scholarly journals Criminal law politics on regulation of criminal actions in Indonesia

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S1) ◽  
Suci Ramadani ◽  
Elwi Danil ◽  
Fadilla Sabri ◽  
Aria Zurnetti

This paper aimed to discuss the legal politics of regulating narcotics and illegal drugs in Indonesia. Using normative legal research methods, this normative legal research focuses on an inventory of positive law, legal principles and doctrines, legal findings in cases in concreto, legal systematics, comparative law, and legal history. The writing of this scientific paper uses primary legal materials and secondary legal materials. Primary legal materials are in the form of laws and regulations related to the issues raised, including Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics. Secondary legal materials are materials that explain primary legal materials, such as law books. The results of the research are supported by the opinions of legal experts (doctrine), as well as legal journals related to this research, among others, that narcotics legal politics is the main point in forming a legal system in the form of laws and regulations that regulate criminal acts as described above, Articles 111, 112 has a reasonably heavy prison sentence, which is a minimum of 4 years, and a maximum sentence of 20 years, even the death penalty.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 12-30
Leo Arwansyah ◽  
Andi Najemi ◽  
Aga Anum Prayudi

The purpose of this article is to find out how the aspects of legal certainty and justice in the implementation of the death penalty in Indonesia and how the concept of the deadline for the execution of capital punishment that is legal and just. By using the normative juridical method, this article shows that the aspects of certainty and justice regarding the time limit for the implementation of the death penalty are still not regulated in positive law, the practice of capital punishment often raises problems related to the time limit for execution, aspects of legal certainty and justice for death convicts have not. guaranteed, so that it is necessary to renew the laws and regulations related to the implementation of the death penalty both in material criminal law, formal criminal law, and criminal law enforcement. Abstrak Tujuan artikel ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana aspek kepastian hukum dan keadilan dalam pelaksanaan pidana mati di Indonesia serta bagaimana konsep batas waktu pelaksanaan pidana mati yang berkepastian hukum dan berkeadilan. Dengan menggunakan metode yuridis normatif, artikel ini menunjukkan aspek kepastian dan keadilan mengenai pengaturan batas waktu pelaksanaan pidana mati masih belum terdapat pengaturannya di dalam hukum positif, praktik  pidana mati kerap menimbulkan persoalan terkait batas waktu pelaksanaan eksekusi, aspek kepastian hukum dan keadilan bagi terpidana mati belum terjamin, sehingga perlu pembaharuan terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan terkait pelaksanaan pidana mati baik dalam hukum pidana materiil, hukum pidana formal, maupun hukum pelaksanaan pidana.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 543
Cholidin Nasir

Dalam kaitannya dengan penafsiran, dapatkah Mahkamah Konstitusi menafsirkan suatu norma pidana dan dapatkah Mahkamah Konstitusi membuat hukum baru atas norma hukum pidana. Untuk menjawab masalah tersebut, digunakan penelitian hukum normatif, Penelitian hukum normatif atau kepustakaan tersebut mencakup: (1) penelitian terhadap asas-asas hukum, (2) penelitian terhadap sistematika hukum, (3) penelitian terhadap sinkronisasi vertikal dan horizontal, (4) perbandingan hukum, (5) sejarah hukum. Oleh karena itu, maka bahan yang digunakan adalah bahan sekunder yang dilakukan melalui penelitian kepustakaan (library research). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, Mahkamah Konstitusi melakukan judicial activism ketika norma tersebut melanggar hak konstitusional warga negara yang dijamin oleh Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945, dan Mahkamah Konstitusi melakukan judicial restraint ketika harus menyatakan sesuatu yang semula bukan perbuatan pidana menjadi perbuatan pidana.In relation to interpretation, can the Constitutional Court interpret a criminal norm and can the Constitutional Court make a new law on criminal law norms. To answer this problem, normative legal research is used. Normative legal research includes: (1) research on legal principles, (2) research on legal systematics, (3) research on vertical and horizontal synchronization, (4) comparison law, (5) legal history. Therefore, the materials used are secondary materials which are carried out through library research. Based on the results of the study, first: the Constitutional Court conducted judicial activism when the norm violated the constitutional rights of citizens guaranteed by the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, second: the Constitutional Court conducted a judicial restraint when it had to declare something that was not a criminal act.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 5179-5184
Endang Hadrian

