scholarly journals Selecting multi-enzyme composition and preparation conditions for strong wort

E. M. Serba ◽  
L. V. Rimareva ◽  
M. B. Overchenko ◽  
N. I. Ignatova ◽  
M. E. Medrish ◽  

Abstract: Development of sustainable biotechnologies for deep processing of grain raw materials requires effective mechanisms of obtaining strong wort for alcohol production. To provide qualitative characteristics of biochemical composition and rheological properties of strong wort, it is necessary to select optimal enzyme systems and conditions for deep conversion of high-molecular weight polymers of the grain. Previous research has proven the efficiency of carbohydrases for processing grain raw materials. However, there is little evidence on the catalytic effect of phytase, including in combination with other hydrolytic enzymes, on the degree of hydrolysis of polymers in grain raw materials when preparing strong wort. This paper demonstrates the effect of proteases and phytases in a multi-enzyme composition, as well as the conditions of enzymatic processing of raw materials, on the rheological and biochemical parameters of strong wort. Wheat, rye and corn were investigated. The synergism of the combined effect of studied hydrolases, including phytolytic and proteolytic enzymes, contributed to an increase in polymer conversion in this grain raw material and the concentration of soluble dry substances of the wort by 1.5 times. Using the proteases and phytases in the multienzyme composition allowed the concentration of the following components in the wort to be increased: glucose – by 1.2–1.3 times; amine nitrogen – by 1.5–2.2 times; phosphorus ions – by 1.4–4.3 times. Additionally, in the wort samples, the content of amino acids in the free form increased by over 4 times. It is shown that the pretreatment of grain raw materials at a temperature of 80–90ºС for 6 hours and saccharification for 1–2 hours using a complete complex of enzymes containing α-amylase, glucoamylase, xylanase, protease and phytase, allows a strong wort with a dry matter content of over 30% to be obtained. Moreover, a significant decrease in viscosity was noted (particularly for rye wort – by 1.3–1.9 times). Our results confirm the essential role of enzymes exhibiting substrate specificity to protein and phytic polymers in grain raw materials.

Lyubov Mikhailovna Esina ◽  
Valeriia Victorovna Bogomolova ◽  
Olga Nikolaevna Krivonos ◽  
Svetlana Leonidovna Chernyavskaya

Pipelines, mechanisms and hydraulic structures laid on the bottom of freshwater bodies are exposed to massive exposure of fouling organisms - mollusks Dreissena polymorpha . Such fouling hinders the equipment operation and increases the corrosion of materials, besides, utilization of mollusks ( Dreissena polymorpha ) requires financial expenditure. Therefore, to solve the problem, dreissena was suggested to be used as a raw material for producing enzymatic hydrolyzate. The data of the mass-size and chemical composition of the raw materials (dreissena flesh) are presented. During the analysis of the model of a 2-factor experiment (the amount of enzyme preparation and the duration of fermentolysis were taken as factors) there was defined the optimal amount of enzyme (bacterial protease - protozyme). The comparative analysis of a control sample (without adding the enzyme) and enzymatic hydrolyzates of dreissena was carried out. There was stated the increase in protein content (3.7-17.8%), in dry matter (7.0-22.7%), amine nitrogen (446.2-158.6 mg/100 g). The periods of the most intensive increase in the degree of hydrolysis (during the first 2 hours of enzymatic hydrolysis by 2.8% and further 3-4 hours by 1.2%), as well as periods of values stabilization (during 2-3 hours and after 4 hours of enzymatic hydrolysis an increase by 0.6% on average). The change in the optical density of hydrolyzate solutions and their TCA-filtrates has been studied, which helped to compare the degree of protein destruction. There has been presented the technological chart of producing enzymatic hydrolyzates from dreissena with following conditions for fermentolysis: temperature 50 ºС, water ratio 1:1, quantity of enzyme protozyme 0.1% to the mass of blanched dreissena with valves, duration 3-4 hours.

