scholarly journals Program Siwab untuk Meningkatkan Populasi Sapi Potong dan Nilai Ekonomi Usaha Ternak

2018 ◽  
Vol 35 (2) ◽  
pp. 125 ◽  
S. Rusdiana ◽  
NFN Soeharsono

<p>Siwab or its extension Mandatory cattle breeding is a manifestation of government commitment in increasing beef cattle population, and as a target for meat sufficiency in 2026. The program is believed to lead Indonesia to achieve beef self-sufficiency in the next 5-10 years. Beef cattle can be maximized in order to produce calves, and become a government’s focused program on enhancing beef cattle production through artificial insemination (AI). Based on the above problems, the government hopes to develop the program, it should not fail the umpteenth time to fulfil meat needs of the country. The purpose of this review is to describe the SIWAB program and the economic value of female beef cattle produced by AI which produces calf. This study approach is done through literature reviews related to SIWAB program implementation. SIWAB program includes two main programs namely the increase of porong cattle population through artificial insemination of AI and natural mating (Inka). With the AI through prgram, the parent beef cattle can regulate the cow's birth well. The mother cow bunting AI results can increase the selling value higher and can improve the welfare of farmers. The government's policy to pursue targeted beef self-sufficiency by the year 2026 is achieved, but the program must be responded and done well. Government policy to boost short-term beef cattle population can help to meet the needs of beef consumption, and in the long run the economic impact of farmers.</p><p> </p><p>Abstrak</p><p>Program Sapi Induk Wajib Bunting (SIWAB) adalah perwujudan komitmen pemerintah dalam meningkatkan populasi sapi potong dan sebagai target untuk kecukupan daging tahun 2026. Program tersebut diyakini dapat mengantarkan Indonesia mencapai swasembada daging sapi pada 5-10 tahun ke depan. Sapi potong dapat dimaksimalkan potensinya agar dapat menghasilkan pedet, dan menjadi program pemerintah yang difokuskan untuk peningkatan produksi sapi potong melalui inseminasi buatan (IB). Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut di atas, harapan pemerintah dengan mengembangkan program tersebut tidak boleh gagal ke sekian kalinya dalam mencukupi kebutuhan daging di dalam negeri. Tujuan tulisan review ini adalah untuk  mendiskripsikan program SIWAB dan nilai ekonomi pada usaha sapi potong betina hasil IB yang menghasilkan pedet. Kajian ini merupakan studi pustaka melalui review berbagai referensi terkait pelaksanaan program SIWAB. Program SIWAB mencakup dua program utama yaitu peningkatan populasi sapi porong melalui inseminasi buatan IB dan kawin alam (Inka). Program IB memungkinkan mengatur kelahiran anak sapi dengan baik. Sapi induk bunting hasil IB dapat meningkatkan nilai jual lebih tinggi dan dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan peternak. Kebijakan pemerintah adalah untuk mengejar swasembada daging sapi yang ditargetkan sampai tahun 2026 bisa tercapai, namun program tersebut harus direspon dan dikerjakan dengan baik. Kebijakan pemerintah untuk menigkatkan populasi sapi potong dalam jangka pendek bisa membantu memenuhi kebutuhan konsumsi daging sapi dan dalam jangka panjang berdampak peningkatan ekonomi peternak.</p>

2013 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 151 ◽  
Bambang Winarso ◽  
Edi Basuno

