scholarly journals Peranan Jaksa Pengacara Negara dalam Menyelesaikan Kasus Mewakili Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS) Ketenagakerjaan di Denpasar

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 462-467
Gusti Ayu Ajeng Prabaningtyas ◽  
Nyoman Putu Budiartha ◽  
I Made Minggu Widyantara

The prosecutor as the recipient of the power of attorney in a special power of attorney, which in this case represents employment BPJS, handles legal issues related to entrepreneurs who have not registered themselves and staff as members of the Manpower Dependent Program. The purposes of this study are to reveal the role of state attorneys in resolving cases representing the Social Security Administering Body (BPJS) for employment in Denpasar and the efforts of state attorneys to resolve cases representing BPJS for employment in Denpasar. This type of research is sociological with an empirical juridical approach. Data collection techniques were carried out by literature study, observation, interviews related to this research. Sources of data used in the form of secondary and primary data which are then analyzed systematically. The results of the study indicate that the role of the State Attorney's Attorney in resolving cases representing BPJS Ketenagakerjaan as a legal counsel with a Special Power of Attorney to resolve the company has not recorded itself and its staff in the Manpower Dependent Program. While the efforts of State Lawyers in resolving cases representing BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, with a Special Power of Attorney from BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, State Attorneys act in terms of providing non-litigation legal assistance by mediating business entities and individuals who do not register as members of the Employment Social Security Agency or have not complied with the payment of fees

Jurnal Akta ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 921
Dwi Indah Wahyuningsih ◽  
Gunarto Gunarto ◽  
Achmad Sulchan

The purpose of this study were: 1) to identify and analyze the role of the notary to manufacture special power of attorney notarized deed oath in filing for divorce in the Religious Court. 2) To identify and analyze the constraints notary in the manufacture of a special power of attorney notarized deed oath in filing for divorce in the Religious Court. The data used in this study are primary data, secondary data, and the data to support the assessment tertiary then analyzed with normative juridical method. Based on the results of data analysis concluded that: 1) In the implementation of the signing of the deed notarized power of special oath divorce in filing for divorce in the Religious of the parties, giving the power of attorney privilege and receiving power of attorney privilege to be present and facing the notary as the deed notarized letter The special power, because the authorizing unable to attend the oath of divorce in the Religious; 2) The provisions of the terms to make a notarized certificate of the applicant should include both the giver and the recipient of a special power of attorney and shown directly to the notary who will make the notary deed so that certificates can be made in accordance with existing procedures.Keywords: Notary; Special Power of Attorney; Notary Deed

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 114-130
Zulfadhly Sanusi

The research aims at examining the role of the State in the social and economic sustainability of natural resources around mining and the role of the community in enforcing environmental laws. This type of research uses normative legal research. The results of the study suggest that the responsibility of the State in restoring the mining environment must be carried out in the entire process starting from the stages of fulfilling permits, planning, implementing and controlling because the responsibility of business entities has not yet been regulated by the possibility of contaminating ex-mining areas after handover to the government. Post-mining environmental restoration activities only involve the authorities of the government and mining business actors without involving the community as an important element as well as parties directly related to the physical, economic and social environment of the mining environment.   Penelitian bertujuan tentang meninjau peran Negara atas keberlanjutan sumber daya alam di sekitar pertambangan secara sosial dan ekonomi dan peran serta masyarakat dalam penegakan hukum lingkungannya. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian hukum normatif. Hasil penelitian mengemukakan bahwa tanggungjawab Negara dalam pemulihan lingkungan pertambangan harus dilakukan pada seluruh proses mulai dari tahapan pemenuhan perizinan, perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan pengawasan karena belum diaturnya tanggungjawab oleh badan usaha terhadap kemungkinan pencemaran bekas lahan tambang setelah penyerahan kepada pemerintah. Kegiatan pemulihan lingkungan pada pascatambang hanya melibatkan kewenangan pemerintah dan pelaku usaha pertambangan tanpa melibatkan masyarakat sebagai unsur penting dan juga pihak yang terkait langsung dengan keberadaan lingkungan fisik, ekonomi maupun sosial lingkungan pertambangan.

