scholarly journals Model Ecotourism-Based Tourism Development Strategy and Empowerment of Local Communities in Merauke Regency

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. p48
Alexander Phuk Tjilen ◽  
Samel Watina Ririhena ◽  
Fenty Y Manuhutu

The research objectives are to produce a strategy model for ecotourism development that supports the empowerment of local communities in Merauke Regency.The research method uses Research & Development to create a model of empowerment through community-based learning, by evaluating the implementation of tourism strategies, which are realized in the form of activity guides and training, for the tourism community in Merauke Regency, by involving the Tourism Office, Tourism Business Actors, and traditional community managers tourist village.The results of the study explain the stages of ecotourism development and empowerment strategies including Strategy development of concepts, vision and mission to become guidance in implementation by providing an impact on the emergence of motivation and clarity of types of profitable tourism businesses and expanding access in accordance with their potential.Strategy for capacity building and participation is a lesson for participants in doing business based on groups, understanding how to maintain customers, how to manage a more productive business that results in community participation that supports tourism businesses. Commitment consolidation strengthening strategy embracing all stakeholders and external carrying capacity in the process of empowering and developing eco-tourism, so that the acceleration of the world of tourism is quickly obtained.Strategy for Strengthening Environmental Carrying Capacity is the internal carrying capacity and potential that exists in tourism objects based on the carrying capacity of culture, socio-economics and the carrying capacity of natural resources so that sustainability and natural conservation are achieved.

2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Janu Dwi Kristianto ◽  
Sunardi Sunardi ◽  
Johan Iskandar

