scholarly journals Friendship as a reflective value in Chinese and Russian aphorisms: experience of linguistic and cultural concepts e-teaching

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-68
Yu Bai ◽  
Marina R. Zheltukhina

The article is devoted to the current problem of modern linguodidactics, Russian language studies and linguoculturology - linguocultural concepts e-teaching in intercultural context on the material of the Russian language. The article deals with using information and communication technologies in teaching Russian as a foreign language in linguoculturological aspect. Methods of online learning Russian as a foreign language to Chinese students are offered. This study is based on methods of analytical description, systematization, generalization, comparative analysis, linguoconceptual and linguoaxiological analysis, e-learning. As the material of a research, Chinese and Russian aphoristic funds are used (more than 100 aphoristic statements containing lexemes friend , friendship , to be on friendly terms ). The article presents electronic educational teaching materials, which take into account students' specific communication competences formed in the process of studying Russian linguistic and cultural concepts in an intercultural context. Within the framework of a series of webinars (online seminars), the stages of axiological analysis of the concept friendship , verbalized in Chinese and Russian aphorisms, are revealed in the process of e-learning linguocultural concepts in an intercultural context by Chinese students studying Russian as a foreign language. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the fact that for the first time the article offers exercises for online teaching Russian as a foreign language with linguocultural concepts analysis in an intercultural context on the material of Chinese and Russian aphorisms. The article contributes to the development of linguoconceptology, linguoculturology, linguoaxiology, Russian language studies, methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, e-learning in an intercultural context, and intercultural communication. The materials of the study can be used at classes on Russian as a foreign language, linguodidactics, intercultural communication, and translation theory and practice. The materials of the study could form the basis of an electronic textbook for teaching linguistic and cultural concepts in an intercultural context in the course of Russian as a foreign language.

Litera ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 80-89
Лянь Цзинь

This article presents a comparative research of adverbs with the meaning of time in the Russian and Chinese languages. Analysis is conducted on the adverb of time in the Russian languages; characteristic is given to macro- and micro-aspects. Macro-description is an attempt to determine and classify the adverbs of time. Micro-aspect, first and foremost, implies semantic analysis of a specific adverb of time. The subject of this research is the adverb of time ‘always’ in the Russian language in comparison with the corresponding adverb in the Chinese language. The goal of this research consists in the analysis of semantic characteristics and variables that depend on the semantics of grammatical and pragmatic characteristics of the adverb of time frequency “always” in the Russian as compared to the Chinese language. The scientific novelty lies in description of the macro- and micro- aspects, identification of semantic and compatible characteristics of the adverb of time frequency ‘always ' in the Russian languahe in comparison with the corresponding adverb in the Chinese — 总是 [zong shi]. The acquired results indicate that the use of the adverb ‘always’ with the meaning of continuity or frequency requires fulfilling certain conditions. This article can be valuable in further research on the topic, in theory and practice of translation, as well as in teaching Russian as a foreign language to the Chinese students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-101
Svetlana S. Pashkovskaya

The relevance of the research topic is due to the possibilities of online learning in an uncertain critical situation. New life conditions made us see a model of teaching Russian as a foreign language in a different perspective: there came changes not only in number and quality of the material being learned, but also the form of communication of active subjects of educational process, teaching strategy itself. The purpose of the article is to present a theoretical analysis of the features of online teaching Russian as a foreign language in a forced situation of general technologization of the learning process in Russian universities. On the one hand, modern information and communication technologies open up wide opportunities for choosing a learning model depending on the goals of teaching Russian as a foreign language, and on the other, they create negative stereotypes in the organization of educational process. To achieve this goal, combinations of research methods were chosen: a) methods used at the empirical level - analysis of scientific literature, scientific observation and generalization of pedagogical experience; b) methods used at the theoretical level - abstracting, analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction. The research material includes the theoretical works of linguists, methodologists, practicing teachers, as well as real online education. In the course of the study, the theory and practice of online teaching Russian as a foreign language were analyzed, the requirements for effective online learning were determined; the specific tasks in online education that teachers of Russian as a foreign language face were revealed. The authors conclude that effective online learning requires: 1) understanding its distinctive features; knowing which information and communication technologies are suitable for the solution of particular didactic tasks - the content of the educational material, principles, methods and strategies of teaching depend on this; 2) taking into account the specifics of the subject - Russian as a foreign language, its difficulties, didactic tasks that need to be solved in the learning process. The article shows that the construction of an effective model of online teaching of RFL is possible in accordance with the modern scientific recommendations of methodologists, linguists, psychologists, specialists in the field of using computer technologies in teaching foreign languages. Online learning forms a variable (flexible) model of teaching Russian as a foreign language in constantly changing living conditions, in the conditions of shock learning. The prospects for creating effective online teaching of Russian as a foreign language and using all the didactic possibilities of information and communication technologies are outlined.

