scholarly journals Seaweed Selection to Supply Superior Seeds for Cultivation

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 79
Nelly Hidayanti Sarira ◽  
Petrus Rani Pong-Masak

Seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii is a pre-eminent commodity in the field of marine and fisheries Indonesia which has been widely cultivated in coastal waters. Currently, the main problem faced by the cultivators is the limited stock of seeds, both in terms of quality and quantity. Selection is one method that is expected to increase the rate of seaweed growth quickly, cheap, easy, bulk, and sustainable.This study aims to determine the effect of selection on the growth of seaweed so that it can be done superior seed production for cultivation purposes. Seaweed cultivation was done in Kulu Village, Wori District, North Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi by using long line method in April-June 2015. Selection is based on the daily growth rate parameter (DGR) and the selection method refers to the selection protocol that has been developed on K. alvarezii seaweed. Results showed that DGR of selection seedlings were higher (P <0.05) compared to controls, in which DGR of selection reached 5.87%/day, while DGR of control was 1.89%/day. From three seed production cycles (G-1 - G-3), the average DGR resulted from the selection was 5.53%/day and control 2.19%/day. Carrageenan content of selection result is relatively higher (47.66%) than control (31.28%) with mean for three cycle (G-1 - G-3) that is 43.55% for selection and 33.20% for control. Water quality (temperature, salinity, nitrate, phosphate) during the study is still within the appropriate range for seaweed growth. Therefore it is concluded that with the application of the method of seaweed selection can increase the daily growth rate and carrageenan content of seaweed K. alvarezii which directly affects the increase of production both in quantity and quality.

2020 ◽  
Vol 147 ◽  
pp. 01011
Petrus Rani Pong-Masak ◽  
Nelly Hidayanti Sarira

Seaweed of Kappaphycus alvarezii is generally cultivated by the long line method through the water surface. The verticulture method might be an alternative method by using water column. This research aimed to evaluate the effects of depth on the growth and carrageenan content of K. alvarezii which was cultivated vertically. Cultivation was carried out in the floating raft (10 x 10 m)2 contained of 36 vertical nets. The size of each net was 5 x 2 m2 whereas the depth was 0.2, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 m. Seaweed seedlings of 50 g was each tied to the vertical nets; the distance between the knot was 20 cm. The results showed that the depth was significantly different to the daily growth rate of K. alvarezii (p<0.05) but did not affect carrageenan content (p>0.05). Therefore, this method might be applied as an alternative method to optimally increase seaweed production in narrow area without affecting seaweed quality.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Harnoto H ◽  
Joppy D Mudeng ◽  
Lukas L.J.J Mondoringin

The study aimed to determine the growth of seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii cultured using different type of rope ris with different conditions. The study was conducted over 64 days, starting on September 1 to November 3, 2014 Village Jaya Karsa, North Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi. The experiment was designed according to 2x3 factorial experiment in a completely randomized design (CRD). Two factors were tested, namely rope ris type and conditions. Factors ris types strap consisted of two type: Monofilament nylon and Multifilament PE. Factor conditions of ris rope consisted of three levels, namely: new, used cleaned, and the former was not cleaned, so there were 6 treatments. Experiment container was floating longlines. One unit consisted of 3 longline trial. Length per longline 28.80 m, 18 pieces of string length of rope ris 1.6 m each strap was 7 point planting, planting the overall number of points 378 points planting. K. alvarezii seaweed seedlings obtained from Jaya Karsa farmers. Weighing was done 4 times, weighing early, 1 week, 2 weeks, and at the end of week 3, using a digital scale with a precision of 1 g. Accretion weight was calculated to be the absolute growth rate (g) and daily growth rate (%). The results showed that the absolute growth and the daily growth of seaweed K. alvarezii not significantly influenced by different type and condition of the rope ris. Keywords : Kappaphycus alvarezii, long line, Multifilament PE, Monofilament nylon.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 39
Fitriyah Husnul Khotimah ◽  
Gusti Ngurah Permana ◽  
Ibnu Rusdi ◽  
Bambang Susanto