2013 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 75
Eny Sulistyowati ◽  
Totok Danangdjojo

<span><em>This study aims to explain the influence of the Social Security </em><span><em>program on performance and job satisfaction and job stress as a mediating </em><span><em>variable. In addition, this study also describes the effect of job satisfaction on </em><span><em>the performance and the effect of work stress on performance. The relationship of </em><span><em>each variable in this research is to be measured by conducting a survey on 145 </em><span><em>employees of private companies that included in Social Security program on </em><span><em>DIY and Solo. Then the path analisys used to test the effect of social security </em><span><em>program performance in mediation by job satisfaction, performance and job stress</em><span><em>, job satisfaction, and examines the effect on the performance and the effect of </em><span><em>work stress on performance. The results showed that the social security program </em><span><em>significant positively affects job satisfaction and performance. Job satisfaction was </em><span><em>also positively and significantly affect performance. Even though mediating role </em><span><em>of job satisfaction in the relationship between social security program performance </em><span><em>partial. Because merely direct relationship between social security program with </em><span><em>greater performance than the mediating role of job satisfaction. Social Security </em><span><em>program did not significantly affect the stress of work, as well as job stress did </em><span><em>not significantly affect performance. Therefore, the mediating role of work stress </em><span><em>on the relationship between social security program with the performance did not </em><span><em>occur. Individual differences and work experience may be a factor that causes no </em><span><em>significant relationship between the two variables.</em></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span><br /></span>

Abdallah Mishael Obeidat ◽  
Shadi Habis Abualoush ◽  
Hani Jazza Irtaimeh ◽  
Aminah A. Khaddam ◽  
Khaled Adnan Bataineh

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (10) ◽  
pp. 51-59
S. Kononov ◽  

The article is devoted to the analysis of the problems of a social security modern discourse formation in the framework of a philosophical discussion of the transformation processes of the formation vector of the state security policy. The task of the article, according to the author, is to present the problem of security in conditions when it ceases to be understood, as a concept associated with the idea of preserving the integrity of a state or nation, and functions as a phenomenon with the broadest possible social parameters. Using the methodology of phenomenological, hermeneutic and comparative analysis, the new areas of security research, common difference of which is social and personal orientation are analyzed. The author pays attention to the features of the methodology of works reflecting the point of view of the modern state, works related to the development of a systematic approach to security, works based on an axiological approach and concludes that, despite the expansion of security interpretations, all these approaches retain a common ideological foundation. presupposing the need to preserve the leading role of the state in the field of social security, including the security of the individual and society and the state. All these approaches are based on the policy of responding to emerging threats to the Russian state and do not reflect the needs of a comprehensive strategic goal-setting covering the sphere of socio-economic development of the social system. This circumstance, according to the author, leads to the formation of a security strategy that exists only in the name of protecting the state and does not imply feedback between the state and the social institutions that the state is going to protect, which leads to the ineffectiveness of modern protection measures and the need to find new ways to justify the need for this protection, a new definition of its content and essence

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Winda Roselina Effendi

Walfare State concept born in the era of the 20th century as a correction of the development of the concept of the country as night watchman, the phenomenon of economic capitalism that gradually leads to lameness in the distribution of sources of prosperity. In the Walfare State concept, the state is required to extend its responsibility to the socio-economic problems facing the people. The functions of the state also include activities that were previously beyond the scope of state functions, such as extending the provision of social services to individuals and families in specific matters, such as social security. The role of the state can not be separated with Welfare State because the state that plays a role in managing the economy which includes the responsibility of the state to ensure the availability of basic welfare services in certain levels. Welfare State does not reject the existence of a capitalist market economy system but believes that there are elements in the public order that are more important than market objectives and can only be achieved by controlling and limiting the operation of such market mechanisms.Keywords: walfare state, country, economic systemKonsep Walfare State yang lahir di era abad ke-20 sebagai koreksi berkembangnya konsep negara sebagai penjaga malam, gejala kapitalisme perekonomian yang secara perlahan-lahan menyebabkan terjadinya kepincangan dalam pembagian sumber-sumber kemakmuran bersarma. Dalam konsep Walfare State, negara dituntut untuk memperluas tanggung jawabnya kepada masalah-masalah sosial ekonomi yang dihadapi rakyat. Fungsi negara juga meliputi kegiatan-kegiatan yang sebelumnya berada diluar jangkauan fungsi negara, seperti memperluas ketentuan pelayanan sosial kepada individu dan keluarga dalam hal-hal khusus, seperti social security, kesehatan.  Peran negara tidak bisa dipisahkan dengan Welfare State karena negara yang berperan dalam mengelola perekonomian yang yang di dalamnya mencakup tanggung jawab negara untuk menjamin ketersediaan pelayanan kesejahteraan dasar dalam tingkat tertentu. Welfare State tidak menolak keberadaan sistem ekonomi pasar kapitalis tetapi meyakini bahwa ada elemen-elemen dalam tatanan masyarakat yang lebih penting dari tujuan-tujuan pasar dan hanya dapat dicapai dengan mengendalikan dan membatasi bekerjanya mekanisme pasar tersebut. Kata Kunci: walfare state, negara,sistem ekonomi 

