Metaphysics ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 8-30
V. I Postovalova

The work is devoted to the epistemological analysis of the formation of the idea of mentality in modern humanitarian knowledge. The sources, approaches and main directions in the understanding of mentality in the science of the 20-21st centuries are considered. The idea is being developed that the dynamic path of teaching about mentality in modern culture can be presented as an ascent from polydisciplinarity in the study of mentality to the creation of mentology as an integrative discipline. The idea is that in order to understand the processes of the formation of the idea of mentality in humanitarian knowledge, it is necessary to take into account, in addition to the immanent perspective of the presentation of this topic as part of individual disciplines, also the general context of the formation of humanitarian knowledge. The question of the heuristic value of ideas and principles of doctrines about integrity for the development of integrative concepts of mentality is discussed. It is suggested that the “anthropology of wholeness” can be chosen as an ontological basis for the development of mentology, and “philosophy of wholeness” in its various versions, based on the principles of holism, and particularly - on the principle of all-encompassing unity, can be chosen as a methodological tool for constructing this discipline.

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Жанна Шкляренко

Стаття присвячена дослідженню шляхів вивчення перформансу як культурного явища. Зростаюча увага до цього феномену зумовлена відсутністю лінії розмежування його з життям, створенню особливої реальності, спроможністю викликати потужні емоційні стани та взаємоемпатії. Проблематичність у вивченні його полягає у складності архівування, хиткий своєрідний наратив, що вислизає зі сприйняття непідготовленого глядача, міграція з виставкових зал у соціальну сферу, супроводжувана жанровими новоутвореннями. Даним дослідженням зроблено спробу аналізу шляхів пізнання культурного явища перформансу, визначені особливості побутування, виявлено закономірності проявів та варіативність в сучасній культурі. The article is devoted to the study of ways to research performance study as a cultural phenomenon. The growing interest in the phenomenon of performance art is due to the lack of a dividing line with our life, the creation of a special reality, the ability to cause strong emotional states and mutual empathy. The difficulty of study is also in trouble archiving it, shaky kind of narrative which escapes the perception of the unprepared viewer, the migration of the exhibition halls and in the social media sphere, followed by the creation of new genres. This analyzes the ways of understanding the cultural phenomenon of performance art. The features of being are determined, patterns and a variety of its manifestations in modern culture are revealed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 70 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-79
Dmitry N. Zamyatin ◽  

Literary texts can be considered as the most attractive research material for analyzing the key features of both the semiotics of the city as a whole and the semiotics of individual cities, to which many works of art are devoted. The urban space of Modernity as a result of the processes of powerful semiotization can be considered as both textual and intertextual. The intertextuality of Modern urban spaces presupposes sets of “floating” topological signifiers corresponding to similar sets of “floating” topological signs. In the traditional semiotics of the city, the existence of two realities is assumed — the “real” reality and the “semiotic” reality, between which clear logical correspondences and/or relations can be observed and analyzed. The appearance of non-classical/post-classical urban narratives focused on the problems of dis-communication at the beginning of the 20th century became one of the important signs of the primary formation of the post-city and post-urbanism phenomena. The post-city is not a text and can not be regarded as a text; at the same time, it can generate separate texts that are not related to each other in any way. Post-urban texts, which are the communicative results of specific co-spatialities, remain local “flashes” that do not form a single text or meta-text (super-text). Hetero-textuality is a phenomenon of post-urban reality, which is characterized by the coexistence, as a rule, of texts that do not correlate with each other, relating to certain stable urban loci. Trans-semiotics in general context is understood as the study of any texts that involve the creation of sign-symbolic breaks or “gaps” with any other potentially possible correlating texts in the process of signification. Trans-semiotics of post-cities are studies of (literary) texts that involve the creation of sign-symbolic breaks or “gaps” with any other potentially possible correlating texts related to a particular urban locus in the process of signifying any urban loci. The post-city heterostructuality can be considered as the co-spatiality of mutually exclusive texts corresponding to “non-seeing” post-city loci. Post-urban trans-semiotics in the course of their development form a kind of “dark zones” that reject or neutralize any attempt at any semiotic interpretation.

