scholarly journals Awareness and Acceptance Of Genetic Modified Food (GMF) Among The Malaysian Consumers

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 56-62
Azlin A.M.Z ◽  
Baki R ◽  
Enio M.S.K ◽  
J. Ho Abdullah, S.

The halal industry is growing vigorously to cater the Muslim consumers in Malaysia. The acceptance, awareness and perception towards the genetic modified food (GMF) is still insufficient to fulfil the Malaysian market and expectantly plays a major role in a long period. The purpose of this paper is to fill the knowledge gap to the study of GMF conducted in Malaysia. Qualitative data were collected via open-ended interview with four participants from various background namely Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI) researcher, P3, P4 and P1 by using single case and different site. All interviews were audio recorded, transcribed and analysed. Almost all participants familiar with the term genetic modified organism (GMO) or genetic modified food (GMF) which are two different entities but similar in biotechnology scope. Almost all participants were familiar with the term of genetic modified food.  Since most of the participants came out with the science and biotechnology background, they perceived the GMF product but some of them did not trust of these products for various reasons.  The participants agreed on the need for more information from a trusted and credible source that can easily access by the consumers. This study provides an in-depth insight into consumer’ awareness, perception and evaluation concerning the halalan toyyiban status of genetic modified food in Malaysia. The novelty of these finding could provide information for the biotechnology food industry to expand its market and develop its profitability and reliability to promo sustainable food production and consumption in the population.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 308-320
Tiara tivani Mayusa ◽  
Zakiah Zakiah ◽  
Zakiah Zakiah ◽  
Romano Romano ◽  
Romano Romano

Abstrak. Dalam rangka mewujudkan kemandirian pangan, kementerian pertanian melalui Badan Litbang Pertanian mengembangkan Kawasan Rumah Pangan Lestari atau yang disebut dengan KRPL, KRPL merupakan prinsip pemanfaatan pekarangan yang ramah lingkungan dan dirancang untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan pangan dan gizi keluarga, diversifikasi pangan berbasis sumber daya lokal, pelestarian tanaman pangan untuk masa depan, serta peningkatan pendapatan yang pada akhirnya akan meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bagaimana Pola Pangan Harapan masyarakat Kota Banda Aceh yang mengikuti pelaksanaan program KRPL, dan untuk menganalisis apakah Program Pemerintah Kawasan Rumah Pangan Lestari di Kota Banda Aceh sudah efektif atau belum. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kota Banda Aceh dengan pertimbangan bahwa Kota Banda Aceh merupakan salah satu daerah yang menerapkan program KRPL. Objek dari penelitian ini adalah ibu rumah tangga yang bekerja mengikuti Pogram KRPL di Kota Banda Aceh. Ruang lingkup penelitian ini terbatas pada tingkat pemanfaatan Pogram KRPL terhadap masyarakat. Metode pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini yaitu menggunakan teknik pengambilan sampel secara acek (random sampling) dengan pertimbangan populasi dalam keadaan homogen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pola pangan harapan rumah tangga dapat dikatakan bahwa rumah tangga yang mengikuti program KRPL ini masih belum memenuhi skor PPH nasional yang sudah ditetapkan, karna masih sebagian besar rumah tangganya berada pada segitiga perunggu, dimana skor mutunya masih dibawah keinginan pemerintah. Efektivitas pelaksanaan program KRPL di Kota Banda Aceh dapat dikatakan efektifitas program KRPL ini sudah efektif dikarenakan pencapaian program ini hampir sepenuhnya terlaksana di setiap rumah tangga yang mengikuti program ini.Effectiveness of Government Sustainable Household Building Program on Household Food Infrastructure In Banda Aceh CityAbstract. In order to realize food self-sufficiency, the ministry of agriculture through the Agricultural Research and Development Agency develops Sustainable Food Houses or called KRPL, KRPL is a principle of environmentally friendly use of yards and is designed to fulfill family food and nutrition needs, local resource-based food diversification, diversification of food based on local resources, preservation of food crops for the future, and increased income which will ultimately improve the welfare of the community.This study aims to analyze how the Food Expectation Pattern of the Banda Aceh City community follows the implementation of the KRPL program, and to analyze whether the Government Program for Sustainable Food Houses in the City of Banda Aceh has been effective or not. This research was conducted in the city of Banda Aceh with the consideration that the city of Banda Aceh was one of the areas that implemented the KRPL program. The object of this study is housewives who work following the KRPL Program in the City of Banda Aceh.The scope of this research is limited to the level of utilization of the KRPL Program for the community. The sampling method in this study is using random sampling techniques with consideration of the population in a homogeneous state.The results showed that the household expectation pattern of food can be said that the households participating in the KRPL program still do not meet the national PPH score that has been set, because still most of the households are in the bronze triangle, where the quality score is still under the government's desire.The effectiveness of the KRPL program implementation in the city of Banda Aceh can be said that the effectiveness of the KRPL program has been effective because the achievement of this program was almost completely implemented in every household that participated in this program.Abstract. In order to realize food self-sufficiency, the ministry of agriculture through the Agricultural Research and Development Agency develops Sustainable Food Houses or called KRPL, KRPL is a principle of environmentally friendly use of yards and is designed to fulfill family food and nutrition needs, local resource-based food diversification, diversification of food based on local resources, preservation of food crops for the future, and increased income which will ultimately improve the welfare of the community.This study aims to analyze how the Food Expectation Pattern of the Banda Aceh City community follows the implementation of the KRPL program, and to analyze whether the Government Program for Sustainable Food Houses in the City of Banda Aceh has been effective or not. This research was conducted in the city of Banda Aceh with the consideration that the city of Banda Aceh was one of the areas that implemented the KRPL program. The object of this study is housewives who work following the KRPL Program in the City of Banda Aceh.The scope of this research is limited to the level of utilization of the KRPL Program for the community. The sampling method in this study is using random sampling techniques with consideration of the population in a homogeneous state.The results showed that the household expectation pattern of food can be said that the households participating in the KRPL program still do not meet the national PPH score that has been set, because still most of the households are in the bronze triangle, where the quality score is still under the government's desire.The effectiveness of the KRPL program implementation in the city of Banda Aceh can be said that the effectiveness of the KRPL program has been effective because the achievement of this program was almost completely implemented in every household that participated in this program.