<p><strong>English</strong><br />The beef self-sufficiency program is aimed at raising beef cattle population to meet national meat consumption. If the program is successful it will reduce imports of live cattle, feeder cattle and beef. Sustainability of this program is expected to achieve beef self-sufficiency in the future. Self-sufficiency is ability to meet domestic demand with beef import of not more than 10 percent which is not produced domestically.  Business of beef cattle breeding today is mostly conducted by small-scale farmers with cow-calf operation pattern usually integrated with other agricultural commodity farms. To increase supply of of feeder cattle and population of beef cattle population at national level it requires certain efforts. In order to enhance cattle breeding business from small-scale to medium-scale ones, some efforts are needed such as integration pattern between crops and cattle. Opportunities for integrating crops and beef cattle are promising. The farmers need to apply technologies to access cheaper feed.  Credit provision with low interest rate and less complicated procedure to the bank for animal procurement will help farmers in increasing their livestock farm scales. Assistance of extension workers and related livestock officers are critically important to farmers in dealing with their beef cattle breeding business.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Indonesian</strong><br />Program swasembada daging sapi (PSDS) pada dasarnya merupakan kegiatan yang diarahkan untuk meningkatkan populasi sapi potong. Program tersebut diarahkan agar kebutuhan konsumsi daging secara nasional dapat terpenuhi. Keberhasilan program tersebut berimplikasi pada menurunnya prosentase impor baik sapi hidup terutama sapi bakalan maupun daging sapi. Kekurangan daging sapi secara nasional selama ini masih ditanggulangi melalui impor daging maupun sapi hidup yang nilainya cukup besar. Keberlanjutan program ini dimaksudkan agar dimasa mendatang secara perlahan diharapkan Indonesia dapat mencapai swasembada. Pengertian swasembada yang dimaksud adalah besarnya kebutuhan daging asal impor tidak lebih dari 10 persen. Besaran daging impor 10 persen tersebut merupakan daging yang memang belum dapat diproduksi di dalam negeri. Dilihat dari pelaku usaha pembibitan sapi potong saat ini, sebagian besar diusahakan  dan dikembangkan oleh usaha peternakan rakyat dengan pola produksi induk-anak (cow-calf operation) dalam usaha skala kecil dan biasanya terintegrasi dengan usaha pertanian lainnya. Untuk meningkatkan ketersediaan jumlah bibit sapi bakalan secara nasional dan dalam  upaya peningkatan populasi sapi potong diperlukan upaya–upaya tertentu. Agar usaha pembibitan ternak sapi potong dapat berkembang dari skala kecil menjadi skala menengah salah satu upaya adalah peningkatan skala usaha yang dapat diimplementasikan melalui pola integrasi antara tanaman dengan ternak sapi potong. Peluang untuk pengembangan kearah tersebut sebenarnya terbuka lebar, hanya saja diperlukan upaya serius untuk menindaklanjuti usaha tersebut. Untuk mengarah dari usaha pembibitan tradisional skala kecil ke usaha pembibitan skala menengah memang tidak mudah, banyak hal yang harus diupayakan dan diperlukan penanganan yang lebih serius oleh pemerintah terutama dalam hal peningkatan aplikasi teknologi ke peternak terutama teknologi pengadaan pakan murah dan mudah yang bisa dijangkau oleh peternak. Selain itu kebijakan penyediaan plafon kredit untuk pengadaan ternak dengan bunga rendah yang mudah diakses dengan aturan yang lebih fleksibel sangat membantu peternak dalam meningkatkan skala usaha pembibitan ternak sapi potong. Untuk semua itu, peran penyuluh maupun dinas peternakan dalam membantu peternak untuk mengatasi permasalahan dilapangan sangat dibutuhkan.</p>

Supardi Rusdiana ◽  
Ismail Ismail ◽  
Rusli Sulaiman ◽  
Amiruddin Amiruddin ◽  
Razali Daud ◽  

The increase in beef production is constrained by the slow growth of beef cattle population which is caused by the cattle breeding business that is considered less commercially profitable. The supplying of beef needs in a critical and effective manner is always increasing each year, so the price of beef is fluctuate. The various priority concept of the government's main program for the development of beef cattle is always done in every region in Indonesia. But the production of beef is still less and the government have to import the beef to fulfill the beef production. Therefore, this issues need necessary operational steps to provide more open space for some factors and leverage points in the supplying of beef needs. The purpose of this review is to examine the efforts to supply beef needs for the future in Indonesia critically. The high price of beef is not a mistake of the government. Basically, the government has tried to make the beef cattle population increased, to fulfill the consumer needs and the prices of beef is affordable for the customer. To cope with the higher beef prices, the government is make a policy of developing small, medium-sized, and big beef cattle breeding industries through seed cattle spreads on plantations of oil palm, rubber and cultivable fields for the development of beef cattle population. It is expected that in the coming year, beef cattle business can be oriented to agribusiness bussiness so that farmer's welfare will increase and can support Indonesia as the world food granary.