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-34

The Italian Clothing Industry Association (AIIA) was the first employers’ association founded to protect the interests of the nascent Italian ready-to-wear industry. According to the literature on the subject, there were three factors that allowed business interest associations (BIAs) to operate effectively at a meso-organizational level: their internal organizational structure, the activities of bureaucratic support of companies and lobbying in defense of entrepreneurs’ interests, as well as the ability to adapt to the more general context in which they worked. Based on a detailed empirical analysis, this article examines what the AIIA accomplished in each of these three areas. There are two objectives: (1) analyzing the circumstances that led the AIIA to fail in its purposes of representing the Italian ready-to-wear industry, and (2) investigating, in a typical creative industry, the hidden costs in terms of competitiveness of BIAs’ planning efforts and their consequences for the creation of an efficient and internationally competitive fashion system.

2010 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 516-540 ◽  
Borisas Melnikas

The new theoretical approach of the processes of creating knowledge based society and the knowledge economy, as well as sustainable development processes is described in the article. The main idea is that the creation and development processes of the knowledge‐based society and knowledge economy may be attributed to the category of global transformation and sustainable development processes, therefore, all general phenomena and characteristics of global transformations and sustainable development in general, are absolutely typical for the creation and development of the knowledge based society and knowledge economy. The processes of the creating of knowledge based society and knowledge economy and modernization are analyzed in the general context of the processes of sustainable development. The main principles of creating the knowledge based society and knowledge economy and modernization are described. Creating and modernization of the knowledge based society and knowledge economy are very complicated processes, oriented to the formation of the new quality of society and qualitatively new lifestyle, these processes may be described as “twice” as complicated, because they win distinction by orientations to the pursuit of new quality in two aspects: the knowledge based society and knowledge economy, compared to “traditional” society and economy, are in all cases described as qualitatively new, creating and development of the knowledge based society and knowledge economy takes place under the conditions of the global changes, which means that qualitative changes take place in all global space, the essence of those changes is the creation and spread of the knowledge‐based society and knowledge economy. A special attention is given to the conclusion that in the environment of the knowledge based society creation and generating knowledge economy and development, the provisions for sustainable development should be attained. The processes of creating knowledge based society and knowledge economy and further development should be analyzed and assessed in the context of processes of globalization and internationalization, as well as processes of global transformations. The “Power” concept intended for the scientific cognition of sustainable development and knowledge based society and knowledge economy creation processes phenomena is analyzed. Santrauka Straipsnyje išdėstomas naujas teorinis požiūris į darnios plėtros ir į žiniomis grindžiamos visuomenės bei žinių ekonomikos kūrimo procesus. Pagrindine ideja, išreiškianti šio teorinio požiūrio esmė, yra ta, kad darnios plėtros bei žiniomis grindžiamos visuomenės ir žinių ekonomikos kūrimo procesai suvoktini ir nagrinėtini kaip sudarantys bendra visuma. Žiniomis grindžiamos visuomenės ir žinių ekonomikos kūrimas traktuojamas kaip pagrindinė prielaida realiai įgyvendinti darnios plėtros nuostatas, o darni plėtra vertinama kaip išskirtinis žiniomis grindžiamos visuomenės ir žinių ekonomikos kūrimo procesams būdingas požymis. Šiuolaikinėmis globalizacijos bei socialinės, ekonominės raidos ir mokslo bei technologijų pažangos internacionalizavimo salygomis išryškėja daug naujų aplinkybių ir reiškinių, kurių poveikis ir vaidmuo mažai atsispindi daugelyje tradiciniu požiūrių, skirtų tiek darniai plėtrai, tiek žiniomis grindžiamos visuomenės ir žinių ekonomikos kūrimo procesams. Padaryta išvada, kad tradiciniai darnios plėtros bei jos problemų, žiniomis grindžiamos visuomenės ir žinių ekonomikos kūrimo logikos bei tendencijų suvokimai vis labiau neatitinka šiuolaikiniu poreikių ir iššūkių ir reikalingi esminių papildymų bei patikslinimų. Šiuolaikiniai požiūriai į darnią plėtrą bei į žiniomis grindžiamos visuomenės ir žinių ekonomikos kūrimą turėtų kur kas geriau perteikti šiuo metu pasaulyje vykstančių naujo tipo transformacijų procesų vaidmenį ir įtaką, visų pirmą tų transformacijų, kurios išreiškia žiniomis grindžiamos visuomenės vertybių ir idealų pasklidima globaliu mastu. Būtent tokios visuomenės kūrimasis ir šios visuomenės vertybių ir idealų pasklidimas globalizacijos aplinkoje sukelia naujų transformacijų šiuolaikinėje visuomenėje bei jos gyvenime, sudaro prielaidas suvokti būtinybę naujai reaguoti į darnios plėtros poreikius bei spręsti naujas problemas. Straipsnyje detaliai apibūdinta vadinamoji galios koncepcija, kuria remiantis siūloma kompleksiškai nagrinėti darnios plėtros bei žiniomis grindžiamos visuomenės ir žinių ekonomikos kūrimo procesus, spręsti daugeli tokių procesų valdymo klausimu. Galios koncepcijos taikymas leidžia modeliuoti stambiose sistemose vykstančius socialines, ekonomines, politines raidos, mokslo ir technologijų pažangos reiškinius bei procesus, identifikuoti ir vertinti atitinkamų procesų suderinamumą, vienų procesų poveikius kitiems procesams, identifikuoti įvairias disproporcijas, išryškejančias netolygiu pokyčių sąlygomis. Visa tai leidžia diagnozuoti pasireiškusias ar galinčias pasireikšti darnios plėtros žiniomis grindžiamos visuomenės ir žinių ekonomikos kūrimo problemas ir numatyti priemones, skirtas šioms problemoms spręsti. Straipsnyje atskleisti darnios plėtros bei žiniomis grindžiamos visuomenės ir žinių ekonomikos kūrimo procesų kaip visumos principai, kompleksiškai išnagrinėti darnios plėtros bei žiniomis grindžiamos visuomenės ir žinių ekonomikos kūrimo dėsningumai. Prioritetinis dėmesys skiriamas integracijos ir sintezės kaip jungimosi procesų logikai atskleisti. Išdestytas teorinis požiūris gali būti gana plačiai taikomas nagrinejant įvairius darnios plėtros bei žiniomis grindžiamos visuomenės ir žinių ekonomikos kūrimo reiškinius.