2021 ◽  
pp. 33-37
Александр Львович Панасюк ◽  
Елена Ивановна Кузьмина ◽  
Олеся Сергеевна Егорова ◽  
Лариса Ильинична Розина ◽  
Людмила Алексеевна Пелих

В настоящее время вовлечение вторичных материальных ресурсов в производственный цикл и, как следствие, предотвращение образования отходов - одно из приоритетных направлений развития пищевой и перерабатывающей промышленности в области совершенствования пищевых производств. Плоды аронии, как сырье для промышленной переработки, используются для получения разнообразной продукции, в том числе сиропов, соков, безалкогольных напитков, вин и крепких напитков, в процессе производства которых образуются вторичные сырьевые ресурсы - некондиционное сырье, выжимка (кожица, семена, косточки, часть мякоти), отстой, осадки и др. Целью работы было получение антоцианового красителя из вторичных ресурсов плодового виноделия, выжимки аронии черноплодной. Для максимального извлечения антоцианов из выжимки проводили 3-кратную экстракцию спиртом этиловым ректификованным (96%об.) и водно-спиртовым раствором (45%об.). В полученных образцах красителей исследовали качественные показатели: растворимость, содержание сухих веществ, содержание красящих веществ, термическую стойкость. В результате проведенных исследований была установлена эффективность экстракции красящих веществ из выжимки сушеной и замороженной (без размораживания), с использованием в качестве экстрагента спирта этилового ректификованного. Полученные антоциановые красители устойчивы к воздействию температур до 70 °С. Предложенный способ получения антоциановых красителей из аронии черноплодной характеризуется мягким режимом извлечения красящих веществ без применения высоких температур, позволяет минимизировать количество технологических операций и энергозатрат. At present, the involvement of secondary material resources in the production cycle and, as a result, the prevention of waste generation is one of the priority areas for the development of the food and processing industry in the field of improving food production. Chokeberry fruits, as a raw material for industrial processing, are used to obtain a variety of products, including syrups, juices, soft drinks, wines and spirits, during the production of which secondary raw materials are formed - substandard raw materials, pomace (peel, seeds, part of the pulp), sludge, sediments, etc. The purpose of the work was to obtain anthocyanin dye from secondary resources of fruit winemaking, chokeberry pomace. To maximize the extraction of anthocyanins from the pomace, a 3-fold extraction was carried out with rectified ethyl alcohol (96% vol.) And an aqueous-alcoholic solution (45% vol.). In the obtained samples of dyes, qualitative indicators were researched: solubility, dry matter content; content of dyes, thermal stability. As a result of the research, the efficiency of the extraction of dyes from dried and frozen pomace (without defrosting) was established, using rectified ethyl alcohol as an extractant. The obtained anthocyanin dyes are resistant to temperatures up to 70 °C. The proposed method for producing anthocyanin dyes from chokeberry is characterized by a mild regime for extracting dyes without the use of high temperatures, which makes it possible to minimize the number of technological operations and energy consumption.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 15-24
R. A. Voroshilin ◽  
A. Yu. Prosekov ◽  
M. G. Kurbanova

The article presents the investigation of the chemical composition of a collagen-containing broth obtained during gelatin production at the stage of defatting bony raw material. Collagen broth is a minor by-product from gelatin production. The aim of the research is to analyze the effect of the duration of the hydrothermal treatment of collagen raw materials on the concentration of high-protein broths by using spray drying. To carry out a set of experimental studies they used broth obtained by the method of hydrothermal treatment of bone at a temperature of 95±5°C for 90 to 180 minutes and its dry concentrate obtained later at the Mini Spray Dryer B-290 laboratory spray drying model (Buchi, Sweden). According to the research results, it has been revealed that the duration of the hydrothermal treatment affects the indicators of fat, protein, and dry matter content in broths. When being treated for 90 minutes, the dry matter content is in the range of 8,1 %, which is 46 % less than with a treatment time of 180 minutes. When the duration of the hydrothermal treatment of raw materials increases, the gelation time of the obtained broths reduces at temperature conditions of 4±2°C. After the spray drying process physicochemical parameters of the obtained dry collagen concentrates have been determined. In the dry concentrate the dependence of the indicator of the content of the mass fraction of protein on the duration of the hydrothermal treatment of broths is observed, the values range from 64,19 % to 82,89 %. The gelling capacity of all samples is high. The obtained dry concentrates are in the form of white to light cream color homogeneous powder.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (11 (111)) ◽  
pp. 49-56
Kateryna Kasabova ◽  
Aleksey Zagorulko ◽  
Andreii Zahorulko ◽  
Nataliа Shmatchenko ◽  
Olga Simakova ◽  