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 47
Dwiningtyas Padmaningrum

<p class="p1">The study examined the implementation and constraints of Cattle Breeding Loan Program (KUPS) in Sragen. The study used a descriptive qualitative approach, where data on program implementation and constraints were collected through interviews with informants and documents. Informants were stipulated purposively, which represent the entire stakeholders, i.e. from element of farmer group/combined groups of cattle breeder, element banking institutes as well as the government element. The KUPS program for groups/combined groups of breeder could not yet be fully implemented due to several technical and economical constraints. Technical constraints included lack of technical skills and management, there was no breeding companies/cooperatives as partner, difficulty in finding good quality of cattle and lack of assistance. Economic constraints included fluctuations in market prices, payment of the credit, short credit period, and risk of failure of artificial insemination and animal deaths. To increase participation and successfulness this program, it is needed the realization of a partnership with breeding companies, technical and management assistances which involve the stakeholders, banks and partners in the mentoring and monitoring.</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 150 ◽  
pp. 06039
Tresia Kristiana ◽  
Harapin Hafid

The government has launched a program of self-sufficiency in meat as an effort to overcome the shortage of beef supply to meet the needs of the community, especially when the day of religious festivities. GBIB program Implementation is expected to meet the needs of the community will be beef, as demand for beef is always soaring demand every year, especially ahead of religious festivals. To discuss and review the implementation of the program stretcher author uses the theory EDWARDS III to determine the success or failure of the implementation of the program in the district of Kota Waringin Barat. Issues to be examined are 1) the quality and quantity of resources, 2) communication and dissemination program, 3) Attitude 4) Bureaucracy. This will be the focus to see the successful implementation of the program of snapping / sync Lust and optimize of GBIB in the district of Kota Waringin. This study uses the concept of a qualitative descriptive approach with the aim of providing an overview of how the implementation of the field program and then analyzed using the theory of Edwards III. The results of this study show that: 1) Aspects of Resource (HR, Information, Privileges and amenities), some support as the support means the production of drugs / vitamins and breeding stock (straw) superior adequate and well as the authority and the information available is quite good, while some aspects that do not support such as: HR, execution time, geographical conditions, transport facilities support, 2) aspect Communications (Transmission, Clarity, Consistency and Coordination) strongly supports the implementation of the program GBIB is 3) aspects of attitude (attitude implementer, Support Leader, Incentives for implementing and Transparency), relatively supportive in this program, and 4) Structural Aspects of Bureaucracy (SOP and Fragmentation) still do not support the implementation of the Program snapping Sexual arousal and this Artificial Insemination.

Emy Koestanti Sabdoningrum ◽  
Sunaryo Hadi Warsito ◽  
Heru Pramono ◽  
Siti Eliana