2020 ◽  
Vol 117 (6) ◽  
pp. 157-164
Tatiyana I. Erokhina ◽  

In modern culture, a special place is occupied by the Internet space, which is a space for obtaining information, communication, constructing virtual reality and self-realization of the individual. The Internet space has a multifunctional nature and is part of the media culture, in the context of which ideas about the creative personality, artistic creativity, and cultural memory are updated. The process of representation of a creative personality in the Internet space is especially actively developing during anniversary events and dates that form an informational occasion. On the eve of the 200th anniversary of Russian poet N. A. Nekrasov, the author of the article turned to understanding the Nekrasov discourse of the modern Internet space. The aim of the research is to analyze the Nekrasov discourse in terms of its representation, specificity, and functions. In the course of the study, the author considered options and ways to represent the poet's work on the Internet: special projects dedicated to the life and work of N. A. Nekrasov were analyzed. There is a tendency to represent biographical information about N. A. Nekrasov on the Internet, which transforms or destroys the stereotypical ideas about the poet received in the course of school education. Special attention is paid to the media technologies of the mythologization of the personality and creativity of N. A. Nekrasov, which are associated with the creation of new myths about the poet as a cultural hero who acquires a trickster beginning, and the mythologization of the Nekrasov chronotope is indicated. The author draws attention to the specifics of the Nekrasov discourse, which is associated with the creation of hypertext in the Internet space. The article considers the principles of hypertextual construction of the Nekrasov discourse, notes its non-linearity, actualization of the creative activity of the addresser and addressee, and features of modeling the Nekrasov text in the Internet space. The author outlined the main functions of the Nekrasov discourse that have informational and symbolic meaning, and noted its positive and negative connotations.

