scholarly journals Potensi lokal Gunung Ijen untuk pemahaman konsep dan berpikir kreatif pengurangan resiko bencana

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-128
Khatriya Tiffani Tamimiya ◽  
I Gusti Putu Suryadarma

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan: (1) kelayakan dan (2) efektifitas LKPD IPA berbasis project based-learning (PjBL) terintegrasi potensi lokal Gunung Ijen dalam meningkatkan pemahaman konsep lapisan Bumi dan berpikir kreatif peserta didik. Penelitian ini mengacu pada model pengembangan 4D. Uji coba empiris dilakukan pada satu kelas eksperimen terdiri dari 28 siswa dan satu kelas kontrol terdiri dari 24 siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa LKPD IPA berbasis PjBL terintegrasi potensi lokal Gunung Ijen layak digunakan sebagai bahan ajar dalam meningkatkan pemahaman konsep dan berpikir kreatif peserta didik dengan kategori sangat baik dengan skor sebesar 3,75 menurut validator ahli materi dan 3,68 menurut validator ahli media. LKPD IPA tersebut efektif meningkatkan pemahaman konsep dan berpikir kreatif dengan signifikansi sebesar 0,000 (sig< 0,05). Pemanfaatan produk dapat digunakan untuk sekolah-sekolah di sekitar kawasan Gunung Ijen. Sekolah yang jauh dari kawasan Gunung Ijen, dapat melakukan modifikasi tentang potensi lokal sesuai dengan daerah masing-masing. Mount Ijen's local potential to understanding concept and creative thinking of disaster risk reduction AbstractThis study aims to reveal: (1) the feasibility and (2) effectiveness of Project Based-Learning (PjBL)-based science student worksheet (LKPD) integrated to Mount Ijen’s local potential in improving the students’ understanding of Earth layer concept and creative thinking.This study refers to the the development model of 4D. The empirical trial was conducted to one experimental class consisting of 28 students and one control class consisting of 24 students. The results show that the developed PjBL-based science LKPD integrated to Mount Ijen’s local potential is worthy of being used as teaching materials by improving the concepts and creative thinking of student understanding with a very good category with the final score of 3.75 according to the material expert validator and 3.68 according to the media expert validator. The developed science LKPD is significantly effective in improving students' understanding of concepts and creative thinking at the significance level of 0.000 (sig < 0.05). It can be used for schools around the area of Mount Ijen. For schools that are extremely far from Mount Ijen, the modifications can be made about the local potential according to their respective regions.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-29
Desy Kumalasari ◽  
Burhanudin Milama ◽  
Evi Sapinatul Bahriah

The aim of this study was to determine the influence of Project Based Learning on creative thinking skills of student on colloid concept. The method used in this study was quasi experiment with non-equivalent control group design. The population in this study was second semester students of SMAN 5 in Bekasi of Academic Years 2014/2015. Samples are class XI MIA-4 as the experimental class (given treatment by project-based learning model), and class MIA XI-2 as the control class (given treatment by lecture method). Data collection techniques were gained through an essay test instrument. Data value of the average pretest-posttest control group and experimental group were analyzed using t-test. The average of pretest score for control class is 19.89 and experiment class is 18.11, while the average of postest score of control class is 24.5 and experimental class is 29.35. The t-test result showed that tcount (7.35) was greater than ttable (2.0049) with significance level 5%, so the research hypothesis which states that there are significant influence of project-based learning to the creative thinking skills of students on colloid concept are accepted. In order to obtain the greatest number of information about creative thinking skills, when implemented project based learning must consider several things, that are: time management, formulation of the problem, step of project work, and assessment systems should be informed to the students in a clear and focused so that students can understand and have a passion in running the project.  Keywords: Project Based Learning, Creative Thinking, Colloid.

Aria Septi Anggaira ◽  
Zainal Rafli

The aim of the study is to find out the effect of learning model and creative thinking ability on students' recount writing skill. It was an experimental study with 2x2 factorial design and analysed using two-factor ANOVA at 0.05 significance level. The sample was 32 students and divided into two groups, namely experiment and control. The data were collected using recount writing test in English and creative thinking ability test. The research finding showed: (1) the students' recount writing skill taught by project-based learning model was higher than by genre-based learning model, (2) there was interaction between learning model and creative thinking ability on students' recount writing skill, (3) the students' recount writing skill with high creative thinking ability taught by project-based learning model was higher than those by genre-based learning model, and (4) the students' recount writing skill with low creative thinking ability taught by project-based learning model was lower than those by genre-based learning model.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 201-214
Joko Krismanto Harianja

Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kreatif dan komunikasi matematis siswa SMP kelas VII dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran Project Based Learning (PjBL) serta untuk mengetahui apakah keterampilan berpikir kreatif siswa memiliki hubungan positif terhadap komunikasi matematis siswa. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMP XYZ kota Bogor. Adapun kegiatan pada proses pembelajaran ini adalah merancang mathematics board games. Mix method merupakan jenis metode penelitian yang dilakukan dengan teknik pengambilan data dengan wawancara terhadap 5 orang responden, kuesioner dan observasi. Analisa kualitatif dilakukan secara triangulasi. Sedangkan untuk analisa kualitatif dengan menggunakan data yang diperoleh dari instrumen rubrik indikator keterampilan berpikir kreatif dan komunikasi matematis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi PjBL dapat meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kreatif dan komunikasi matematis siswa. Secara kuantitatif dengan menggunakan uji statistik korelasi Pearson, diketahui keterampilan berpikir kreatif memiliki hubungan positif dengan keterampilan berpikir kreatif. Abstract: The purpose of this study is to improve the creative thinking skills and mathematical communication of VII grade junior high school students by applying the Project Based Learning (PjBL) learning model and to find out whether students 'creative thinking skills have a positive correlation with students' mathematical communication skill. This research was conducted at SMP XYZ in Bogor. The activities in this learning process are designing mathematics board games. Mix method as the research methodology that is used with data collection techniques by interviewing 5 respondents, questionnaires and observations. Qualitative analysis is done by triangulation. Whereas for quanitative analysis using data obtained from the rubric instrument of creative thinking skills and mathematical communication indicators. The implementation of PjBL could improve students' creative thinking skills and mathematical communication. Quantitatively using the Pearson correlation statistical test, it is known that creative thinking skills have a positive relationship with creative thinking skills.

Yeon Kim ◽  
Suk Lee ◽  
Changsun Ahn

Project-based learning is one of the popular and promising approaches in engineering education. The current study reports on a curriculum that was designed and implemented by a graduate school to help students gain knowledge and creative thinking skills through collaboration between different majors during industrial projects in a graduate course on home appliance engineering. The students selected the topics, planned the project, conducted research, produced a prototype, and presented their results under the guidance of a group of advisors consisting of professors, technical advisors, and industry mentors. A quantitative analysis showed that this approach was effective in improving the students’ attitude toward engineering. Furthermore, a qualitative analysis showed that this learning method helped students learn how to communicate and present effectively, to flexibly approach projects, and to understand the practices of industrial research. Based on the findings, the current study discusses how the project-based learning helped students advance.

2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-26
Sadia Sharmin

Computer science is a fast-growing field in today’s digitized age, and working in this industry often requires creativity and innovative thought. An issue within computer science education, however, is that large introductory programming courses often involve little opportunity for creative thinking within coursework. The undergraduate introductory programming course (CS1) is notorious for its poor student performance and retention rates across multiple institutions. Integrating opportunities for creative thinking may help combat this issue by adding a personal touch to course content, which could allow beginner CS students to better relate to the abstract world of programming. Research on the role of creativity in computer science education (CSE) is an interesting area with a lot of room for exploration due to the complexity of the phenomenon of creativity as well as the CSE research field being fairly new compared to some other education fields where this topic has been more closely explored. To contribute to this area of research, this article provides a literature review exploring the concept of creativity as relevant to computer science education and CS1 in particular. Based on the review of the literature, we conclude creativity is an essential component to computer science, and the type of creativity that computer science requires is in fact, a teachable skill through the use of various tools and strategies. These strategies include the integration of open-ended assignments, large collaborative projects, learning by teaching, multimedia projects, small creative computational exercises, game development projects, digitally produced art, robotics, digital story-telling, music manipulation, and project-based learning. Research on each of these strategies and their effects on student experiences within CS1 is discussed in this review. Last, six main components of creativity-enhancing activities are identified based on the studies about incorporating creativity into CS1. These components are as follows: Collaboration, Relevance, Autonomy, Ownership, Hands-On Learning, and Visual Feedback. The purpose of this article is to contribute to computer science educators’ understanding of how creativity is best understood in the context of computer science education and explore practical applications of creativity theory in CS1 classrooms. This is an important collection of information for restructuring aspects of future introductory programming courses in creative, innovative ways that benefit student learning.

