Study of the availability of gene therapeutic drugs in the Russian Federation

Konstantin A. Koshechkin ◽  
Philip A. Romanov ◽  
Alexander A. Mokhov ◽  
Alexander L. Khokhlov

The authors studied the availability of gene therapy drugs in the Russian Federation on the basis of information on the permission of the medical use of drugs of this group in the world. Literature data and information about medicines approved by the FDA, EMA and the Ministry of Health of Russia were used. In general, the FDA registered only 13 drugs (46%) of the total approved for medical use in the world, 2 of them have already been withdrawn from the market, and 2 additional clinical trials are underway. In Europe, the EMA has approved 16 drugs for medical use (57%), with 4 of them already withdrawn. Most of the drugs were first approved by the FDA, and then, on average, a year later, were approved in the European market. A total of 4 drugs were approved in the European market and were not approved by the FDA at the time the data was requested. And only 1 drug, approved in the USA, is not registered in Europe. In the Russian Federation, two medicines are allowed, Neovasculgen (2011) and Spinraza (2019). This is only 7% of the total number of gene therapy drugs on the world market. Most of the drugs are intended for the treatment of orphan diseases and are cost expensive. This can explain the unevenness of their distribution across regions.

A.V. Korchemnaya

Competitiveness of Russia economy under modern conditions demands systemacy of public administration. As a result of creation of national strategic planning system a number of govern-ment programs aimed at the economy development of the Russian Federation and perspective en-trance of the country to the world market is carried out. One of the main tasks of the economy de-velopment is creation of favorable investment climate in the country, investment activity, attraction of investments into the economy of the country’s regions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (10) ◽  
pp. 149-166
Dmitry V. Gordienko ◽  

The paper examines the interests of Russia, the United States and China in the regions of the world and identifies the priorities of Russia's activities in Europe, Central Asia and the Caucasus, the Asia-Pacific region, the Arctic, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America, their comparative assessment with the interests of the United States and China. An approach to assessing the impact of possible consequences of the activities of the United States and China on the realization of Russia's interests is proposed. This makes it possible to identify the priorities of the policy of the Russian Federation in various regions of the world. The results of the analysis can be used to substantiate recommendations to the military-political leadership of our country. It is concluded that the discrepancy between the interests of the United States and China is important for the implementation of the current economic and military policy of the Russian Federation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 88-93
T. N. Erivantseva

Implementation of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2018, No. 204 “On the national goals and strategic tasks of the development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024” assumes that Russia should move from 8th to 5th position in the world for the number of patent applications for inventions during 6 years. The paper analyzes the patent activity of inventors in the field of medicine on the example of spinal neurosurgery. Analysis of patent documents demonstrates that developments in the field of spinal neurosurgery have currently a high potential for commercialization throughout the world. However, domestic developers should pay due attention to the full scope of legal protection of their inventions to take a leading position in the world market.

2019 ◽  
pp. 77-81
A. Krishtofor

The main organizational characteristics of the world space industry in the context of increased international competition have been determined. The most characteristic changes in the global market of space products have been identified. The methodology of the analysis of the world market of space products and services has been presented. As a result of the analysis of the successful international experience in the development of the space industry and the trends of the world space activity, the global patterns, that need to be taken into account in the implementation and planning of measures to improve the competitiveness of space activity of the Russian Federation have been revealed.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 103-109
V A Jilkin

This article presents issues of the fight against corruption and analysis of anti-corruption processes in Russia, Finland, Israel, Great Britain and the USA. Issues of international cooperation in the anti-corruption sphere have already been considered by the United Nations, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organisation, the Organisation of American States, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and the European Union. The fight against corruption in the Russian Federation is one of the key areas of consolidation of the statehood and it is being performed step by step through improvement of the legislation, activities of law enforcement, regulatory and public authorities of all levels as well as cultivation of civil intolerance to any manifestation of this social blemish. Russia is actively engaged in international dialogue on a wide range of issues for preventing corruption within the scope of coordination activities and international cooperation in different areas, including issues of anti-corruption in the sphere of sports, ecology and education. Cooperation with relevant international authorities and international organizations is one of the priorities of the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation. Given that the Russian anti-corruption system is based on the national legal culture in the context of historical, social and economic development and specific social needs and interests, the author emphasizes that anti-corruption cooperation shall be based on respect for national legal systems and compliance with the international law under coordination of the UN. Legislative proposals on the need for introducing grounds for application on recovery of property, owned by corrupt officials and registered under a third party’s name, to the public revenue and increasing the terms of imprisonment for bribery, which shall be prepared for further improvement of the anti-corruption law.

