Mapping the timber industry complex of Siberia and wood potential for its development

2019 ◽  
Vol 953 (11) ◽  
pp. 37-47
E.L. Makarenko

The purpose of the work is to map the modern location, structure and development of the logging, wood-working, pulp-and-paper and chemical industries of the Siberian timber industry (within the borders of Eastern and Western Siberia), as well as the wood and raw material resource necessary for its development, using statistical, comparative analytical and cartographic research methods. The relevance of the study is due to the important role of forest industries in general economic development of the country, especially in connection with the implementation of the Strategy for the development of the forest complex of the Russian Federation until 2030. As a result, a comprehensive map of the inventory type “Timber industry complex of Siberia” and a synthetic map of the assessment type “Exploitative potential of wood resources of Siberia” were developed. The thematic content of the first map presents forestry centers and their sectoral structure; centers for the integrated processing of wood raw materials; wooded areas, major logging areas. On the second map, wood-raw material resources are estimated from the point of view of their potential exploitation within 17 forest resource areas.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (5) ◽  
pp. 2038 ◽  
Katarzyna Mydlarz ◽  
Marek Wieruszewski

When considering the economic and environmental aspects of forestry, especially the issues related to timber harvesting, emphasis should be placed on the importance of the availability of raw material resources for the sustainable flow of goods. It would also be difficult to disregard certain issues related to transport, which play a key role in the efficient flow of wooden raw materials. It has to be noticed that timber transport options are limited by a number of factors, including the considerable fragmentation of wood resources and the lack of adequately developed railway transport facilities. This paper focuses on issues related to the road transport of timber carried out by transport companies. Observations to date of large-sized roundwood (thicker than 14 cm and longer than 3 m) transport in Poland indicate a relatively frequent occurrence of overloaded vehicles, exceeding the permissible total weight limit. Empirical evidence also suggests that in many cases, it is an effect of improperly endorsed standards with regard to the density of the transported material. Moreover, there is a clear correlation between the loading volume and economic as well as environmental factors. Therefore, the aim of this article was to show both the current situation in the transport of bulky timber and to present the possibilities for its optimization, from the point of view of locational, economic and environmental factors.

2008 ◽  
Vol 59 (2) ◽  
pp. 129-134
Ion Teoreanu ◽  
Roxana Lucia Dumitrache ◽  
Stefania Stoleriu

Any change of the raw material sources for glazes, economically, ecologically motivated, and also from the glaze quality point of view, is conditioned by the molecular formula rationalization and by the variation limits of the molecular formula, respectively. The proper glaze compositions are placed within their limit variation intervals with optimized processing and utilization properties. For this purpose, the rationalization criteria and procedures of molecular formulas are summarized in the present paper, as well as the results referring to their rationalization obtained in the authors� previous work. Thus, one starts from a base of raw materials that are selected, usable and also accessible for the design and producing of the glazes. On these bases the groundwork and the design equation for the glaze recipes are developed, exemplified for a single glaze. For an easy access to results, computer programs are used for an easy access to results.

2011 ◽  
Vol 61 ◽  
pp. 1-19 ◽  
Tristan Carter

AbstractThis paper reviews 50 years of obsidian studies at Neolithic Çatalhöyük in the Konya plain, central Anatolia. A number of key issues are addressed: (1) the source of the site's raw materials, the means and forms by which the obsidian was introduced to the site and the role of Çatalhöyük in the supra-regional dissemination of these raw materials; (2) the alleged gender associations of certain obsidian goods in the burial record and beyond; (3) a more general consideration of the social significance of the circulation and consumption of obsidian at the site, including the phenomena of hoarding and gifting, plus the important role of projectiles in the creation of social identities and various forms of ritual behaviour, not least the termination of the life of a building/individual; (4) the technotypological and raw material variability through time; (5) the use of obsidian in daily practice and craft-working.

2020 ◽  
P.A. Kozlov ◽  
A.M. Panshin ◽  
L.I. Leontiev

The increasing demand for zinc and a range of zinc-related metals (for example: lead; indium; tin; cadmium; and copper) in the Russian Federation cannot be satisfied by the existing production plants due to the lack of raw materials. At the same time, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy and the chemical industry have accumulated hundreds of millions of tons of zinc wastes (falling into the hazard categories 2 to 4), the processing of which could not only make up the raw material base, but also improve the environmental situation. In the world, over 85% of ferrous dust is recycled using the Waelz process. The Waeltz process is used for distilling separation of elements under reducing conditions. In this study, a block diagram for production of the following elements from industrial wastes is proposed: zinc, cadmium and indium in form of massive metals; zinc and indium in the form of fine powders; and clinker as a raw material for cement production. The technical and scientific details of this new process have been patented in the Russian Federation and abroad. For the first time, the following operations have been implemented with the use of large-sized Waelz kilns: vapour-oxidized Waeltz treatment of polymetallic wastes; recycling of heat from gases and solid products with generation of process fumes; and implementation of alternative flux (dolomite) and alternative fuel (petroleum coke). Keywords: Waelz process, industrial wastes, heat recycling, vapour-oxidized Waelz processing