The beef cattle breeding business in Kedungrejo village, Kedungadem sub-district, Bojonegoro Regency in general has not implemented an efficient business concept considering that there are many potentials and opportunities that have not been utilized and managed optimally, especially those related to livestock reproduction and beef cattle production. Constraints that are often encountered are the low success rate of Artificial Insemination (IB) of beef cattle because poor quality cement and inseminator skills are not sufficient. Such conditions are also an illustration of the Beef Cattle Breeders in Kedungrejo Village, Kedungadem District, Bojonegoro Regency. Kedungrejo village was chosen to be a place for cattle development on dry land because it has the potential to breed cattle crosses of Lemosin and Simental cattle which produce good meat. The development of cattle in Kedungrejo village, Kedungadem sub-district, aims to increase economic activities in support of cattle reproduction intensification efforts to increase people’s cattle farming. This activity for the community aims to fulfill meat self-sufficiency through the introduction, dissemination, transfer of reproductive technology by artificial insemination using Limousine and Simental sperm crosses. Beef cattle farmers in Kedungrejo Village Kedungadem Bojonegoro Subdistrict have the prospect of beef cattle breeding which can be developed to fulfill meat self-sufficiency that is being promoted. Specific targets of outcomes to be achieved include the success of insemination, increased birth rate, improvement of genetic quality of beef cattle through Artificial Insemination using Limousine and Simental sperm crosses in the Kedungrejo Village, Kedungadem Bojonegoro District. The method used in achieving this goal by socializing Artificial Insemination using Limousine and Simental Sperm Crosses. The solution offered is through the coaching, training and application stages. The results of community service activities indicate that Artificial Insemination using Limousine and Simental Sperm Crosses has the prospect of being developed as an increase in the success of insemination, increased birth rate, genetic quality improvement has a positive influence on beef reproductive and meat self-sufficiency.AbstrakUsaha peternakan sapi potong di desa Kedungrejo Kecamatan Kedungadem Kabupaten Bojonegoro pada umumnya belum menerapkan konsep usaha yang efi sien mengingat banyak potensi dan peluang yang belum dimanfaatkan dan dikelola secara optimal terutama yang terkait reproduksi ternak dan produksi ternak sapi potong. Kendala yang sering dijumpai adalah rendahnya tingkat keberhasilan Inseminasi Buatan (IB) ternak sapi potong karena kualitas semen yang kurang baik dan skill inseminator belum memadai. Kondisi demikian juga merupakan gambaran dari Peternak Sapi Potong Desa Kedungrejo Kecamatan Kedungadem Kabupaten Bojonegoro. Desa Kedungrejo dipilih menjadi tempat pengembangan ternak sapi di lahan kering karena mempunyai potensi untuk pemuliabiakan persilangan sapi Lemosin dan sapi Simental yang menghasilkan daging yang bagus. Pengembangan ternak sapi di desa Kedungrejo Kecamatan Kedungadem bertujuan meningkatkan kegiatan perekonomian dalam mendukung usaha intensifi kasi reproduksi sapi untuk peningkatanpeternakan sapi rakyat. Kegiatan kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan pemenuhan swasembada daging melalui pengenalan, penyebarluasan, alih teknologi reproduksi dengan cara Inseminasi buatan menggunakan persilangan sperma Limousin dan Simental. Peternak sapi potong Desa Kedungrejo Kecamatan Kedungadem Bojonegoro mempunyai prospek peternakan sapi potong yang dapat dikembangkan untuk memenuhi swasembada dagingyang sedang digalakkan. Target khusus luaran yang ingin dicapai berupa keberhasilan inseminasi, peningkatan angka kelahiran, perbaikan mutu genetik sapi potong melalui Inseminasi Buatan menggunakan persilangan sperma Limousin dan Simental di wilayah Desa Kedungrejo Kecamatan Kedungadem Bojonegoro. Metode yang dipakai dalam pencapaian tujuan tersebut dengan sosialisasi Inseminasi Buatan menggunakan Persilangan Sperma Limousin dan Simental. Solusi yang ditawarkan adalah melalui tahap pembinaan, pelatihandan aplikasi. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini menunjukkan bahwa Inseminasi Buatan menggunakan Persilangan Sperma Limousin dan Simental mempunyai prospek untuk dikembangkan sebagai peingkatan keberhasilan inseminasi, peningkatan angka kelahiran, perbaikan mutu genetik memberi pengaruh positif terhadap reproduktivitas sapi potong dan pemenuhan swasembada daging.

