scholarly journals Analisis Kebutuhan Masyarakat dalam Pengembangan Dewi Sambi (Desa Wisata Samiran Boyolali) di Desa Samiran, Kecamatan Selo, Kabupaten Boyolali

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 82
Risky Ayu Andriani ◽  
Agung Ayu Wibowo ◽  
Joko Ayu Winarno

AbstrakDewi Sambi (Desa Wisata Samiran Boyolali) merupakan salah satu bentuk community-based tourism dan merupakan desa wisata unggulan di Kabupaten Boyolali. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kebutuhan masyarakat yang terlibat dalam pengembangan desa wisata. Penelitian ini memilih wilayah di lereng sebelah timur Gunung Merapi di Desa Samiran di Kecamatan Selo Kabupaten Boyolali. Dasar utama pemilihan wilayah ini adalah desa wisata ini mengusung konsep pemberdayaan, dimana aktivitas utamanya berasal dari masyarakat lokal dan hasilnya juga untuk masyarakat lokal. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif yang mengarah ke paradigma konstruktivis. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi kasus yang menyelidiki kebutuhan masyarakat sejalan dengan pengembangan desa wisata.  Analisis kebutuhan dalam penelitian ini digambarkan dalam bentuk diagram pohon masalah. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Miles and Huberman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebutuhan masyarakat yang dirasakan menjadi pemicu dalam pengembangan desa wisata. Aspek partisipasi masyarakat, nilai, norma, penghargaan, dan aktualisasi diri menjadi entitas kebutuhan dalam penelitian ini. Analisis kebutuhan menjadi dasar dalam pengembangan desa wisata Samiran Boyolali. AbstractDewi Sambi (Samiran Boyolali Tourism Village) is a form of community based tourism and is a leading tourism village in Boyolali Regency. This study aims to analyze the needs of the people involved in developing tourist villages. This study chose the area on the eastern slope of Mount Merapi in Samiran Village in Selo District, Boyolali Regency. The main basis for the selection of this region is that the tourist village carries the concept of empowerment, where the main activity comes from the local community and the results are also for local people. The method used in this study is qualitative which leads to the constructivist paradigm. This research uses a case study that investigates community needs in line with the development of a tourist village. The needs analysis in this research is illustrated in the form of a problem tree diagram. Data analysis was performed using the Miles and Huberman method. The results showed that the perceived community needs became a trigger in the development of tourism villages. The aspects of community participation, values, norms, appreciation, and self-actualization are needed entities in this research. Analysis of needs is the basis for developing the Samiran Boyolali tourism village.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 78-91
Agung Wibowo ◽  
Eny Lestari ◽  
Sugihardjo Sugihardjo

Tourism Village of Genilangit can be regarded as one form Community based tourism but in the process of rural tourism development can not be separated from the dynamics of the conflict. This study aimed to analyze the existence of social capital plays an important role in resolving the conflict. This study chose the area on the southern slope of Mount Lawu in Genilangit Village in Poncol District, Magetan Regency. The main basis for the selection of this region is that the development of the Genilangit Tourism Village is the initiator of the local community with the cost and energy of the local community. his research embraces paradigm constructivist with qualitative methods. This research uses a case study, which is an empirical inquiry investigating the strength of social capital values in line with the development of a tourism village. Data analysis was performed by uniting the two approaches is the structural-functional theory and the theory of conflict. The results showed that the values of social capital that are still stored on the community becomes a powerful weapon in conflict resolution in the construction of a tourist village. Entities of social capital in this study from the aspect of participation in a network, resiprocity, trust, values, norms that exist in the local community. social capital is the basis in preparing models of conflict resolution in rural development Tourism Village of Genilangit.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 60-66
Muhammad Johari ◽  
Muhammad Azizurrohman ◽  
Yusuf Setiawan Al-Qusyairi ◽  

The development of community-based tourism has developed quite rapidly. Indonesia is one of the countries that have the potential to develop community based tourism by promoting local culture. Setanggor Village is a tourist village that uses the concept of community-based tourism. Thus, the author wants to know more about Community Based Tourism (CBT) management and the supporting and inhibiting factors of Community Based Tourism (CBT) management in the Setanggor tourist village. Using observation, interview, and documentation techniques, the authors found that the people of Setanggor Village are involved in controlling, managing, and developing tourism. In terms of supporting factors, the village government has quite a lot of development funding assistance. In addition, the village community is quite active in tourism development. However, the social status between communities and the bureaucracy of village organizations became the main problems found.