AbstrakDanau merupakan salah satu bentuk ekosistem yang menempati daerah yang relatif kecil pada permukaan bumi dibandingkan dengan habitat laut dan daratan. Bagi manusia kepentingannya jauh lebih berarti dibandingkan dengan luas daerahnya. Sejak tahun 1985 Danau Teluk di Kota Jambi mulai digunakan sebagai lokasi budidaya ikan dengan karamba jaring apung (KJA) dengan jumlah KJA yang beroperasi pada tahun 2012 mencapai + 878 unit dari 64 pembudidaya ikan dan akan meningkat terkait penetapan Propinsi Jambi sebagai salah satu kawasan minapolitan perikanan budidaya guna peningkatan produksi perikanan. Pemanfaatan Danau Teluk sebagai media untuk budidaya ikan di KJA diperlukan upaya untuk mendorong pengelolaan terhadap sumberdaya milik umum ini agar terus bekelanjutan. Kajian mengenai dukung perairan dan pemanfaatan daya Danau Teluk Kota Jambi untuk budidaya ikan sistem KJA bertujuan untuk mengetahui daya dukung Danau Teluk yang digunakan untuk kegiatan budidaya ikan di KJA, bagaimana deskripsi pemanfaatan danau untuk budidaya ikan di KJAyang selama ini dilaksanakan oleh masyarakat sekitar dan merumuskan pola pemanfaatan Danau Teluk untuk budidaya ikan di KJA yang berbasis masyarakat secara berkelanjutan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan  bahwa  daya dukung perairan Danau Teluk Kota Jambi untuk budidaya ikan di KJA adalah sebesar 517,617 ton ikan  per tahun dengan estimasi jumlah pakan di KJA yang diberikan pada ikan sebanyak 931,710 ton pakan ikan per tahun dengan asumsi kadar total P yang masuk ke perairan danau melalui limbah ikan sebanyak 20 kg P/ ton ikan. Jumlah ideal unit KJA yang seharusnya beroperasi di Danau Teluk berdasarkan penghitungan daya dukung danau sebanyak 862, 695 unit ~ 862 unit. Saat ini jumlah KJA yang beroperasi adalah sebanyak 878 unit sehingga perlu dilakukan pengurangan jumlah sebanyak 16 unit. Pemanfaatan Danau Teluk untuk budidaya ikan oleh masyarakat dilakukan secara sederhana dan jumlah KJA yang terdapat ternyata sudah sedikit melebihi daya dukung perairan jika dilihat dari konsentasi Total P yang ada di perairan. Peningkatan jumlah KJA yang ada di danau perlu mendapat perhatian dari pemerintah dan masyarakat setempat. Pola pemanfaatan danau untuk budidaya ikan berbasis masyarakat yang direkomendasikan adalah dengan mengeluarkan ijin usaha budidaya ikan agar kegiatan budidaya ikan dapat terkendali dan tidak merusak lingkungan, menggunakan pola pemeliharaan ikan dengan jaring ganda sehingga biaya operasional lebih efisien dan produksi ikan dapat ditingkatkan, membuat manajemen pakan dalam penerapan budidaya ikan dalam KJA, meningkatkan SDM pembudidaya ikan dan mengaktifkan kembali kelompok pembudidaya ikan sehingga koordinasi antar pembudidaya, pemerintah dan stakeholder terkait dapat terjalin serta pengaturan tata ruang KJA.Kata Kunci : pemanfaatan danau, daya dukung, Danau Teluk, budidaya ikan KJA, berbasis masyarakatAbstracLake is one of ecosytem form than occupies a relative small area on the surface of the earth as compared to sea and land habitats. For humans, utilization  is more important than the expanse of lands. Since 1985, Teluk Lake began to be used as the location of fish cultivation with floating net cage culture (FNCC). The number of FNCC in 2012 reached ± 878 unit of 64 fish farmers and it will increase related to determination of Jambi Province as one of Minapolitan fishery cultivation in order to increase fish production. Utilization of Teluk Lake as media for fish cultivation on floating cage is necessary to encourage the management of common resources is to be kept sustainable.  Studies on carrying capacity and utilization of Teluk Lake Jambi City for community-based fish cultivation on FNCC aims to know how the use of this lake that have been implemented by the local community and to find out patterns of Teluk Lake utilization to fish culture in floating cage sustainable community-based  and to find out how the carrying capacity Teluk lake that used to fish farming activities in floating cage. Methods used in this study is qualitative and quantitative methods with a descriptive approach. 1Result showed that carrying capacity of Teluk lake for fish farming in FNCC is equal  517,617 tons of  fish per year with estimate amount of feed given to fish in floating cage is as many as  931,710 ton per year assuming total P were entered into the lake through fish waste as much 20 k P/ton of fish. Ideal number of floating cage based on lake  carrying capacity accounting should be 862,695 unit ~ 862 unit. Operating floating cage currently  is  878 unit so that it is necessary reduction in the amount of 16 unit and if they want to add a new one, it should be an improvement or replacement of existing floating cage at lake. Utilization of Teluk Lake for fish farming is done simple by local communities and number of existing floating cage already slightly exceed the carrying capacity of lake if related from existing concentration of total P in water. The increasing amount of floating cages in lake should be attend from goverment and local communities, so it is necessary to manage the use of lake for fish cultivation. Pattern of lake utilization for fish farming  based- community ist recommended to issue a business licence, in order to control fish farming activity, and not damage the environment, using growt out pattern by double nets so that more efficient operating cost and fish production can be increased, making management of feed in fish farming at floating cage, develop capability of human resouces, activate again POKDAKAN so coordination between farmers, goverment and stakeholder can be build and layout arrangement FNCC. Keywords : Lake utilization, carrying capacity,Teluk Lake, fish culture on floating cage,community based

Dhian Tyas Untari ◽  
Muhamad Syahiddin Syahiddin ◽  
Paryono Paryono

The aim of thus study is to establish a community-based tourism development strategy in Tidung Island. Researcher use Strategy Management matrix, In this research, tourist entrepreneurs and tourist as an observation unit and is determined as an analysis unit of the company that is the decision makers are very influential in the company itself, including related Human Resources, Finance, Production, and Marketing. Eigen Factor score is use ase the weighting input data from the results of questionnaires. From the questionnaire, a score is obtained from the average given by the respondents at each key success factors, where in the input process the researcher used IFAS / IFAS Matrix, and in the process of strategy formulation, the researcher used the recommendation from the Grand Matrix Strategy output. The results of the output recommendations, which will then be implemented in the development of community-based tourism on the island of Tidung. Based on the Grand Matrix Strategy chart seen that the outline of Tidung Island tourism into the weak category, where the quadrant Challenges and Weaknesses is much greater than the strength and opportunities. Thus the strategy that can be done is with; improve tourism governance by maximizing the function of tourism development programs of DKI Jakarta Province, encouraging the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta to allocate funds and attention to alternative tourism such as marine tourism located in Kepulauan Seribu, maximizing Community Service Activities of Higher Education as a medium of knowladge community transfer Tidung Island, improving the mode of transportation and increasing the frequency of ship felling Jakarta - Pulau Tidung.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Isdarmanto Isdarmanto ◽  
Christantius Dwiatmadja ◽  
Hari Sunarto ◽  
Antonius Suryo Abdi

