple random sampling dengan jumlah sampel 32 anak. Pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar kuesioner PSS-C (the Perceived Stress Scale For Children) yang digunakan untuk mengukur tingkat stres pada anak. Teknik statistik yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data adalah uji chi Square.Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagian besar anak sekolah mengalami stres yang tinggi (62%) dan sebagian besar anak sekolah mengalami enuresis (56%). Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan Pvalue = 0,000 (Pvalue > ) sehingga dapat disimpulkan terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara stres dengan enuresis pada anak.Simpulan: Diharapkan orang tua mengenali masalah psikososial yang terjadi pada anak sehingga dapat memberikan intervensi segera agar tidak berdampak pada perkembangan anak selanjutnya. Penelitian selanjutnya dapat dilakukan untuk mengajarkan tehnik manajemen stres pada anak dan manajemen penanganan enuresis pada anak sekolah.Kata kunci: Enuresis, Stres, Anak Sekolah

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Tiffani Tantina

Premenstrual syndrome is quite high, with almost (75%) of women of childbearing age around the world experiencing premenstrual syndrome. Country of Indonesia itself the number of events around (70-90%), which occurs in women of childbearing age and more often found in women aged 20-40 years. This figure indicates that Premenstrual Syndrome in Indonesia is quite a lot that needs to be done countermeasures to stay and overcome it. Low knowledge of the various forms of adolescents have risky behavior / action. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between the variables studied and knowledge with Premenstrual Actions Syndrome. This research method uses pure quantitative in cross sectional approach. The research subjects were female teenagers residing in the new village of Pancur Batu sub-district, which faced 90 people who were 12-16 years old. Random sampling technique by simple random sampling. Data analysis was done by Chi-Square test with multiple Linear regression test. The result of the study was no correlation between end result of age, education, first menstruation with action of overcoming premenstrual syndrome ,the most dominant and significant variable is age,and knowledge also has a significant relationship with the action of overcoming premenstrual syndrome.

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