I. Made Adikampana

Aims: This paper addressed the characteristics of the tourism market to provide consideration to the development of local community-based tourism products in peripheral areas in Badung, Bali, Indonesia. Study Design:  Survey. Place and Duration of Study: Pangsan Tourist Village. The study conducted between June and August 2019. Methodology: Data collected by a visitor survey. The questionnaire employed a structured question to respondents at one time. The questions are related to the characteristics of the respondents. Respondents are tourists visiting peripheral areas and determined by purposive sampling. The number of respondents was 100 tourists. Then the collected data analyzed descriptively to interpret the appropriate market for tourism products of peripheral areas. Results: Tourists in the peripheral areas in Badung dominated by foreign from Europe. More than 80% of tourists come from France, Holland, Germany, England, and Italy. These countries are the main markets. Apart, the source of the tourism market potentially arrives from Australia and China. On the demographic facet, the tourism market is dominated by adults. Jobs related are professionals, managerial, and civil servants who have a solid urban routine every day. In addition, most tourists have high education levels. These characteristics are coherent with tourism products in the peripheral areas. The results also represent that the market has an average night holiday is 20 nights. However, most of the leisure time spent visiting and staying in centers of tourism. These circumstances indicate the dominance of the tourism center and contribute to the lack of community participation in tourism development in the peripheral areas. Conclusion: To promote participation it is important to maintain the suitability between the products and the tourism market. Another consideration is increasing the quality and diversification of attractions; partnerships between tourism actors in peripheral areas with tourism centers; and attracting local and domestic tourists.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-64
Rahmatul Husna Arsyah ◽  
Astri Indah Juwita

Abstract: Nagari Pariangan as the most beautiful tourist village in the world has a place to help the community's economy, increase local revenue (PAD). Local industrial products that have been owned by the community can become souvenirs for visiting tourists. However, in fact Nagari Pariangan does not have the media to promote it. This study aims to analyze the convergence of media in marketing the local industrial handicraft products of the community. This research approach is descriptive qualitative, with data collection methods, namely by means of observation and interviews and literature review. The results of this study reveal that Nagari Pariangan is an area with tourism potential that has become the spotlight of the world, there is a need for a media that helps the community in introducing local Nagari products in order to increase local community income. The main key to convergence is digitization, Nagari Pariangan does not yet have digital media as a forum for supporting community industrial output. Based on the 3C technology dimension (Communication, Compute and Contents), which consists of the IT Industry, Telcom Infrastructure Provides, and the Content Industry. Nagari Pariangan is considered capable of building a digitalized medium, in order to be able to make the economy of the people in areas that have tourism potential much better.     Keywords: convergence; craft produk; media  Abstrak: Nagari Pariangan sebagai desa wisata terindah dunia memiliki wadah untuk membantu perekonomian masyarakat, menambah pendapatan asli daerah (PAD). Hasil Industri lokal yang selama ini dimiliki oleh masyarakat bisa menjadi oleh-oleh bagi wisatawan yang berkunjung. Namun, pada kenyataanya Nagari pariangan belum memiliki media dalam mempromosikannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis konvergensi media dalam memasarkan produk kerajinan industri lokal masyarakat. Metode penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif, dengan metode pengumpulan data yaitu dengan cara observasi dan wawancara serta kajian literatur. Hasil dari penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa Nagari Pariangan merupakan daerah dengan potensi wisata yang sudah menjadi sorotan dunia, dan perlu adanya sebuah media yang membantu masyarakat dalam memperkenal produk lokal nagari agar bisa menambah pendapatan masyarakat setempat. Kunci utama konvergensi adalah digitalisasi, Nagari Pariangan belum memiliki media digital sebagai wadah dalam mendukung hasil industri masyarakat. Berdasarkan dimensi teknologi 3C (Communication, Compute and Contents), yang terdiri dari IT Industry, Telcom Infrastructure Provides, serta Content Industry. Nagari Pariangan dirasa mampu untuk membangun sebuah media yang digitalisasi, agar mampu menjadikan ekonomi masyarakat di daerah yang memiliki potensi wisata jauh lebih baik.Kata kunci: konvergensi; media; produk kerajinan