2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 197-206
Яхьяев ◽  
Aydyn Yakhyaev ◽  
Абиев ◽  
Yusif Abiev

In the farms of the north-eastern slope of the Greater Caucasus wood raw material obtained from intermediate felling, is not fully utilized and is not effective, due to the organizational and technical difficulties of farms. In addressing these issues in 8 directions of the region with a length of 40-50 km 14 intermediate assembly points were organized, which are intended for the collection and temporary storage of wood raw material harvested within a radius of 15-20 km of the forest. Need to establish assembly points is due to the complexity of relief items and the possibility of year-round use of the main roads of regional importance. To ensure uninterrupted timber industry and in full at the assembly point accumulated wood raw material is partially sorted. Processing of harvested wood raw material is planned for timber industry, located near the central region of the main road in the territory of Cuba town. Establishment in the area of the complex is considered justified, since the resource base in the coming years for intermediate, and later for the main use will be more than 100 thousand hectares of forests in the region. In the proposed area for the industrial complex for processing of raw wood there are all the technical and economic prerequisites. Accumulated in the assembly points wood raw material to the point of processing is transported using self-loading lumber carriers of up to 8 meters length, which is associated with a complex terrain conditions and road network in the region. This complex is planned to organize the following process areas: sawmills, parquet and packaging, small-chip technology, processing of technical greenery. In organizing the production sites size and quality characteristics and volumes of each category of harvested wood raw materials are taking into account, as well as the need for forest products in the region and the country as a whole. In the processes it is envisaged to use the most advanced modular processing of wood with the release of standard lumber, wood workpieces of different products, pulp chips, wood greens and products of its processing.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (5-6) ◽  
pp. 155-159
Ksenia N. Semenyuta ◽  
Anna A. Shmygareva ◽  
Anatoly N. Sankov

Introduction. The aim of the study is to perform the anatomical and histological analysis of the roots of Rheum palmatum L. and Rheum officinale B., and also to check histochemical reactions for the presence of anthracene derivatives. Material and methods. The methodological basis of the anatomical and histological studies was the standard method for the preparation of micro-preparations of roots of Rheum palmatum L. and Rheum officinale B. described in the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation, XIV edition (OFS. Results and discussion. Anatomical and histological studies of Rheum palmatum L. and Rheum officinale B. raw materials confirmed the roots of Rheum palmatum L. to have classical secondary structure, while the roots of Rheum officinale B. have classical primary structure. The histochemical reaction to anthracene derivatives with 10% alkali solution was carried out, it resulted in cherry-red staining of core rays and some structures of cortical parenchyma of the fragment of Rheum palmatum L., while the roots of Rheum officinale B. failed to stain. Conclusions. The anatomical and histological studies of the rhizomes and roots of Rheum palmatum L. and Rheum officinale B. demonstrate the difference in the structure of closely related species of plants. It makes possible to identify the medicinal raw material of these plants.

Tayisa Vozniuk ◽  
Olga Mazur

In this article reveals an example of forecasting the volumes of sales goods through ways of implement optimization analysis, that is by linear programming method. For example, volume of production goods for realization her consumers no must to exceed of determined out maximum or to be lower by minimum, what can to foreseeing in this task. For decision tasks of linear programming with a large number of variables and constraints, decomposition methods are used, which allow instead of the original problem to solve tasks of little volume. In general methodology of linear programming together with simplex-method is considered on the example Nemyriv bakery, where determined out profit on unit bakery products, obtained through the optimal ratio of material resources and costs incurred. In analysis and treatment of economic activities the each enterprises, particularly at composition forecast as to volumes of sales goods with aim of receiving profit, linear programming maybe successfully used out for decision tasks with optimization of development and organization trade processes upon regarding the sale of its products. With point of view management a tasks of linear programming – this tasks of optimal using resources. In each event planning of production goods necessity have on attention, which different productions resources (workforce, raw, materials, means of production) are limited, and also which known norm of costs these resources on different kinds goods, or possible are multiples variants to separating production resources. In our work, we ascertained that in analysis, compliance is checked of demand for bakery products to stocks of most-important kinds raw and materials together with costs as most important conditions for receive profit on enterprises and avoiding of excessive and unforeseen losses. With aim of rise efficiency of enterprises activities necessary and further to look at question of renewing assortment goods and increase quality her, increasing volumes of production, maximum of loading production powers equipment, efficiency using of available resources.

