scholarly journals The effectiveness of family welfare movement program in slums

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
Asih Kuswardinah

This ex-post-facto research aims to: ¹⁾ describe the implementation of Family Welfare Movement Program (PKK) in slums, as well as responses to the assessment of PKK members regarding the effectiveness of 10 PKK programs implementation; ²⁾ identify skills PKK members are interested in as additional capital to improve income. The research took location at Deliksari Village, a new developing area in Semarang. The total respondents are 58 people determined by purposive sampling. The data collection tool is questions with multiple answers corroborated by the results of in-depth interviews with management, some members and field observations. The study found: ¹⁾ the achievement of program implementation percentage included:  ͣ⁾ the average achievement of workgroup I is 16.58 in high category; ᵇ⁾ the average achievement of workgroup II is 15.03 in medium category; ᶜ⁾ the average achievement of workgroup III is 22.12 in medium category, ᵈ⁾ the average achievement of workgroup IV is 29.96 in medium category; ᵉ⁾ the average achievement of workgroup I to IV is 84.48 in medium category; ²⁾ the highest percentage is from residents choosing “baking cookies” skill (63.79 percent). The research conclusion stipulates: ¹⁾ the members routine implementing programs of each workgroup should be routinely monitored by the management of relevant workgroups, then the management strives for facilities and infrastructure for cake making activities; ²⁾ the management encourages members to develop "communication" intensely to implement messages; ³⁾ PKK chairman periodically, formally and informally, motivates the workroup leaders to focus on monitoring and reminding members to implement program messages.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 113
Rifdarmon Rifdarmon ◽  
Ambiyar Ambiyar ◽  
Wakhinuddin Wakhinuddin

<p class="StyleAuthorBold"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis hubungan kompetensi dosen dalam mengajar terhadap hasil belajar mahasiswa. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian <em>ex post facto</em>. Responden penelitian sebanyak 38 orang. Penelitian menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data berupa angket yang disebar kepada mahasiswa yang mengikuti mata kuliah Listrik dan Elektronika Otomotif. Alat pengumpul data adalah <em>Google document. </em>Teknik analisis data menggunakan korelasi berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara kompetensi dosen dalam mengajar dan hasil belajar mahasiswa.</p><p> </p><p class="StyleAuthorBold"><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p><p><em>The purpose of this research was to analyze the relationship between lecturers' competences in teaching and student learning outcomes. The method used a quantitative with the type of ex post facto research. Research respondents were 38 people. The study used a data collection technique in the form of a questionnaire distributed to students who took the Electrical and Automotive Electronics course. Data collection tool was Google document. Data analysis techniques used multiple correlation. The results showed that there was a relationship between lecturers’ competences in teaching and student learning outcomes.</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Hodiyanto Hodiyanto ◽  
Muhamad Firdaus

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menunjukkan bahwa kemandirian belajar, kebiasaan berpikir, dan kreativitas dapat dijadikan sebagai prediktor terhadap kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan bentuk penelitiannya berupa penelitian ex post facto. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah teknik pengukuran dan komunikasi tidak langsung sehingga alat pengumpul data yang digunakan adalah tes HOTS dan angket. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh mahasiswa semester I program studi pendidikan matematika IKIP PGRI Pontianak. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik cluster random sampling dan diperoleh satu kelas sebagai sampel penelitian dengan jumlah mahasiswa sebanyak 30 orang. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan statistik inferensial, regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: kemandirian belajar dapat dijadikan prediktor terhadap HOTS, kebiasaan berpikir dapat dijadikan prediktor terhadap HOTS, kreativitas dapat dijadikan prediktor terhadap HOTS, dan kemandirian belajar, kebiasaan berpikir, dan kreativitas secara simultan dapat dijadikan sebagai prediktor terhadap HOTS. Selain itu, hasil penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa yang dapat mempengaruhi HOTS tidak hanya model atau strategi pembelajaran saja, tetapi ada variabel lain yang bisa berpengaruh terhadap HOTS seperti kemandirian belajar, kebiasaan berpikir, dan kreativitas.   AbstractThe purpose of this research was to show that self regulated learning, habit of mind, and creativity could be used as predictors of high order thinking skills (HOTS). This research used quantitative method, ex post facto research. Data collection techniques used measurement and indirect communication techniques and data collection tool that used was HOTS test and questionnaire. The population were all undergraduate students of the first semester of mathematics education study program IKIP PGRI Pontianak. The sample of this research was taken by using the random cluster sampling technique and one class was obtained as a research sample with 30 students. Data analysis techniques in this study used inferential statistics, multiple regression. Based on the result of research, it was found that: self regulated learning could be a predictor of HOTS, habits of mind could be predictor of HOTS, creativity could be predictor of HOTS, and self regulated learning, habit of mind, and creativity simultaneously could be used as predictors of HOTS. The results of this study also indicated that the influence of HOTS was not only the model or learning strategy used but there were other variables like self regulated learning, habit of mind, and creativity.