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (18) ◽  
pp. 73-88
Yuanmei Lian

Introduction. Given article considers R. Schumann’s “Zwei Venetianische Lieder” / “Two Venetian Songs” (ор. 25, №17–18) on poems by T. Moore, in F. Freiligrath translation. Often the creation of the Venice ambience in art works was due to trips and impressions on this city. In 1829, R. Schumann, as a student of Heidelberg University, went on a trip to Switzerland and Italy during his study vacation. One of the cities on the travel map was Venice. R. Schumann “resurrected” the city ambience only eleven years after in the “Zwei Venetianische Lieder” (“Two Venetian Songs”), which became part of the song cycle “Myrthen” (1840). How do these two vocal miniatures, that are one of the first in the composer’s vocal creativity, reflect the individual style of his writing? Do they correlate with the nature of the “true” Schumann, who is known for his famous works, such as the cycle “A poet’s Love”? Objective. The purpose of the article is to comprehend composer methods of Venice image embodiment in “Zwei Venetianische Lieder” in the context of creative tradition of the Austro-German romantic song. Methods used in the research: 1) historical method, allowing to comprehend the selected material in the perspective of the development of Austro-German song of the 19th century; 2) intonational method, which involves the study of vocal melody in terms of melodic reactions to figurative content; 3) genre method, caused by the features of chamber vocal lyrics; 4) stylistic method, corresponding to a specific opus consideration in the general context of the composer’s creative work. The results of the study. “Zwei Venetianische Lieder” were grown up in the artistic climate of its era. The popularity of traveling in the circles of well-educated youth was a practical realization of spiritual impulses and the inner need to push the boundaries of the information space for awareness of the nature of self-own identity through a meeting with a different culture and worldview. Italy, and the entire Mediterranean areal, as the cradle of the Christian humanist culture, was a center of attraction for the German romantics. The creation of the artistic and aesthetic archetype of Italy and Venice by J. W. Goethe in “Italian Travels” and “Epigrams” has created a tradition of perception these themes not only in German literature, but also in music. R. Schumann was one of the first to respond to this creative idea. He was also the first among German composers to turn to the “poetic” Venice of the Englishman Thomas Moore and initiated the appearance of a series “Venetianische Lieder” in Austro-German music of the 19th century. A number of authors were involved in the creation of this series – F. Mendelssohn Bartholdi, A. Fesca, С. Dekker, and others. The melancholic mood of the many “Venetianisches Gondellied” written by German composers was the result of the process of mythologizing the image of Venice. The creative people (poets, writers, composers, painters) were involved in this process. They perceived this city through the prism of artistic relations, associations, and sought in its canonical symbols (channels, gondolas, sea, mirror, mask) new semantic dimensions, means of the expression of self-reflection. “Zwei Venetianische Lieder” from the song cycle “Myrthen” by R. Schumann stand apart on this list as not only the first, but also as the works distinguished by its originality. 1840 year is considered as the “song year” in the composer’s work. In this year 138 songs and the best of song cycles were written by the composer: “Liederkreis” ор. 24, “Myrthen” ор. 25, “Liederkreis” ор. 39, “Frauenliebe und Leben” ор. 42, “Dichterliebe”, ор. 48. After the “piano decade” (1829–1839) Schumann’s appeal to the song came a surprise, in particular, for the author himself. This led to the change in his musical aesthetics, to the revision of the hierarchy entrenched in the consciousness, about the primacy of music over other arts and the instrumental music over the vocal. Although the cycle “Myrten” op. 25 (1840) is one of the first in the vocal works by R. Schumann, it is distinguished by the maturity of style writing. R. Schuman’s psychological sensitivity to the poetic word is conveyed in the intonational nature of the songs, careful selection of harmonic means, finely tuned tonal plans that can emphasize both, contemplation and rebelliousness. Musical and poetic integrity is also ensured by the increased importance of the accompaniment and the piano part in whole that include the expressive instrumental introductions and postludes aimed at revealing of an image. Conclusion. The study of R.Schumann’s “variations” on Thomas Moore’s “Venice” as a separate scientific topic makes it possible to realize the scale of the creative competition established by the outstanding composer in his “Zwei Venetianische Lieder” from the vocal cycle “Myrthen”.