Serhiy DANYLYUK ◽  

The need to review goals, objectives and teaching methods in the process of teaching foreign languages in Ukraine in connection with the rapid entry of Ukraine into the world community, which, in its turn, leads to changes in both general methodology and specific methods, and techniques in the theory and practice of teaching foreign languages is discussed in the paper. It is noted that the main purpose of learning a foreign language is the formation of a linguistic personality who is ready for real, productive com- munication with representatives of other cultures at different levels and in different spheres of life. At the forefront is the need for verbal support for intercultural communication. Emphasis is placed on the fact that an integrative approach to foreign language teaching is especially important in the context of intercultural dialogue, which assumes that the interaction of different worldviews presented by communicators in- cludes their logics, thinking, values and is not blocked but stimulated by mutual understanding, tolerance, positive attitude. It is emphasized that relations are intercultural if their participants do not resort to their own traditions, customs, ideas and ways of behavior, but get acquainted with other people’s rules and norms of everyday communication. Intercultural communication requires that the sender and recipient of the message belong to different cultures. It also requires participants in communication to be aware of each other’s cultural differences. In essence, intercultural communication is always interpersonal communication in a special context, when one par- ticipant discovers the cultural difference of another.It is also said that successful intercultural communication involves, in addition to foreign language proficiency, the ability to adequately interpret the communicative behavior of a representative of a foreign society, as well as the willingness of partic- ipants to perceive other forms of communicative behavior, understanding its differences and variation from culture to culture. The strategy of convergence of non-cultural knowledge is aimed at preventing not only semantic but also cultural failures in communication.