Nilam Permatasari Munir

The study aims to analyze the descriprition of metacognitive awareness toward learning result of mathematics directly and indirectly through learning motivation of grade XI IPA student of public senior high school in Pareparecity. The study is an ex-post facto which casuality. The populations of the study were 520 grade XI IPA students of SMAN inParepare of academic years 2013/2014 with as many as 221 samples. Technique used in selecting the samples was proporsional random sampling. The instrument used for the study were (1) scale of metacognitive awareness, (2) scale of intrapersonal intelligence, (3) scale of learning motivation, (4) scale of attitude on mathematics and (5) test of mathematics learning outcomes. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics analysis and SEM (Structural Equation Modelling) analysis. The results of the study indicate that (1) most of grade XI IPA students at SMAN in Parepare has metacognitive awareness with high category, learning motivation is in extremely high category, the learning result is in low category, (2) metacognitive awarenees directly give positif influence toward learning result of Mathematics and indirectly gives negative influence toward cognitive learning result of Mathematics through motivation learning.

José G. Vargas-Hernández ◽  
Jovanna Nathalie Cervantes Guzmán ◽  
Guillermo Vázquez-Ávila

The objective of this chapter is to develop a model of the behavior of the ecological consumer in order to know the motivations that influence the decision to purchase organic products in citizens from 25 to 45 years of Mexico. The methodology used in the research is qualitative. It was carried out through the non-experimental design, and with respect to the data collection tool, in-depth interviews were carried out. The results obtained with respect to the factors that influence the purchase decision of the products are accepted the general hypothesis. One of the limitations that the study faced was a limited literature regarding studies related to it in the case of Mexico.

2013 ◽  
Vol 16 ◽  
pp. 183-199
Dwi Rahdiyanta

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh gambaran faktor situasional, factor, pilihan bidang keahlian teknik mesin dan determinasi faktor situasional dan faktor psikologis dalam pemilihan bidang keahlian teknik mesin di SMK di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Penelitian yang dilakukan merupakan penelitian korelasional dan bersifat ex-post facto. Penelitian dilakukan di SMK Kelompok Teknologi dan Rekayasa pada Bidang Keahlian Teknik Mesin negeri dan swasta di wilayah Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Data dianalisis dengan analisis deskriptif, analisis regresi dan analisis jalur. Hasil analisis deskriptif menunjukkan bahwa 1) skor untuk faktor situasional termasuk dalam kategori tinggi,  skor untuk faktor psikologis termasuk dalam kategori tinggi, dan skor pilihan bidang keahlian teknik mesin di SMK  termasuk dalam kategori tinggi, 2) ada pengaruh faktor situasional dan psikologis terhadap pemilihan bidang keahlian teknik mesin SMK di Yogkarta.Kata kunci: faktor situasional, faktor psikologis, determinasi bidang keahlian teknik mesin SMK ______________________________________________________________DETERMINANT FACTOR IN THE CHOISE OF THE MECHANICAL ENGINEERING EXPERTISE PROGRAM IN VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOLS Abstract This study aims to describe situational and psychological factors,  the choice of the mechanical engineering skill program, and  determinations of situational and psychological factors on the choice of the mechanical engineering skill program in VHSs in the Yogyakarta Special Territory. This was a correlational study which was ex post facto in nature. It was conducted in public and private VHSs belonging to the technology and engineering cluster in the Mechanical Engineering Skill Program in the Yogyakarta Special Territory. The data were analyzed using the descriptive analysis, regression analysis, and path analysis. The results of the descriptive analysis show that 1) the scores of situational factors are in the high category, those of psychological factors are in the high category, and that of the choice of the mechanical engineering skill program in VHSs is in the high category, and 2) there are effects of situational and psychological factors on the choice of the mechanical engineering skill program in VHSs in Yogyakarta.Keywords: determinant factors, Mechanical Engineering Skill Program

2020 ◽  
Risna Srinawati ◽  
Fatoni Achmad

This study aims to determine: 1) How is the discipline of Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah Labakkang Madrasah teachers, 2) How is the learning motivation of students in Madarasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah Labakkang, and 3) How is the influence of teacher discipline on the learning motivation of students in Madarasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah Labakkang. This type of research is classified as quantitative with the approach used is the ex post facto approach. The population/sample of this study is high class students. Furthermore, the data collection method used was a questionnaire. Then, the data processing and analysis techniques used are descriptive statistical analysis and statistical statistical analysis. The results obtained in this study indicate that: 1) Discipline of teachers in Muhammadiyah Labakkang Madrasah Ibtidaiyah at intervals of 61-65 which is at a frequency of 16 or 40%. 2) The students' learning motivation in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah Labakkang is at intervals of 61-65 which is at a frequency of 20 or 50%. 3) There is a significant influence of teacher discipline on student learning motivation in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah Labakkang, it can be known based on the coeeficiens table (α), the value of tcount = 6.952 is obtained. The value of ttabel can be found obtained 1,684 so comparing ttabelandtcount turns out tcount = 6.952&gt;ttabel = 1.684, then Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted so that there is an influence between teacher discipline (x1) on learning motivation (y) in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah Labakkang.