Hesti Prastiwi ◽  
Martua Sihaloho

Lahan merupakan salah satu sumber daya agraria yang sangat penting bagi petani dikarenakan lahan merupakan salah satu sumber untuk bertahan hidup. Sesuai dengan Undang-Undang Dasar Nomor 41 Tahun 2009 tentang Perlindungan Lahan Pertanian Pangan Berkelanjutan. Pembangunan yang terjadi di Indonesia semakin masif, menimbulkan konversi lahan bersifat permanen ketika lahan sawah beririgasi berubah menjadi kawasan pemukiman atau industri. Konversi lahan yang terjadi menyebabkan hilangnya beberapa atau seluruh modal nafkah yang ada. Perubahan modal nafkah ini akan mengakibatkan perubahan strategi nafkah petani. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dampak konversi lahan terhadap strategi nafkah dan pengaruh pemanfaatan  modal nafkah  terhadap strategi nafkah rumah tangga. Lokasi penelitian ini yaitu Desa Pasirgaok, Kecamatan Rancabungur, Kabupaten Bogor. Metode yang digunakan untuk menggali fakta, data, dan informasi dalam penelitian adalah pendekatan kuantitatif melalui metode survei dengan kuesioner yang didukung oleh data kualitatif melalui wawancara dan studi literatur hingga diperoleh hasil bahwa dampak konversi lahan mempengaruhi modal dan strategi nafkah.Kata Kunci: buruh tani, konversi lahan, modal nafkah, strategi nafkah=====ABSTRACTLand is one of the most important agrarian resources for farmers because land is one source of livelihood survival. According to Constitution Number 41 Year 2009 on concerning The Protection of Sustainable Food Agriculture. The development that is taking place in Indonesia is increasingly massive leading to permanent land conversion when technical irrigated rice fields change into residential or industrial areas. The land conversion that occurs causes a loss of some or all existing livelihood asset. This change in livelihood asset will result in a change in farmers livelihood strategies. This study aims to analyze the influence of the impact of land conversion towards livelihood strategies and the influence of the utilization of livelihood asset towards the livelihood strategies households. The location of this research is Pasirgaok Village, Rancabungur District, Bogor Regency. The method used to extract facts, data, and information in the research is the quantitative approach through survey method with questionnaires supported by qualitative data through interview and literature study until it is obtained that the impact of land conversion towards landless farmer household’s assets and livelihood strategies.Keywords: land conversion, landless farmer, livelihood asset, livelihood strategies