Абудусаламу Ницзяти

Введение. Рассматривается проблема оптимизации обучения русскому языку как иностранному (РКИ) с помощью компьютерных технологий на этапе довузовской подготовки китайских студентов. Обучающиеся из Китая испытывают ряд трудностей, связанных с культурными, национальными особенностями, а также с большими различиями в принципах родного и русского языков. Цель – анализ практик использования компьютерных технологий на начальном этапе изучения РКИ китайскими студентами; постулирование необходимости использования уже существующих электронных учебных комплексов, а также создания новых. Материал и методы. Методология включила поиск информации, анализ на основе сплошной выборки, систематизацию. Результаты и обсуждение. Систематизирован опыт использования электронных ресурсов. В России за последние годы создано несколько электронно-методических комплексов, которые упрощают процесс освоения РКИ. С помощью этих комплексов студент может многократно воспроизвести обучающий материал. Описан эффективный опыт применения электронных курсов на этапе довузовской подготовки в Москве, Краснодаре, Воронеже и других городах. Большая часть компьютерных комплексов касается фонетики – сложного раздела для иностранных студентов. Часть комплексов создана по темам, которые изучаются значительно позже, например «Химия», «Экономика», «Литература». Отмечен недостаток узкотематических образовательных электронных материалов для студентов начального этапа. Для эффективного обучения и комфорта в чужой языковой среде обучающемуся можно предоставить интерактивные словари. Важно, что роль преподавателя не нивелируется в ходе использования электронных сред обучения. Заключение. Интерактивные курсы служат необходимым дополнительным элементом в системе обучения РКИ, но не могут заменить тьюторского сопровождения. Отмечена описательность научных работ о функционировании электронных курсов, значит, существует необходимость количественного измерения их эффективности с помощью социологических, педагогических и статистических методов, освещения результатов в общем педагогическом дискурсе. Introduction. The article deals with the problem of optimizing the teaching of Russian as a foreign language using computer technologies at the stage of pre-University training of Chinese students. Students from China experience a number of difficulties related to cultural, national characteristics, as well as large differences in the principles of their native and Russian languages. The aim of the work is to analyze the practices of using computer technologies at the initial stage of studying RCT by Chinese students; to postulate the need to use existing electronic educational complexes, as well as to create new ones. Material and methods. The methodology included information retrieval, continuous sampling analysis, and systematization. Results and discussion. The theoretical and practical significance of the study lies in the systematization of the described experience of using electronic resources and conclusions. In Russia, several electronic and methodological complexes have been created in recent years, which simplify the process of mastering Russian as a foreign language. Using them, the student can repeatedly reproduce the training material, return to it after some time. The effective experience of using e-courses at the stage of pre-University training is described. They are used in Moscow, Krasnodar, Voronezh and other cities. Most of the computer systems concern phonetics as a section of the Russian language. This is due to the complexity of this section for international students. The part is created on topics that are studied much later than the initial stage, for example, «Chemistry», «Economics», «Literature». We have noted the lack of narrowly thematic educational electronic materials for students of the initial stage. Also, for effective learning and comfort in a foreign language environment, students can be provided with interactive dictionaries. It is important that the role of the teacher is not leveled in the course of using electronic learning environments. Conclusion. Interactive courses serve as necessary additional elements in the training system of RCTS, but they cannot replace the tutor’s control by a live person. We noted the descriptive nature of scientific works on the functioning of e-courses, which means that there is a need to quantify their effectiveness using sociological, pedagogical and statistical methods, and to highlight the results in the General pedagogical discourse.

2021 ◽  
pp. 132-142
Синхуа Ван ◽  
Анна Владимировна Курьянович

С опорой на собственный педагогический опыт в обучении русскому языку как иностранному в аудитории носителей китайского языка путем систематизации и обобщения имеющихся наработок авторы предлагают оригинальную концепцию, в русле которой описываются типы вторичных языковых личностей, выделяемые на основании компетентностного подхода. В ходе исследования привлекаются сравнительно-сопоставительный метод, наблюдение и метод научного описания. Полученные в ходе исследования результаты позволяют говорить о том, что в изучении деятельности вторичной языковой личности, направленной на овладение русским языком как иностранным, наиболее эффективным видится применение компетентностного подхода. Данный подход позволяет изучать вторичную языковую личность в динамике становления ее компетентностных свойств на каждом выделенном этапе развития: становления вторичной языковой личности как пользователя иностранным языком, формирования у инофона системы специальных знаний и навыков в отношении изучаемого языка, профессионального владения иностранным языком. Представленная типология вторичных языковых личностей, выделенная на основании компетентностного подхода, может найти применение в современной лингводидактике. The current stage of world historical development is characterized by a tendency towards economic and cultural rapprochement between countries and peoples, which forms a certain social order in the use of functional capabilities of both native and foreign languages by carriers in order to implement strategically important life tasks: educational, industrial, everyday – household, scientific, cultural. Mastering the Russian language by a foreign native speaker should take into account the achievements of a number of branches of scientific knowledge: linguodidactics, general pedagogy and psychology, theories of speech and textual activity, the theory of linguistic personality, psycholinguistics, communication science, subject methodology (theory and practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language). Based on their own pedagogical experience in teaching Russian as a foreign language in the audience of native Chinese speakers, by systematizing and generalizing the existing developments, the authors propose an original concept, in which the types of secondary linguistic personalities are described, distinguished on the basis of the competence approach. In the course of the study, the comparative method, observation and the method of scientific description are involved. Mastering a foreign language marks a certain level of competence characteristics of an inauthentic speaker. The most “advanced” level of proficiency in Russian as a foreign language presupposes the conscious use of the resources of the language, expressed in the ability to correctly assess the situation in terms of relevance, ethics and communicative expediency of use. From these positions, a secondary linguistic personality is understood as a carrier who masters a foreign language in an authentic socio-cultural context and relying on it in order to implement the tasks of effective multicultural communication. At the same time, the carrier demonstrates a certain level of development of competencies: linguistic, linguocultural, intercultural and communicative. The results obtained in the course of the study allow us to say that in the study of the activity of a secondary linguistic personality aimed at mastering Russian as a foreign language, the most effective is the use of a competence-based approach. This approach allows us to study the secondary linguistic personality in the dynamics of the formation of its competence properties at each stage of development that we have identified: the formation of the secondary linguistic personality as a user of a foreign language, the formation of a system of special knowledge and skills in the foreign language in relation to the target language, professional knowledge of a foreign language. The presented typology of secondary linguistic personalities, highlighted on the basis of the competence-based approach, can be used in modern linguodidactics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-50
Vladimir A. Zhiltsov ◽  
Igor A. Maev