This study discusses how the sustainability tourism development strategy in every regency be able to improve the social welfare of local communities. The decentralization program has given freedom and policy to enhance the role of regional tourism to be more competitive. This study is using qualitative methods to be able to explore the empiric phenomenon of deeper problems that expected to be used as a reference for the strategy development of regional tourism applied in global and digital era, which is very competitive and professional through the strategy of well structure and systematic tourism program to be effective and efficient.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (01) ◽  
pp. 21-28
Maryam A.A. Thoban ◽  
Lia Warlina

ABSTRAK Tana Toraja has a very diverse tourism potential, not only about cultural but beautiful landscape too. However, the tourism potential is not managed properly. Local wisdom which still preserved is potency for local communities to manage and maintain it independently. Community Based Ecotourism concept is a development concept which approriate to the condition of society and the environent in Tana Toraja, so as toinvolve the local community becomes a way to meet the needs oof economic,  and social while ensuring sustainability of culuturan and natural resources. This study aims to provide a concept of tourism development with the application of community based ecotourism concept by local wisdom promoting in Tana Toraja. Data were collected by in-dept interview and observation to the manager of tourist atracction, community of handicraft and stakeholders. The method of analysis is descriptive analysis.  The results from this study indicate that the involvement of local communities as managers of tourist atracctions, homestay providers, transportation service providers, and local guide are still lacking. However, Tana Toraja has the local wisdom resources which can be promoted to become a educational material for tourists.   Kata Kunci: Tourism, Community Based Ecotourism, Local Wisdom, Sustainable Tourism, Tana Toraja

Garret J. Zastoupil ◽  
Elizabeth Tryon ◽  
Haley C. Madden ◽  
Nasitta A. Keita ◽  
Tashiana Dajaé Lipscomb

For over a decade, the authors of this chapter have heard from community partners that many college students are unprepared for community engagement. This chapter makes the case for student preparation and training by examining the current literature regarding student preparation and the authors' own research. The authors offer guiding frameworks, teaching strategies, and theoretical orientations to support student preparation before and throughout community engagement to build transformative community-based learning experiences. Using examples from their own practice, the authors illustrate strategies that lead toward successful student preparation for cross-cultural engagement.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 145
Semuel Batlajery ◽  
Caecilia Heny Setya Wati

This research aims to formulate Strategy development product Noken of to local community of district border of Merauke / Papua New Guinea. The method used is the observation and in-depth interview on noken craftsmen. The formulation of appropriate strategies for local communities Noken craftsmen are essential for business continuity and profit in business competition.Increasingly tight competition required the noken craftsmen to always do the strategy in developing noken products well.Moreover, neighboring Papua New Guinea's noken products are always flooding the sota border areas.Analysis SWOT shows that the position of noken craftsmen in the tourist area means the situation is very profitable.Craftsmen have the opportunity and power so as to harness the power to redeem opportunities.

Liquidity ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 125-134
Asriyal Asriyal ◽  
Sutia Budi

The purpose of this study is to: (1) review and analyze the strategies that have been implemented by 10 young entrepreneur’s Program of IbK of STIEAD Jakarta in developing their businesses over the years; (2) identify and analyze the strategies that will be run by them for the next day; (3) analyze and formulate proposals for business development strategy is relevant to young entrepreneurs run by them. The results shows, the strategy which conducted by them is actually still conventional and little is applying modern business patterns. However, they have a plan/strategy development effort that started steady state. Targets that have been set should be reassessed and to be rationalized, if the strategy is capable of being implemented. The recommendations concerned are for all tenants should have self determination for entrepreneurship, able to instill confidence, and always looking for a way out in case of a deadlock

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