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 22-33
Thooptong Kwangsawad

Beginning teacher induction is a transition from pre-service teacher preparation to teaching professional which brings a shift in a role orientation and an epistemological move from knowing about teaching through formal study to knowing how to teach by facing daily teaching challenges. This paper deals with the implementation and evaluation of beginning teacher induction programs for technology integration in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) for 24 beginning teachers from the northeastern region in Thailand. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected. Quantitative data were collected from the assessment of the lesson plans and implementation of the lesson plans then analyzed using mean and standard deviation. Qualitative data were collected from three sources: (1) written logs by the participants, (2) data from video observation by the researcher, and (3) field notes by the researcher. Findings from the assessment of the lesson plans and implementation of the lesson plans were at a low level. Almost all participants reported having difficulties in technology integration in CLIL.

Jock R. Anderson ◽  
Regina Birner ◽  
Latha Najarajan ◽  
Anwar Naseem ◽  
Carl E. Pray

Abstract Private agricultural research and development can foster the growth of agricultural productivity in the diverse farming systems of the developing world comparable to the public sector. We examine the extent to which technologies developed by private entities reach smallholder and resource-poor farmers, and the impact they have on poverty reduction. We critically review cases of successfully deployed improved agricultural technologies delivered by the private sector in both large and small developing countries for instructive lessons for policy makers around the world.

Food Security ◽  
2021 ◽  
Thomas Pircher ◽  
Conny J. M. Almekinders

AbstractA demand-driven approach is becoming increasingly central in the efforts to improve agricultural research and development. However, the question of how exactly demand is studied usually remains unstated and is rarely discussed. We therefore carried out a systematic review in order to better understand how farmers’ demand for seed in root, tuber and banana seed systems is studied. The review is based on data from a consultation with an expert panel and a structured literature search in the SCOPUS database. Screening the gathered articles resulted in 46 studies on a global scale, fitting the scope of our investigation. Through qualitative analysis and categorization of these studies, we developed a classification scheme according to the types of approaches applied in the retained studies. One group of studies explicitly articulates farmers’ preferences and choices through surveys or engagements in trials, auctions, choice experiments and interviews. Other studies implicitly articulate farmers’ demand by characterising their current use of varieties and seed. We discuss opportunities and limitations in the use of each type of study and we reflect on the body of available literature as a whole. Our conclusion is that a framework is necessary that purposefully combines the existing different methods and that it is necessary to involve stakeholders in a process where demand is articulated. Together, these two steps would characterise existing demands in a more effective and precise way, thus providing better guidance to decision-makers in their reactions pertaining to seed systems.

Charles B. Moss ◽  
Andrew Schmitz

Abstract The question of how to allocate scarce agricultural research and development dollars is significant for developing countries. Historically, benefit/cost analysis has been the standard for comparing the relative benefits of alternative investments. We examine the potential of shifting the implicit equal weights approach to benefit/cost analysis, as well as how a systematic variation in welfare weights may affect different groups important to policy makers. For example, in the case of Rwandan coffee, a shift in the welfare weights that would favor small coffee producers in Rwanda over foreign consumers of Rwandan coffee would increase the support for investments in small producer coffee projects. Generally, changes in welfare weights alter the ordering for selecting investments across alternative projects.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (14) ◽  
pp. 7597
Bálint Balázs ◽  
Eszter Kelemen ◽  
Tiziana Centofanti ◽  
Marta W. Vasconcelos ◽  
Pietro P. M. Iannetta

