scholarly journals Implementasi pariwisata berbasis masyarakat (CBT) di Coban Parang Tejo Malang

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 56-65
Siti Asiyah ◽  
Kartika Rose Rachmadi

This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach with a SWOT analysis tool; namely Internal-external situation analysis which aims to determine the strengths and weaknesses as well as the factors that become opportunities and threats for the development of the Coban Parang Tejo tourism area in Malang, and the application and implementation of Community Based Tourism principles for the development of the Coban Parang Tejo tourism area. The results of the study concluded that the concept of CBT has been applied in tourism management in Coban Parang Tejo (CPT) which was applied in the form of local community participation, the formation of a tourism village institution, environmentally friendly tourism management, the role of government, cooperation with investors and the creation of community business activities. From the SWOT analysis generated promotional strategies based on the strengths and weaknesses of tourism in CPT, 1) SO strategy by increasing the number of interesting vehicles adjusted to the local wisdom of the Perinci village community, so that it has its own distinct characteristics / uniqueness that is different from other tours; 2) ST Strategy by increasing the competitiveness of Coban Parang Tejo; 3) WO Strategy by increasing facilities / infrastructure and existing infrastructure; and 4) WT strategy by collaborating with investors and strengthening community communities. All of which are in the context of improving the welfare of the community.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 172-182
Femmy Indriany Dalimunthe ◽  
Anwari Masatip ◽  
L. Liyushiana ◽  
Dina Rosari

This study aims to identify the strategic assumptions of Belawan Ceramics Market with a descriptive method approach. By compiling results from the perspective of customers and traders, this study analyzes strategic assumptions with the SWOT analysis tool. The results showed that consumers who came were consumers who had repeatedly visited the Ceramic Market, but the loyalty of visitors decreased for the fourth visit. Tourist considerations for visiting the Belawan Ceramics Market are diverse types of merchandise, traditional bargaining systems, interactions with direct traders, as well as structuring shopping space that is not rigid with social accessibility in the form of local community acceptance (especially traders) towards foreigners. From the SWOT analysis conducted, it was found that the strategies that could be carried out to develop the Belawan ceramics market were: opening stores early, adding collections of unique items, expanding promotions through social media, pentahelix synergy for more effective development, price competition considerations in accordance with the quality of the goods being marketed, complementing supporting tourism utilities such as lighting facilities and increasing the role of government and community self-help to increase the sense of security for visitors / tourists.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 298
Kiki Amalia Putri ◽  
Ajeng Nugrahaning Dewanti ◽  
Mohammad Muntaha

<p>Desa Wisata Teritip (Teritip Tourism Village) is one of the new destinations of Balikpapan City which has 12 potential points for tourism, including the potential of site attraction (nature’s beauty) and the potential of event attraction (community culture and tourism activities). However, these potentials has not been utilized and developed optimally by the local community up to now. The development is constrained by the lack of community involvement in managing the tourism village. The purpose of this study was to identify priority tourism potentials to be developed through community-based approaches in order to put the role of the local community as subject and object of the development of the village. This study uses rationalistic approach with a qualitative descriptive method. The analysis technique used to answer the research objectives, are: on the first stage, content analysis was used to analyze the potential tourism attractions to be developed; and followed by the second stage, a descriptive qualitative analysis to identify potential tourism attraction priorities for development by emphasizing the role of local communities.<br />The result obtained is that the three factors of attractiveness: nature’s beauty, community culture and tourism activities, has the potential to be develop through community-based approaches and there are 10 potential tourism priorities to be developed, which covers physical, socio-cultural, and supporting tourism objects.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 177-189
Sani Syauqi Azmi ◽  
Novi Sunu Sri Giriwati ◽  
Sri Utami Aziz

Ranu Pane Village is an enclave village located in the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park area. This village still maintains the traditional Tengger culture which has natural potential in the form of Lake Ranu Pane and Lake Ranu Regulo. Located in a national strategic area of 10 priority tourist destinations, Ranu Pane village is directed to become a tourist village. Tourism development in the perspective of local independence is the embodiment of a community order that is carried out independently. Community participation is very decisive in the development of tourist villages, so as not to be separated from the cultural values of the local community and the decline in environmental quality, so that tourism management will be able to create a prosperous society together with nature conservation. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with direct observation techniques and library data collection. The purpose of this study was to determine the participation of the Ranu Pane village community in the development of a tourist village. through a SWOT analysis obtained a strategy for the development of tourist villages. In general, it is necessary to increase the participation of the village community so that it is better.