The article describes the project structure of an electronic educational resource in Russian as a foreign language which is based on a system of social interaction including a component of virtual simulation of the Russian language environment. The relevance of the study arises from modern trends in the development of communicative language learning and computer technology that provides the need to study and develop new efficient approaches improving the theory and practice of distance learning of Russian as a foreign language. The purpose of the study is to make a theoretical research on drawing up the structure of an electronic educational resource in Russian as a foreign language with the use of a virtual simulator of the Russian language environment as its component. The main methods are observation of modern trends in the development of electronic resources, analysis of research literature, generalization of the authors' empirical experience in the development of prototypes of learning systems based on the technology of virtual worlds and educational and game applications in the Russian language. The research materials are the works of Russian and foreign researchers devoted to the use of virtual reality technology in language learning. In the course of the study, the modern trends in the development of electronic resources were analyzed, and on this basis the basic principles and practical approaches to the formation of an electronic language environment were identified. The study resulted in theoretical and practical provisions considering an electronic educational resource in Russian as a foreign language as a living and self-developing virtual ecosystem. The results can be used to create a communication-oriented electronic educational resource on Russian as a foreign language.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
Oksana V. Polyakova ◽  
Alina F. Nigmatullina ◽  
Margarita A. Mihailova

The paper represents the results of conducted experiments on the formation of intercultural competence among undergraduate economics students of Kazan Federal University (Russia). Aimed at describing the advantages of the intercultural competence formation approach, the article focuses on the evidence of competence-based approach’s effectiveness in the formation of intercultural competence. The business games, projects, discussions, brainstorming, and simulation games were used as the methods of the formation of the intercultural competence. Both a linguistic and a cultural components have become increasingly important in the personality of an international level modern economist. In addition to knowledge in the professional field, future economist needs to possess cultural, sociocultural knowledge and skills that allow him to adequately represent himself in situations of intercultural communication. This problem is widely discussed these days due to the active growth of theoretical and practical interest in issues of intercultural communication. The introduction of a two-level education system (bachelor's and master's degrees) in Russia entails a considerable number of changes, including creating courses related to the world economy in a foreign language. These programs must be compiled in accordance with the federal state standards of the generation 3+ and must be implemented in the professional training of future economists at the Institute of Management, Economics and Finance of the KFU. Hence, there is a need to increase the level of intercultural competence of future specialists in the economy field and the need for pedagogical theory and practice in the formation of intercultural competence of students in the process of teaching a foreign language at a university.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (Extra-B) ◽  
pp. 64-70
Zhang Bin ◽  
Yusupova Zulfiya Firdinatovna ◽  
Yu Lui