Masalah utama yang umum terjadi pada produksi benih abalon adalah kematian yang tinggi (> 90%) setelah abalon menempel pada plate pemeliharaan. Penggunaan pakan dalam bentuk tepung untuk mengganti diatom sebagai pakan postlarva beberapa spesies ikan, udang, dan abalon sudah dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan jenis pakan dalam bentuk tepung yang sesuai dan efektif untuk mendukung sintasan dan pertumbuhan larva abalon Haliotis squamata. Percobaan terdiri atas lima perlakuan pakan pada pemeliharaan larva abalon yaitu tepung Spirulina sp., Ulva sp., Chaetoceros sp., Gracilaria sp., dan diatom (kontrol). Masing-masing perlakuan terdiri atas empat ulangan. Pakan berupa tepung yang digunakan pada masing-masing perlakuan, terlebih dahulu dicampur merata dengan larutan tepung agar (7,5 mg/mL dalam air laut; suhu 40°C) dengan konsentrasi tepung 40 mg/mL larutan agar. Pemberian pakan dilakukan setiap tiga hari dengan cara menyemprotkan larutan pakan pada permukaan plate pemeliharaan larva. Penelitian dilakukan selama 30 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sintasan larva abalon yang diberi pakan tepung Spirulina sp. paling tinggi dan berbeda nyata (P<0,05) dengan yang diberi diatom, tepung Chaetoceros sp., dan Ulva sp., yaitu masing-masing 81,49%; 79,25%; 76,57%; dan 76,46%; tetapi tidak berbeda nyata dengan yang diberi pakan tepung Gracilaria sp. 81,37% (P>0,05). Laju pertumbuhan harian panjang cangkang larva abalon tertinggi diperoleh pada larva yang diberi pakan tepung Gracilaria sp. (203,81 ± 1,23 µm/hari) dan Spirulina sp. (205,59 ± 1,71 µm/hari). Nilai laju pertumbuhan harian panjang cangkang larva abalon yang paling rendah dijumpai pada larva yang diberi pakan tepung Ulva sp. (146,07 ± 1,73 µm/hari).The most common problem in abalone seed production is the high mortality occurrence (> 90%) after postlarvae settlement to the rearing plates. The use of microparticle diets to replace the natural feed of postlarval has been performed on various species of fish, shrimp, and abalone. This research aims to determine the most effective and suitable powder-based feed to support the survival and growth of abalone Haliotis squamata larvae. The experiments consisted of five feed treatments, i.e., Spirulina sp., Ulva sp., Chaetoceros sp., and Gracilaria sp. Flour, and diatoms (as control). Each treatment had four replicates. The powder-based feed used in each treatment was firstly mixed with a solution of agar powder (7.5 mg/mL sea water, 40°C) with a concentration of 40 mg of flour/mL of agar solution. Feeding was done every three days by spraying the feed solution onto the surface of the larval rearing plate. The study was conducted for 30 days. The results showed that survival rate of abalone larvae fed with Spirulina sp. flour was the highest and significantly different (P<0.05) compared with those given diatoms, Chaetoceros sp. and Ulva sp. flours, which were 81.49%, 79.25%, 76.57%, and 76.46%, respectively, and not significantly different from those fed with Gracilaria sp. 81.37% (P>0.05). The highest daily growth rate of the shell length of abalone larvae was achieved by larvae fed with Gracilaria sp. (203.81 ± 1.23 ¼m/day) and Spirulina sp. flours (205.47 ± 1.71 µm/day). The lowest daily growth rate of shell length was found on abalone larvae fed with Ulva sp. flour (146.07 ± 1.73 µm/day).

2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
Meichel Pandensolang ◽  
Indra Salindeho ◽  
Joppy D Mudeng

The objective of this study was to determine the growth of seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii cultivated with Eucheuma denticulatum with different composition. This research was carried out for six weeks, from March to April 2013, in the coastal waters of Sondaken village, Tatapaan District, South Minahasa regency, North Sulawesi. The experiment was designed according to completely randomized design with four treatments and three replications. The four tested treatments were the different composistion of tied seaweed in a long-line raft, where treatment A: 100% K. alvarezii, ; B: 50% K. alvarezii and 50% E. denticulatum, on each culture line, two types of algae were tied in sequence; C: 75% K. alvarezii and 25% E. denticulatum, in which in each line, every three bunch of K. alvarezii was followed by one bunch of E. denticulatum; D: 25% of K. alvarezii and 75% E. denticulatum, on each culture line, every three bunch of E. denticulatum was followed by one bunch of K. alvarezii. Each experimental unit was a 3m x 3,4m rectangular line raft containing four culture lines where the bunch of the tested seaweed were tied. Data collection was performed every two weeks by weighing the tested K alvarezii. The data were statistically analyzed (ANOVA) using JMP statistical program (SAS-institute). The results showed that absolut growth, relative growth and daily growth rate of K. alvarezii was not significantly affected by the tested treatments (Prob> F > 0.5). Thus, the occurence of E. denticulatum in whatever abundance in K. alvarezii cultivation area will not affect the growth of K. alvarezii. Keywords: Seaweed, K. alvarezii, E. denticulatum, growth

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
Susanty Sahabati ◽  
Joppy D. Mudeng ◽  
Lukas L.J.J. Mondoringin

