scholarly journals Seasonal changes in the pigment composition of needles of representatives of the genus spruce in the Nizhny Novgorod region

М.М. Улитин ◽  
В.П. Бессчетнов

Изучали таксационные показатели лесных культур лиственницы Сукачева, заложенных в 1986 г. на юго-западной границе естественного распространения вида в Сергачском межрайонном лесничестве Нижегородской области. Координаты первого участка N 55.541378, E 45.471119; второго – N 55.541388, E 45.471125. Получена оценка эффективности их создания в указанном регионе. Методологической основой рабочих методик служил принцип единственного логического различия. Работа выполнялась полевым стационарным методом. Характеристика культур лиственницы давалась по результатам натурного обследования. Пробные площади закладывали в соответствии с действующим отраслевым стандартом. Подтверждена благоприятность лесорастительных условиях для естественного произрастания лиственницы Сукачева и широкие возможности интродукции близкородственных видов. Обнаружена неодинаковая изменчивость таксационных показателей. В частности, по диаметру ствола и его высоте она незначительна и отнесена преимущественно к низкому уровню: на первом участке 14,21% и 11,34%; на втором – 17,11 и 9,16% соответственно. По другим признакам изменчивость выше (чаще средний и повышенный уровень) и в ряде случаев достигает высокого (объем ствола) и очень высокого (коэффициент асимметрии кроны) уровня. Зафиксированы существенные различия между участками лесных культур по большинству таксационных показателей, подтвержденные дисперсионным анализом. Эффект их влияния на общий фон фенотипической дисперсии неодинаков. По диаметру ствола он минимален и составил 6,68±1,37%. Наибольшие оценки получены по расстоянию до первого живого сучка – 30,42±1,05%. Определено, что лесные культуры лиственницы Сукачева, созданные в Нижегородской области, достигая к возрасту 34 высоты 14 – 15 м, формируют насаждения первого класса бонитета. We studied the taxation indicators of forest crops of Sukhdev larch, laid in 1986 on the south-western border of the natural distribution of the species in the Sergachsky interdistrict forestry of the Nizhny Novgorod region. The coordinates of the first section are N 55.541378, E 45.471119; the second section is N 55.541388, E 45.471125. An assessment of the effectiveness of their creation in the specified region was obtained. The methodological basis of the working methods was the principle of the only logical difference. The work was carried out by the field stationary method. The characteristics of larch crops were given based on the results of a field survey. The test areas were laid in accordance with the current industry standard. The favorable forest conditions for the natural growth of Sukachev larch and the wide opportunities for the introduction of closely related species were confirmed. Unequal variability of taxation indicators was found. In particular, in terms of trunk diameter and height, it is insignificant and is mainly attributed to the low level: in the first section, 14.21% and 11.34%; in the second-17.11 and 9.16%, respectively. According to other signs, the variability is higher (more often the average and increased level) and in some cases reaches a high (trunk volume) and very high (crown asymmetry coefficient) level. Significant differences between forest crop plots were recorded in most of the taxation indicators, which were confirmed by the analysis of variance. The effect of their influence on the general background of the phenotypic variance is not the same. By the diameter of the trunk, it is minimal and amounted to 6.68±1.37%. The highest estimates were obtained for the distance to the first live knot – 30.42±1.05%. It is determined that the forest cultures of Sukachev larch, created in the Nizhny Novgorod region, reaching a height of 14-15 m by the age of 34, form plantings of the first class of bonitet.

2018 ◽  
Vol 53 ◽  
pp. 04040
Hongtao Wang ◽  
Fajie Yang ◽  
Rongguang Li

China energy pipeline industry commonly faced with aging and abandonment problem. The research on pipeline abandonment was still in preliminary state, because there are no pipeline abandonment standards and guidelines. The foreign developed countries formulated pipeline abandonment standards, advanced experience and technology of residual cleaning and the crossing section grouting. But it not totally suitable for china because of difference between china and foreign country, such as the pipeline residual has a very high paraffin and resin-asphaltenes content. It is very hard to remove. So china pipeline company faced with many environmental issues and challenges in the pipeline abandonment. Study on abandonment of pipeline was conducted by pipeline company of Petrochina from 2013. A case of Petrochina abandonment pipeline was introduced in the paper, and it showed good effect. Some experience and technology of chemical cleaning were formulated from previous study and several pipeline abandonment projects. The first China industry standard on abandoned pipeline is applying for by pipeline company of Petrochina. This standard will assist pipeline company make pipeline abandonment plan to ensure public safety and environment protection.