2019 ◽  

The development and management of tpurism conducted professionally can increase tourist visits and improve the economy of the community. Klaten Regency has many tourist destinations, one of which is the interesting natural attractions of the Getuk River located in the village of Socokangsi, Jatinom district. The destinations is fairly new and still needs a lot of improvements, both infrastructure to supporting the activities of tourism.The research method uses qualitative method and data analysis using SWOT analysis is used as the formulation of strategy problem on the identification of internal and external factors on the object that has been studied.Getuk River which the management is still done by the local community requires the role of government to be able to develop the potential of existing tourism and can be managed professionally so as to bring in local and foreign tourists.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Olivia CH Latuconsina ◽  
Yusman Syaukat ◽  
Hermanto Siregar

Community-based tourism could increase local income and at the same time maintain the culture, arts and way of life of surrounding communities. The purpose of this research is to study the financing of community based tourism development in Ambon City. Methods used in this reseach are descriptive quantitative analysis, SWOT analysis, and QSPM analysis. Findings of the analysis are: 1) The role of government shoud be increased through friendly investment policy and sufficient government budget; 2) Increase in private financing done through the public private partnerships; 3) Communication, coordination and cooperation among local government and tourism entepreneurs are need to be improved; 4) Communities around the tourist objects can not yet utilize the potential of tourism as a source of their income so capacity building for them is a must; 5) Community can take advantage of the national program of tourism self empowerment (PNPM Mandiri Pariwisata) and “Kredit Usaha Rakyat” program to increase their welfare, and 6) There are six financing strategies for community-based tourism development in Ambon City that can be implemented in 2011-2016.Keywords: Ambon, Community-based tourism, Financing, Policy, Public Private PartnershipsABSTRAK Pariwisata berbasis kominitas dapat meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat setempat dan sekitarnya sekaligus memelihara budaya, kesenian dan cara hidup masyarakat di sekitarnya. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengkaji pembiayaan pengembangan pariwisata berbasis masyarakat di Kota Ambon. Metode yang digunakan yaitu analisis deskriptif kuantitatif, analisis SWOT, dan analisis QSPM. Hasil analisis yang ditemukan antara lain: 1) Perlu peningkatan peran pemerintah melalui kebijakan investasi dan anggaran yang cukup; 2) Peningkatan pembiayaan swasta melalui kemitraan sektor publik-swasta perlu dilakukan; 3) Komunikasi, koordinasi serta kerjasama antara pemerintah dan wirausaha pariwisata perlu ditingkatkan; 4) Komunitas di sekitar obyek wisata belum bisa memanfaatkan potensi pariwisata sebagai sumber pendapatan sehingga kapasitas pembangunan bagi komunitas perlu dilakukan; 5) Komunitas dapat mengambil keuntungan dari program nasional pemberdayaan masyarakat pariwisata (PNPM Mandiri Pariwisata) dan program “Kredit Usaha Rakyat” untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat; dan 6) Terdapat 6 strategi pembiayaan terkait pengembangan pariwisata berbasis komunitas di Kota Ambon yang dapat diterapkan pada 2011-2016.Kata kunci: Ambon, Pariwisata Berbasis Komunitas, Pembiayaan, Kebijakan, Kemitraan Sektor Publik-Swasta