2021 ◽  
Khamsavay Pasanchay

<p>In many developing countries, Community-Based Tourism (CBT) is regarded as a sustainable tourism development tool as well as a catalyst for rural community development through the involvement of local people and the improvement of the standard of living. To extend the involvement of the local community in CBT, homestay tourism is a form of operation unit and its concept aims to facilitate individual household social-cultural and economic benefit from CBT directly. Although homestays are widely regarded as providing better livelihoods directly to the homestay operators, it is not clear to what extent homestay operations actually contribute to the sustainable livelihood of homestay operators when considering the wider livelihood implications. This research seeks to explore this gap by analysing homestay operators through the lens of Sustainable Livelihood theory (Scoones, 1998). This research adopts a post-positivist paradigm with qualitative methodology. Taking a case study approach, semi-structured interviews and observations were employed to collect primary data from community leaders, heads and deputy heads of the tourist guides, and homestay operators themselves.  Results of the study found that although homestay tourism was initially established by the government. The study also found the main characteristics of the homestay operation are in a small size with a limitation of bedrooms, and a few family members involved in hosting tourists, which are husband, wife, and an adult child. All of these people are unpaid labour but receive benefits from the sharing of food and shelter. The study also uncovered that cash-based income, gender empowerment enhancement, and environmental enhancement were the positive impacts of homestay tourism on the livelihoods of the homestay operators, and these positive livelihood outcomes were in line with the original sustainable livelihood framework. In addition, cultural revitalisation was found as an emerged indicator of the sustainable livelihood outcomes, which was used to extend the revised framework. However, the study discovered that opportunity costs, culture shock, and conflict with villagers were negative implications affecting sustainable livelihood outcomes of the homestay operators. The revised Sustainable Livelihood Framework (SLF) suggests that if these negative implications are mitigated, the overall livelihood outcomes will be even greater. The results of this study are expected to provide a deeper understanding of how the impacts of homestay tourism on the sustainable livelihood of the homestay operators.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 65 (3) ◽  
pp. 627-645 ◽  
David Efendi ◽  
Agustiyara ◽  
Husni Amriyanto Putra

Since 1998, Indonesia has experienced a major transformation in the relationship between the rulers and the ruled. State–society relationships were previously subject-object, military-civilian, or superior-inferior. In other words, the state played a central role in all matters, while civil society ‘Muhammadiyah’ was limited to political and social activities. This tended to negatively impact community involvement in prevention and risk-reduction for natural disasters. This paper examines the role of civil society in disaster management in Indonesia. It does so in relation to the particular example of Yogyakarta, a special province where local values traditionally have more inherent authority than government-imposed law. The paper further discusses how there are important lessons for the future to be drawn from a Yogyakarta case study of how the national government has generally failed to build a private–public partnership and state–society relationship to deal with natural disasters based on local community needs.