2019 ◽  
pp. 51-64
Dariusz Brążkiewicz

Abstrakt: Współczesna polityka Federacji Rosyjskiej na Bliskim Wschodzie jest elementem szerokiej strategii ukierunkowanej na cele w środowisku międzynarodowym oraz na cele wewnątrzpaństwowe. Polityka ta jest konfrontacyjna na płaszczyźnie Rosja – Zachód i stanowi koło zamachowe w dążeniu kraju do odzyskania dominującej roli w świecie. Zaangażowanie Federacji Rosyjskiej w konflikt w Syrii jest konsekwencją jej mocarstwowej polityki w zmieniającym się środowisku międzynarodowym. Głównym celem było wyeliminowanie rozwiązań USA i innych państw Zachodu w zakresie interwencji humanitarnej w Syrii. Poza tym utrzymując reżim Baszara al-Asada Federacja Rosyjska podjęła realizację własnego ładu na Bliskim Wschodzie, gdzie chce odgrywać kluczową rolę. Pomagają jej w tym Iran – wieloletni oponent USA oraz Turcja – nowy koalicjant, które mają też swoje partykularne cele w regionie. W przypadku polityki wewnętrznej, rosyjskie elity polityczne chcą utrwalić władzę populistyczną, oferując narodowi drogę dokonań państwa, szczególnie w wymiarze międzynarodowym – wskazując siłę militarną i wyższość polityczną, jako podstawowe elementy odbudowy mocarstwowej roli Federacji Rosyjskiej w świecie. Te kierunki polityki zewnętrznej i wewnętrznej dają obraz konsekwentnych, a jednocześnie zaskakujących działań Federacji Rosyjskiej na Bliskim Wschodzie. Abstract: Contemporary policy of the Russian Federation in the Middle East is an element of a broad strategy focused on international and internal purposes. This policy is confrontational at the level of Russia - the West and constitutes a flywheel in the pursuit of the country to regain its dominant role in the world. The involvement of the Russian Federation in the conflict in Syria is a consequence of its superpower policy in the changing international environment. The main goal was to eliminate the solutions of the USA and other Western countries in the field of humanitarian intervention in Syria. What is more, maintaining the regime of Bashar al-Assad, the Russian Federation has embarked on the implementation of its own order in the Middle East, where it wants to play a key role. Iran, a long-term opponent of the USA, and Turkey, a new coalition partner that also has its particular goals in the region, are the countries which help Russia in this area. In the case of domestic policy, Russia’s power elites want to consolidate populist power by presenting the nation country’s accomplishments, especially in the international dimension, indicating military strength and political superiority as the basic elements of rebuilding the superpower role of the Russian Federation in the world. These external and internal policies give a picture of the consistent and also surprising actions of the Russian Federation in the Middle East

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (10) ◽  
pp. 2271-2282
E.A. Filatov ◽  

Over the course of more than a decade of the global economic crisis, the relevance of analyzing the performance indicators of construction organizations in the world has not only not decreased, but even vice versa - it has grown significantly, because now not only its success, but the most elementary survival in the current crisis depends on the financial condition of the company. Both the rate of recovery from the crisis and the competitiveness of the economy largely depend on the efficiency of the construction sector. Construction is a fund-forming (capital-intensive) industry on which the formation of the national economy depends; which means the formation of a complex economic, social, organizational, scientific and technical system. Currently, the construction industry of the Russian Federation is experiencing a number of difficulties in its development, but at the same time it has good chances of increasing its competitiveness and integration into the world market. The object of research of the article is the construction industry of the Russian Federation in the context of three main types of construction: construction of buildings; construction of engineering structures; specialized construction works. The article presents the author’s model of the profitability of fixed assets. The article describes one of the author’s methods of integral factor analysis, which allows an accessible and relatively simple assessment of the degree of influence of factors on changes in the studied indicator. The purpose of this article was to generalize and systematize the theoretical and methodological foundations of factor analysis in a form accessible to specialists in the field of economics and management, which should help form their basis for the development of economic thinking, understanding the essence of economic processes and phenomena occurring within the framework of the activities of economic entities. What is more important - it will help to develop skills for their quantitative assessment, economic interpretation and search for reserves to increase the efficiency of functioning.

N.A. Sidelnikova ◽  
N.A. Maslovskaya ◽  

The article reveals the current state of the fat and oil sub-sector of the Russian Federation. In the course of the research, the range of problems faced by manufacturers is established. The article reflects the prospects for further development of the fat and oil sub-sector in order to maintain a competitive position in the world market.