Fahmi Muhammad

This article is about to review related to the form of management, public participation, and the impact of management of tourism potential in Pangandaran beach. This is based on the reason that Pangandaran beach has the potential of exotic tourism that is supported by other nature tourism. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative. Sources of research data include the community of West Pangandaran Country, a government of Pangandaran Country, Tourism Office of Pangandaran Regional, and investors. The location of this research is West Citizens Association (Rukun Warga-RW) Pangandaran, Pangandaran Country, West Java. The method used in data collection in this research is by observation, documentation, and interview. The data obtained in this study were analyzed by reduced and presented in descriptive data display, then drawn a conclusion. The method used to obtain the validity of data using triangulation of sources, theories, and methods. In the management of this tourism potential, Pangandaran beach has a form of community-based tourism management or Community-Based Tourism (CBT). Where this form of management put forward the concept of harmony between stakeholders, i.e. community, government and private (investors). However, in the management of this community-based tourism, the role of local people is prioritized, because the main objective is the welfare of the local community through economic improvement by utilizing the existing potential. This community engagement process is so long that it creates the ideal form of CBT management.[Artikel ini hendak mengkaji terkait dengan bentuk pengelolaan, partisipasi masyarakat, dan dampak pengelolaan potensi pariwisata di Pantai Pangandaran. Hal ini dilandasi dengan alasan bahwa Pantai Pangandaran memililki potensi pariwisata eksotik yang diitunjang dengan wisata alam lainnya. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam kajian ini bersifat deskriptif-kualitatif. Sumber data penelitian meliputi masyarakat Dusun Pangandaran Barat, pemerintah Desa Pangandaran, Dinas Pariwisata Kab. Pangandaran, dan para investor. Lokasi penelitian ini adalah Dusun Pangandaran Barat, Desa Pangandaran, Jawa Barat. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengeumpulan data pada penelitian ini, yaitu dengan observasi, dokumentasi, dan wawancara. Data yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini dianalisis dengan direduksi dan disajikan dalam display data deskriptif, kemudian ditarik kesimpulan. Metode yang digunakan untuk memperoleh keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi sumber, teori dan metode. Dalam pengelolaan potensi pariwisata ini, pantai Pangandaran mempunyai bentuk pengelolaan pariwisata berbasis masyarakat atau Community Based Tourism (CBT). Di mana bentuk pengelolaan ini mengedepankan konsep keselarasan antara para stakeholder, yaitu masyarakat, pemerintah dan swasta (investor). Namun dalam pengelolaan pariwisata berbasis masyarakat ini, peran masyarakat lokal lebih dikedepankan, sebab tujuan utamanya adalah kesejahteraan masyarakat lokal melalui peningkatan ekonomi dengan memanfaatkan potensi yang ada. Proses pelibatan masyarakat ini sangat panjang sehingga menghasilkan bentuk pengelolaan CBT yang ideal.]

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (02) ◽  
pp. 35-40
Eko Haryanto ◽  
Ernitha Angelia

Rembang is a regency in Central Java province, has 14 districts one of which is the District Lasem. Cu An Kiong temple is the oldest temple in Central Java, which has a wealth of cultural, historical stories, art, and has great potential as a tourist destination mainstay in Rembang, Central Java. This study aims to introduce Cu An Kiong temple as a cultural tourism destination other than Kartini Museum and shopping at batik Lasem better known and visited by tourists. The role of government introduced Cu An Kiong temple as a tourist destination in Rembang are still not maximum and effective. This study used a qualitative descriptive and SWOT analysis The study also focused on the potential for Cu An Kiong temple that is worth a visit by tourists. Results from this study is that the Cu An Kiong temple can be recognized as one of the tourist destinations worth visiting in Rembang. Keywords: cultural tourism, Destination Tourism, visitors

José Nederhand

Abstract The topic of government-nonprofit collaboration continues to be much-discussed in the literature. However, there has been little consensus on whether and how collaborating with government is beneficial for the performance of community-based nonprofits. This article examines three dominant theoretical interpretations of the relationship between collaboration and performance: collaboration is necessary for the performance of nonprofits; the absence of collaboration is necessary for the performance of nonprofits; and the effect of collaboration is contingent on the nonprofits’ bridging and bonding network ties. Building on the ideas of governance, nonprofit, and social capital in their respective literature, this article uses set-theoretic methods (fsQCA) to conceptualize and test their relationship. Results show the pivotal role of the nonprofit’s network ties in mitigating the effects of either collaborating or abstaining from collaborating with government. Particularly, the political network ties of nonprofits are crucial to explaining the relationship between collaboration and performance. The evidence demonstrates the value of studying collaboration processes in context.

Ahmad Saefudin

Dermolo as one of the villages in Kembang, Jepara, was ever hit by a conflict under a religious background. This friction involved Islamic and Christian groups. The dispute between the two groups increasingly culminated and seemed to have no end without the presence of the Nation. When the Regional Government of Jepara encountered a deadlock in breaking down this social conflict, the presence of a civil society organization was absolutely necessary. Lakpesdam NU Jepara since 2014 up to now has been trying to extinguish the fire of conflict in Dermolo which was initially triggered by disputes over the use of a worship place. Through a qualitative descriptive approach by utilizing the theory of conflict resolution and multicultural education, this paper finally succeeds in mapping the four multicultural education patterns used by Lakpesdam NU. Those are economic empowerment, religious approaches, empowering women, and empowering village cadres. The result of this academic discourse at the same time provides an alternative methodological offer that can be replicated by the stakeholders of the policy makers, for example the Regional Government and the relevant Regional Apparatus Organization. It can be used as a prototype for civil society organizations and peace activists in settling disputes wrapped in religious sentiment. This kind of inclusive pattern is considered quite successful as a conflict resolution strategy. Lakpesdam NU Jepara is the only institution that has the sympathy of the residents and the Dermolo Government, because it has contributed positively in restoring social harmony between Christian and Islam groups

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