2019 ◽  
Vol 36 (2) ◽  
pp. 97
S. Rusdiana ◽  
L. Praharani

<p>To achieve animal source food self-sufficiency for coping with increased demand, the government launches policy on beef cattle development. The program focuses on breeding efforts through Artificial Insemination (IB), natural mating, and fattening. It is intended to produce calves such that beef cattle population and beef production improve. This paper aims: (1) to describe inter-temporal government policies on encouraging beef cattle population at farm level; (2) to estimate projections of beef consumption and beef cattle development program; and (3) to discuss feed provision and beef cattle business feasibility. The government commits to meet beef demand and to improve farmers’ income. Brood stock cattle potency could be maximized to produce calves through IB and natural mating in order to accelerate domestic beef cattle population enhancement. To achieve beef self-sufficiency, the government needs collaboration of various stakeholders. It is necessary to encourage investment in livestock business as well as to empower beef cattle farmers such that their business is feasible and their income improves. </p><p> </p><p>Abstrak</p><p>Dalam rangka swasembada pangan hewani karena kebutuhan masyarakat yang semakin meningkat, pemerintah membuat kebijakan pengembangan sapi potong. Program ini fokus pada usaha pembibitan melalui Inseminasi Buatan (IB), kawin alam, serta penggemukan. Pada gilirannya induk akan menghasilkan pedet, sehingga dapat meningkatkan populasi sapi potong dan produksi daging sapi. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut di atas diharapkan perkembangan sapi potong dapat meningkat. Tujuan tulisan ini adalah: (1) mendiskripsikan kebijakan pemerintah intertemporal dalam mendorong populasi sapi potong di tingkat peternak; (2) membuat proyeksi konsumsi daging sapi dan program pengembangan sapi potong; dan (3) membahas penyediaan pakan dan kelayakan usaha sapi potong. Komitmen pemerintah adalah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pangan  asal daging sapi serta meningkatkan pendapatan peternak. Ternak sapi potong indukan dapat dimaksimalkan potensinya untuk dapat terus menghasilkan pedet melalui IB dan kawin alam. Upaya ini dilakukan sebagai wujud untuk mengakselerasi penambahan populasi sapi potong di dalam negeri. Tercapainya pemenuhan kebutuhan pangan asal daging sapi, diperlukan kerjasama berbagai pihak agar populasi sapi potong meningkat. Pemerintah perlu mendorong investasi usaha ternak dan pemberdayaan peternak sehingga peternak mampu mencapai kelayakan usaha dan pendapatan mereka meningkat.</p>

Aryo Bayu Aditomo ◽  
Bambang Sulardiono ◽  
Max Rudolf Muskananfola

Indonesian national low productivity of salt which is unequal between the need level and salt consumption eventually results in salt import made mainly to meet the industrial needs. The government through the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries has released a Public Salt Business Empowering Program (known as PUGAR/Pemberdayaan Usaha Garam Rakyat). PUGAR is an empowering program focusing on the improvement of job opportunities and welfare for salt farmers/managers to achieve the self-sufficiency of salt for consumptions and industries. This research aims at examining the influence of salt business empowering program on the salt farmers’ income improvement in Kedungmalang village of Jepara Regency; the implementation level of salt business empowering program in Kedungmutih Village of Demak Regency when compared to that in Kedungmalang Village of Jepara Regency; and the influence of salt business empowering program on the salt farmers’ income improvement in Kedungmutih village of Demak regency. The research was conducted using a descriptive method with a case study approach. The program implementation was quantitatively analyzed. Furthermore, the effectiveness of PUGAR on income was analyzed using T-test. The test result showed that there were income differences in Kedungmutih and Kedungmalang Village before and after the implementation of PUGAR. This finding showed that PUGAR was proven as an effective program to improve the salt farmers’ welfare through income improvement.