Civil dispute resolution can be settled through peace institutions with the legal product in form of a deed of peace. However, this institution has not been used by many people even though it provides the civil dispute settlement the executorial strength faster. Thus, it offers no further legal remedies be it in the form of appeals and cassation. Practically, a deed of peace is known to have executorial strength. However, some parties pursue the legal effort despite the peace settlement in the form of the deed of peace. The optimization of the use of the peace institution with executorial strength is expected to solve the problems. This study employed normative legal research with the perspective of legal/ judicial focused on rules/norms of Civil Procedure Law and comparative law through legal principles. It is the study of legal rules which are the benchmarks to behave appropriately. This study was carried out on the norms and principles in the secondary data, which were found in the primary, secondary, and tertiary legal sources.  

Lalu Irawadi ◽  
Rodliyah ◽  
Muhammad Natsir

This research is conducted to find out and analyse the implementation of criminal law in motive element of planed murder perpetrator as well as to find out and analyse the vindication of motive of planed murder perpertator by applying normative legal research method. Aimed to analyze the implementation of positive law norms under statute, case and historical, comparative and conceptual approach. Research result shown that implementation of Article 340 KUHP depends on judge’s point of view poured in his legal considerations. The point of view can be Monistic where motive is not a significance consideration as long as the crime lead to certain legal consequences or dualistic where motive is important to consider in order to determine perpetrator’s grade of guilt (psychologically) since dualistis point of view differentiate between objective element and subjective element (guilt element). To proof that there is motive element in a planed murder, Judge shall apply vindication principle used in Indonesia’s criminal law procedure according to Article 184 KUHP and law number 48 of 2009 concerning judiciary power.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 204-213
Moh. Faqih

The rise of promiscuity and free sex is the reason for a large number of abortion perpetrators in Indonesia. In the enactment of the law stipulated in the Criminal Code (KUHP) regarding abortion, it is very clear that abortion is prohibited as well as from the perspective of Islamic law it is forbidden to abort the fetus unless there is a medical reason that an abortion must be performed. However, in the opinion of Madzhab, there is still a classification of permissibility before the blowing of the spirit and the scholars agree that it is haram to abort the fetus after blowing the spirit. The research approach used in this study is the Normative Juridical Research Method, namely the approach method used in this study is the normative juridical approach or doctrinal legal research, which is legal research that uses secondary data sources. The results of the research conducted by the author are to provide insight to readers so that they better understand the meaning of abortion and also the punishment of the perpetrators of the crime of abortion both in terms of positive law and Islamic criminal law. In finding the comparison of the punishment between positive law and Islamic criminal law lies in the age limit of the fetus that is in the content of the sanction based on Islamic criminal law, the punishment is to pay ghurrah or diyat Kamilah Dari before the blowing of the spirit or after the blowing of the spirit.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 137-150
Dahyul Daipon

The current condition of the Covid-19 pandemic is a time where almost everyone feels social and economic difficulties. Communities whose regions apply restrictions/quarantines are highly dependent on assistance from the government. This paper is a study and analysis of one question how the death penalty can be applied to perpetrators of corruption during the Covid-19 outbreak or pandemic. In the criminal law that applies in Indonesia, the death penalty for perpetrators of criminal acts of corruption is contained in Article 2 paragraph 2 of Law no. 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Corruption Crimes. Meanwhile, in Islamic law, corruption is categorized as jarimah ta'zir. The results of this study conclude that during a pandemic, the death penalty can be applied to corruptors in accordance with the provisions of Article 2 of the Anti-Corruption Law and the provisions of Islamic criminal law as jarimah ta'zir. There are fundamental differences in the application of the death penalty for corruptors according to positive law and Islamic criminal law, especially with regard to the conditions required for the imposition of the death penalty. Even though this seems cruel according to human rights supporters, this needs to be a concern for all law enforcers so that they can carry out strict law enforcement against perpetrators of corruption crimes during the pandemic.