The research aimed to study the growth  of seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii cultured for 42 days  (from May to June 2016) in net pen with different initial weights at Talengen Bay, Island of Sangihe, North Sulawesi Province. The research used Complete Randomized Design with three treatments, each with three replication. The treatments included A: 50 g, B: 100 g, and C: 150 g of initial weight. Data collected were absolute, relative and daily growth.  Data were analyzed using analysis of variance and Least Significance Different Test was used to determine the difference between treatments.  Statistical analysis used JMP (SAS-institute). Research results showed the best absolute growth was achieved in treatment C namely 300.55 g, the best relative growth was observed  in treatment A as much as 284.78% and the best daily growth rate was in treatment A as much as 3.26%. Keywords:  seaweed, net pen, absolut growth, relative growth, daily growth

2016 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 124 ◽  
Ismail Failu ◽  
Eddy Supriyono ◽  
Sugeng Hari Suseno

<p class="NoParagraphStyle"><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p><p class="NoParagraphStyle"><strong> </strong></p><p class="NoParagraphStyle">This study aimed to analyze the quality of <em>Kappaphycus alvarezii </em>seaweed carrageenan cultured using methods basket nets in waters of Baruta, Sangia, Wambulu, District of Buton, Southeast Sulawesi. The study consisted of three treatments in triplicates. Seaweed culture used different cultivation net-basket forms i.e. net-basket box, net-basket lantern, and longline without net-basket (control). Quality of <em>K. alvarezii</em> seaweed obtained in this study varied from each treatments. Daily growth rate in each treatment were not significantly different. Production of seaweed with a net-basket box (201.61 g/m<sup>2</sup>) was higher than the net-basket lanterns (183.22 g/m<sup>2</sup>), but not significantly different from control (196.98 g/m<sup>2</sup>). Carageenan yield value of control (46.74%) was the highest of all treatments. The water content of carrageenan in each treatment was not significantly different and it ranged from 17.20–17.39%. The viscosity of carrageenan in net-basket lantern (179.40 cPs) was the highest of all treatments. Carrageenan gel strength was the best treatment (702.53 g/cm²). As conclusion, using the net-basket lantern  as cultivation method provided quality improvement of carrageenan in <em>K. alvarezii</em> seaweed.</p><p class="NoParagraphStyle"> </p><p class="NoParagraphStyle">Keywords: <em>Kappaphycus alvarezii</em>, cultivation methods, carrageenan quality</p><p class="NoParagraphStyle"><strong> </strong></p><p class="NoParagraphStyle"><strong> </strong></p><p class="NoParagraphStyle"><strong>ABSTRAK</strong><strong></strong></p><p class="NoParagraphStyle"><strong> </strong></p><p class="NoParagraphStyle">Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kualitas karagenan rumput laut <em>Kappaphycus alvarezii </em>yang dibudidaya menggunakan metode keranjang jaring di perairan Baruta, Kecamatan Sangia, Wambulu, Kabupaten Buton Sulawesi Tenggara. Penelitian terdiri atas tiga pelakuan dan tiga ulangan. Pemeliharaan rumput laut dilakukan dengan metode keranjang jaring berbeda yaitu metode keranjang jaring kotak, keranjang jaring lampion, dan longline tanpa menggunakan keranjang jaring (kontrol). Hasil pengamatan kualitas rumput laut <em>K. alvarezii </em>dalam penelitian ini bervariasi dari setiap perlakuan yang diberikan. Laju pertumbuhan harian pada setiap perlakuan tidak berbeda nyata. Produksi rumput laut dengan metode keranjang jaring kotak (201,61 g/m<sup>2</sup>) lebih tinggi dibandingkan jaring lampion (183,22 g/m<sup>2</sup>), namun tidak berbeda nyata dengan kontrol (196,98 g/m<sup>2</sup>). Nilai rendemen karagenan kontrol (46,74%) lebih tinggi dari perlakuan lainnya. Kadar air karagenan pada setiap perlakuan tidak berbeda nyata yaitu berkisar 17,20–17,39%. Viskositas karagenan perlakuan metode keranjang jaring lampion (179,40 cPs) lebih tinggi dibandigkan perlakuan lainnya. Kekuatan gel karagenan perlakuan metode keranjang jaring lampion (702,53 g/cm²) lebih tinggi dibandingkan perlakuan lainnya. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode keranjang jaring lampion memberikan peningkatkan kualitas karagenan rumput laut <em>K. alvarezii </em>yang dibudidayakan.</p><p class="NoParagraphStyle"> </p><p>Kata kunci: <em>Kappaphycus alvarezii</em>, metode budidaya,  kualitas karagenan</p>