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-28
Tatar Bonar Silitonga

Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh globalisasi, peran negara, dan implikasinya terhadap aktualisasi nilai-nilai ideologi negara bagi Warga Negara Indonesia. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam menjawab permasalahan adalah dengan studi literatur, observasi, dan wawancara.  Dari hasil data ditemukan bahwa terdapat nilai-nilai globalisasi yang mempengaruhi pola pikir, sikap, dan perilaku sebagian warga negara yang didukung dengan konsistensi, ketegasan, dan penguatan peran pemerintah dalam merawat nilai-nilai kebersamaan. Selain itu juga berimplikasi untuk meredam eskalasi dan kegiatan yang menjurus pada perilaku yang menonjolkan sentiment primordial serta berimplikasi memantapkan persepsi warga negara tentang pentingnya ideologi negara, walaupun tidak langsung mengakselerasi masyarakat mengaktualisasikan nilai-nilai ideology negara secara signifikan.-----This article aims to analyze the effect of globalization, the role of the state, and its implications for the actualization of state ideology values for Indonesian citizens. The approach used in answering problems is through literature study, observation, and interview. From the results of the data, it found that there are values of globalization that affect the mindset, attitudes, and behavior of some citizens supported by consistency, decisiveness, and strengthening the role of government in caring for the values of togetherness. It also has implications to reduce escalation and activities that lead to behaviors that highlight primordial sentiments and has implications for strengthening citizens' perceptions about the importance of state ideology. However, it does not directly accelerate the community to actualize state ideology values significantly.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-19
Benedictus Simangunsong ◽  
Felisianus N. Rahmat

                                                                        Abstrak Budaya memainkan peran yang sangat penting dalam politik karena menjadi cerminan masyarakat dalam menentukan sikap dan pilihan politik atau membentuk karakteristik masyarakat dalam berpolitik. Contoh dari hubungan antara budaya dan politik bisa tergambarkan pada isu kekerabatan  pada pilkada Manggarai Barat 2020 yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini. Fenomena kekerabatan yang dimaksud adalah adanya kecenderungan dari masyarakat Manggarai Barat pada umumnya untuk memilih pemimpin yang seasal atau karena faktor kekerabatan dan kekeluargaan atau dikenal sebagai budaya lonto leok yang masih kuat mempengaruhi kehidupan masyarakat termasuk politik. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma interpretif dengan metode penelitian Fenomenologi. Adapun pengumpulan data penelitian dilakukan dengan data primer yaitu melakukan wawancara mendalam dan dokumentasi serta data sekunder berupa studi kepustakaan. Wawancara dilakukan kepada para informan yang melakukan lonto leok menjelang Pilkada Mabar Tahun 2020 dan juga pada pilkada-pilkada sebelumnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa makna kekerabatan dalam budaya lonto leok pada proses pilkada di Manggarai Barat adalah kebersamaan dan ketergantungan. Sementara peran budaya lonto leok dalam proses politik adalah pada saat pengambilan keputusan dan menumbuhkan ikatan kekerabatan.   Kata kunci: Budaya, Politik, Kekerabatan, Lonto Leok, fenomenologi, makna kekerabatan                                                                   Abstract   Culture plays a very important role in politics because it reflects the everyday life of society in determining political attitudes and choices or shaping the characteristics of society in politics. One of them many examples about the relationship between culture and politics can be illustrated in the issue of kinship in the 2020 West Manggarai regional election discussed in this study. The kinship phenomenon in question is the tendency of the West Manggarai community in general to choose leaders who are in the same kinship and it is known as the lonto leok culture which still strongly influences people's life, including politics. This study uses an interpretive paradigm with phenomenological research methods. The research data collection was carried out with primary data, namely conducting in-depth interviews and documentation and secondary data in the form of literature study. Interviews were conducted with informants who conducted lonto leok ahead of the 2020 Mabar Pilkada and also in the previous pilkada. The results showed that the meaning of kinship in the lonto leok culture in the election process in West Manggarai was togetherness and dependence. Meanwhile, the role of lonto leok culture in the political process is at the time of making decisions and fostering kinship ties.   Keywords: Culture, Politics, Kinship, Lonto Leok, phenomenology, meaning of kinship  

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