Murtuza Al-Mueed ◽  
Md Rafique Ahasan Chawdhery ◽  
Emmanuel Harera ◽  
Riyadh A. Alhazmi ◽  
Abdulmajeed M. Mobrad ◽  

Flood early warning (FEW) is a vital component of disaster risk management and is particularly important for saving lives, developing a sustainable agro-based economy, economic stability, and the overall development of the people of Bangladesh as well as others. This study was conducted in a northern, flood-prone area of Bangladesh to investigate the potential of incorporating volunteers of the community to the Union Councils (UCs) to disseminate FEW alongside the top-down approach. Several studies have found that despite having a sophisticated flood forecasting technology, local communities are not reaping the benefits of it, as the existing dissemination system is inaccessible to most local people. Since risk communication takes place in a social context, this study investigated and thereby proposed that volunteerism, as a form of social capital or communal virtue, can potentially assist the community-based disaster management (CBDM) institutions in enhancing their capacity to reach the maximum population at times of flood risk. Therefore, it was confirmed that the trained volunteers need to be integrated into and endorsed by the national policy. In addition, this study also provides a number of recommendations connecting literature with policy documents of Bangladesh.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Ni Wayan Juniari ◽  
Luh Putu Mahyuni

Peningkatan kunjungan wisatawan ke suatu destinasi wisata selain membawa manfaat positif juga meninggalkan dampak negatif. Peran manajer sangat signifikan untuk memastikan operasional perusahaan pengelola destinasi wisata dapat mendukung perekonomian masyarakat lokal dan tidak merusak lingkungan, sehingga terwujud praktik bisnis berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengeksplorasi bagaimana corporate social responsibility (CSR) dipraktikkan untuk dapat mewujudkan pariwisata berbasis masyarakat berkelanjutan. Untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian, penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus dilakukan di kawasan wisata Monkey Forest Ubud, Gianyar, Bali. Berlandaskan pada konsep CSR dan pariwisata berbasis masyarakat, data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara kemudian dianalisis secara kualitatif dengan bantuan software NVivo12. Penelitian ini mengindikasikan bahwa Monkey Forest Ubud mengimplementasikan berbagai bentuk CSR yang memungkinkan masyarakat lokal berpartisipasi penuh dalam operasional kawasan wisata dan memperoleh manfaatnya secara langsung. Penelitian ini memberikan inspirasi mengenai bagaimana suatu destinasi/kawasan wisata dapat mengimplementasikan CSR untuk memastikan terwujudnya bisnis berkelanjutan dan pada saat bersamaan berkontribusi bagi pengembangan pariwisata berbasis masyarakat berkelanjutan.   Increasing tourist arrivals in a touristic area, besides bringing positive impacts also leaving negative footprints. The role of managers is significant to ensure that the business operational supports the local community and preserve the environment, so as sustainable business can be attained. This study aims at exploring how corporate social responsibility (CSR) is practiced to develop sustainable community-based tourism. To address the research objective, a qualitative case study was conducted at Ubud Monkey Forest, Gianyar, Bali. Guided by the concept of CSR and community-based tourism, data was collected through interviews and analyzed qualitatively with the help of NVivo12 software. This research indicates that Ubud Monkey Forest implements various CSR activities that allow the local community to participate in the operational of the forest and obtain the benefits from the operational. This research exemplifies how a tourist destination could implement CSR to ensure business sustainability and at the same time contribute to the development of sustainable community-based tourism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (01) ◽  
pp. 778-792
Jime Roy ◽  
A.H.M. Raihan Sarker ◽  

Conflict between people and wildlife is a foremost issue for conservation which is hard to solve when the wants of people collide in a straight line with the needs of endangered species like wild elephant. This study was carried out in the adjoining villages of two protected areas (PAs) of Chittagong region namely Dudupukuria-Dhopachori Wildlife Sanctuary (DDWS) and Chunati Wildlife Sanctuary (CWS) to identify the attitude of the villagers to the PAs by measuring different received benefits and faced problems from those reserves, the interaction between human and wild elephants and the opinions of the villagers to the effectiveness of community based wildlife management. The data were collected through a quantitative household survey which includes a series of close ended, fixed response and simple questions. Crop depredation was identified as a major problem to the villagers and they received small amount of benefits for the conservation program through protected area which create negative attitude among them to the PAs. Though most of the people were willing to participate in community based conservation program, they didnot think that such kind of approach is effective to protect biodiversity in the PAs. The present study makes the recommendation to build positive attitude to the PAs, to minimize the conflict, helps in future planning programs and further research of this field.

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