Farida . ◽  
Eka Indah Raharjo ◽  
Arnis Maylinda Sari

ABSTRAKPenelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui penggunaan fermentasi bungkil kelapa sawit dalam pakan buatan.Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari 4 perlakuan 3 ulangan.Susunan perlakuan adalah Perlakuan A : bungkil kelapa sawit 12%, Perlakuan B : fermentasi bungkil kelapa sawit 15%, Perlakuan C : fermentasi bungkil kelapa sawit 18%, Perlakuan D : fermentasi bungkil kelapa sawit 21%. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama 60 hari untuk mengetahui laju pertumbuhan spesifikberat, laju pertumbuhan harianpanjang, konversi pakan, kelangsungan hidup dan kualitas air sebagai penunjang.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pemberian pakan buatan dengan fermentasi bungkil kelapa sawit menghasilkan respon yang baik terhadap pertumbuhan ikan gurami. Pemberian pakan buatan dengan fermentasi bungkil kelapa sawit 18% (perlakuan C), memberikan hasil terbaik dengan laju pertumbuhan dengan rata – rata laju pertumbuhan spesifik berat 1.502%, laju pertumbuhan harian panjang 4.06%, nilai konversi pakan rata – rata 3.48 dan kelangsungan hidup rata – rata 90%.Kata Kunci : Fermentasi Bungkil Kelapa Sawit, Ikan Gurami, Laju PertumbuhanThe study aims to determine the use of fermentation residue oil palm in artificial feed .Research using a completely randomized design ( CRD ), which consists of 4 treatment three replications.The composition of the treatment is the treatment  A : 12 % of palm oil cake , Treatment B : fermented palm oil cake 15 % , Treatment C : fermented palm oil cake 18 % , Treatment D : fermentation residue palm oil 21 %.This research was conducted for 60 days to determine the specific growth rate of heavy , long daily growth rate , feed conversion , survival and quality of water as a supporter.The results showed the artificial feeding with fermented palm cake to produce a good response to the growth of carp.Feeding artificially by fermentation cake palm oil 18 % ( treatment C ) , gives the best results with a growth rate with the average - average growth rate of the specific weight of 1.502 % daily growth rate long- 4:06 % , the value of feed conversion average - average 3:48 and median survival - average of 90 % .Keywords : Fermentation Palm Kernel Oil, Fish carp, Growth Rate

2021 ◽  
pp. 003335492110112
Hongjie Liu ◽  
Chang Chen ◽  
Raul Cruz-Cano ◽  
Jennifer L. Guida ◽  
Minha Lee

Objective We quantified the association between public compliance with social distancing measures and the spread of SARS-CoV-2 during the first wave of the epidemic (March–May 2020) in 5 states that accounted for half of the total number of COVID-19 cases in the United States. Methods We used data on mobility and number of COVID-19 cases to longitudinally estimate associations between public compliance, as measured by human mobility, and the daily reproduction number and daily growth rate during the first wave of the COVID-19 epidemic in California, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York. Results The 5 states mandated social distancing directives during March 19-24, 2020, and public compliance with mandates started to decrease in mid-April 2020. As of May 31, 2020, the daily reproduction number decreased from 2.41-5.21 to 0.72-1.19, and the daily growth rate decreased from 0.22-0.77 to –0.04 to 0.05 in the 5 states. The level of public compliance, as measured by the social distancing index (SDI) and daily encounter-density change, was high at the early stage of implementation but decreased in the 5 states. The SDI was negatively associated with the daily reproduction number (regression coefficients range, –0.04 to –0.01) and the daily growth rate (from –0.009 to –0.01). The daily encounter-density change was positively associated with the daily reproduction number (regression coefficients range, 0.24 to 1.02) and the daily growth rate (from 0.05 to 0.26). Conclusions Social distancing is an effective strategy to reduce the incidence of COVID-19 and illustrates the role of public compliance with social distancing measures to achieve public health benefits.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 215
Lisa Rosalia Prayuda ◽  
I Wayan Arthana ◽  
Ayu Putu Wiweka Krisna Dewi

Batur Lake is one of the natural lakes in the province of Bali where the activity of fishing, agriculture, tourism and housing available. This study aims to determine the effect of nitrate relation to the natural growth of the water hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes). Increased water hyacinth biomass in Songan station is the highest among the three other stations (Batur, Buahan, and Trunyan). At the end of the study (day 42 ), water hyacinth biomass of Songan station increased by 338.2 % from the initial weight, while at another station the increase weight  ranges from 75 % -158 %. The highest daily growth rate in Trunyan station 3.68% / day, and the lowest in station Buahan which only reached 0.88% / day. At the Songan station where are many floating net which contribute to increase nitrate. There is a tendency of growth of water hyacinth faster at higher nitrate conditions. Nitrate conditions ranged from 0,35 to 0,62 m /l which shows that the waters of Batur Lake classified into waters that have a high fertility rate (eutrophic).

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