O. Zadorozhnii

Examines the arguments used by Russia to accuse Ukraine in disaster of Malaysian Boeing 777 that occurred on July 17, 2014. In particular, the article analyzes the following lines of arguments developed by the representatives of the Russian government and doctrine: responsibility of the state in whose territory the crime has been committed; the campaign to discredit the investigation into the incident aimed at whitewashing Russia and at deflecting suspicion and accusations from Russia; criticism of the ideas and procedures for the establishment of an international tribunal to investigate crimes associated with the downing of MH17. The author points to the absurdity, contradictions of the positions of the Russian authorities and the doctrine of international law in terms of international law, and in terms of the facts. In his turn, the author qualifies accident in terms of international law against the general context of the war of aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. The author also argues in favor of a qualified international investigation into the accident and the creation of an international tribunal to prosecute the perpetrators of the tragedy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 4-12
Manuelina Maria Duarte Cândido ◽  

The article presents a theoretical discussion that provides support for the development of a methodological tool to assess and plan the activities of museums or musealisation processes. According to the author, a matrix for museological diagnostics, planning and management should be used to create or renovate small or large, conventional or unconventional museums. This work is the result of PhD research that produced a book already in its third edition in Brazil. For the creation of the matrix, an attempt was made to identify the common aspects among different types and museum models. The proposed concept includes a theoretical and conceptual discussion, as well as the establishment of a museological structure or tool to justify work in this field. These aspects will be discussed in this article, as well as the details of their contributions to applied research in museology and to the qualification of museums. The matrix resulting from this research can be used to not only carry out museological diagnostics or institutional evaluations of existing museums, but also as a reference framework for the creation of new museums and for musealization processes. In the article, significant attention is given to clarifying the use of the terms used in the matrix in order to allow its interpretation and application in a variety of cases based on precise museological thought. Thus, theory and practice are concerned with understanding and using this matrix for museological diagnostics and planning.

Rafael Barroso Cabrera

This chapter analyses the alliance between political power and the ecclesiastical hierarchy of Toledo during the reign of Theudis (531–548), within the general context of the settlement of the Visigoths in the Meseta (‘Plateau’) of the Iberian Peninsula. The consequences that this collaboration had on the promotion of Toledo from a simple diocese to the metropolitan see of the Carthaginiensis province, and subsequently primacy of Spain, are seen through the specific case of the creation of the diocese of Segovia.

Olena Yufereva

The article is devoted to the consideration of P. Kulish's epistolary in the context of «minority» literature. The authors of this theory are J. Deleuze and F. Guattari. Rethinking the key categories of «minor» writing in modern interdisciplinary studies produces a differentiation and refinement of the definitions of «minor»/«small»/«minority» via interpreting various in-between phenomena of literature. Given that in the Ukrainian humanities this theory has not been carefully considered and as a methodological tool has not been updated, the analysis of these works revealed the feasibility of distinguishing concepts derived from the concept of «minor». The main purpose of the study is to reveal the features of Kulish's correspondence through the criteria of minor literature, in particular de(re)territorialization, formation, political semantics. The choice of material is determined by the ambiguity, «encryption» (V. Petrov) of the creative manner, the bilingual nature of the writer's epistolary. The process of self-determination within the Russian epistolary canon affects the nature of language codes. Linguistic transformations in this correspondence, in particular, the mixing of different linguistic elements, have a comedic, parodic character. There is a peripheralization of the dominant n language in terms of social and territorial affiliation. The transmission of Ukrainian pronunciation can be seen not only through the transformation of the Russian epistolary canon, but also as its subversive approach to the creation of a new quality of language in the future.

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