A method for manufacturing multicomponent fruit and berry paste based on apples, cranberries, hawthorn with a high content of pectin substances has been improved. A special feature of the technique is the concentration in a rotary film apparatus until a dry matter content of 28... 30 % under a mild mode during 25...50 s provided that the puree is preheated to 50 °C. The limiting shear stress for each type of raw material and the effective viscosity index for the samples of the formulations of the studied pastes have been established. It was found that the best properties are demonstrated by composition with the following formulation ratio of components: apple – 50 %; cranberries – 40 %; hawthorn – 10 %. That makes it possible to obtain pastes with the best chemical composition (the higher content of pectin substances, organic acids, ascorbic acid, etc.). The rational amount of adding 75 % of fruit and berry paste to replace apple puree has been determined and substantiated. That makes it possible to manufacture pastille with a high degree of structure formation, which is confirmed by the viscosity index of 616 Pa∙s, compared with control – 354 Pa∙s. A decrease in the mass fraction of dry substances by 5.0 %, an increase in acidity and reducing substances are ensured, which meets the requirements set by regulatory documents. This amount of paste provides for excellent organoleptic properties, i.e. it gives the products an even red color, pleasant taste, and smell. The developed technology expands the range of "healthy food" by partially replacing raw materials with a low content of physiologically functional components with a multicomponent composition, as well as provides for an increase in the pastille nutritional value. The use of sparing modes of concentration makes it possible to intensify the process of manufacturing a multicomponent paste, which indicates energy and resource-saving technology

2021 ◽  
pp. 92-95
Мадина Борисовна Хоконова ◽  
Ирина Шамильевна Дзахмишева ◽  
Алим Борисович Хоконов

Плодовый спирт получают путем спиртового брожения плодово-ягодного сока, мезги свежих плодов или выжимки после отжатия сока. Переработка нестандартной части плодово-ягодного сырья, а также вторичная переработка отходов с целью получения плодового спирта - выгодное направление, повышающее эффективность работы винодельческих предприятий и увеличивающее ассортимент выпускаемых продуктов. На основе качественного плодового спирта получают слабоалкогольные напитки типа сидра. Работа посвящена изучению способов улучшения технологических качеств плодового сырья, используемого для получения спирта, а также качественных виноматериалов для производства сидра на ООО «Чегемский Винпищепром». Установлено, что сырье характеризуется низкой величиной глюкоацидометрического показателя. Для яблок он составляет 5,8-8,8. Количество сухих веществ варьирует у сортов в пределах 9,5-11,0 %. Максимум отмечен у сорта Ренет Симиренко. Меньшее содержание сахаров отмечено у сорта Айдаред, максимальное - у сорта Джонатан. Титруемая кислотность у данных сортов варьирует от 5,5-6,0. Определена разница между яблочным соком и спиртом-сырцом по химическому составу. Крепость спирта-сырца составляет 59,3-60,3 %об. Яблочный спирт получали путем дистилляции периодическим способом. Определено, что температура охлаждения сусла не зависит от скорости сбраживания. Наиболее пригодные для производства сидра сорта яблок Айдаред, Джонатан с содержанием сухих веществ 9,5-10,0 % и скоростью сбраживания 1,5 г/л.ч. Fruit alcohol is obtained by alcoholic fermentation of fruit and berry juice, pulp of fresh fruits or pomace after squeezing the juice. Processing of non-standard parts of fruit and berry raw materials, as well as recycling waste, in order to obtain fruit alcohol, is a profitable direction that increases the efficiency of wineries and increases the range of products. Low-alcohol drinks such as cider are produced on the basis of high-quality fruit alcohol. The work is devoted to the study of ways to improve the technological qualities of fruit raw materials used to obtain alcohol, aswell as high-quality wine materials for the production of ciderat OOO Chegemsky Vinpischeprom. It was found that the raw material is characterized by a low glucoacidometric indicator. For apples, it is 5,8-8,8.The amount of dry matter varies in varieties within 9,5-11,0%.The maximum was observed in the Renet Simirenko variety. The lower sugar content was noted in the Idared variety, the maximum in the Jonathan variety. The titratable acidity of these varieties varies from 5,5-6,0.The chemical composition difference between apple juice and raw alcohol was determined. The strength of the raw alcohol is 59,3-60,3% vol. Apple alcohol was obtained by distillation in a batch wise manner. It has been determined that the cooling temperature of the wort does not depend mainly on the rate of fermentation. The most suitableapple varieties for the production of cider are Idared, Jonathan with a dry matter content of 9,5-10,0% and a fermentation rate of 1,5 g/l.H.