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 47
Dwiningtyas Padmaningrum

<p class="p1">The study examined the implementation and constraints of Cattle Breeding Loan Program (KUPS) in Sragen. The study used a descriptive qualitative approach, where data on program implementation and constraints were collected through interviews with informants and documents. Informants were stipulated purposively, which represent the entire stakeholders, i.e. from element of farmer group/combined groups of cattle breeder, element banking institutes as well as the government element. The KUPS program for groups/combined groups of breeder could not yet be fully implemented due to several technical and economical constraints. Technical constraints included lack of technical skills and management, there was no breeding companies/cooperatives as partner, difficulty in finding good quality of cattle and lack of assistance. Economic constraints included fluctuations in market prices, payment of the credit, short credit period, and risk of failure of artificial insemination and animal deaths. To increase participation and successfulness this program, it is needed the realization of a partnership with breeding companies, technical and management assistances which involve the stakeholders, banks and partners in the mentoring and monitoring.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 29 (4) ◽  
pp. 193
M. Ikhsan Shiddieqy ◽  
Nurul Pratiwi ◽  
Bayu Dewantoro Putro Soewandi

Cattle is one of the commodities that have a national priority to achieve self-sufficiency in animal protein food for the Indonesian people. Beside beef sufficiency, demand on good quality meat in Indonesia is also increasing. Good quality carcass with lower fat content can give higher economic value. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the use of molecular markers to improve the quality of beef cattle carcass. Heritability value in carcass characteristic is low to moderate value, but it can be increased by selection using certain molecular markers. Several genes have been identified and correlated with carcass quality in several breed of cattle. Study in Bali cattle showed that the Calpain (CAPN1) and Calpastatin (CASTN) genes could be used as molecular markers to select Bali cattle with higher quality carcass because these genes were associated with carcass quality traits. In conclusion that Calpain (CAPN1) and Calpastatin (CASTN) genes can be used for local beef cattle selection toward better carcass quality and have opportunity to be utilized to improve carcass quality of other beef cattle breeds in Indonesia.

2012 ◽  
Vol 35 (2) ◽  
pp. 143
Mikael Heri Setiyo Wibowo ◽  
Budi Guntoro ◽  
Endang Sulastri

<p>bjectives of this research were to analyze the characteristic of social demography of farmer’s participated in program and to carryout assessment. The implementation of agribusiness development program of beef cattle farming<br />in Sekadau Regency. This research was conducted from August until October 2009. One hundred and eight farmers participated in the program as respondents, selected by proportionate random sampling method, from five villages,<br />locations of the program of livestock grant. Data of increasing population, number of investor, social demography characteristic of respondents and income contribution from beef cattle farming were analyzed by quantitative descriptive. Data of program implementation process, input and program implementation were analyzed by qualitative descriptive. Result showed that the beef cattle population increased about 152 heads and the investor increased about<br />58 investors, respondent characteristics were age was 42.30±5.87 years old, majority of education level was on elementary school 43.52%, length of farming experience was 1.61±1,20 years, averages of cattle owning 1.88±1.05<br />Livestock Unit (LU), the number of family support 3.36±1.15 head, and averages of time allocation of farming 0.078±0.082 HOK/LU/day, average income contribution from beef cattle farming was rangery from 8.21-24.09%.<br />Program’s socialization in Sekadau Regency was not effective because many of the farmers had not fully understood about the objective and the implementation of the program, there was a distortion on the selection of farmers who<br />received livestock grant, farmer groups were not established based on the rule, were not involved members the arrangement of group business plan, breed determination and cattle specification, cattle’s specifications were not suitable with the condition. On the implementation step, there was a distortion of the fund, cattle specification and cost burden to the member, difference on mechanism of livestock grant revolving in each village. The increase of beef<br />cattle population had not reached the determined target. It could be concluded that the implementation of agribusiness development program in Sekadau Regency has not been optimal.</p><p>(Keywords: Social demography characteristic, Program implementation, Beef cattle)<br /><br /></p>

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