Bernard Becker

Industrial gas turbines utilize numerous design features that cannot be implemented in jet aircraft turbines for weight reasons, but because of their straight-forward and robust nature trim costs and reduce both maintenance effort and operating risks. Regardless of manufacturer, the following design features, for example, have become the established industry standard: • single-shaft rotor; • 2 bearings at atmospheric pressure; • Journal bearing instead of ball bearings; • steel blading in the compressor. For the key components compressor, turbine, rotor, and combustion chamber of its 3A family (Fig. 1), Siemens has developed and tested additional features that reduce wear further and improve operational reliability. Operating experience gathered to date has shown that these features enable achievements of very high reliability and availability. Some of the measures described also contribute to enhanced output and efficiency.

Servis plus ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 21-26 ◽  
Наталья Баранова ◽  
Natalya Baranova ◽  
Людмила Мезина ◽  
Ludmila Mezina ◽  
Татьяна Зыкова ◽  

The article examines the questions of the promotional activities of tourist enterprises in Russia. The authors proceed from the fact that as a result of massive bankruptcies of well-known tour operators and complication of the general economic situation in the country, many tourist companies lose their customers. The situation in the tourist market adversely affected the trust of customers, and now to win it is even more difficult. Under these conditions, the task of maintaining existing consumers and attracting new ones of tourism enterprises is becoming urgent more than ever. According to the authors, the main way to solve this problem is an advertisement. The article reveals peculiarities of the use of different types of advertising of big and small tourism enterprises. The methodological basis of the paper is the results of promotional activities research of tourism enterprises in Nizhny Novgorod. Competition in the sphere of tourism, including the Nizhny Novgorod market is very high. The study shows that small tourist enterprises do not have sufficient financial means to invest in advertising in the media; their best advertisement is the established relationships with customers and high quality service. At the same time major tourist enterprises that have greater financial possibilities for their promotion, use the most common means of advertising, paying little attention to the new forms and trends in the advertising industry. The results allow the authors to identify ways to promote the services of tourist enterprises at the present stage, especially in the Internet.

2020 ◽  
Hiok Nam Tay

Abstract The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic presses huge demand for testing capacity. We posted a new idea--multiplier grid (MG)--online in mid-March 2020 and circulated a writeup by email shortly after to address this issue. It enables use of a moderate number of test kits to screen a large number of individuals to look for a small number of infected individuals. Now, we describe a protocol to implement the MG based on existing diagnostic technologies and existing automated lab equipment. Using industry standard 96-well plate (reserving first 2 wells for positive/negative controls), screening 94*94 = 8,836 individuals needs only 2*96 = 192 sets of test kits, with multiplier being 46. If a test costs $250/kit, with MG per person cost goes down to about $5. The very low cost makes periodic blanket screening (e.g. twice weekly) post-lockdown feasible, without putting pressure on reagent supply and equipment time. Going further, pooling samples from individuals that share the same basic unit of the population beforehand boosts the multiplier further to 46*4 = 184 for average household size of 4, and the number of individuals screened to 94*94*4 = 34,344, using only 2*96 + 4 = 196 sets of test kits. the MG can also be used in livestock farming to detect infection early to avoid mass culling.