This article is devoted to the study of the problems faced by foreign students studying Russian at a professional level. Our task was to give students the assignments that we developed with these adjectives. This allowed us to identify the most common mistakes. The experimental base was the Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication of the Kazan Federal University. The search experiment was conducted with 3-year Chinese students, trainees who came to study Russian as part of an exchange program. We also observed the oral speech of students during practical classes in Russian grammar. The experiment involved 100 students. Some could not correctly determine the word formation of the proposed adjectives. We developed an exercise system that helped students learn adjectives, considering their functioning in scientific and artistic speech. The results of our research are of interest to teachers of Russian as a foreign language and can be used in the practice of teaching foreign languages.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 173-184
Larisa M. Galchuk

Problem and goal. The article is devoted to the problem of pedagogical design of e-learning course as an element of innovative system of foreign language professionally oriented training of masters of non-linguistic specialties, analysis of potential opportunities and risks of its implementation. The relevance of the research is connected with the need to accumulate professional experience in the development and piloting of electronic educational resources in the conditions of digitalization of the Russian educational space and the creation of a single, public portal-aggregator of online courses. Methodology. The initial prerequisites of the work were theoretical and applied research in the field of professional and electronic linguodidactics in Russia and abroad. The concept of the considered electronic resource was formed in line with the communicative and competence approaches, the requirements of the modern educational paradigm, philosophy and structural parameters of the virtual learning environment Moodle. Innovative parameters of the content and structure of the course are determined by its design on the principle of reverse design and technology of implementation within the educational paradigm of mixed subject-language integrated learning. Results. The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that the didactic model presented in the study can be considered as a network component of the linguistic professional learning environment, which is formed in line with the trend towards the early professionalization of a foreign language course in a non-linguistic university. Conclusion. This paper presents the concept of innovative educational resource and its implementation using information and communication technologies - e-learning course “English for students of financial and economic specialties enrolled in master’s programs”. It covers topics that involve the development of knowledge gained in the study of related subject areas (financial management, accounting, banking, finance and credit, stock markets, risk management, etc.) and the experience of professional masters.

2021 ◽  
Vol 49 (1) ◽  
pp. 276-288
Ekaterina A. Romanova ◽  
Marina A. Volkova ◽  
Li Baohun ◽  

Introduction. The actual problem of organizing the process of foreign language teaching in modern conditions is the selection and application of appropriate information technologies to increase students' motivation, form an interest in learning a foreign language, implement pedagogical tasks, optimize the learning process and carry out regular interaction with students within the educational process. At the same time, it is important to take into account the preference of the students themselves to choose one or another technology, since a significant part of Chinese students who learn Russian in China then continue studying it in Russian universities. The purpose of this study was to conduct a comparative analysis between foreign students studying in Russian and Chinese universities on the preferences in the use of modern information technology, as well as the way of interaction with the teacher when studying Russian. Research methods. The study involved 417 foreign students from Russian and Chinese universities. The main methods of research: analysis of scientific and methodological literature, survey method, comparative analysis method. The φ-Fisher's test was used to establish statistically significant differences between the two groups. Results. International students from Russian universities use educational videos on the Russian language more often than students from Chinese universities (φemp = 3.591; p < 0.01). The educational platform Coursera is more often used by students studying at Chinese universities (φemp = 3.632; p < 0.01). Mobile applications were more frequently used by Chinese university students (φemp = 4.048; p < 0.01). There were no significant differences between the two groups in the frequency of use of voice assistants, online excursions and virtual travel services, educational environments, web quests, and educational podcasts during the study. The study of students' preferences in choosing a method of interaction with the teacher showed that 70% like to communicate with the teacher via messengers and 52% of respondents are ready to communicate with the teacher via videoconferencing. However, on average 85% responded that they prefer to study Russian in the classroom. Conclusion. The results of the study can be taken into account by teachers working with Chinese students when choosing modern information technologies, as well as ways of interaction with students in the framework of Russian language teaching.

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