2020 ◽  
Vol 50 (1) ◽  
pp. 115-123
Boris Fedorenko ◽  
Dmitriy Borodulin ◽  
Maksim Prosin ◽  
Anton Shafray ◽  
Boris Lobasenko ◽  

Introduction. Vegetable raw materials have always been and still remain the main raw material for obtaining extracts. The extraction process is the most important stage during the production of extracts and aromatic spirits. The research objective was to study the extraction process of the target substances from fruit and berry raw materials for the production of alcoholic extracts. Study objects and methods. The study featured cranberries, which are widespread in Siberia and have many useful properties. Cranberries are rich in vitamins C, B1, B2, B5, B6, PP and rarer vitamin K1. The studies were conducted using a Soxhlet extractor. The experimental results were processed using the method of multiple regression analysis. The research also exploited generally accepted methods for assessing the quality of samples of alcoholic beverages. Results and discussion. The experiments made it possible to define the optimal technological regime parameters for the production of aromatic cranberry extract. The maximum values of all three processing parameters exerted the greatest effect on the dry matter content in cranberry extract. The recommended conditions resulted in a cranberry extract with a high content of target components. The presented mathematical description of the extraction process in the Soxhlet extractor makes it possible to preliminarily determine the quality indicators of the resulting beverage at the onset of production. Control experiments conducted under these conditions confirmed the calculated values. Conclusion. By using a Soxhlet extractor, the preparation time for alcoholic cranberry extract was reduced to 20 minutes, which differs by one order of magnitude from the classical infusion production method. The Soxhlet extractor made it possible to use less solvent and raw materials, due to the almost maximum completeness of extraction of the target components of fruit and berry raw materials. This fact is bound to decrease the production expenses and the cost of the final product.


Подобраны оптимальные параметры для экстракции плодов и ягод черной смородины, малины, вишни, черноплодной рябины при ультразвуковом излучении 35 кГц с целью получения плодово-ягодных экстрактов с высокой антиоксидантной активностью. На основании экспериментальных данных выбраны технологические режимы процесса: экстрагирование сырья 75%-м этиловым спиртом при соотношении сырье : растворитель 1 : 10, температуре (40 ± 5)°C в течение 90 мин. Экстракты концентрируют под вакуумом до содержания сухих веществ 65%. Дана технологическая схема получения плодово-ягодных экстрактов. Полученные экстракты обладают высокой антиоксидантной активностью, содержат большое количество фенольных веществ, флавоноидов и антоцианов; по органолептическим, физико-химическим и микробиологическим показателям соответствуют нормативной документации. The optimal parameters for extraction of fruits and berries of fruits and berries of black currant, raspberry, cherry, chokeberry with ultrasonic radiation of 35 kHz in order to obtain fruit and berry extracts with high antioxidant activity are selected. Based on the experimental data, the technological modes of the process are selected: extraction of raw materials with 75% ethyl alcohol at a ratio of raw materials: solvent 1: 10, temperature (40 ± 5)°C for 90 min. The extracts are concentrated under vacuum to a dry matter content of 65%. Technological scheme of fruit and berry extracts is given. The obtained extracts have a high antioxidant activity, contain a large amount of phenolic substances, flavonoids and anthocyanins; organoleptic, physical and chemical and microbiological parameters correspond to the normative documentation.