П.В. Ершов ◽  
В.П. Бессчетнов ◽  
Н.Н. Бессчетнова

Исследовали многопараметрическую близость плюсовых деревьев ели европейской по комплексу показателей пигментного состава хвои. Изучены вегетативные потомства 21 плюсового дерева ели европейской в возрасте 34 лет. Они размещены по единой схеме в архиве клонов на территории Нижегородской области. Комплексная оценка генетической близости сравниваемых объектов дана с помощью методов кластерного и факторного анализа по 24 признакам пигментного состава 1-летней и 2-летней хвои. Вытяжки пигментов в 96% этаноле анализировали спектрофотометром «Grating 722». Выбор длин волн, соответствовал максимумам поглощения: хлорофилла-a (663 Нм), хлорофилла-b (645 Нм), каротиноидов (440 Нм). Определяли их раздельное и общее содержание, а также соотношение между ними. Обнаружена дифференциация ассортиментного состава плюсовых деревьев ели европейской. Масштаб проявления их фенотипической неоднородности по многочисленным признакам, введенным в схему опыта, неодинаков. Подтверждена устойчивость соотношений между исследованными плюсовыми деревьями. Их состав был организован в кластеры, в той или иной степени удалённые один от другого. Поскольку зафиксированные различия и отмеченный характер группировки плюсовых деревьев сформировались на выровненном экофоне, возникают все основания признать их наследственный характер. Контрастность проявления и генотипическая обусловленность многопараметрических различий между плюсовыми деревьями ели европейской по пигментному составу разновозрастной хвои может служить основанием для привлечения данных показателей для осуществления многомерной идентификации и классификации объектов лесной селекции. Плюсовые деревья, представляющие разные кластеры, имеют меньше шансов оказаться близкими родственниками, в то время как объекты, входящие в состав одного кластера или, тем более, микрокластера, потенциально сходны в генетическом плане. Полученная информация об их комплексной близости позволит формировать оптимальный состав лесосеменных плантаций, исключая риск возникновения негативного эффекта инбредной депрессии семенного потомства. Researched multi-parameter affinity plus trees of Norway spruce using a range of indicators of the pigment composition of needles. Studied vegetative progeny of 21 plus trees of Norway spruce at the age of 34 years. They are placed according to a uniform scheme in the clone archive in the territory of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Cluster and factor analysis of 24 characteristics of the pigment composition 1-year and 2-year-old pine established the genetic closeness of objects. Extraction of pigments in 96% ethanol were analyzed with a spectrophotometer «Grating 722». The choice of wavelengths correspond to absorption maxima: chlorophyll-a (663 Nm), chlorophyll-b (645 Nm), carotenoids (440 Nm). Defined their separate and total contents, and the ratio between them. Discovered differentiation in assortment composition plus trees of Norway spruce. The extent of their phenotypic heterogeneity due to numerous features introduced in the scheme experience varies. Confirmed the stability of the ratios between the investigated plus trees. Their composition was organized into clusters, in varying degrees, distant from each other. As fixed differences and the nature of the groupings of plus trees was formed in aligned environmental conditions, there is every reason to recognize their hereditary character. Plus trees representing different clusters are less likely to be close relatives, while the objects included in the same cluster, potentially similar in genetic terms. Received information about their comprehensive reach allows to form the optimal composition of seed orchards, eliminating the risk of the negative effect of inbreeding depression in seed progeny.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 ◽  
pp. 00034
Natalia M. Trots ◽  
Vasily B. Trots ◽  
Sergey V. Obuschenko ◽  
Dmitry A. Akhmatov ◽  
Rishat R. Abdulvaleev

The regularities of growth and development of black poplar in various plantings and forest growing conditions are revealed. It is established that the highest tree stands of black poplar are on average 30 m. With a trunk diameter of 44 cm, a class I bonitet, a fullness of the studied rock in a stands of 0, 5 and a stock of wood per 1 ha of 206 m3 are formed in the nettle. The black poplars that grow in the oak forests of the trees have the lowest productivity. The height of the trees and the diameter of the trunks in these forest conditions are on average 42, 1−57, 0 % and 1, 6—1, 8 times less, respectively, than the stands formed in the nettle and the pine-shrub pine forests, as well as by 31, 5 and 33, 3 % of the trees growing in vegetation near the riverside. The black poplar quality class in this type of forest is IV, and the stock of raw wood per 1 ha was only 54 m3, with the standing tree of the studied species of 0, 4.

Zootaxa ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 3026 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  

Recent investigation of one of the larger calcretes in the uppermost reaches of the Carey palaeochannel in the Yilgarn region of Western Australia revealed an unprecedented diversity of copepod crustaceans. Twenty-two different species and subspecies, from six copepod families, represent 70% of the previously recorded copepod α-diversity in the whole region, although the area investigated is less than 3% of its surface. The aims of this study were to explore the diversity of the harpacticoid genus Kinnecaris Jakobi, 1972 using both molecular and morphological methods, establish precise species boundaries, find their accurate area of distribution, reconstruct phylogenetic relationships, and explore colonisation pathways. To achieve this we sampled very intensively in the area, as well as in two neighbouring palaeochannels, analysing more than 700 samples from 230 different localities, half of which contained copepods. Seven species are described here as new, five of them from the Yeelirrie palaeochannel (K. esbe sp. nov., K. lined sp. nov., K. linel sp. nov., K. linesae sp. nov., and K. uranusi sp. nov.) and one each from two neighbouring palaeochannels (K. barrambie sp. nov. and K. lakewayi sp. nov.). Parastenocaris jane Karanovic, 2006 from the Pilbara region, along with a newly described third Australian parastenocaridid genus from the Yilgarn, were used as outgroups in our molecular analysis. The COI fragment was successfully PCR-amplified from 12 parastenocaridid specimens using a nested combination of primers. All analyses supported the presence of at least seven genetically divergent lineages, most supported with very high bootstrap values. Three genera formed three separate clades, and the average pairwise distances between Kinnecaris morpho-taxa were found to be very high (8.2-16.8 %), while the highest divergences within morpho-taxa were 0.3%. Some conflict between molecular phylogenies and morphological data was observed when it came to recognizing different groups of species. While morphology indicates that K. esbe, K. linel, and K. uranusi represent a group of very closely related species, supported by a number of synapomorphies, molecular analyses suggest that K. linel and K. uranusi are only remotely related. We argue in favor of morphological data, until more markers can be studied to try to resolve these differences. In Yeelirrie, morphological evidence would suggest a downstream colonisation history in the genus Kinnecaris, where the most plesiomorphic form (K. linesae) lives in the uppermost reaches of the palaeochannel, and the trend in the caudal rami elongation and denser somite ornamentation is obvious downstream the palaeochannel (K. uranusi, K. linel, and then K. esbe), with the only exception being K. lined, which probably represents an independent colonisation event. Parastenocarids are copepods of freshwater origin, and we argure that they can probably disperse downstream during periods of increased rainfall, evolving into separate species in isolated calcrete pockets during periods of increased aridity. Although some of the questions remained unanswered in this study, detailed morphological and molecular observations indicate that we are not dealing with one widely distributed and variable species in the Yilgarn region, but rather with a complex of short range endemics. Areas of distribution for different species range from 30 km to less than 5 km in diameter. Very strong seasonal dynamics in this subterranean community was observed, and this is a novel concept for these ecosystems globally. A key to nine Australian species of Kinnecaris is also included.