2018 ◽  
Vol 56 ◽  
pp. 49-64
Pavel Burgert

The article focuses on the chronological status of the distribution of ‘chocolate’ silicite originating from the area of south-east Poland in the prehistory of the Czech lands. The flow of ‘chocolate’ silicite across the Carpathian Mountains culminated in the period of the Stroke-Ornamented Ware culture (5100/5000–4500/4400 cal BC) in the area studied. Based on the analysis of the contexts of finds and the classification of the artefacts, the raw material is interpreted as an indicator of the presence of individuals or groups with an exclusive social status. Both the pattern of distribution and the status are common to other ‘exotic’ raw materials, especially for Carpathian obsidian, in the studied area in that same period. By comparing the spatial and chronological image expansion of both materials can lead to similar conclusions in their assessment

2021 ◽  
pp. 47-50
Антонина Григорьевна Чернобровина ◽  
Наталья Николаевна Роева ◽  
Наталия Евгеньевна Куликова ◽  
Ольга Юрьевна Попова

В настоящее время к одним из наиболее приоритетных направлений пищевой промышленности относят разработку функциональных продуктов питания на основе экологически чистого сырья естественного происхождения, в том числе ягодного. При разработке новых продуктов с защитными свойствами важно учитывать ингредиентный состав сырья, оказывающий лечебно-профилактический эффект, и с этой точки зрения ягоды малины и брусники заслуживают особого внимания. С целью максимального извлечения и сохранения природных, физиологически-функциональных компонентов дикорастущих ягод (витаминов, микро- и макроэлементов, фенольных, пектиновых соединений и др.) были разработаны и созданы мультиэнзимные композиции для предобработки ягод брусники (МЭКб) и малины (МЭКм). Большой интерес вызывали исследования состава и содержания красящих веществ в исследуемых образцах. В качестве структурных элементов антоцианов в соке малины и брусники, а также в их ферментативных соках установлены дисахариды, основной структурный компонент которых - цианидин. Количественное содержание антоцианов в соке брусники и малины составило 305,4 и 106,2 мг/дм3, а в ферментативном соке брусники (БФС) и малины (МФС) - 553,7 и 146,4 мг/дм3, соответственно. Высокое содержание красящих веществ - важный критерий для использования БФС и МФС в качестве источника натуральных красителей. Установлена более высокая антиоксидантная активность в БФС и МФС (соответственно в 1,3 и 1,5 раза) по сравнению с соком, полученным без применения ферментных препаратов. Следовательно, ферментативный сок ягод обладает высокими антиоксидантными свойствами и служит источником натуральных красителей, поэтому его можно рассматривать как перспективный сырьевой полуфабрикат при производстве продуктов питания функциональной направленности, оказывающих благотворное регулирующее действие на организм человека. Currently, one of the priority areas of the food industry is the development of functional food products based on environmentally friendly raw materials of natural origin, including berry. When developing new products with protective properties, it is important to take into account the ingredient composition of the raw materials, which has a therapeutic and prophylactic effect, and from this point of view, raspberries and lingonberries deserve special attention. In order to maximize the preservation and extraction of natural, physiologically functional components of wild berries (vitamins, micro - and macroelements, phenolic compounds, pectin and other substances) were developed and created multienzymatic compositions for the pretreatment of lingonberry (MEKb) and raspberry (MEKm). Of great interest were studies on the characterization and content of dyes in the samples being studied. As structural elements of anthocyanins in raspberry and lingonberry juice, as well as in their enzymatic juices, disaccharides were established, the main structural component of which is cyanidine, and the quantitative content of anthocyanins (mg/dm3) in the juice of lingonberry and raspberry, corresponded - 305.40 and 106.20, and in the enzymatic juice of lingonberry and raspberry - 553.70 and 146.40. The high content of dyes is an important criterion for the use of BFS and MFS as a source of natural dyes. A higher antioxidant activity was found in BFS and MFS (1.3 and 1.5 times, respectively) compared with juice obtained without the use of enzyme preparations. Therefore, the enzymatic juice of berries has high antioxidant properties and is a source of natural dyes, so it can be considered as a promising raw material in the production of functional foods that have a beneficial regulatory effect on the human body.


Рассмотрены инновационные технологии продуктов на основе меда. Установлено, что мед как сырье достаточно востребован в пищевой промышленности, а разработка новых технологий с использованием этого ценного продукта требует увеличения объема его производства. Проанализированы динамика производства меда в Российской Федерации в 2007–2017 гг., объемы экспорта и импорта меда в нашей стране за период 2014–2018 гг., а также указаны основные проблемы пчеловодства как одной из важнейшей отрасли сельского хозяйства, поставляющей ценное сырье для пищевой промышленности. Innovative technologies of products on base of honey were considered. It is established that honey as a raw material is in demand in the food industry, and the development of new technologies with using this valuable product requires an increase of it production. Dynamics of honey production in the Russian Federation in 2007–2017, volumes of export and import of honey in our country for the period 2014–2018 are analyzed, and also the main problems of beekeeping as one of the most important branch of agriculture supplying valuable raw materials for the food industry are specified.

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