scholarly journals The Non-public Stakeholders’ Participation in the Implementation of Educational Tasks as a Form of Education Policy Rationalization. The Case of Local Education Policy in Poland

2018 ◽  
Vol 40 (2) ◽  
pp. 5-19
Anna Kolomycew

The aim of the article is to present the process of non-state actors’ involvement in the implementation of educational tasks. The author focused on the most engaging form of participation in terms of education policy, which is the acquisition of education tasks, including school management by non-public stakeholders. The non-public stakeholders’ participation in education policy implementation discussed in the article has been present for a few years now and used by Polish municipalities as a tool to reduce costs of educational tasks. The costs of education policy implementation have been steadily increasing for years, disproportionately to the number of students. The problem of high costs of education is particularly acute for small municipalities, especially rural and urban-rural. Looking for solutions to rationalize local expenditures and curb spending on education policy, which in some municipalities consumes more than 60% of the total budget spending, the authorities look for new ways to save money. Such a solution is the possibility of transferring small schools (up to 70 students) to non-public stakeholders (including social organization or natural person) to avoid their liquidation. On the one hand, the implemented solution was created to support local governments, which, in the face of growing educational expenditures, had limited investment opportunities in other areas. On the other hand, this solution corresponds to local communities’ needs and takes into account the specificity of rural areas and the relationships within local communities (usually small, rural) for which the school was not only educational institution, but also integration and meetings centre. In this article the author analyzes the conditions of involving non-public stakeholders in the process of carrying out educational tasks as well as the current formal and legal basis of this procedure. The process of implementing educational tasks by non-public stakeholders refers to the concept of co-production of public services, which is the theoretical framework of the present article. The analysis presented in the text is based on the concept of co-production as a form of performance of public tasks involving members of the local community who contribute and bear partial responsibility for the performance of public services, with a view to improving their quality and delivery standards. In the course of the analysis, the author tries to verify the hypothesis, that the actual participation of non-state actors manifests itself in full engagement in public tasks, involving expenditure (financial, labour), personal commitment and responsibility. In this sense, participation can be considered a form of co-production. By examining the hypothesis, the researcher poses the following research questions: What are the constraints between the apparent and the actual participation of the stakeholders in education policy?, What are the circumstances of the participation of non-public actors in the public service provision? What are the conditions of the non-public entity’s participation in the public service delivery system? How do the roles of both public and non-public actors change in the context of co-production of public services? In the article, the author uses the following research methods: the analysis of existing sources, including the content of normative acts and documents as well as the literature of the subject. In addition, the partial empirical studies conducted by the author in Polish municipalities were used in the publication. In total, the author conducted 60 semi-structured interviews based on the interview scenario. The selection of respondents to the study was purposeful and selected in two stages. In the first stage, the author selected the provinces (województwa) to study, among those in which the most and the least local schools were closed in 2006–2014. Then, the author selected the municipalities in each of the provinces (4 municipalities in each province). In the second stage, the respondents were selected. In the group of respondents were the representatives of local authorities (executive and constituent bodies), the representatives of the school community, the representatives of social organizations, local community members as well as public officials and local leaders of the selected municipalities. The conclusions of the research indicate that the mechanism in the form of participation of non-public actors in the performance of educational tasks is in practice difficult to implement and depends on a number of factors, such as: the level of local community activity, the experience of cooperation between public authorities and local community in other areas, the attitude of local authorities to cooperate with social actors. The reluctance to cooperate, the lack of mutual trust between local governments and local communities, and the domination of the traditional model of local governance with the leading position of local authorities (as a creator and public service contractor) make the running of schools by non-public actors rarely practiced. Frequently, the main problem is the relationship and attitude of both local authorities and the local community, which make this solution impossible to implement. In the course of the research three models of relations between local authorities and local stakeholders were identified: a) the so-called “radical model” – local authorities plan to liquidate the school entirely and do not plan to transfer it to other entities; b) the so-called “cooperative model” – local authorities propose to delegate educational tasks to non-public stokeholds declaring financial and non-financial support; c) the so-called “conciliation model” – local authorities do not plan to transfer the school, but in a face of local community initiative they agree to let it be run by a non-public stakeholder.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 65-71
Defny Holidin