The food- and feed-value systems in the European Union are not protein self-sufficient. Despite the potential of legume-supported production systems to reduce the externalities caused by current cultivation practices (excessive use of N fertilizer) and improve the sustainability of the arable cropping systems and the quality of human diets, sufficient production of high-protein legume grains in Europe has not been achieved due to multiple barriers. Identifying the barriers to the production and consumption of legumes is the first step in realizing new pathways towards more sustainable food systems of which legumes are integral part. In this study, we engage stakeholders and decision-makers in a structured communication process, the Delphi method, to identify policy interventions leveraging barriers that hinder the production and consumption of legumes in the EU. This study is one of a kind and uses a systematic method to reach a common understanding of the policy incoherencies across sectors. Through this method we identify policy interventions that may promote the production of legumes and the creation of legume-based products in the EU. Policies that encourage reduced use of inorganic N fertilizer represent an important step toward a shift in the increased cultivation of legumes. Relatedly, investment in R&D, extension services, and knowledge transfer is necessary to support a smooth transition from the heavy use of synthetic N fertilizer in conventional agriculture. These policy interventions are discussed within current EU and national plant-protein strategies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (10) ◽  
pp. 5661
Raffaele Matacena ◽  
Mariangela Zenga ◽  
Marco D’Addario ◽  
Silvia Mari ◽  
Massimo Labra

The COVID-19 emergency and the consequent social distancing requirements have caused major disruptions in daily food-related practices at the household level. In this paper, we evaluate the transformations that occurred in the daily nutritional choices and behaviors of a convenience sample (n = 2288) of Italian residents during the first nation-wide lockdown (March–May 2020) to assess the impact on the health and socio-environmental sustainability of their diets. Results portray a scenario of wide-spread change, especially in relation to the quantity of daily food consumed, the composition of diets and the time and commitment devoted to home-cooking, with young individuals emerging as the most impacted generational cohort. Through the construction of an indicator for healthy–sustainable transition (HST index), we demonstrate that such changes unfold on a gradient, revealing that while for many respondents lockdown nutrition implied overeating and weight gain, a substantial segment of the population conversely improved the healthiness and sustainability of their daily nutritional patterns. In this sense, improvements are associated with young age, socio-economic status, frequency and enjoyment of cooking-from-scratch and, more generally, an attentive attitude towards the quality, provenance and materiality of food that, in turn, the COVID-19 crisis appears to have re-kindled. We conclude by highlighting five areas of institutional intervention (i.e., young people, time, tools, food supply at work, and local food chains) on which to focus in order to ensure the current crisis does not represent a missed opportunity for creating the necessary conditions for sustainable food production and consumption to take hold as the ‘new’ normal in the post-pandemic era.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (12) ◽  
pp. eabc8259
Izabela Delabre ◽  
Lily O. Rodriguez ◽  
Joanna Miller Smallwood ◽  
Jörn P. W. Scharlemann ◽  
Joseph Alcamo ◽  

Current food production and consumption trends are inconsistent with the Convention on Biological Diversity’s 2050 vision of living in harmony with nature. Here, we examine how, and under what conditions, the post-2020 biodiversity framework can support transformative change in food systems. Our analysis of actions proposed in four science-policy fora reveals that subsidy reform, valuation, food waste reduction, sustainability standards, life cycle assessments, sustainable diets, mainstreaming biodiversity, and strengthening governance can support more sustainable food production and consumption. By considering barriers and opportunities of implementing these actions in Peru and the United Kingdom, we derive potential targets and indicators for the post-2020 biodiversity framework. For targets to support transformation, genuine political commitment, accountability and compliance, and wider enabling conditions and actions by diverse agents are needed to shift food systems onto a sustainable path.

2012 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 244-252 ◽  
Marília Nunes-Silva ◽  
Vitor Geraldi Haase

ABSTRACT The Montreal Battery of Evaluation of Amusia (MBEA) is a battery of tests that assesses six music processing components: scale, contour, interval, rhythm, metric, and music memory. The present study sought to verify the psychometric characteristics of the MBEA in a sample of 150 adolescents aged 14-18 years in the city of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, and to develop specific norms for this population. We used statistical procedures that explored the dimensional structure of the MBEA and its items, evaluating their adequacy from empirical data, verifying their reliability, and providing evidence of validity. The results for the difficult levels for each test indicated a trend toward higher scores, corroborating previous studies. From the analysis of the criterion groups, almost all of the items were considered discriminatory. The global score of the MBEA was shown to be valid and reliable (r K-R20=0.896) for assessing the musical ability of normal teenagers. Based on the analysis of the items, we proposed a short version of the MBEA. Further studies with larger samples and amusic individuals are necessary to provide evidence of the validity of the MBEA in the Brazilian milieu. The present study brings to the Brazilian context a tool for diagnosing deficits in musical skills and will serve as a basis for comparisons with single case studies and studies of populations with specific neuropsychological syndromes.

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