2020 ◽  
V.M. Zimnyakov ◽  
A.A. Kurochkin ◽  
S.V. Bogomazov ◽  
E.N. Varlamova

Отмечено значение пшеницы как основного сырья для хлебопекарной промышленности в России. Проанализированы посевные площади и валовый сбор пшеницы в РФ в 2008-2018 годах. Исследована динамика урожайности пшеницы по регионам и в целом по стране. Рассмотрена структура производства зерна в России по видам культур. Представлен валовый сбор и урожайность пшеницы в основных регионах-производителях в 2018 году. Проанализирован валовый сбор пшеницы по категориям хозяйств. Рассмотрены проблемы при уборке пшеницы, а также при её хранении. Отмечены причины низкого качества производимой пшеницы в стране. Предложено совершенствовать систему ценообразования на пшеницу, так как формирование цены на зерно происходит без учета оптимального отношения к качеству зерна, что не отражает объективности и соразмерности затрат. Отмечено, что оптимизация природных, экономических, организационных и технико-технологических факторов, влияющих на производство высококачественной пшеницы, позволит повысить её конкурентоспособность на мировом рынке и увеличить экспортный потенциал. Дан прогноз о том, что за счет повышения конкурентоспособности российского зерна на мировом рынке, путем снижения совокупных издержек, включая логистические, и улучшения качества зерна к 2030 году прогнозируется повышение доли Российской Федерации на рынках десяти ведущих стран-потребителей российской пшеницы до 43, что составит 32,5 млн. тонн.Wheat is a main important raw material for the baking industry in Russia. An analysis of crop areas and gross wheat output in the Russian Federation in 2008-2018 has been made. The dynamics of wheat productivity in the regions and in the whole country has been studied. The pattern of grain production by types of crops in Russia has been considered. The gross yield and wheat productivity in the main producing regions in 2018 are presented.The gross output of wheat according to farm types has been analyzed. The problems of wheat harvesting, as well as its storage are considered. The reasons for the low quality of wheat produced in the country are noted. It is proposed to improve the wheat pricing system, as the formation of grain prices does not take into account the optimal ratio to the quality of grain, which does not reflect the objectivity and proportionality of costs. It is noted that the optimization of natural, economic, organizational and technological factors, that affect the production of high-quality wheat, will increase its competitiveness in the world market and increase export potential. A forecast has been given, that through increase of the competitiveness of Russian grain in the world market, through reducing total costs, logistics included, and improving grain quality, by 2030 an increase is expected in the share of the Russian Federation in the markets of the ten leading countries consuming Russian wheat up to 43, which will amount to 32.5 million tons.

2021 ◽  
pp. 106-112
Vitaliу Begma ◽  
Volodymyr Shemаyev ◽  
Denis Radov ◽  
Polina Tolok

Ukraine’s international economic cooperation with other countries is becoming a determining factor in providing national security, in particular, in the political, military and economic spheres. This is manifested in such areas as the equipping of the Armed Forces and other components, the implementation of national weapons production projects and the export of Ukrainian weapons. The Russian Federation's aggression against Ukraine in 2014 led not only to the cessation of Ukrainian-Russian high-technical cooperation, but also transformed Russia from a competitor in the market of weapons of mass destruction into an overt enemy of the Ukrainian state, which compelled Ukraine to start looking for a new model of behavior in the market. Given that both Ukraine and the Russian Federation operate largely in the same segment the weapons market, Ukraine would be able to move from this segment dominated by our main competitor only with the support of our strategic partners and international sanctions policy against the RF because of its aggression against Ukraine. The possibility of using high-technical cooperation between Ukraine and the USA as an instrument of displacement of the Russian Federation from the world market of weapons-equipped vehicles is substantiated. It is proved that US interest in the implementation of sanctions imposed by the Russian Federation and the prevention of Russian weapons in the zone of conflict through third countries can be a powerful impetus for the development of Ukrainian-American cooperation in the high-tech sphere. Cooperation in traditional industries such as transport aircraft building, marine shipbuilding and turbine construction, rocket engineering, which are predominantly state-owned and not traded on stock markets, requires additional attention from the state to attract US investment and assistance. Variants of development of these basic branches industries have been addressed in numerous research papers. At the same time, other areas of cooperation deserve a greater attention. Priority, in our opinion, should be given to strategic materials for manufacturing and energy sector; electronics and communications industry. The article discusses ways to enhance military technology cooperation in a manner that would better reflect both parties’ strategic interests and argues that a deeper understanding of these interests will help attract investment into the domestic industrial sector.

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