Artikel ini bertujuan pada eksaminasi kesesuaian agenda kebijakan sertifikasi pelayanan publik dengan mempertimbangkan kinerja pemerintahan daerah saat ini. Studi dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data secara intensif yang menimbang spesifikasi konteks lokal menurut kebijakan desentralisasi yang menjadi arus utama reformasi struktural tata kelola pemerintahan di Indonesia. Meski standar pelayanan publik diberlakukan berdasarkan peraturan-peraturan turunan Undang-Undang Pelayanan Publik No. 25 Tahun 2009, upaya lebih lanjut oleh pemerintahan daerah tak pelak diperlukan. Studi ini dijalankan secara kualitatif di Surabaya, memperhitungkan posisinya pada papan atas pemerintahan daerah yang reformis dan inovatif. Studi ini terdiri atas analisis dokumen kebijakan dan wawancara mendalam untuk pengumpulan datanya. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa implementasi sertifikasi pelayanan publik sekiranya bisa mengarah pada penyesuaian struktural. Terlepas dari kategorisasi layanan pemerintah menurut karakternya masing-masing, berbagai penyesuaian struktural diperlukan menurut konteks masing-masing daerah. Pelibatan berbagai komunitas lokal perlu pengembangan lebih lanjut sebagai cara standar memastikan bahwa sertifikasi tidak hanya relevan tapi juga menjadi bagian integral dari strategi peningkatan pembangunan daerah. The article aims at examining the suitability of the policy agenda of public service certification for the prevalence of local governments' performance. I conduct qualitative approach with intensive data collection, considering of local context specificities upon which decentralization has been mainstreaming in the state structural reform in Indonesia. Although the public service standard takes into effects based on certain regulations derived from the Public Service Act 25/2009, efforts made by local government is deemed necessary. To make the study manageable, I conduct a case study qualitatively in Surabaya considering its prominence in local bureaucracy reform and innovation. I conduct a series of policy document analysis and in-depth interviews for data enquiry. I suggest that the implementation of public service certification is likely to lead to various adjustments towards strengthening the standards to be applied. Apart from categorizing the government services according to the different characteristics of each type of service, various structural adjustments are necessary according to the local context of each region. The local community involvement mechanism still needs improvements as standard enforcement in all regions so that public service certification is not only relevant but also an integral part of the local development improvement strategy.

2020 ◽  
Vol 61 (3) ◽  
pp. 599-622 ◽  
Helge Arends

Abstract The prevailing belief is that local governments, which are closer to their citizens, can deliver public goods much more efficiently than a central government can. Yet skeptics argue that fiscal decentralization can be dangerous. The underlying motivation of this article is to review the basic rationale behind decentralizing public services from the perspective of three main controversies emerging from the literature on decentralization: (in)efficient, (un)equal, and (un)accountable service provision at the local level. For illustrative purposes, this review focuses on two complex and socially important sectors, health and education. The overall conclusion is that the dangers of decentralization are highly relevant to local public service provision, although there is evidence supporting both the decentralization-enthusiastic and the decentralization-skeptical views. When decentralizing public services, reformers should know the specificities of the public service, the local context, and the effects of the design of fiscal relations like the backs of their hands. If things go wrong, recentralization should be an option.

Vadym Stolar

Based on the study of foreign experience in improving the system of public services, the author proposes mechanisms for improving the system of public services in Ukraine. It is argued that the experience of foreign countries in the application of such mechanisms as regulation, standardization, optimization, reengineering, can be effectively applied in Ukraine. It is revealed that an important condition for effective public administration is the regulation and standardization of its main processes and results. It is argued that these mechanisms will contribute to the efficiency of the public service system in Ukraine. In this regard, the author highlighted the main goals of optimization and automation of public services. The main goals are such as eliminating redundant administrative procedures and, accordingly, the structural units that conduct them, simplifying paperwork, reducing the time of public services, setting up information and communication support for all elements of the public service system. It is shown that in Ukraine it is important to organize information communication between central executive bodies and the government, as well as between central and local authorities through official websites, online, expanding the network of public access to information about laws, regulations, reports, news through the Internet search engine on relevant sites. It was emphasized that the mechanism of transactional presence, which provides for interactive interaction between citizens and the government, needs to be improved. The author argued that foreign experience in optimizing the activities of public authorities and local governments through the introduction of modern information and communication technologies provides an example of several effective areas: electronic document management, e-government, the “single window” system. These tools are prospects for further, deeper, and more relevant research on this topic. Keywords: service, public service, public service, municipal service, administrative service, social service, regulation, standardization, reengineering.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 95-112
Marta Balcerek-Kosiarz ◽  