Nelly Astuti ◽  
Fadhilah Khairani ◽  
Frida Destini ◽  
Sulistyawati Sulistyawati

This study aimed to determine the role of scout extracurricular activities toward student characters, between the learning environment at school and the student characters, and between scout extracurricular activities and the learning environment at school along with students’ characters. The research adopted an ex-post-facto correlation with a total population of 112 students and 54 of them were taken as samples. Observation and questionnaires were used for data collection. Product Moment Correlation and Multiple Correlation were undertaken to analyze the collected data. Based on the analysis, the results of the study indicated that there was a relationship between scout extracurricular activities and learning environment at school toward students’ characters.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 87
Erna Galuh Septyani

The purposes of this research were (1) descriptively that to find out considers discipline of students, learning motivation, and  learning method (2) correlationally which was to know relationship among discipline of students, learning motivation, and learning method with students mathematic achievement to eight grade student’s of Junior High School in Piyungan district on 2013/2014 academic year. This research is ex post facto. The population of this research was all students of class VIII in Piyungan district on 2013/2014 academic year with sample size was 112 students. The sampling technique use was cluster random sampling. The techniques of collecting data use questionnaire and test. The techniques of analyzing data applied were regression and correlation analysis. Before that, the testing of precondition analysis used which normality, linearity, multicolinierity analyses. The result of research shows descriptively it considers discipline of students in very high category, considers learning motivation in high category, considers learning method in high category, considers students mathematic achievement in high category. While correlatively that there were positive relationship and significant among discipline of students, learning motivation, learning method with students mathematic achievement with grouply or separately

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 182-192
Fellyanus Habaora

This research uses an ex post facto design because researchers only took data from the Education Budget from in 2013-2019 which was subsequently concluded to be a conclusion. This research uses data collection with documentation techniques. Information can be obtained through facts stored in the form of documents. This research was conducted for 6 months, namely January-June 2019. Posture of APBD in Kota Kupang shows two different paradigms, namely the period 2013-2016 shows the proportion for indirect expenditure (apparatus expenditure) is higher than direct expenditure (expenditure for the public), while the 2017-2019 period shows that direct expenditure on society is greater than indirect expenditure for apparatus. Then the posture APBD of Education for the period 2013-2017 shows that alignments government to expenditure public are still very weak because indirect expenditure is greater than direct expenditure, but the period 2013-2017 showed a significant increase in direct expenditure compared to indirect expenditure. Likewise, the commitment of Kota Kupang Government to the implementation of the National Education System Law shows that the support Kota Kupang Government in the 2013-2017 period against the provisions Law tends to weaken because of the proportion of the education budget from the total APBD in decreased significantly from 42.36% to 25.75%. While the 2017-2019 period shows the existence of the government's partiality towards the world of education where Kota Kupang Government in addition to increasing the direct expenditure budget that oriented to reduce the burden on the households of its population also increases the education budget posture from 25.75% to 29.56%. In general, factors of leadership and commitment to development of public welfare have more influence on the preparation of budget postures in APBD Kota Kupang.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-62
Dadang Saepuloh

This study aims to determine the effect of parental socioeconomic status and tutoring on students' learning achievement of economic subjects in class XI of the social studies program at SMA 10 Tangerang. The sample in this study were 54 students in SMA 10 Tangerang. This research is ex-post facto research. The variables of this study are economic learning achievement, socioeconomic status, and tutoring. Data collection techniques use questionnaires and documentation. The analytical method used is multiple regression analysis. From the results of the study, the following conclusions are obtained: (1) socioeconomic status does not affect the learning achievement of Economics subjects which is indicated by a sig value of 0.184 more than 0.1. (2) learning guidance has an effect on economic learning achievement which is indicated by a sig value of 0.030 smaller than 0.1. (3) socioeconomic status and tutoring have a positive effect on economic learning achievement which is indicated by a sig value of 0.046 smaller than 0.1. R2 value of 0.113 means that 11.3% of the learning achievement of Economics subjects is explained by socioeconomic status and tutoring. While 88.7% is explained by other factors not examined in this study.

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