Proceedings ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (23) ◽  
pp. 1467 ◽  
José Ignacio Arranz ◽  
María Teresa Miranda ◽  
Francisco José Sepúlveda ◽  
Irene Montero ◽  
Carmen Victoria Rojas

Brewing industry generates a main residue, brewers’ spent grain (BSG), which has good properties both for use in animal consumption and for thermal use, but contains a very high content of moisture (20–25% dry matter content), so that its elimination or treatment should be immediate, since it can cause degeneration problems of the product. Currently, brewers often supply this material at low cost for use as livestock feed. This solution is not efficiently carried out without reporting too much benefit to the brewers more than to eliminate waste from their facilities. However, BSG is a raw material of interest for application in different areas due to its low price, availability throughout the year and a valuable chemical composition, so it seems necessary to look for an alternative use to give value to these characteristics. In this paper a drying study is carried out in order to establish the foundations for its energy use by thermal of BSG. BSG has been used from a craft brewery located at Badajoz, Spain. Drying analysis was carried out for various temperatures and inlet air flow by means a convective dryer. The properties studied show that BSG can be used for thermal utilization in large installations, being necessary heat drying processes as a pretreatment in order to obtain a biofuel with acceptable efficiency.

F1000Research ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. 271
Salman Khan Promon ◽  
Wasif Kamal ◽  
Shafkat Shamim Rahman ◽  
M. Mahboob Hossain ◽  
Naiyyum Choudhury

Background: The requirement of an alternative clean energy source is increasing with the elevating energy demand of modern age. Bioethanol is considered as an excellent candidate to satiate this demand.Methods:Yeast isolates were used for the production of bioethanol using cellulosic vegetable wastes as substrate. Efficient bioconversion of lignocellulosic biomass into ethanol was achieved by the action of cellulolytic bacteria (Bacillus subtilis).  After proper isolation, identification and characterization of stress tolerances (thermo-, ethanol-, pH-, osmo- & sugar tolerance), optimization of physiochemical parameters for ethanol production by the yeast isolates was assessed. Very inexpensive and easily available raw materials (vegetable peels) were used as fermentation media. Fermentation was optimized with respect to temperature, reducing sugar concentration and pH.Results:It was observed that temperatures of 30°C and pH 6.0 were optimum for fermentation with a maximum yield of ethanol. The results indicated an overall increase in yields upon the pretreatment ofBacillus subtilis; maximum ethanol percentages for isolate SC1 obtained after 48-hour incubation under pretreated substrate was 14.17% in contrast to untreated media which yielded 6.21% after the same period. Isolate with the highest ethanol production capability was identified as members of the ethanol-producingSaccharomycesspecies after stress tolerance studies and biochemical characterization using Analytical Profile Index (API) ® 20C AUX and nitrate broth test. Introduction ofBacillus subtilisincreased the alcohol production rate from the fermentation of cellulosic materials.Conclusions:The study suggested that the kitchen waste can serve as an excellent raw material in ethanol fermentation.

2013 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 59-62
Vladimír Sitkey ◽  
Ján Gaduš ◽  
Ľubomír Kliský ◽  
Alexander Dudák

Abstract Energy variety of amaranth (Amaranthus spp.) was grown in large-scale trials in order to verify the capability of its cultivation and use as a renewable energy source in a biogas plant. The possibility of biogas production using anaerobic co-fermentation of manure and amaranth silage was verified in the experimental horizontal fermentor of 5 m3 volume, working at mesophilic conditions of 38-40 °C. The goal of the work was also to identify the optimum conditions for growth, harvesting and preservation of amaranth biomass, to optimize biogas production process, and to test the residual slurry from digestion process as a high quality organic fertilizer. The average yield of green amaranth biomass was 51.66 t.ha-1 with dry matter content of 37%. Based on the reached results it can be concluded that amaranth silage, solely or together with another organic materials of agricultural origin, is a suitable raw material for biogas production.

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