The aim of the article is to present the influence of pandemic, which contributes to changes in the scope of the delivery of public services by local governments. An interesting example are local governments, which have increased their financial debt in spite of their financial recovery programmes. These local governments were forced to change their public service strategies and their management in the sphere of select organizational and legal forms. The article presents the proposal of the public service delivery on the example of the Raciechowice municipality, in the Małopolskie voivodship, which in 2020 reached the highest debt level in Poland. The financial condition of the Raciechowice municipality is compared with the Ostrowice municipality, which was abolished on January 1, 2020 by including its territory into Drawsko Pomorskie. The core conclusion of the study is the fact that the delivery of public services by budgetary units contributes to the increase of the financial debt of the Raciechowice municipality. The decisions of central authorities, which instead of implementing long-term solutions during the pandemic availed themselves of emergency aid tools, also impact the increase in the budgetary deficit. This resulted in the necessity of finding additional resources on the part of local government units and in consequence led to the growth of the non-bank financial intermediary market.

Łukasz Satoła

The purpose of this paper was to evaluate the perception of services of general interest by the inhabitants of local communities. The research material was the result of a survey conducted in 24 municipalities. Despite the differences in the level of satisfaction of residents with public services, their opinions in general have provided a good response to public needs. Education services were the highest ratings, while the sewage infrastructure was rated the worst. The results also confirmed that the level of satisfaction of public service needs determines to a large extent the performance of local authorities.

R. A. W. Rhodes

This chapter is not an example of comparative politics but of area studies, a field that is descriptive, cultural, historical, and contextual, seeking to analyse a country or region. The chosen area is the dominion countries of the British Commonwealth. The chosen method is the textual analysis of primary sources: speeches, writings, evidence to inquiries, and interviews by heads of the public services. This chapter analyses how the heads of the public services articulate the traditions of ‘constitutional bureaucracy’ found in Westminster systems of parliamentary government and selectively draw on past understandings to understand present-day changes. It describes traditions under challenge that reshape reforms as reforms reshape them. In each case, it is not a question of ‘in with the new, out with the old’, but of ‘in with the new alongside key components of the old’. The myths and legends of yore remain germane to the modern public service.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (10) ◽  
pp. 2765
Joanna Rakowska ◽  
Irena Ozimek

The deployment of renewable energy at the local level can contribute significantly to mitigating climate change, improving energy security and increasing social, economic and environmental benefits. In many countries local authorities play an important role in the local development, but renewable energy deployment is not an obligatory task for them. Hence there are two research questions: (1) Do local governments think investments in renewable energy (RE) are urgent and affordable within the local budgets? (2) How do they react to the public aid co-financing investments in renewable energy? To provide the answer we performed qualitative analysis and non-parametric tests of data from a survey of 252 local authorities, analysis of 292 strategies of local development and datasets of 1170 renewable energy projects co-financed by EU funds under operational programs 2007–2013 and 2014–2020 in Poland. Findings showed that local authorities’ attitudes were rather careful, caused by financial constraints of local budgets and the scope of obligatory tasks, which made renewable energy investments not the most urgent. Public aid was a factor significantly affecting local authorities’ behavior. It triggered local authorities’ renewable energy initiatives, increasing the number and scope of renewable energy investments as well cooperation with other municipalities and local communities. Despite this general trend, there were also considerable regional differences in local authorities’ renewable energy behavior.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Jorge Armando López-Lemus