1976 ◽  
Vol 33 (4) ◽  
pp. 1094-1099 ◽  
Trygve Gjedrem

No systematic breeding work has been done so far with salmonids except for some attempts with rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) and Pacific salmon.The possibilities for obtaining genetic change are particularly dependent on selection intensity, heritability, phenotypic variance, and length of generation interval. The very high fertility in salmonids makes it possible to practice an intensive selection for fish in captivity and a more moderate selection in wildlife cultivation. Very few estimates of heritability have been calculated for production traits in salmonids and most of them are based on limited data. The few estimates for growth rate are moderately large (h2 = 0.1–0.2). For most production traits studied, a remarkably high phenotypic variance has been found, and the coefficient of variation is 2–4 times as high as for production traits in farm animals. The length of generation interval varies from one species to another and with the production system applied; 2–5 yr will be the usual.To make a selection program possible, one must control the whole life cycle of the fish. Therefore, hatching, fingerling production, and cheap and efficient tagging methods are necessary requirements.Because of the high fertility, the large variation and a moderately long generation interval, it should be possible to obtain much higher genetic gain per time unit in salmonids than in farm animals.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 13195-13250 ◽  
Alexander Ruchin ◽  
Аlexander Antropov

Information is presented on 249 vespine species from 11 families in two regions of Mordovia (including Mordovia State Nature Reserve (MSNR)) and three districts of Nizhny Novgorod region (including Sarov) in Russia.  Of these, 31 species are new to the Republic of Mordovia.  Fauna of separate families of wasps in Mordovia State Nature Reserve is represented by 220 species: one species in Bethylidae, 31 in Chrysididae, two in Tiphiidae, two in Mutillidae, one in Scoliidae, 28 in Pompilidae, 37 in Vespidae, nine in Sphecidae, 108 in Crabronidae, and one in Trigonalyidae.  The biodiversity of wasps in the reserve is very high.  Of the 283 species of wasps in Mordovia, 220 (77.7%) are found within the reserve.  Species characteristics such as geographic distribution and certain aspects of biology are also provided.  There is an obvious extension of the ranges of three species, Priocnemis fastigiata, Sceliphron deforme, and Scolia hirta, to the north.

2019 ◽  
Zachary V. Johnson ◽  
Emily C. Moore ◽  
Ryan Y. Wong ◽  
John R. Godwin ◽  
Jeffrey T. Streelman ◽  

AbstractEncountering and adaptively responding to unfamiliar or novel stimuli is a fundamental challenge facing animals and is linked to fitness. Behavioral responses to novel stimuli, or exploratory behavior, can differ strongly between closely related species; however, the ecological and evolutionary factors underlying these differences are not well understood, in part because most comparative investigations have focused on only two species. In this study, we investigate exploratory behavior across 23 species in a previously untested vertebrate system, Lake Malawi cichlid fishes, which comprises hundreds of phenotypically diverse species that have diverged in the past one million years. We investigate behavioral variation across species, across microhabitats, and across environmental contexts. We find strong species differences in behavior that are associated with microhabitat, demonstrate that intermediate microhabitats are associated with higher levels of exploratory behavior, show that patterns of behavioral covariation across contexts are characteristic of modular complex traits, and contrast Malawi cichlid data with behavioral data from selectively bred high-and low-exploratory zebrafish. Taken together, our results tie ecology to species differences in behavior, and highlight Lake Malawi cichlids as a powerful system for understanding the evolution, ecology, and biology of natural behavioral variation.HighlightsMalawi cichlids exhibit high phenotypic variance in exploratory behaviorsSpecies differences in exploratory behavior are explained by microhabitatRock-dwelling species exhibit strong edge preferences across assaysIntermediate habitats are associated with “high exploratory” open field behaviorPatterns of behavioral covariance across contexts are modular in Malawi cichlids

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