2021 ◽  

H. Patrick Glenn (1940–2014), Professor of Law and former Director of the Institute of Comparative Law at McGill University, was a key figure in the global discourse on comparative law. This collection is intended to honor Professor Glenn's intellectual legacy by engaging critically with his ideas, especially focusing on his visions of a 'cosmopolitan state' and of law conceptualized as 'tradition'. The book explores the intellectual history of comparative law as a discipline, its attempts to push the objects of its study beyond the positive law of the nation-state, and both its potential and the challenges it must confront in the face of the complex phenomena of globalization and the internationalization of law. An international group of leading scholars in comparative law, legal philosophy, legal sociology, and legal history takes stock of the field of comparative law and where it is headed.

Marina Simović ◽  
Vladimir Simović

Life imprisonment is the term for a prison sentence based on which a convicted person remains in prison for their whole life. After the death penalty, it is the severest criminal sanction. Many countries have introduced it in their legislation as a substitute for the death penalty. On the other hand, many legislations have, along with the long-term sentence, introduced the possibility of the convicts’ release, most often conditional release. From the second half of the 20th century onwards, life imprisonment as well as the death penalty has most often been regarded an inhumane and inefficient sanction, given that people sentenced to life imprisonment are considered permanently excluded from society, that is, losing any kind of interest in rehabilitation. This paper analyses the issues related to long-term sentences - life imprisonment in the countries of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) and in the contemporary European criminal law.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 158
Anak Agung Ngurah Riski Wahyudi ◽  
I Nyoman Budiana

This study aims (1) to analyze and find out the efforts to resolve genocide disputes from the perspective of international criminal law, (2) to determine the comparison of resolving genocide disputes that occurred in Rwanda and Myanmar. This type of research uses normative legal research, namely literature study, rules and literature related to genocide, and uses an argumentative descriptive approach. The results of this study explain the efforts and comparisons of resolving genocide disputes that occurred in Rwanda and Myanmar from the perspective of international criminal law. Genocide is an international crime that aims to eliminate ethnicity, ethnicity, race and religion in a systematic and structured manner. Efforts to resolve disputes are carried out in an international criminal manner and are handled by the International Criminal Court. The International Criminal Court is the highest judicial institution, and has the authority to handle international cases. comparative law is a method of investigation with the aim of obtaining deeper knowledge about certain legal materials. Comparative law is not a set of rules and legal principles and is not a branch of law, but is a technique for dealing with foreign legal elements from a legal problem. Court. The International Criminal Court is the highest judicial institution, and has the authority to handle international cases

to-ra ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 57
Nikson Gans Lalu

Death penalty is regulated in positive law of Indonesia, both governed in Civil Code and outside Code of Criminal Law, such in the Terrorism Law, Narcotics Law, and Corruption Crime Act Eradication Law. This indicates that death penalty is viewed as relevant in line with the crime dynamics growing in the community. Debates regarding death penalty among the pros and cons still take place in Indonesia so it raises a question among the people, how the existence of death penalty is seen of the viewpoints of Pancasila and Human Rights? Indeed, Pancasila contains balance value between one principle to another. If the Pancasila is seen partialy, then the answer arises on the question is the death penalty is contradictory to the Pancasila and Human Rights, however some answer also indicate it is not contracdictory to the Pancasila and Human Rights. National Draft Code of Criminal Law consistently retains the death penalty. However, in it‟s formulation policy remains considering the individual protection, namely enactment on provisions regarding “the suspension of death penalty execution” or “conditional death penalty, “if in the probation period (10 years) the convicted criminal does not show a good conduct, then the death penalty may be changed to life time imprisonment or 20 years imprisonment. The basic idea of maintaining the death penalty is to avoid people‟s demand/reaction which is revenge in nature or “extralegal execution” in nature.   Kata Kunci: Pidana mati

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