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to identify the influence exerted by a quality management system (QMS) under ISO 9001: 2015 on the quality of public services organizations in Mexico. Design/methodology/approach The methodological design was quantitative, explanatory, observational and transversal, for which a sample of 461 public servants from the state of Guanajuato, Mexico was obtained. To test the hypotheses, a structural equation model (SEM) was developed through the statistical software Amos v.21. For the analysis of the data, software SPSS v.21 was used. Regarding the goodness and adjustment indices of the SEM (χ2 = 720.09, df = 320, CFI = 0.933, TLI = 0.926 and RMSEA = 0.05) which, therefore, proved to be acceptable. Findings According to the results obtained through the SEM model, the QMS under ISO 9001: 2015 is positively and significantly influenced tangible aspects (β1 = 0.79, p < 0.01), reliability (β2 = 0.90, p < 0.01), related to response quality (β3 = 0.93, p < 0.01), guarantees (β4 = 0.91, p < 0.01) and empathy (β5 = 0.88, p < 0.01) of the quality related to public services in Mexico. The study’s key contribution is that it discovered that implementing a QMS in accordance with the ISO 9001: 2015 standard has an impact on the quality of public services, with the most influential quality of response. Similarly, the assurance and dependability of service quality turned out to be important in providing public service quality. Research limitations/implications In this paper, the QMS was only evaluated as a variable that intervenes in the process of obtaining quality in public service under the ISO 9001 standard in its 2015 version. In this regard, the results’ trustworthiness is limited to the extent that the findings may be generalized in the state of Guanajuato, Mexico’s public service. As a result, the scientific community is left primarily focused on service quality to promote new future research. Practical implications The ISO 9001: 2015 standard’s QMS is one of the tools for success in both the commercial and government sectors. However, there are practical limitations, which focus on the time during which managers exercise their vision in the public sector: first, the dynamics that managers play in public policy; second, the length of time they have served in public office; and third, the interest of directors of public institutions to improve the quality of service provided by the government. Other practical consequences concern organizational culture and identity, public servant commitment, senior management or secretaries of government, as well as work and training. Originality/value The findings of this paper are important and valuable because they foster knowledge generation in the public sector through the ISO 9000 quality area. A model that permits the adoption and implementation of a QMS based on the ISO 9001: 2015 standard in public organizations that seek to provide quality in their services offered to the user is also presented to the literature. Similarly, the paper is important because there is currently insufficient research focusing on the variables examined in the context of public service in Mexico.

2020 ◽  
Vol 31 (3) ◽  
pp. 263-285
Claudia Petrescu ◽  
Flavis Mihalache

Public services represent an important dimension of quality of society, as they create the contextual conditions for people to further their quality of life. Romanian public administration reform has brought about a constant institutional transformation, which has influenced both the specific features and the quality of the services. This article aims to analyse trends regarding the perceived quality of public services in Romania, in European comparative perspective, using the data of the European Quality of Life Survey (2003–2016). The article aims to understand the low satisfaction with public services in Romania against the background of the public service reform measures taken by government in this period. The article describes the context of Romanian public administration and public service reform, the most important public policy measures adopted and the most important challenges. The lack of vision in the public service reform, the partial introduction of reform elements, the permanent and, sometimes, conflicting changes are issues that may have influenced the way in which the population perceives the quality of public services. The decentralisation process of public services and the insufficient allocation of public funds for delivering such services at local level might have an impact on their quality and quantity perceived by the population. Keywords: public services; public administration reform; citizens’ satisfaction; New Public Management; New Weberianism.

2017 ◽  
Vol 28 (5) ◽  
pp. 998-1023 ◽  
Ian R. Hodgkinson ◽  
Claire Hannibal ◽  
Byron W. Keating ◽  
Rosamund Chester Buxton ◽  
Nicola Bateman

Purpose In providing a fine-grained analysis of public service management, the purpose of this paper is to make an important contribution to furthering research in service management, a body of literature that has tended to regard public services as homogenous or to neglect the context altogether. Design/methodology/approach Integrating public management and service management literatures, the past and present of public service management are discussed. Future directions for the field are outlined drawing on a service-dominant approach that has the potential to transform public services. Invited commentaries augment the review. Findings The review presents the Public Service Network Framework to capture the public value network in its abstraction and conceptualizes how value is created in public services. The study identifies current shortcomings in the field and offers a series of directions for future research where service management theory can contribute greatly. Research limitations/implications The review encourages service management research to examine the dynamic, diverse, and complex nature of public services and to recognize the importance of this context. The review calls for an interdisciplinary public service management community to develop, and to assist public managers in leveraging service logic. Originality/value The review positions service research in the public sector, makes explicit the role of complex networks in value creation, argues for wider engagement with public service management, and offers future research directions to advance public service management research.

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