Robby Putra Prakoso ◽  
Neneng Sutjiati ◽  
Ahmad Dahidi

Kemampuan berbicara merupakan hal penting bagi pembelajar bahasa Jepang. Masalah yang sering ditemukan pada siswa dalam pembelajaran keterampilan berbicara bahasa Jepang yaitu di antaranya siswa sering kali merasa bingung dan tidak percaya diri untuk berbicara bahasa Jepang. Hal ini dikarenakan kurangnya latihan pada keterampilan berbicara. Berdasarkan latar belakang di atas, peneliti melaksanakan penelitian mengenai efektivitas penggunaan kartu identitas bahasa Jepang terhadap kemampuan berbicara siswa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas penggunaan media kartu identitas terhadap kemampuan berbicara bahasa Jepang. Selain itu, tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tanggapan siswa mengenai media kartu identitas. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode eksperimen kuasi dan dengan desain penelitian one group pre-test-post-test design. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa tes lisan dan angket.  Sampel yang digunakan adalah siswa XI IPS SMAN 2 Bandung tahun ajaran 2015/2016 sebanyak 20 orang. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan perolehan nilai rata-rata siswa sebelum diterapkannya media kartu identitas yaitu sebesar 12,95 dan setelah diterapkannya media kartu identitas meningkat menjadi 23,8. Berdasarkan perhitungan statistik komparasional didapatkan hasil thitung sebesar 29,73 dan ttabel pada taraf signifikansi 5% adalah 2,09 dan taraf signifikansi 1% adalah 2,86, ini berarti  thitung >ttabel , maka Hk diterima dan Ho ditolak. Sehingga dapat diinterpretasikan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara keterampilan berbicara bahasa Jepang siswa sebelum dan sesudah diterapkannya media kartu identitas. Kemudian, berdasarkan hasil analisis data angket, sebagian besar siswa memberikan respons positif terhadap media kartu identitas untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara bahasa Jepang.Speaking competency is important for Japanese language learners. Problems cited by the students in learning the Japanese language speaking skills are among the students often feel confused and insecure to speak Japanese. This is due to lack of exercise on speaking skills. Based on the above background, the researchers conducted research on the effectiveness of the use of identity cards Japanese against their speaking ability. The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of media use identity cards to the ability to speak Japanese. Moreover, the purpose of this study was to determine the response of the media student identity card. This research is a quantitative research using quasi-experimental methods and research design one group pre-test-post-test design. Instruments used in the form of an oral test and a questionnaire. The samples used were students XI IPS SMAN 2 Bandung 2015/2016 school year as many as 20 people. The result showed the acquisition value of the average student prior to the implementation of the identity card media that is equal to 12.95 and the introduction of an identity card media increased to 23.8. Based on statistical calculation results obtained komparasional thitung 29.73 and ttable at significance level of 5% was 2.09 and 1% significance level was 2.86, this means thitung> ttabel, then Hk Ho accepted and rejected. So that it can be interpreted that there are significant differences between Japanese speaking skills of students before and after the implementation of media identification card. Then, based on data analysis questionnaires, most students give positive response to the media the identity card to improve his skills speak Japanese.

Muhammad Abror

The ability to think creatively is an important ability in mathematics to deal with the demands of the 21st century. One learning model that can improve students' mathematical creative thinking skills is Project Based Learning. This study aims to determine the improvement of students' mathematical creative thinking abilities through Project Based Learning using Transformation Gymnastics and Tetris GeoGebra. Research instruments used in this study is a test in the form of description, consisting of pretest and posttest that measures the ability of mathematical creative thinking including fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration. Data analysis includes tests of normality, homogeneity, and t-test using SPSS application assistance. The results showed that there was a significant increase in the value of students' creative thinking abilities, both in classrooms with Project Based Learning using Transformation Gymnastics and in classrooms with Project Based Learning using Tetris GeoGebra. There was no significant difference between the average posttest in the two classes. Thus, the two project tasks used in this Project Based Learning can be used in learning Transformation material.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 60
Mahyudin Mahyudin

The media is very instrumental and has a strategic function that directly or indirectly can affect motivation, interest and attention for young children in learning. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of PAUD teacher learning media in Jambi Province. The method used is descriptive quantitative cluster sampling technique, in this case the District and City in Jambi Province as the cluster. The number of early childhood education units (schools) include TK / RA, KB, TPA, and SPS, totaling 7,584. Then every District and City was selected by 10% randomly PAUD teachers from each school. So the number of samples was 758. The research instrument was a questionnaire or Media Perception Evaluation Scale (MPES) questionnaire containing 28 question items. Data for all parameters using a Microsoft Excel database. Pearson correlation was used to study the correlation between variables and independent t-test was used to compare groups with SPSS version 22. All statistical analyzes were carried out at a significance level of 5% and P <0.05 was considered statistically significant. The results of the study show that learning media plays an important role in the learning process for PAUD children in Jambi Province. As a result 59.6% answered strongly agree. Through the SPSS analyst results where the most influential visual media statements in PAUD teacher learning in Jambi province are statements 18,19,20,21 and 22 where 100% stated that visual media can provide motivation, whereas statements that had no effect were statements 17 where only 50.4% stated that visual media can provide motivation. It can be concluded that the use of learning media in early childhood is very instrumental to motivate, stimulate, explore and experiment.

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